Algorithm for rdbms, select statement - sql

hello dunno if this is the correct place to ask for this question,, im havin a thesis research and im in the algoritm now.. my thesis is an application that send messages using wherein the contacts will be query from the db.. so my question is what is the algorithm for searching the contacts from DB? linear search??

If the contacts field is indexed in your database, it will be using B-Tree search, hash search or a FULLTEXT search (which is combination of some more simple algorithms), depending on the type of the index and the structure of the search query.
If the contacts are not indexed or a search query structure does not allow using an index, then yes, it will be using linear search.

The index doesn't necessarily need to be primary index, it can be a index on any field. As Quassnoi said, you can specify the data structure beneath the index. Mysql assumes it to be B-tree by default. So the time to search the node will be O(logn) in case the tree is balanced, which B-tree are.
In case the contact field is not indexed, the db will linearly scan through each record and find the row until it finds one. This is worst case take O(n) time.


How can I measure the cost of a database index?

Is there a good method for judging whether the costs of creating a database index in Postgres (slower INSERTS, time to build an index, time to re-index) are worth the performance gains (faster SELECTS)?
I am actually going to disagree with Hexist. PostgreSQL's planner is pretty good, and it supports good sequential access to table files based on physical order scans, so indexes are not necessarily going to help. Additionally there are many cases where the planner has to pick an index. Additionally you are already creating primary keys for unique constraints and primary keys.
I think one of the good default positions with PostgreSQL (MySQL btw is totally different!) is to wait until you need an index to add one and then only add the indexes you most clearly need. This is, however, just a starting point and it assumes either a lack of a general lack of experience in looking at query plans or a lack of understanding of where the application is likely to go. Having experience in these areas matters.
In general, where you have tables likely to span more than 10 pages (that's 40kb of data and headers), it's a good idea to foreign keys. These can be assumed tob e clearly needed. Small lookup tables spanning 1 page should never have non-unique indexes because these indexes are never going to be used for selects (no query plan beats a sequential scan over a single page).
Beyond that point you also need to look at data distribution. Indexing boolean columns is usually a bad idea and there are better ways to index things relating to boolean searches (partial indexes being a good example). Similarly indexing commonly used function output may seem like a good idea sometimes, but that isn't always the case. Consider:
CREATE INDEX gj_transdate_year_idx ON general_journal (extract('YEAR' FROM transdate));
This will not do much. However an index on transdate might be useful if paired with a sparse index scan via a recursive CTE.
Once the basic indexes are in place, then the question becomes what other indexes do you need to add. This is often better left to later use case review than it is designed in at first. It isn't uncommon for people to find that performance significantly benefits from having fewer indexes on PostgreSQL.
Another major thing to consider is what sort of indexes you create and these are often use-case specific. A b-tree index on an array record for example might make sense if ordinality is important to the domain, and if you are frequently searching based on initial elements, but if ordinality is unimportant, I would recommend a GIN index, because a btree will do very little good (of course that is an atomicity red flag, but sometimes that makes sense in Pg). Even when ordinality is important, sometimes you need GIN indexes anyway because you need to be able to do commutitive scans as if ordinality was not. This is true if using ip4r for example to store cidr blocks and using an EXCLUDE constraint to ensure that no block contains any other block (the actual scan requires using an overlap operator rather than a contain operator since you don't know which side of the operator the violation will be found on).
