NSOutlineView Sidebar help - objective-c

I'm trying to create a simple sidebar using NSOutlineView..... how would I do this? (I'm using CoreData)

Apple has sample code that shows exactly how to do this. The example doesn't use Core Data but the principles are the same. There is another sample that shows how to use NSOutlineView with Core Data.


Fluent UI React - About multiple column header in DetailsList

I want to create multi header like following image using DetailsList of Fluent UI React.
Then, I found this issue. That seems the same issue as I facing.
According to the issue's answer, I understood that able to use onRenderDetailsHeader.
However, it doesn't describe concrete how to achieve this.
So I don't know how to implement it in the onRenderDetailsHeader
Is there any sample code or any helpful information to achieve this?

NSTableView example of use

I have to write a little OSX app which make use of an NSTableView, but I didn't find a very good example of it, I would like have this result:
Someone could help me?
This is a good NSTableview tutorial with bindings
Phonebook/NSTableView Tutorial for Dummies
The NSTableViewBinding sample project should be a good start http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#samplecode/NSTableViewBinding/Introduction/Intro.html

How can i design menu and title in vb.net?

I Would like to create my menu groups in my desktop application as the one shown in sample image. I would like to know which control is used for it? What extra works we need to do on it?
A reference to similar one is also welcome...
CollapsiblePanel or Accordian or TaskPane.
Check out .Net 2.0 SDK Samples, specifically Technologies\WinForms\TaskPane.

Create sidebar in mac app with sections

I want to create a sidebar in one of my mac applications. Basically it will look much like the Things sidebar.
Here is the picture that I basically want to recreate:
I can't figure out how to show the "sections" (collect, focus and active projects) and how to have certain items always show up (inbox, today, next, etc...) and finally I would really appreciate if someone would explain how to make the active projects section, with the triangle.
Also I need the active projects section to load from an entity in core data.
I would also really appreciate if you could post an example.
Apple's "SourceView" sample should be helpful with this:
Apple Example
PXSourceList is an open source NSOutlineView subclass specifically built for mimicking what you posted. I've used it in a number of projects, and it's very easy and flexible to use. I highly recommend it.
The active projects section is probably just a 1 column NSOutlineView with no column header.

Core Text examples for iPhone/iPad

I am looking for a Core Text example for iphone/ipad but with little luck. Any leads would be appreciated.
I have written a small project on Github that provides an Objective-C wrapper for Core Text:
In particular, it takes any string and renders it over multiple pages, with multiple columns each page.
Hope it helps!
You can find an example of column layout tweaked to work with iPhone/iPad here:
Core Text is a public framework on the Mac OS X. Any examples that work on the Mac, should be usable on the iPhone/iPad too.
See Core Text Programming Guide: Common Operations.
I implemented a class named OHAttributedLabel to create a UILabel that can draw NSAttributedString. This class uses CoreText for the whole rendering part, you can use this as a start if needed.
you can find column layout with images in this post: http://www.raywenderlich.com/4147/how-to-create-a-simple-magazine-app-with-core-text