Install Kotlin on ubuntu 21.04 Desktop(arm64) - kotlin

i have a raspberry pi 4 with ubuntu 21.04 Desktop and i want to install kotlin (I don't want to use snap).
Can anyone tell me how to do it?

The easiest/officially supported way to get started is using IntelliJ IDEA Community. Take a look at this guide for an in-depth explanation on RPi, without Snap. The Kotlin plugin comes bundled with the application, so it should be installed by this point. You can then create a new project, and IntelliJ will guide you on setting up a native (binary executable/shared library) or JVM (compatible with Java) project.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you need anything else.


My Netbeans 12.2 on Ubuntu only has lightweight & temporary C++ IDE, can't find the real one

In Netbeans 12.2 on Ubuntu 18.04 (using that snap install), for my C++ plugin I have that first image. When I try to create a new project I get that second image. That is some kind of a lightweight version that does not do your makefiles for you. If I try to open an existing C++ project it just never IDs any project file or folder as the right one. And notice that this version does not include a "Create from source code".
Does anyone know how I can install the "real" c++ plugin? I've looked in a lot of tutorials but they all say it should be there under Available Plugins, but it is not there.
This comes very late but it seems that Netbeans 12 lacks some components for this.
Therefore you must enable Netbeans 8.2 Plugin Portal from Plugins Settings.
Then deactivate the C/C++ and then force updates from Updates -> Check for Updates. Restart IDE and install 8.2 C/C++ plugin.
Note: I have lead into this problem now because unpack2000 is no more present.
The validation of downloaded plugins cannot be completed, cause: NBM ../.netbeans/12.4/update/download/org-netbeans-modules-cnd-kit.nbm needs unpack200 to process following entries:
This can be resolved by installing jre-11 (if it is not present already. I have it on Opensuse Thubleweed amogst with jre-16).
So then you just start netbeans from terminal with:
$ netbeans --jdkhome "/usr/lib64/jvm/jre-11"
...and then install blugin, and when it is ready close netbeans and start it normally again.
Just wanted to report that the answer from Devspain also works with Netbeans 14, in Ubuntu 22.04.

what changed in play framework 2.x

doesn't play framework 2.0.4 support some consoles?
when i was using 1.x, i could use the console "play eclipsify"
and "play dependencies" to fbconnect and fbgraph modules
but from when i chaged the version, it's not working.
then how can i connect those modules? i've no idea to do that
i think the new version doesn't support those consoles for modules
is it correct?
is the way totally different? if then please let me know.
also juz awhile ago i checked the 1.2.5 version
and there is no dependencies.yml and module folder
would you let me know what changed and how can i apply and adjust?
Thank you for your time
check this out
and i wanna tell you some people who evaluate my question
what if there is no begginer who really want to learn and ask, how developing survives?
i hate reputations!
Yes, it's TOTALY different, although some ideas are the same, Play 2.x is quite new product (as stated in many topics and questions since many months), there's (fortunately) no backward compatibility between Play 1.x and 2.x!
When you'll visit Play 1.x (only) modules page the first thing you'll see will be that disclaimer:
These modules are for the Play 1.x series only. Play 2.0 modules can be hosted anywhere on any Ivy, Maven or Git repository. We will add a directory for them here shortly.
Thanx to Pere Villega you can also search for Play 2.0 for Java or Scala modules on site, however you need carefully choose between Play 1.x and Play 2.x series.
For working with eclipse, check the Play's 2.0 IDE documentation.

Lattix with Understand for C++/Objective-C: API library missing error (Mac OSX)

