Cocoa: Testing to find if an NSString is immutable or mutable? - objective-c

This produces an immutable string object:
NSString* myStringA = #"A"; //CORRECTED FROM: NSMutableString* myStringA = #"A";
This produces a mutable string object:
NSMutableString* myStringB = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#"B"];
But both objects are reported as the same kind of object, "NSCFString":
NSLog(#"myStringA is type: %#, myStringB is type: %#",
[myStringA class], [myStringB class]);
So what is distinguishing these objects internally, and how do I test for that, so that I can easily determine if a mystery string variable is immutable or mutable before doing something evil to it?

The docs include a fairly long explanation on why Apple doesn't want you to do this and why they explicitly do not support it in Receiving Mutable Objects. The summary is:
So don’t make a decision on object
mutability based on what introspection
tells you about an object. Treat
objects as mutable or not based on
what you are handed at the API
boundaries (that is, based on the
return type). If you need to
unambiguously mark an object as
mutable or immutable when you pass it
to clients, pass that information as a
flag along with the object.
I find their NSView example the easiest to understand, and it illustrates a basic Cocoa problem. You have an NSMutableArray called "elements" that you want to expose as an array, but don't want callers to mess with. You have several options:
Expose your NSMutableArray as an NSArray.
Always make a non-mutable copy when requested
Store elements as an NSArray and create a new array every time it mutates.
I've done all of these at various points. #1 is by far the simplest and fastest solution. It's also dangerous, since the array might mutate behind the caller's back. But Apple indicates it's what they do in some cases (note the warning for -subviews in NSView). I can confirm that while #2 and #3 are much safer, they can create major performance problems, which is probably why Apple has chosen not to use them on oft-accessed members like -subviews.
The upshot of all of this is that if you use #1, then introspection will mislead you. You have an NSMutableArray cast as an NSArray, and introspection will indicate that it's mutable (introspection has no way to know otherwise). But you must not mutate it. Only the compile-time type check can tell you that, and so it's the only thing you can trust.
The fix for this would be some kind of fast copy-on-write immutable version of a mutable data structure. That way #2 could possibly be done with decent performance. I can imagine changes to the NSArray cluster that would allow this, but it doesn't exist in Cocoa today (and could impact NSArray performance in the normal case, making it a non-starter). Even if we had it, there's probably too much code out there that relies on the current behavior to ever allow mutability introspection to be trusted.

There's no (documented) way to determine if a string is mutable at runtime or not.
You would expect one of the following would work, but none of them work:
[[s class] isKindOfClass:[NSMutableString class]]; // always returns false
[s isMemberOfClass:[NSMutableString class]]; // always returns false
[s respondsToSelector:#selector(appendString)]; // always returns true
More info here, although it doesn't help you with the problem:

If you want to check for debugging purposes the following code should work. Copy on immutable object is itself, while it's a true copy for mutable types, that's what the code is based on. Note that since it's calling copy it's slow, but should be fine for debugging. If you'd like to check for any other reasons than debugging see Rob answer (and forget about it).
BOOL isMutable(id object)
id copy = [object copy];
BOOL copyIsADifferentObject = (copy != object);
[copy release];
return copyIsADifferentObject;
Disclaimer: of course there is no guarantee that copy is equivalent with retain for immutable types. You can be sure that if isMutable returns NO then it's not mutable so the function should be probably named canBeMutable. In the real world however, it's a pretty safe assumption that immutable types (NSString,NSArray) will implement this optimization. There is a lot of code out including basic things like NSDictionary that expects fast copy from immutable types.


NSDictionary +dictionaryWithDictionary or -copy?

