RewriteRule in .htaccess not working - apache

I am currently running Apache2 on my local machine, installed with the latest version of Ubuntu.
I am trying to get basic URL rewriting working by using the .htaccess file.
The file "http://localhost/page.php?=home" does exist, and the location "/doesnotexist/home" does not.
I would like to have the first page be loaded when the second is requested.
My .htaccess file looks like this:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/doesnotexist/(.*)$ /page.php?p=$1
My httpd.conf file looks like this:
LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
<Directory /var/www>
AllowOverride All
Note that my httpd.conf file looks exactly like that, as it was empty before I edited it.
The result that I get is this:
Not Found
The requested URL /doesnotexist/home was not found on this server.
I have googled the ever living **** out of this problem, and I have never gotten anything other than the error above.
If anyone has any ideas, I would be very appreciative.

For the benefit of others, I figured out the answer:
In the file "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default" there was the line:
AllowOverride None
Change this to:
AllowOverride All

You need to remove the contextual path prefix from your pattern when using mod_rewrite in a .htaccess file. In the case of the root directory, the path prefix is just /. So try this:
RewriteRule ^doesnotexist/(.*)$ /page.php?p=$1

If I place a .htaccess into /Library/WebServer/Documents and open "localhost/"; to test it, this works as expected. It just doesn't work in "~/Sites". I have tried this on Mac OS X Mavericks.


%{DOCUMENT_ROOT} variable inside If statement in Apache 2.4

in Apache 2.4.6 (the up-to-date version from CentOS 7 repository) I am trying to pass all the PHP files for processing to a specially compiled PHP-FPM in case that "php7.enable" file is present in the root of the website.
If I try this:
<If "-f %{DOCUMENT_ROOT} . '/php7.enable'">
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule "^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$" "fcgi://{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/$1" [P]
the condition works, but the %{DOCUMENT_ROOT} on the RewriteRule line is not expanded to the variable value, but is everytime empty. Strange is, that outside the "If" block, the expansion works.
Does anybody have any idea why and how to make it work ?
I've found a workaround which is the solution of my problem:
<FilesMatch "\.php$">
Require all granted
<If "-f '%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/php7.enable'">
SetHandler proxy:fcgi://
so I don't need the DOCUMENT_ROOT value at all and it works perfectly.
If I put "php7.enable" file to the DOCUMENT_ROOT of the website, all PHP files are being interpreted by PHP-FPM (running PHP7). If there's no such file found in the DOCUMENT_ROOT, the Apache handler is used to let the PHP interpret by (OS built-in) PHP5.
Thanks for all the ideas, it helped me to find a way to the root cause of the problem (with VirtualDocumentRoot in the config file the DOCUMENT_ROOT is probably not filled-in correctly).
It can be also seen in this question - Mass virtual hosting with Apache 2.4

How do I write an .htaccess file so that it can proxy images outside of the web root on an Apache server?

I want to proxy a bunch of images on my Apache server so that they are not stored in the webroot.
Specifically, I have all my images in the following folder on my Linux server:
However, I want it so that when a user goes to (which has the server path /var/www/html/img/img1.jpg), it references the following file outside of the webroot:
It seems like this is possible using the ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse rules in an .htaccess file (source:, but I'm having trouble understanding their syntax and which path goes where, etc.
Given my above situation, could someone please provide some explicit code that I can write into an .htaccess file to achieve what I want?
Edit: I just solved this problem by adding the following one line to my Apache httpd.conf file, and then restarting the server:
Alias "/img" "/var/www/img"
Where the /img part refers to the img directory in my webroot, and the /var/www/img part refers to the Linux filesystem directory I want to point to with the actual files in it.
Best way is to add a symbolic link to your other folder:
ln -s /my/target/folder /var/www/html/mynewfolder
If you can edit the Apache conf file for the server you need to add the FollowSymLinks directive in the directory block:
<Directory "/var/www/html/">
AllowOverride All
Options FollowSymLinks
You might also be able to add that to your .htaccess file as Options +FollowSymLinks if you can't edit the Apache file
You can try doing this with the PassThrough PT flag and mod_rewrite.
You create an alias to the actual path and then use it in the rule.
Alias "/img" "/var/www/img/"
RewriteRule "img/(.+)\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$" "/img/$1.$2" [PT]
See how that works for you.