Again this is somewhat database-specific. On MySQL, Hexist's recommendations would be correct, for example. On PostgreSQL, though, it's good to watch for problems.
As far as measuring, the best tool is EXPLAIN ANALYZE
Generally speaking, unless you have a log or archive table where you wont be doing selects on very frequently (or it's ok if they take awhile to run), you should index on anything your select/update/deelete statements will be using in a where clause.
This however is not always as simple as it seems, as just because a column is used in a where clause and is indexed, doesn't mean the sql engine will be able to use the index. Using the EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE capabilities of postgresql you can examine what indexes were used in selects and help you figure out if having an index on a column will even help you.
This is generally true because without an index your select speed goes down from some O(log n) looking operation down to O(n), while your insert speed only improves from cO(log n) to dO(log n) where d is usually less than c, ie you may speed up your inserts a little by not having an index, but you're going to kill your select speed if they're not indexed, so it's almost always worth it to have an index on your data if you're going to be selecting against it.
Now, if you have some small table that you do a lot of inserts and updates on, and frequently remove all the entries, and only periodically do some selects, it could turn out to be faster to not have any indexes.. however that would be a fairly special case scenario, so you'd have to do some benchmarking and decide if it made sense in your specific case.
Nice question. I'd like to add a bit more what #hexist had already mentioned and to the info provided by #ypercube's link.
By design, database don't know in which part of the table it will find data that satisfies provided predicates. Therefore, DB will perform a full or sequential scan of all table's data, filtering needed rows.
Index is a special data structure, that for a given key can precisely specify in which rows of the table such values will be found. The main difference when index is involved:
there is a cost for the index scan itself, i.e. DB has to find a value in the index first;
there's an extra cost of reading specific data from the table itself.
Working with index will lead to a random IO pattern, compared to a sequential one used in the full scan. You can google for the comparison figures of random and sequential disk access, but it might differ up to an order of magnitude (random being slower of course).
Still, it's clear that in some cases Index access will be cheaper and in others Full scan should be preferred. This depends on how many rows (out of all) will be returned by the specified predicate, or it's selectivity:
if predicate will return a relatively small number of rows, say, less then 10% of total, then it seems valuable to pick those directly via Index. This is a typical case for Primary/Unique keys or queries like: I need address information for customer with internal number = XXX;
if predicate has no big impact on the selectivity, i.e. if 30% (or more) rows are returned, then it's cheaper to do a Full scan, 'cos sequential disk access will beat random and data will be delivered faster. All reports, covering big areas (like a month, or all customers) fall here;
if there's a need to obtain an ordered list of values and there's an index, then doing Index scan is the fastest option. This is a special case of #2, when you need report data ordered by some column;
if number of distinct values in the column is relatively small compared to a total number of values, then Index will be a good choice. This is a case called Loose Index Scan, and typical queries will be like: I need 20 most recent purchases for each of the top 5 categories by number of goods.
How DB decides what to do, Index or Full scan? This is a runtime decision and it is based on the statistics, so make sure to keep those up to date. In fact, numbers provided above have no real life value, you have to evaluate each query independently.
All this is a very rough description of what happens. I would very much recommended to look into How PostgreSQL Planner Uses Statistics, this best what I've seen on the subject.

