nHibernate (a==b) equality - nhibernate

I'm currently using nHibernate and having a problem where two objects loaded separately but representing the same entity in the database do not have equal references.
See the following section of code for example:
CrudRepository<Customer> cr1 = new CrudRepository<Customer>();
Customer c1 = cr1.GetById(new Guid("0D19B0F0-CA41-4D4B-9FB9-9CF600F86A4B"));
CrudRepository<Customer> cr2 = new CrudRepository<Customer>();
Customer c2 = cr2.GetById(new Guid("0D19B0F0-CA41-4D4B-9FB9-9CF600F86A4B"));
if (c1.Equals(c2))
MessageBox.Show("SAME!"); // True.
if (c1.GetHashCode().Equals(c2.GetHashCode()))
MessageBox.Show("SAME!"); // True.
if (c1 == c2)
MessageBox.Show("SAME!"); // False.
My interpretation of the nHibernate documentation lead me to believe that once you override the Equals() and GetHashCode() methods, nHibernate can load entities into the same reference.
This is the line I am referring to:
This only applies if these objects are loaded in two different ISessions,
as NHibernate only guarantees identity
( a == b , the default implementation
of Equals()) inside a single
I understand that (c1 == c2) is comparing the references of objects loaded at different times. However, I thought (and hoped) that nHibernate would automatically track pre-loaded references and update them accordingly.
Is this not true?
Or is there something I am doing wrong?
Thanks :)
NOTE: I use the singleton pattern to keep the same session throughout the application.
Edit: Every time I perform a CRUD task I use this NHibernateHelper class to get the single instance of the same session builder. This was an example piece of code.
public T GetById(Guid guid)
using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
return session.Get<T>(guid);
And this is my helper class:
public class NHibernateHelper
private static ISessionFactory sessionFactory;
private static ISessionFactory SessionFactory
if (sessionFactory == null)
var configuration = new Configuration();
sessionFactory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
return sessionFactory;
public static ISession OpenSession()
return SessionFactory.OpenSession();

You are creating a new session on every request (this is what your NHibernateHelper.OpenSession() method does) and nHibernate only guarantees reference equality within one session. Once you make sure that your requests are within the same session, the result of the two call will be the same object.