Which is considered the better way to derive a new dictionary from an original one:
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:otherDictionary];
[otherDictionary copy];
From time to time we need to make a mutable dictionary out of an immutable one, and so this question keeps coming in. Maybe there is none, but I'm curious to see if in some use cases one is better than the other.
EDIT: I do know the above methods cannot be used to derive a mutable dictionary. I just wanted to ask the question in a general way, and then explain how I face this question from day to day. I should've been more clear about that.
Actually, they are different, but not for the reason you expect. I'm going to assume you're using ARC (and if you're not, why not?), so the auto-releasedness of the returned object doesn't matter.
Here's how they differ: consider what happens if otherDictionary is nil.
Well, if you use:
[otherDictionary copy]; // or -mutableCopy
You'll get back nil, because you have a nil receiver.
On the other hand, if you use:
[NS(Mutable)Dictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:otherDictionary];
You will get back an NS(Mutable)Dictionary, regardless of whether otherDictionary is nil or not.
This is nice in the situation where you need to create a copy of a dictionary and want an NSDictionary instance afterwards, but you don't want to test for nil (yay for reducing cyclomatic complexity!).
There are a couple things about this question:
Firstly, these two are slightly different:
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:otherDictionary]; #1
[otherDictionary copy]; #2
#1 returns an autoreleased object (i.e., one with a +0 retain count); #2 returns an object with a +1 retain count, so the caller is responsible for calling release at some point.
(They're also slightly different if otherDictionary is nil: #1 returns an empty dictionary, whereas #2 returns nil.)
Of course, in your question, you actually ask about mutable copies. Note you can do either of these:
[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:otherDictionary];
[otherDictionary mutableCopy];
The same caveats as above apply to each of these methods.
There's probably not a best way per se, but mutableCopy is the most clear (just remember that you have to release the retained object at some point).
They're semantically equivalent. Which one to use is entirely a matter of choice. I favor -copy, just because it's shorter, and makes what's going on more clear.
If you need a mutable copy (as your text indicates), the lines you posted won't work. You need:
[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:otherDictionary];
or, equivalently:
[otherDictionary mutableCopy];
In terms of memory management, -copy and -mutableCopy, return an object with a +1 retain count, meaning you need to release them when you're done with them. -dictionaryWithDictionary: returns an autoreleased object, so you don't need to release it when you're done with it, and need to retain it if you want to keep it around.
In the old (pre-ARC) days, this distinction meant that which approach you used might depend on your memory management needs (they're still interchangeable after an additional retain or release, of course). Of course, if you're using ARC, this distinction doesn't matter to you.
The Cocoa-approved way is to send a mutableCopy method which returns a mutable copy:
NSMutableDictionary *mutableOtherDictionaryCopy = [otherDictionary mutableCopy]

An Array of Blocks?

This seems like a very strange interaction to me but at the same time it not only works but throws no warnings or errors in the process. Just looking to get some better understanding of blocks in general and why something like this could be right or wrong.
Is there any reason why something like this shouldn't be done?
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:^{NSLog(#"Block 1");}, ^{NSLog(#"Block 2");}, ^{NSLog(#"Block 3");}, nil];
for (id block in array) {
[block invoke];
Putting Blocks into NSArrays is fine; they're objects. In fact, they inherit from NSObject.
You do need to copy, them, however. Those Blocks are created on the stack and need to be moved to the heap in order to live past the end of the current method. If you're using ARC, this is easy:
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[^{NSLog(#"Block 1");} copy], ...
Under MRR, you need to balance that copy, so you have two unpleasant options: use temps, or enumerate the array right after creating it and send release to all its members.
Sending invoke, on the other hand, isn't completely kosher, because that's a private method. The only fully-API-compliant way to invoke a Block is with function-call syntax:
typedef GenericBlock dispatch_block_t;
for( GenericBlock block in array ){
Sure, that's fine. Why wouldn't it be fine?
In languages like JavaScript this technique is commonplace when registering event handlers.
object.clickHandlers.push(function() { doStuff() });
object.clickHandlers.push(function() { doMoreStuff() });
I see no reason that similar techniques couldn't be used with ObjC blocks, as they are real objects.
The more interesting question to me though, is if this pattern is the best choice for whatever your goal is. Which you haven't really told us.
Blocks in Objective-C are "first-class citizen" objects. Whatever you can do to a regular object, be it passing as a parameter, storing in an array or a dictionary, and so on, you can do it to block objects as well.
For example, an array of block objects may be useful to encode a sequence of actions that is not known at compile time; a dictionary of block objects keyed by strings could be useful in implementing a scripting language, and so on.
The best way to call a block retrieved from a collection is casting it to its proper type, and using the regular block invocation syntax on it.

Are pointers to arguments in Objective C methods are const by default?