How does a full text search server like Sphinx work?

Can anyone explain in simple words how a full text server like Sphinx works? In plain SQL, one would use SQL queries like this to search for certain keywords in texts:
select * from items where name like '%keyword%';
But in the configuration files generated by various Sphinx plugins I can not see any queries like this at all. They contain instead SQL statements like the following, which seem to divide the search into distinct ID groups:
SELECT ( * 5 + 1) AS id, ...
WHERE >= $start AND <= $end
SELECT * FROM items WHERE = (($id - 1) / 5)
It it possible to explain in simple words how these queries work and how they are generated?
Inverted Index is the answer to your question:
Now when you run a sql query through sphinx, it fetches the data from the database and constructs the inverted index which in Sphinx is like a hashtable where the key is a 32 bit integer which is calculated using crc32(word) and the value is the list of documentID's having that word.
This makes it super fast.
Now you can argue that even a database can create a similar structure for making the searches superfast. However the biggest difference is that a Sphinx/Lucene/Solr index is like a single-table database without any support for relational queries (JOINs) [From MySQL Performance Blog]. Remember that an index is usually only there to support search and not to be the primary source of the data. So your database may be in "third normal form" but the index will be completely be de-normalized and contain mostly just the data needed to be searched.
Another possible reason is generally databases suffer from internal fragmentation, they need to perform too much semi-random I/O tasks on huge requests.
What that means is, for example, considering the index architecture of a databases, the query leads to the indexes which in turn lead to the data. If the data to recover is widely spread, the result will take long and that seems to be what happens in databases.
EDIT: Also please see the source code in cpp files like searchd.cpp etc for the real internal implementation, I think you are just seeing the PHP wrappers.
Those queries you are looking at, are the query sphinx uses, to extract a copy of the data from the database, to put in its own index.
Sphinx needs a copy of the data to build it index (other answers have mentioned how that index works). You then ask for results (matching a specific query) from the searchd daemon - it consults the index and returns you matching documents.
The particular example you have choosen looks quite complicated, because it only extracting a part of the data, probbably for sharding - to split the index into parts for performance reasons. And is using range queries - so can access big datasets piecemeal.
An index could be built with a much simpler query, like
sql_query = select id,name,description from items
which would create a sphinx index, with two fields - name and description that could be searched/queried.
When searching, you would get back the unique id.
Full text search usually use one implementation of inverted index. In simple words, it brakes the content of a indexed field in tokens (words) and save a reference to that row, indexed by each token. For example, a field with The yellow dog for row #1 and The brown fox for row #2, will populate an index like:
brown -> row#2
dog -> row#1
fox -> row#2
The -> row#1
The -> row#2
yellow -> row#1
A short answer to the question is that databases such as MySQL are specifically designed for storing and indexing records and supporting SQL clauses (SELECT, PROJECT, JOIN, etc). Even though they can be used to do keyword search queries, they cannot give the best performance and features. Search engines such as Sphinx are designed specifically for keyword search queries, thus can provide much better support.

