how to build rabbitmq C client lib on windows - rabbitmq

Can somebody throw some light on how to build rabbitmq C client lib on windows?

I've created a CMake-ified version of rabbitmq-c of the build system that works cleanly under Windows (VS-2010 tested), and *nix systems:

This might be what you are looking for:
Edit: wrong link, here is a discussion on the topic:

The current tip for the library for RabbitMQ can be built in windows using mingw. The process is long and a bit complicated but it is documented in the file here


Install Kotlin on ubuntu 21.04 Desktop(arm64)

i have a raspberry pi 4 with ubuntu 21.04 Desktop and i want to install kotlin (I don't want to use snap).
Can anyone tell me how to do it?
The easiest/officially supported way to get started is using IntelliJ IDEA Community. Take a look at this guide for an in-depth explanation on RPi, without Snap. The Kotlin plugin comes bundled with the application, so it should be installed by this point. You can then create a new project, and IntelliJ will guide you on setting up a native (binary executable/shared library) or JVM (compatible with Java) project.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you need anything else.

Register custom DVC plugin to FreeRDP client

I want to port a DVC (dynamic virtual channel) plugin from standard Microsoft RDP to FreeRDP for multiplatform use. But I have run into a brick wall regarding connecting the plugin into the FreeRDP client. While for Microsoft RDP on Windows you use Windows Registry for this, the documentation is quite lacking regarding usage of custom DVC on FreeRDP. Command-line interface has /dvc and /a for connecting plugins, and there's a drdynvc plugin which could possibly be used for this, but I am having a hard time reverse-engineering the code to learn how to use it (again, documentation is lacking info on drdynvc).
I would appreciate any information on this issue.
For any future FreeRDP DVC enthusiasts:
To attach a plugin, you have to use /dvc:<name> cli option, with the name of the plugin, and move the desired plugin lib to folders:
On Windows 7+ it looks in a static path C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeRDP\lib\freerdp2\<name>-client.dll
On MacOS: <FreeRDP install path>/lib/freerdp2/lib<name>-client.dylib
if it's build from source then /usr/local/lib/freerdp2/lib<name>-client.dylib
If unsure, you can check the cmake-generated file build-config.h in \include\freerdp\.

creating an OpenCascade Module for SALOME in the Windows Development Environment

I read a tutorial on how to do that in LINUX, but it looks like this cant be ported to windows so easily. SALOME gives us a development environment for windows and claims its crossplattform:
But the documentation does not specify the module creation process in windows (the documentation is only downloadable so i cant link it). To follow the LINUX tutorial, one has to find and edit several files that are missing in the windows distribution. Mainly these are files that are used in the make process of the linux salome module creation.
I hope anyone has some experience in this field.
SALOME doesn't support Windows currently, as the 3rd parties dependencies.

Can't uninstall GlassFish 3

Okay, so here is the deal:
I was trying to install the java jdk so i can work on an android project in eclipse on this computer, but there are just so many different installations of java its impossible, for me atleast, to figure out exactly which one i needed. so i went with "JDK 7u3 with Java EE". But this also installed this GlassFish stuff, which i have no idea what is or what it does, and when i was going through all the eclipse stuff i decided to just keep my other computer for work. so i removed eclipsed and the stuff needed for that, and i removed the java stuff, but then when i try to uninstall the GlassFish, it can't, and gives me the error:
"Could not find the required version of the Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment in '(null)'."
I have now been trying for several hours, scouring the web to figure out some way of removing this, install all kinds of java stuff, removing it again, reinstalling, but nothing works. I don't really care what GlassFish is or what it does, i just want it, and all the java stuff gone for good.
How can i accomplish this?
under Microsoft Windows 7 (or others), use that command line :
uninstall.exe -j "%JAVA_HOME%"
You installed first jdk1.6 then uninstalled it. In this time, you install glassfish3 and glassfish wrote set AS_JAVA=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_x in its config file but you use now jdk1.7
Open C:\glassfishv3\glassfish\config\asenv.bat
Search 'set AS_JAVA'
Change its value to your current jdk path ( eg. C:\Progra¨1\Java\jdk1.7.xx )
Try to uninstall again.
You can run the uninstall specifying the jvm to use:
try this following command to uninstall
C:\glassfish3\uninstall.exe -j <java home dir>
as stated in the error message. it worked for me.
GlassFish is a Java EE application server developed in open source, so you can create server-side services that your android apps can consume. Of course, is sounds like you are not really interested in this :-)
The Java EE SDK install/uninstall instructions are here:
What you probably want to download, the Java 7 SDK (JDK 7) is here:
Make sure you download the JDK (Java Developer Kit) and not the JRE (Java Runtime Environment).
Hope this helps.
These didn't work for me running java 1.6.0_24 in Windows 7:
I tried modifying the asenv.bat file that glassfish uses to find the jre to point to my jre.
I tried manually putting it in as in C:\glassfish3\uninstall.exe -j . This was per the official Oracle documentation.
The only thing that worked was to use the original path and move the bin and lib folders from my java installation to the directory that the error dialog
specified. Then the Glassfish uninstall started up and completed with no problems.
I was able to uninstall the glasshfish server by using the below command
uninstall.exe -javahome "%JAVA_HOME%"
Note: We need to set the JAVA_HOME in the environment variable and classpath variable

How to create self contained exe file as output of my application

im trying to figure away to be able to export/save user ( banch of files/htmls )
to one single self contained exe file . and i have no idea how to do it .
i was thinking about using windows gcc port , but its GPL and my app is commercial.
how do i approach to solve such thing ?
Depending on your feelings about script languages AutoIt might be just the thing for this. Aut2Exe.exe (the compiler) is only 340KB I have done this kind of thing before to make an application that creates other applications. In this post on the AutoIt forums it is explained how to do exactly this with AutoIt. Good luck!
You could make a self extracting exe.
You could use vbc or csc from the .net framework, they're shipped as part of the framework (not sure about the new 3.5 client stuff)
try using Advanced Installer for windows...
It is a closed source application for creating .exe,.msi installer files for the applications.
Why GCC when there's a bunch of ways to create self-extracting exe's (and run a command when you extract)?
Commercial example (Zip 2 Secure EXE)
Try IExpress (windows)
Run > IExpress