htaccess not working in sub-directory

i have a vhosts in ubuntu, i work fine except the .htaccess in a sub-folder (images folder) is not work.
The problem is, I have written a .htaccess file in the sub-folder, and even I typed some thing wrong syntax .htaccess, it does not response error,i am pretty sure that the .htaccess in subfolder is being ignored.
i think that some setting is needed to let apache beware of the .htaccess in sub-folder, any one can help?
my system is ubuntu
Check in the server/vhost config and look for a <Directory> container that your images folder is in (or is your images folder), something maybe like:
<Directory "/var/www/vhost/images">
and inside it, make sure there isn't a:
AllowOverride None
Change that to either "All" or "FileInfo", depending on what exactly you're overriding in your htaccess file.

mod_rewrite doesnt work if file with same name as argument exists

I'm experiencing some issues with mod_rewrite in htaccess.
Let's for instance say I request, it works perfectly if I don't have a file starting with "foo.*" in the root directory.
Let's say I have news.php, sitemape.xml, style.css in root, I can't use /news/ or /sitemap/ or /style/ , it will give a 404 like /news.php/ etc.
Here's my rewrite string. It works locally with my Apache 2.2.22 but not at my web-host with the same Apache version.
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9]+)/?$ index.php?category=$1 [NC,L]
Anyone has a clue?
This sounds like Multiviews rearing its ugly head when its not wanted. It may be that your host automatically turns on the Multiviews option by default, and mod_negotiation then tries to "guess" what the request is for, and if it's close enough (like with /news/ and /news.php), it will automatically serve it, and disregard whatever mod_rewrite rules you may have.
Try turning off multiviews. You can do this in your htaccess file using the Options directive (assuming your host has allowed Options):
Options -Multiviews

Do you have to restart apache to make re-write rules in the .htaccess take effect?

I have pushed my .htaccess files to the production severs, but they don't work. Would a restart be the next step, or should I check something else.
A restart is not required for changes to .htaccess. Something else is wrong.
Make sure your .htaccess includes the statement
RewriteEngine on
which is required even if it's also present in httpd.conf. Also check that .htaccess is readable by the httpd process.
Check the error_log - it will tell you of any errors in .htaccess if it's being used.
Putting an intentional syntax error in .htaccess is a good check to make sure the file is being used -- you should get a 500 error on any page in the same directory.
Lastly, you can enable a rewrite log using commands like the following in your httpd.conf:
RewriteLog "logs/rewritelog"
RewriteLogLevel 7
The log file thus generated will give you the gory detail of which rewrite rules matched and how they were handled.
Apache allows for decentralized management of configuration via special files placed inside the web tree. The special files are usually called .htaccess, but any name can be specified in the AccessFileName directive... Since .htaccess files are read on every request, changes made in these files take immediate effect...
From the apache documentation:
Most commonly, the problem is that AllowOverride is not set such that your configuration directives are being honored. Make sure that you don't have a AllowOverride None in effect for the file scope in question. A good test for this is to put garbage in your .htaccess file and reload. If a server error is not generated, then you almost certainly have AllowOverride None in effect.
Only if you have not added the mod_rewrite module to Apache.
You only need to restart Apache if you change any Apache ".conf" files.
I have the same issue and it seems PiedPiper post about AllowOverride were most helpful. Check your httpd.conf file for "AllowOverride" and make sure it is set to All.
In case of .htaccess restart is not required if it is not working probable reasons include.
AllowOverride May not be set which user can set inside httpd.conf or might have to contact server admin.
Check the file name of .htaccess it should be .htaccess not htaccess.txt see here for guide how to create one.
Try to use Options -Indexes or deny all kind of simple directive to see if it is working or not.
clear browser cache everytime if having rule for redirects or similar if previous redirect is cached it appears as if things are not working.
What's in your .htaccess? RewriteRules? Check that mod_rewrite is installed and enabled.
Other stuff? Try setting AllowOverride to 'all' on that directory.