What is an index in SQL?

Also, when is it appropriate to use one?
An index is used to speed up searching in the database. MySQL has some good documentation on the subject (which is relevant for other SQL servers as well):
An index can be used to efficiently find all rows matching some column in your query and then walk through only that subset of the table to find exact matches. If you don't have indexes on any column in the WHERE clause, the SQL server has to walk through the whole table and check every row to see if it matches, which may be a slow operation on big tables.
The index can also be a UNIQUE index, which means that you cannot have duplicate values in that column, or a PRIMARY KEY which in some storage engines defines where in the database file the value is stored.
In MySQL you can use EXPLAIN in front of your SELECT statement to see if your query will make use of any index. This is a good start for troubleshooting performance problems. Read more here:
A clustered index is like the contents of a phone book. You can open the book at 'Hilditch, David' and find all the information for all of the 'Hilditch's right next to each other. Here the keys for the clustered index are (lastname, firstname).
This makes clustered indexes great for retrieving lots of data based on range based queries since all the data is located next to each other.
Since the clustered index is actually related to how the data is stored, there is only one of them possible per table (although you can cheat to simulate multiple clustered indexes).
A non-clustered index is different in that you can have many of them and they then point at the data in the clustered index. You could have e.g. a non-clustered index at the back of a phone book which is keyed on (town, address)
Imagine if you had to search through the phone book for all the people who live in 'London' - with only the clustered index you would have to search every single item in the phone book since the key on the clustered index is on (lastname, firstname) and as a result the people living in London are scattered randomly throughout the index.
If you have a non-clustered index on (town) then these queries can be performed much more quickly.
An index is used to speed up the performance of queries. It does this by reducing the number of database data pages that have to be visited/scanned.
In SQL Server, a clustered index determines the physical order of data in a table. There can be only one clustered index per table (the clustered index IS the table). All other indexes on a table are termed non-clustered.
SQL Server Index Basics
SQL Server Indexes: The Basics
SQL Server Indexes
Index Basics
Index (wiki)
Indexes are all about finding data quickly.
Indexes in a database are analogous to indexes that you find in a book. If a book has an index, and I ask you to find a chapter in that book, you can quickly find that with the help of the index. On the other hand, if the book does not have an index, you will have to spend more time looking for the chapter by looking at every page from the start to the end of the book.
In a similar fashion, indexes in a database can help queries find data quickly. If you are new to indexes, the following videos, can be very useful. In fact, I have learned a lot from them.
Index Basics
Clustered and Non-Clustered Indexes
Unique and Non-Unique Indexes
Advantages and disadvantages of indexes
Well in general index is a B-tree. There are two types of indexes: clustered and nonclustered.
Clustered index creates a physical order of rows (it can be only one and in most cases it is also a primary key - if you create primary key on table you create clustered index on this table also).
Nonclustered index is also a binary tree but it doesn't create a physical order of rows. So the leaf nodes of nonclustered index contain PK (if it exists) or row index.
Indexes are used to increase the speed of search. Because the complexity is of O(log N). Indexes is very large and interesting topic. I can say that creating indexes on large database is some kind of art sometimes.
INDEXES - to find data easily
UNIQUE INDEX - duplicate values are not allowed
Syntax for INDEX
First we need to understand how normal (without indexing) query runs. It basically traverse each rows one by one and when it finds the data it returns. Refer the following image. (This image has been taken from this video.)
So suppose query is to find 50 , it will have to read 49 records as a linear search.
Refer the following image. (This image has been taken from this video)
When we apply indexing, the query will quickly find out the data without reading each one of them just by eliminating half of the data in each traversal like a binary search. The mysql indexes are stored as B-tree where all the data are in leaf node.
INDEX is a performance optimization technique that speeds up the data retrieval process. It is a persistent data structure that is associated with a Table (or View) in order to increase performance during retrieving the data from that table (or View).
Index based search is applied more particularly when your queries include WHERE filter. Otherwise, i.e, a query without WHERE-filter selects whole data and process. Searching whole table without INDEX is called Table-scan.
You will find exact information for Sql-Indexes in clear and reliable way:
follow these links:
For cocnept-wise understanding:
For implementation-wise understanding:
If you're using SQL Server, one of the best resources is its own Books Online that comes with the install! It's the 1st place I would refer to for ANY SQL Server related topics.
If it's practical "how should I do this?" kind of questions, then StackOverflow would be a better place to ask.
Also, I haven't been back for a while but used to be one of the top SQL Server related sites out there.
An index is used for several different reasons. The main reason is to speed up querying so that you can get rows or sort rows faster. Another reason is to define a primary-key or unique index which will guarantee that no other columns have the same values.
So, How indexing actually works?
Well, first off, the database table does not reorder itself when we put index on a column to optimize the query performance.
An index is a data structure, (most commonly its B-tree {Its balanced tree, not binary tree}) that stores the value for a specific column in a table.
The major advantage of B-tree is that the data in it is sortable. Along with it, B-Tree data structure is time efficient and operations such as searching, insertion, deletion can be done in logarithmic time.
So the index would look like this -
Here for each column, it would be mapped with a database internal identifier (pointer) which points to the exact location of the row. And, now if we run the same query.
Visual Representation of the Query execution
So, indexing just cuts down the time complexity from o(n) to o(log n).
A detailed info -
INDEX is not part of SQL. INDEX creates a Balanced Tree on physical level to accelerate CRUD.
SQL is a language which describe the Conceptual Level Schema and External Level Schema. SQL doesn't describe Physical Level Schema.
The statement which creates an INDEX is defined by DBMS, not by SQL standard.
An index is an on-disk structure associated with a table or view that speeds retrieval of rows from the table or view. An index contains keys built from one or more columns in the table or view. These keys are stored in a structure (B-tree) that enables SQL Server to find the row or rows associated with the key values quickly and efficiently.
Indexes are automatically created when PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints are defined on table columns. For example, when you create a table with a UNIQUE constraint, Database Engine automatically creates a nonclustered index.
If you configure a PRIMARY KEY, Database Engine automatically creates a clustered index, unless a clustered index already exists. When you try to enforce a PRIMARY KEY constraint on an existing table and a clustered index already exists on that table, SQL Server enforces the primary key using a nonclustered index.
Please refer to this for more information about indexes (clustered and non clustered):
Hope this helps!

How do I write a string search query that uses the non-clustered indexing I have in place on the field?