I'd like to use lattix to analyse objective-c code (
Computer is a macbook with osx 10.7.4.
Lattix version is 7.8 (newest).
I am not sure which understand version to use, newest would be 3.0 build 635, but I have the same problem with understand 3.0 and 2.6 anyway.
Understand works fine (version 2.6 or 3.0), I can create a new understand project for an iOS objective-c project and name it *.udb.
Analysis within understand also work fine.
The problem is when I try to import it into lattix:
In lattix I do:
File -> new project -> profiles: all -> choose Module Type C/C++ (Understand) and add the udb file.
When creating a new project now I get this error:
"Error opening data ... Understand API library missing. Please install Understand."
Also tried understand 3.0 same problem.
Has someone got these two tools working on a mac and maybe had a similar issue?
Or does s.o. maybe has an alternative to lattix?
Big thanks in advance.
The link you have posted has the answer to your question at the third paragraph:
Please ensure that Understand for C++ is installed on your computer
with a valid license. On Windows, please ensure that the path contains
the directory (typically C:\Program Files\STI\bin\pc-win32). On
Linux, please set the environment variable STI_HOME to the top of your
Understand Installation.
One Japanese guide i found says
[For Linux]
After installing Understand 2.0, please set the
{Understand 2.0 installation directory} / scitools $ to STI_HOME
system environment variable.
Start the ($ {Lattix installation
directory} / Lattix / bin / Lattix.
Might be helpful for Understand 3.0 as well

Can't uninstall GlassFish 3

Okay, so here is the deal:
I was trying to install the java jdk so i can work on an android project in eclipse on this computer, but there are just so many different installations of java its impossible, for me atleast, to figure out exactly which one i needed. so i went with "JDK 7u3 with Java EE". But this also installed this GlassFish stuff, which i have no idea what is or what it does, and when i was going through all the eclipse stuff i decided to just keep my other computer for work. so i removed eclipsed and the stuff needed for that, and i removed the java stuff, but then when i try to uninstall the GlassFish, it can't, and gives me the error:
"Could not find the required version of the Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment in '(null)'."
I have now been trying for several hours, scouring the web to figure out some way of removing this, install all kinds of java stuff, removing it again, reinstalling, but nothing works. I don't really care what GlassFish is or what it does, i just want it, and all the java stuff gone for good.
How can i accomplish this?
under Microsoft Windows 7 (or others), use that command line :
uninstall.exe -j "%JAVA_HOME%"
You installed first jdk1.6 then uninstalled it. In this time, you install glassfish3 and glassfish wrote set AS_JAVA=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_x in its config file but you use now jdk1.7
Open C:\glassfishv3\glassfish\config\asenv.bat
Search 'set AS_JAVA'
Change its value to your current jdk path ( eg. C:\Progra¨1\Java\jdk1.7.xx )
Try to uninstall again.
You can run the uninstall specifying the jvm to use:
try this following command to uninstall
C:\glassfish3\uninstall.exe -j <java home dir>
as stated in the error message. it worked for me.
GlassFish is a Java EE application server developed in open source, so you can create server-side services that your android apps can consume. Of course, is sounds like you are not really interested in this :-)
The Java EE SDK install/uninstall instructions are here:
What you probably want to download, the Java 7 SDK (JDK 7) is here:
Make sure you download the JDK (Java Developer Kit) and not the JRE (Java Runtime Environment).
Hope this helps.
These didn't work for me running java 1.6.0_24 in Windows 7:
I tried modifying the asenv.bat file that glassfish uses to find the jre to point to my jre.
I tried manually putting it in as in C:\glassfish3\uninstall.exe -j . This was per the official Oracle documentation.
The only thing that worked was to use the original path and move the bin and lib folders from my java installation to the directory that the error dialog
specified. Then the Glassfish uninstall started up and completed with no problems.
I was able to uninstall the glasshfish server by using the below command
uninstall.exe -javahome "%JAVA_HOME%"
Note: We need to set the JAVA_HOME in the environment variable and classpath variable

How to add glassfish 2.x to Netbeans 7.0.1 on mac os x

I have been trying to install glashfish 2.x into netbeans 7.0.1 for three days now. Needless to say, I have tried many, many things. Presently I am here: According to, glassfish 2.x should be in the list of available plugins. But it's not there.
Will anyone please share their success with me? I am using mac os x.
Tell me about it. Been fighting this off and on now for a week. Keep having to go back to 7.0.0 prior to adding the 'fixes' to plugins. Utterly frustrating!
Did you guys check what you had in your netbeans update center ? I have heard people mentioning that they had URLs for 6.9 and plugins (such as GF2.0) will not show up until you modify that URL for 7.0