There are methods in Cocoa classes that accept an address of a pointer. Most commonly the argument is address of future NSError * object in CoreData validation methods (among others). This way it is possible to put custom or owned object into the place of the address that given argument points to.
My question is: why can't we do that with simple pointer arguments? E.g. let's say I have a method:
- (void)addObject:(id)someObject toArray:(NSMutableArray *)array;
I can easily pass the mutable array as second argument, call addObject: on it and after the method call the array will be modified. Why is this not done with NSError * objects? Are pointers passed to methods are defined as const by default? Is this to avoid accessing NULL?
Why is this not done with NSError * objects?
Because there's no such thing as an NSMutableError. Your example works because you can modify the contents of the array without modifying the pointer to the array itself. However, since NSError instances are immutable, you cannot modify an NSError. As such, you must necessarily create a new error object. And if you want to return that error object along with some other piece of data, at least one of those must be done via an out-parameter (such as an NSError **).
Are pointers passed to methods are defined as const by default?
Nope. Inside that method you're welcome to do this:
- (void)addObject:(id)someObject toArray:(NSMutableArray *)array {
someObject = somethingElse;
[array addObject:someObject];
What's important to remember here is that you're only changing a pointer in a slot in memory. The memory slot corresponding to someObject is just a space on the stack, and you're changing the contents of that space to have a value that points to a different allocated object than the one you were given.
Is this to avoid accessing NULL?
Any NULL protection you need must be done yourself.
It's because the NSError class does not define any way to modify instances after creation. The pointer itself is mutable, but an NSError is not.
They are all plain C pointers. They are not const unless you make them const. Const pointers are not a good thing to use in most situations in objective-C, or even often plain C. Const pointers are a subtle concept, and the complexities of the meaning and syntax don't mesh well with the Objective-C style of programming. Forgetting they exist is likely a good first approximation.
Example: NSArray and NSMutableArray - we would not need an NSArray class if const worked 'correctly' - but it can't due to the design of C.
** - For NSError, etc., the idea is to create an NSError, not alter the one you have passed in. In other words, you need a pointer to a pointer to be able to create an instance (i.e. change the actual object).

When does -copy return a mutable object?

I read in Cocoa and Objective C: Up and Running that -copy will always return an immutable object and -mutableCopy will always return a mutable object:
It’s important to know that calling -copy on a mutable object returns an immutable
version. If you want to copy a mutable object and maintain mutability in the new version,
you must call -mutableCopy on the original. This is useful, though, because if you want
to “freeze” a mutable object, you can just call -copy on it.
So I have something like this:
NSMutableURLRequest *req = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init];
NSLog( #"%#", [req className] ); // NSMutableURLRequest
NSLog( #"%#", [[req copy] className] ); // NSMutableURLRequest
NSLog( #"%#", [[req mutableCopy] className] ); // NSMutableURLRequest
According to this previous answer:
You cannot depend on the result of copy to be mutable! Copying an NSMutableArray may
return an NSMutableArray, since that's the original class, but copying any arbitrary
NSArray instance would not.
This seems to be somewhat isolated to NSURLRequest, since NSArray acts as intended:
NSArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSLog( #"%#", [arr className] ); // __NSArrayM
NSLog( #"%#", [[arr copy] className] ); // __NSAraryI
NSLog( #"%#", [[array mutableCopy] className] ); // __NSArrayM
When does -copy return an immutable object (as expected) and when does it return a mutable object?
How do I achieve the intended effect of getting a "frozen" copy of a mutable object that refuses to be "frozen"?
I think you've uncovered a great rift between documentation and reality.
The NSCopying protocol documentation claims:
The copy returned is immutable if the consideration “immutable vs. mutable” applies to the receiving object; otherwise the exact nature of the copy is determined by the class.
But this is clearly wrong in some cases, as you've shown in your examples (and I've sent feedback to them about this via that documentation page).
But(#2) in my opinion, it doesn't actually matter and you shouldn't care.
The point of -copy is that it will return an object you can use with the guarantee that it will behave independently of the original. This means if you have a mutable object, -copy it, and change the original object, the copy will not see the effect. (In some cases, I think this means that -copy can be optimized to do nothing, because if the object is immutable it can't be changed in the first place. I may be wrong about this. (I'm now wondering what the implications are for dictionary keys because of this, but that's a separate topic...))
As you've seen, in some cases the new object may actually be of a mutable class (even if the documentation tells us it won't). But as long as you don't rely on it being mutable (why would you?), it doesn't matter.
What should you do? Always treat the result of -copy as immutable, simple as that.
1) When does -copy return an immutable object (as expected) and when does it return a mutable object?
you should always treat it as the immutable variant. the mutable interface of the returned type should not be used. apart from optimizations, the answer should not matter and should be considered an implementation detail unless documented.
the obvious case: for a number of reasons, objc class clusters and class designs can be complex. returning a mutable copy could simply be for convenience.
2) How do I achieve the intended effect of getting a "frozen" copy of a mutable object that refuses to be "frozen"?
using the copy constructor of the immutable class is a good way (similar to St3fan's answer). like copy, it's not a guarantee.
the only reason i can think of as to why you would want to enforce this behaviour is for performance or to enforce a restricted interface (unless it's academic). if you want performance or a restricted interface, then you can simply encapsulate an instance of the type which copies on creation and exposes only the immutable interface. then you implement copy via retain (if that's your intent).
alternatively, you can write your own subclass and implement your own variant of copy.
final resort: many of the cocoa mutable/immutable classes are purely interface - you could write your own subclass if you need to ensure a particular behaviour -- but that's quite unusual.
perhaps a better description of why this should be enforced would be good - the existing implementations work just fine for the vast majority of developers/uses.
Bear in mind that there is not one copy implementation -- each class implements its own. And, as we all know, the implementation of the Objective C runtime is a little "loosey goosey" in spots. So I think we can say that mostly copy returns an immutable version, but some exceptions exist.
(BTW, what does this do:
NSArray *arr = [[NSMutable array] init];
The best way to turn an object into an mutable one is to use the mutable 'constructor'. Like for example:
NSArray* array = ...;
NSMutableArray* mutableArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: array];
Copy is used to make a copy of an object. Not to change it's mutability.