Looking for a Ninject scope that behaves like InRequestScope

On my service layer I have injected an UnitOfWork and 2 repositories in the constructor. The Unit of Work and repository have an instance of a DbContext I want to share between the two of them. How can I do that with Ninject ? Which scope should be considered ?
I am not in a web application so I can't use InRequestScope.
I try to do something similar... and I am using DI however, I need my UoW to be Disposed and created like this.
using (IUnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWorkFactory.Create())
EDIT: I just want to be sure i understand… after look at https://github.com/ninject/ninject.extensions.namedscope/wiki/InNamedScope i though about my current console application architecture which actually use Ninject.
Lets say :
Class A is a Service layer class
Class B is an unit of work which take into parameter an interface (IContextFactory)
Class C is a repository which take into parameter an interface (IContextFactory)
The idea here is to be able to do context operations on 2 or more repository and using the unit of work to apply the changes.
Class D is a context factory (Entity Framework) which provide an instance (keep in a container) of the context which is shared between Class B et C (.. and would be for other repositories aswell).
The context factory keep the instance in his container so i don’t want to reuse this instance all the name since the context need to be disposed at the end of the service operaiton.. it is the main purpose of the InNamedScope actually ?
The solution would be but i am not sure at all i am doing it right, the services instance gonna be transcient which mean they actually never disposed ? :
UPDATE: This approach works against NuGet current, but relies in an anomaly in the InCallscope implementation which has been fixed in the current Unstable NuGet packages. I'll be tweaking this answer in a few days to reflect the best approach after some mulling over. NB the high level way of structuring stuff will stay pretty much identical, just the exact details of the Bind<DbContext>() scoping will work. (Hint: CreateNamedScope in unstable would work or one could set up the Command Handler as DefinesNamedScope. Reason I dont just do that is that I want to have something that composes/plays well with InRequestScope)
I highly recommend reading the Ninject.Extensions.NamedScope integration tests (seriously, find them and read and re-read them)
The DbContext is a Unit Of Work so no further wrapping is necessary.
As you want to be able to have multiple 'requests' in flight and want to have a single Unit of Work shared between them, you need to:
.ToMethod( ctx =>
new DbContext(
connectionStringName: ConfigurationUtility.GetConnectionString() ))
The InCallScope() means that:
for a given object graph composed for a single kernel.Get() Call (hence In Call Scope), everyone that requires an DbContext will get the same instance.
the IDisposable.Dispose() will be called when a Kernel.Release() happens for the root object (or a Kernel.Components.Get<ICache>().Clear() happens for the root if it is not .InCallScope())
There should be no reason to use InNamedScope() and DefinesNamedScope(); You don't have long-lived objects you're trying to exclude from the default pooling / parenting / grouping.
If you do the above, you should be able to:
var command = kernel.Get<ICommand>();
try {
} finally {
kernel.Components.Get<ICache>().Clear( command ); // Dispose of DbContext happens here
The Command implementation looks like:
class Command : ICommand {
readonly IAccountRepository _ar;
readonly IBlockedIpRepository _br;
readonly DbContext _ctx;
public Command(IAccountRepository ar, IBlockedIpRepository br, DbContext ctx){
_ar = ar;
_br = br;
_ctx = ctx;
void ICommand.Execute(){
Note that in general, I avoid having an implicit Unit of Work in this way, and instead surface it's creation and Disposal. This makes a Command look like this:
class Command : ICommand {
readonly IAccountService _as;
readonly IBlockedIpService _bs;
readonly Func<DbContext> _createContext;
public Command(IAccountService #as, IBlockedIpServices bs, Func<DbContext> createContext){
_as = #as;
_bs = bs;
_createContext = createContext;
void ICommand.Execute(){
using(var ctx = _createContext()) {
This involves no usage of .InCallScope() on the Bind<DbContext>() (but does require the presence of Ninject.Extensions.Factory's FactoryModule to synthesize the Func<DbContext> from a straightforward Bind<DbContext>().
As discussed in the other answer, InCallScope is not a good approach to solving this problem.
For now I'm dumping some code that works against the latest NuGet Unstable / Include PreRelease / Instal-Package -Pre editions of Ninject.Web.Common without a clear explanation. I will translate this to an article in the Ninject.Extensions.NamedScope wiki at some stagehave started to write a walkthrough of this technique in the Ninject.Extensions.NamedScope wiki's CreateNamedScope/GetScope article.
Possibly some bits will become Pull Request(s) at some stage too (Hat tip to #Remo Gloor who supplied me the outline code). The associated tests and learning tests are in this gist for now), pending packaging in a proper released format TBD.
The exec summary is you Load the Module below into your Kernel and use .InRequestScope() on everything you want created / Disposed per handler invocation and then feed requests through via IHandlerComposer.ComposeCallDispose.
If you use the following Module:
public class Module : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
// Wire it up so InRequestScope will work for Handler scopes
NinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory.NinjectHttpApplicationPlugin.RegisterIn( Kernel );
Which wires in a Factory[1] and NinjectHttpApplicationPlugin that exposes:
public interface INinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory
NamedScope CreateRequestHandlerScope();
Then you can use this Composer to Run a Request InRequestScope():
public interface IHandlerComposer
void ComposeCallDispose( Type type, Action<object> callback );
Implemented as:
class NinjectRequestScopedHandlerComposer : IHandlerComposer
readonly INinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory _requestHandlerScopeFactory;
public NinjectRequestScopedHandlerComposer( INinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory requestHandlerScopeFactory )
_requestHandlerScopeFactory = requestHandlerScopeFactory;
void IHandlerComposer.ComposeCallDispose( Type handlerType, Action<object> callback )
using ( var resolutionRoot = _requestHandlerScopeFactory.CreateRequestHandlerScope() )
foreach ( object handler in resolutionRoot.GetAll( handlerType ) )
callback( handler );
The Ninject Infrastructure stuff:
class NinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory : INinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory
internal const string ScopeName = "Handler";
readonly IKernel _kernel;
public NinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory( IKernel kernel )
_kernel = kernel;
NamedScope INinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory.CreateRequestHandlerScope()
return _kernel.CreateNamedScope( ScopeName );
/// <summary>
/// When plugged in as a Ninject Kernel Component via <c>RegisterIn(IKernel)</c>, makes the Named Scope generated during IHandlerFactory.RunAndDispose available for use via the Ninject.Web.Common's <c>.InRequestScope()</c> Binding extension.
/// </summary>
public class NinjectHttpApplicationPlugin : NinjectComponent, INinjectHttpApplicationPlugin
readonly IKernel kernel;
public static void RegisterIn( IKernel kernel )
kernel.Components.Add<INinjectHttpApplicationPlugin, NinjectHttpApplicationPlugin>();
public NinjectHttpApplicationPlugin( IKernel kernel )
this.kernel = kernel;
object INinjectHttpApplicationPlugin.GetRequestScope( IContext context )
// TODO PR for TrgGetScope
return NamedScopeExtensionMethods.GetScope( context, ScopeName );
catch ( UnknownScopeException )
return null;
void INinjectHttpApplicationPlugin.Start()
void INinjectHttpApplicationPlugin.Stop()

How to Implement Castle Windsor IScopeAccessor to provide NHibernate Session Per ViewModel using LifestyleScoped

I am looking for some help creating an implementation of IScopeAccessor, or finding a new solution, that will allow me to provide an NHibernate session per ViewModel.
I know that Windsor now supports scoped lifestyles as seen (here). However the example creates the special scope with a using block and calling container.resolve within the using.
using (_container.BeginScope())
var a1 = _container.Resolve<A>();
var a2 = _container.Resolve<A>();
Assert.AreSame(a1, a2);
I can't think of a way to make this work because I don't want to pass around the container and I want the scope to be tied to the ViewModel that gets created, which will happen dynamically as they are needed.
As an alternative it looks like I can create an implementation of IScopeAccessor which, according to Krzysztof Koźmic (here) would allow me to
"... provide any scope you like. Scope is an abstract term here and it can be anything."
Unfortunately I cannot find an implementation of IScopeAccessor that isn't specific to a web based scenario and I am struggling to understand exactly what I need to do to turn "anything" into a valid scope.
I have found an example of exactly what I want to do using Ninject (http://www.emidee.net/index.php/2010/08/23/ninject-use-one-database-session-per-view-model/):
Bind<ISession>().ToMethod(ctx =>
var session = ctx.Kernel.Get<....>().BuildSessionFactory().OpenSession();
return session;
.InScope(context =>
var request = context.Request;
if (typeof(IViewModel).IsAssignableFrom(request.Service))
return request;
while ((request = request.ParentRequest) != null)
if (typeof(IViewModel).IsAssignableFrom(request.Service))
return request;
return new object();
In Ninject, the InScope indicates that any instances created by the binding should be reused as long as the object returned by the call back remains alive. Essentially, this call back returns the root level ViewModel (since ViewModels can be nested).
Any thoughts on how I can do the same thing or get the same result using Windsor?
The problem seems to be the place of creation.
If it's all about dependencies of viewmodels being constructed, you could maybe use boud lifestyle, as described in What's new...
Or you could alternatively use your own scope accessor, that is sensitive to viewmodels. for example like this:
public class ViewModelScopeAccessor : IScopeAccessor
private IDictionary<Guid, ILifetimeScope> scopes = new Dictionary<Guid, ILifetimeScope>();
private ILifetimeScope defaultScope;
public ViewModelScopeAccessor()
: this(new DefaultLifetimeScope())
{ }
public ViewModelScopeAccessor(ILifetimeScope defaultScope)
this.defaultScope = defaultScope;
public ILifetimeScope GetScope(CreationContext context)
var creator = context.Handler.ComponentModel.Implementation;
var viewModel = creator as IViewModel;
if (viewModel != null)
ILifetimeScope scope;
if (!scopes.TryGetValue(viewModel.UID, out scope))
scope = new DefaultLifetimeScope();
scopes[viewModel.UID] = scope;
return scope;
return defaultScope;
public void Dispose()
foreach (var scope in scopes)
for the following viewmodel interface :
public interface IViewModel
string DisplayName { get; }
Guid UID { get; }
You of course could compare the viewmodels in other ways, it's just an example.
The drawback of both, the bound lifestyle and that scope accessor, is, that it won't work, if you use a typed factory inside your viewmodel, to lazily construct objects, since the scope accessor has no idea, from which object/method its factory method was called. But I think is is a general .NET issue, since a method does actually never know, from where it has been called.
So, you could then use your own factories, that produce only one instance per factory instance and make them scoped to your viewmodels too.
Hope this helps.

many-to-one, all-delete orphan, set property to null but entity not deleted

Using NHibernate v3.0. I have a class similar to this:
class Foo
bool barActive;
Bar bar;
The Bar instance is managed entirely internally to Foo:
when "barActive" is true, "bar" is set to a Bar instance.
when "barActive" is set to false, the "bar" field is set to null.
Foo.bar is mapped like so:
<many-to-one name="bar" column="BarId" cascade="all-delete-orphan" unique="true" />
However, when "bar" is set to null, it does not delete the Bar record in the database. Bar is an inherited class that is used elsewhere as well, so I can't just make this field a component.
I would have expected the "unique" constraint + "delete-orphan" to handle this. Am I missing something, or can NHibernate not handle this transparently? If it can't, it seems my only option is to raise an event so a higher-level scope can call ISession.Delete(bar).
I have a workaround, that will automatically delete the orphan. I believe it should work for NHibernate version 3 and above. It uses an interceptor - basically an object that handles various session-related events. When it detects the update operation on Foo, it will add an explicit delete for the orphaned Bar.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using NHibernate;
using NHibernate.Type;
class Interceptor : EmptyInterceptor
private ISession _session;
private Bar _barOrphan;
public override void SetSession(ISession session)
_session = session;
public override bool OnFlushDirty(object entity, object id, object[] currentStates, object[] previousStates, string[] propertyNames, IType[] types)
if (entity.GetType() != typeof(Foo)) return;
for (var i = 0; i < propertyNames.Length; i++)
if (!StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(propertyNames[i], "bar")) continue;
object previousState = previousStates[i];
if (currentStates[i] != previousState)
_barOrphan = (Bar) previousState;
public override void PostFlush(ICollection entities)
if (_barOrphan == null) return;
_barOrphan = null;
Now, when opening your NHibernate session, you have to use one of the overloads that accepts an interceptor instance as an argument, e.g.
using (ISession session = YourSessionFactoryGoesHere.OpenSession(new Interceptor()))
Please note that this is just a draft, to explain the concept (I hope I did not screw up the code as I was rewriting it ;-). In a real usage scenario, you may have to deal with possible multiple orphans created in one unit of work (event on the same entity, e.g. Foo could have bar1 and bar2!), so instead of a single _barOrphan member you will need a queue of the delete actions to be executed in PostFlush(). Instead of hard-coding the types of the involved classes and the name of the property bar, you will want to use generics and a property selector (e.g. PropertySelector.GetPropertyName<Foo>(foo => foo.bar), see this link. DB constraint could be a problem, moving the delete operation to Interceptor.PreFlush() might help, but I did not test it. Don't forget about the performance impact (e.g. OnFlushDirty() is invoked for each updated entity, so don't make it a bottleneck).

