Weird behavior regarding IIS virtual directory names - iis-6

I'm new to using Microsoft IIS 6.0 and I'm encountering this weird behavior regarding virtual directory names. I once created a virtual directory with the following details:
Alias: Y2YY
Application name: Y2YY
Execute permissions: Scripts and Executables
Local path: D:\Y2YY\content
With D:\Y2YY\content containing a valid html file (hello.html). I was able to successfully access the html file through http://Hostname/Y2YY/hello.html.
I deleted this virtual directory. And tried creating again with the same details. However, I can no longer browse to the html page through http://Hostname/Y2YY/hello.html.
Upon further testing of the virtual directory names, I found out I can only access the html file if the virtual directory name does not begin with Y2YY. This means I could not access the html file with the following virtual directory names (Y2YY*):
Y2YY1 Y2YYabc Y2YY Y2YYdef
But I can access the html file if the virtual directory is named anything else. Has anyone encountered this? Is there a setting to clear my previously created virtual directory? I have already deleted it but somehow this problem occurs.


Browser cannot download .txt file if the project is .Net Core Restful API

I am trying to activate my SSL for my project but one of the the urls doesn't respond.
This is the web site and when you paste the url to the browser, it downloads the .txt file.
This is the Restful .Net Core API domain and when you paste the url to the browser, it returns 404 error.
Under the IIS I have compared the psychical paths, permissions and it seems everything is same. I believe something in Rest API blocks the .txt file download. Should I check the web.config or something I need to add to the C# source code? Should I update ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)? In IIS I have checked MIME Types and the .txt is already defined.
Any suggestions?
I believe my problem is pointing to this subject but I am not sure how to enable/define .txt files in startup.cs. Any code snippets?
How to Serve Static File
EDIT: Finally I found a solution. Now the browser can download the .txt files. What I did is, I created a virtual directory in IIS. Here are the steps:
Go to the C: drive
Create a new folder called well-known
Inside the .well-known folder, create another folder named pki-validation
so far, your folders should look like this: C:\.well-known\pki-validation
Upload the TXT file in the pki-validation folder
Open the IIS Manager on your server
Do a right click on your website and select Add Virtual Directory
In the Alias section write .well-known
In the Psychical Path area enter the path to the well known folder. For example: C:\well-known
Press OK to create this alias
The urls are now serving the .txt files. I hope these steps one day saves the other developers time.

Virtual Directories not working in ColdFusion Builder 2016

I'm trying to set up virtual directories through the built-in Apache Tomcat 8 server using the ColdFusion Builder 2016 interface, however to my surprise this simply does not work, yet according to the documentation it should.
The only thing that I've modified was the web root directly in the server.xml file.
That said the website runs correctly, except when trying to reference a resource from a virtual directory which simply returns HTTP Status 404.
Web Structure
ColdFusion Builder Interface
The process when using the interface is as simple as:
Creating a virtual host;
Clicking the "Virtual Directory" button and setting up the directories; and
Applying the changes and restart the local server.
Ultimately this should allow me to navigate to the files (CSS, JS, Images) directly through the web browser.
Could I be missing a specific setting in a configuration file due to manually changing the web root? If not what am I missing?

laravel 5 showing internal error

I have laravel 5 app working quite well on local server but as I transfer its all files to my server in directory (not in root) and accessing it like its showing "500 Internal Server Error". I have searched on Stack Overflow and found it could be error with .htaccess.
I tried adding Rewritebase / and Options All but nothing worked. Tried .htaccess code provided in Laravel docs but it didn't work.
Storage directory is set to 0777 and Laravel log file is set to 0666. Most files are set to 0664 and 0666. Deleting .htaccess file from public folder also shows same error.
I have just FTP'd the files of Laravel app from local to live server.
If you have shared hosting then move all the files and folders from public to the root directory and change the paths in the index.php file accordingly. And either rename the public folder or delete it.
I think you cannot access public folder like you are accessing it even on your local machine. You first run the server then access it with the directory name. But if you don't want to run the server then do what I have mentioned in the first paragraph. That will also work on your live server. Access it with the address

How to access the "app" folder via browser (localhost) in cakePHP?

I am using Apache server. Usually when I want to start a new website project, I created a new folder inside my server directory and inside that folder I would have 'index.html or index.php'. When I direct my localhost URL to that folder, it would open it and automatically display index.php.
Now I am trying something new with this CakePHP framework. I finished setting it up, and when I direct my localhost URL to folder 'cakephp-cakephp' (folder containing all the cakePHP files), it then shows me this message:
Release Notes for CakePHP 2.0.0-dev.
Your tmp directory is writable.
The FileEngine is being used for caching. To change the config edit APP/config/core.php
Your database configuration file is present.
I think the next step here is to start the development by saving all my files to "app" folder. But the message is not gone even when I deleted the default index.php files from inside the folder 'cakephp-cakephp'. It seems anyway, the index.php files do not actually generate the message.
Does anybody know what file generates that release notes message? I want to delete that file so that I wont get the message (which I believe is triggered by some default file like 'index.php') when I access folder 'cakephp-cakephp', and then it will show me the file directory inside that folder instead, and I can traverse file directory easily using my browser and access my app folder, in which I am planning to store my index.php file, and save all my development files..
You cannot delete the index.php files and you usually don't modify those files unless you need to do some special configuration. Adding the file app/views/pages/home.ctp gets rid of that message and becomes your default home page.
Also, as stated in the comments, you should really read the manual and try the tutorial.

Link to file outside context root of weblogic

If I want to display an image in my webpage and its src is a file outside context root.
At the IDE, the image is shown to be loaded.
But when I test the web page, nothing displayed.
How can I config weblogic server to allow the image to be displayed. If not is there anyway to run around this problem.
Thanks a lot.
You can use the Virtual Directory Mapping feature (that you declare in the weblogic.xml):
Using the virtual directory mapping
feature, you can create one directory
to serve static files such as images
for multiple Web Applications. For
example, you would create a mapping
similar to the folowing:
A request to
will cause your WebLogic Server
implementation to look for the
requested image at:
This directory must be located in the
relative uri, such as