Returning mutable vs. returning immutable (non-member-)objects

I hardly ever see the second one used and I wonder why?
Neither would it break support for situations where an NSArray is expected (as it's a subclass).
Nor would it break encapsulation by revealing mutable internals.
Under the precondition that it's never a mutable ivar that's returned, (which should be common sense anyway)
I can right now only think of advantages of using the second.
It actually is mutable. And muting is safe here, so why prevent it?
No need to call [[[foo fooBar] mutableCopy] autorelease], which needlessly allocates additional memory and needlessly wastes time.
Here are the method variations:
- (NSArray *)fooBar {
NSMutableArray *fooArray = [NSMutableArray array];
//populate fooArray
return fooArray;
- (NSMutableArray *)fooBar {
NSMutableArray *fooArray = [NSMutableArray array];
//populate fooArray
return fooArray;
I'm asking as my project has a bunch of methods with the same pattern.
And in most of the times the returned array will be modified afterwards (merged, edited, etc).
So I think it should be totally fine to return NSMutableArrays, yet nobody seems to be doing it.
NSMutableArray, NSMutableSet, NSMutableDictionary… it's basically the same deal.
For an explanation of using mutable versus immutable, check out Apple's documentation on Object Mutability.
In general, it is best to return an immutable version, unless it is specifically your intent that the object returned always be an immutable object available for any client to change. You should create your interfaces based on the intent of the interface, not off the current implementation. It is possible that requirements will change and you will need to change the implementation of fooBar such that it does return an instance variable. By returning mutable arrays you ensure that you encapsulate not only your instance variables, but your current implementation.
So, you may have a valid place to return a mutable array (I don't know), but you see most code passing immutable arrays because it fully encapsulates their variables and their implementations.
I suppose the first variation was preferred because polymorphism was preferred.
In either case, both methods return an instance of NSMutableArray, the only difference being that the first one hides that fact from the caller. In other words, the first variation is not safer than the second. It's essentially using polymorphism to tell the caller that any type of NSArray might be returned. If you need that kind of flexibility in your code, it definitely has it's advantages. (e.g., if one day, for whatever reason, you need to return a custom NSArray subclass, your code won't break at that level).
However, you seem to prefer communicating intent to the caller - i.e. that you actually return mutable arrays - which is also OK. To make everyone happy (if there is such thing anyways...), I suggest renaming the 2nd method to:
- (NSMutableArray *)mutableFooBar {
NSMutableArray *fooArray = [NSMutableArray array];
//populate fooArray
return fooArray;
As a side note, I think that the following is a slightly more efficient way to convert an existing immutable array into a mutable one:
NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:fooArray];
(correct me if I'm wrong on that assumption).
I hope this answers your question...
Having a method return a mutable instance like that looks suspicious.
As the caller you have to question the original method signature and wonder if it really is safe to mutate the returned value. After all the class may inadvertently be returning a pointer to internal state.
If profiling reveals that this copy is indeed expensive, I usually change the method signature to make it obvious that the mutability is intended. Perhaps with something like:
- (void)populateFooBars:(NSMutableArray *)array;
That way it is clear that the mutability of the result is intentional.