Create an instance of ISession per ViewModel

here is my problem: I'm building a desktop application, with the following tools:
All my view models and repositories are instanciated with Ninject. My repositories all need an ISession in their constructor.
I'd like to follow ayende's advice concerning the ViewModels: each ViewModel opens a new session.
Is it possible to configure Ninject to open a new session when a ViewModel is created, and use this session inside the repositories used by this view model?
I had a look to the InScope function of Ninject, as well as the ICurrentSessionContext interface in NHibernate, but I don't know how to model all of that to get what I want...
Did someone make something like that before?
Thanks in advance
I solved a similar scenario leveraging the ViewModel lifecycle: I created an ISessionAware interface (with a SetSession method) to be implemented by repositories, then I initialized the repositories through ISessionAware in the OnInitialize method of the ViewModel (which is enforced by Caliburn when the VM is managed by a ScreenConductor).
Using reflection to inspect the properties holding the repositories, I could put all the infrastructure on a BaseDataVM class.
Using a scope in the container would be more elegant, I think, but I don't know Ninject.
I have a very similar project (except I'm not using Caliburn) and have been trying to figure out how to do this as well. I did come up with one method that works well for constructor injection using Ninject's InScope() method.
I have a static class called IoC that wraps access to Ninject's kernel. Since the dependencies are all injected into the constructor, the context is only relevant when the object is being created. So it doesn't matter what is supplied for context, but a Guid feels like the safe choice. Program.OpenSession() is a static method to open a new ISession.
public static class Ioc
private static readonly IKernel _kernel;
static IoC()
_kernel = new StandardKernel();
_kernel.Load(new ContextModule());
private static object _context;
public static T ResolveInContext<T>(object context)
_context = context;
var result = _kernel.Get<T>();
_context = null;
return result;
private class ContextModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Bind<ISession>().ToMethod(x => Program.OpenSession()).InScope(x => _context);
Bind<frmCompanyViewer>().ToSelf().InScope(x => _context);
Usage is:
var frm = IoC.ResolveInContext<frmCompanyViewer>(Guid.NewGuid());
The form's constructor signature is:
public frmCompanyViewer(ISession session, ICompanyRepository companyRepository)
I verified that with InScope on the bindings, the same ISession that is used to construct frmCompanyViewer is also used to construct companyRepository. If I remove InScope then two ISessions are used.
Edited to add: This would also work, see comments. This should be made thread safe for a real application. I changed the method name to ConstructInContext to clarify that the context only applies during object construction.
public static T ConstructInContext<T>()
_context = Guid.NewGuid();
var result = _kernel.Get<T>();
_context = null;
return result;
We have this with AOP, in unhaddins.
Is called "Conversation per Business Transaction".
search in google
here you have ;)
Well, I've found a solution thanks to the ninject group.
The solution here is to use the function InScope when I bind ISession, and browse in the IContext variable to inspect the services. If one service in the request hierarchy is assignable to the base class of my view models, I use the context as scope.
So the first time an ISession will be injected in the constructor of my ViewModel, a new scope is used. And all subsequent calls to ISession inside the constructor of the ViewModel will be resolved with the same scope. And then only one session is created for my ViewModel.
Here is the code:
Bind<ISession>().ToMethod(ctx =>
var session = ctx.Kernel.Get<INHibernateSessionFactoryBuilder>()
session.FlushMode = FlushMode.Commit;
return session;
.InScope(ctx =>
var request = ctx.Request;
if (request.Service is IScreen)
return request;
while ((request = request.ParentRequest) != null)
if (typeof(IScreen).IsAssignableFrom(request.Service))
return request;
return new object();
And the constructor of the viewmodel must contains all the injected dependencies which rely on the ISession:
public PlayersManagementViewModel(ISession session, IPlayersRepository playersRepository)
Hope that helps

NHibernate Linq uses implicit transaction?

I'm using Ayende's NHibernate Linq version 2.1.2, available here, and when I use NHProf to inspect queries that use this method:
public IQueryable<T> GetAll()
return Session.Linq<T>();
It gives me the warning that I'm using an implicit transaction. Problem is, I'm using this in a repository to abstract out the database session, but I still want the flexibility of returning an IQueryable so I can run any Linq query I want. Is there a way to explicitly wrap the Session.Linq<T>() in a transaction without exposing it, or should I just ignore the warning in this case?
A little more background. I'm using the method like so:
var repo = new Repository();
var animals = repo.GetAll<Animal>().Where(x => x.Size > 100);
NHProf's message is actually not related to your repository implementation. It's just pointing out that you are running your query outside a transaction, which can be a source of problems.
Ayende explains this in a blog post: NH Prof Alerts: Use of implicit transactions is discouraged
You should manage your transactions from a higher level in your application. There are several ways to do this while using repositories, have a look at unhaddins
I had a very similar problem which I solved quite simply.
I created a LinqClass within my repository returned by my Linq method
public virtual LinqClass Linq()
return new LinqClass(Session, LinqSource());
public class LinqClass : IDisposable
public LinqClass(ISession session, IQueryable<T> linqSource)
_linq = linqSource;
_transaction = session.BeginTransaction();
private readonly IQueryable<T> _linq;
private readonly ITransaction _transaction;
public IQueryable<T> Linq
get { return _linq; }
public void Dispose()
I could then wrap my linq statements up in a using block
using (var linq = Linq())
var versions = from t in linq.Linq
where t.BaseName == BaseName
orderby t.Version descending
select t.Version;
return versions.Take(1).SingleOrDefault();
and even if returning data from the middle of it, the transaction commit is still called. No more implicit transactions. Obviously this example is for NHibernate, but it should work similarly for other things.
I'm pretty sure you can ingnore this warning.
Can you see the transaction in NHProf?