I'm looking to build a query that will use the non-clustered indexing plan on a street address field that is built with a non-clustered index. The problem I'm having is that if I'm searching for a street address I will most likely be using the 'like' eval function. I'm thinking that using this function will cause a table scan instead of using the index. How would I go about writing one in this case? Is it just pointless to put a non-clustered index on an address3 field? Thanks in advance.
varchar fields are indexed from left to right, much the same as a dictionary or encyclopedia is indexed.
If you knew what the field started with, (ex. LIKE 'streetname%') then the index would be efficient. However, if you only know part of the field (ex. LIKE '%something%') then an index cannot be used.
If your LIKE expression is doing a start-of-string search (Address LIKE 'Blah%'), I would expect the index to be used, most likely through an index seek.
If you search for Address LIKE '%Blah%', a table scan/index scan will occur, depending on how many fields you return in your query and how selective the index is.
Using LIKE will not necessarily use a table scan; it may make use of an index, depending on what string you're searching against. (For instance, LIKE 'something%' is generally able to use an index, whereas LIKE '%something' is probably not, although the server may still be able to at least do an index scan in that case, which is more expensive that a straight index lookup, but still cheaper than a full table scan.) There's a good article here that talks about LIKE vs. indexes with respect to SQL Server (different DBMSs will implement it differently, obviously).
In theory the database will use whatever index is best. What database server are you using, what are you really trying to achieve, and what is your LIKE statement going to be like? For instance, where the wildcard characters are can make a difference to the query plan that is used.
Other possibilities depending on what you want to achieve are performing some pre-processing of the data and having other columns that are useful for your search, or using an indexed view.
Here's some discussion on the use of indexes with SQL Server 2005 and varchar fields.

What are the different types of indexes, what are the benefits of each?

What are the different types of indexes, what are the benefits of each?
I heard of covering and clustered indexes, are there more? Where would you use them?
Unique - Guarantees unique values for the column(or set of columns) included in the index
Covering - Includes all of the columns that are used in a particular query (or set of queries), allowing the database to use only the index and not actually have to look at the table data to retrieve the results
Clustered - This is way in which the actual data is ordered on the disk, which means if a query uses the clustered index for looking up the values, it does not have to take the additional step of looking up the actual table row for any data not included in the index.
OdeToCode has a good article covering the basic differences
As it says in the article:
Proper indexes are crucial for good
performance in large databases.
Sometimes you can make up for a poorly
written query with a good index, but
it can be hard to make up for poor
indexing with even the best queries.
Quite true, too... If you're just starting out with it, I'd focus on clustered and composite indexes, since they'll probably be what you use the most.
I'll add a couple of index types
BITMAP - when you have very low number of different possible values, very fast and doesn't take up much space
PARTITIONED - allows the index to be partitioned based on some property usually advantageous on very large database objects for storage or performance reasons.
FUNCTION/EXPRESSION indexes - used to pre-calculate some value based on the table and store it in the index, a very simple example might be an index based on lower() or a substring function.
PostgreSQL allows partial indexes, where only rows that match a predicate are indexed. For instance, you might want to index the customer table for only those records which are active. This might look something like:
create index i on customers (id, name, whatever) where is_active is true;
If your index many columns, and you have many inactive customers, this can be a big win in terms of space (the index will be stored in fewer disk pages) and thus performance. To hit the index you need to, at a minimum, specify the predicate:
select name from customers where is_active is true;
Conventional wisdom suggests that index choice should be based on cardinality. They'll say,
For a low cardinality column like GENDER, use bitmap. For a high cardinality like LAST_NAME, use b-tree.
This is not the case with Oracle, where index choice should instead be based on the type of application (OLTP vs. OLAP). DML on tables with bitmap indexes can cause serious lock contention. On the other hand, the Oracle CBO can easily combine multiple bitmap indexes together, and bitmap indexes can be used to search for nulls. As a general rule:
For an OLTP system with frequent DML and routine queries, use btree. For an OLAP system with infrequent DML and adhoc queries, use bitmap.
I'm not sure if this applies to other databases, comments are welcome. The following articles discuss the subject further:
Bitmap Index vs. B-tree Index: Which and When?
Understanding Bitmap Indexes
Different database systems have different names for the same type of index, so be careful with this. For example, what SQL Server and Sybase call "clustered index" is called in Oracle an "index-organised table".
I suggest you search the blogs of Jason Massie ( and Brent Ozar ( for related info. They have some post about real-life scenario that deals with indexes.
Oracle has various combinations of b-tree, bitmap, partitioned and non-partitioned, reverse byte, bitmap join, and domain indexes.
Here's a link to the 11gR1 documentation on the subject:
column store
Index with included column
index on computed column
full text
SQL Server 2008 has filtered indexes, similar to PostgreSQL's partial indexes. Both allow to include in index only rows matching specified criteria.
The syntax is identical to PostgreSQL:
create index i on Customers(name) where is_alive = cast(1 as bit);
To view the types of indexes and its meaning visits: