Naming of types when using an ORM - orm

I am working on a project where a number of types have the suffix "Instance".
For example, we have the concept of tabs in the application, so we have a TabInstance type.
To me this seems redundant and even confusing / wrong, as there is already the concept of an instance in OO terminology.
The system uses nHibernate as an ORM - I wonder if such a naming scheme is something that is typical in systems using ORMs, or is used or some other reason?

For example, we have the concept of
tabs in the application, so we have a TabInstance type.
It seems as if you should have the type Tab instead of TabInstance.

yes get rid of them.


redbean a workable orm for knockoutjs?

would redbeanphp's bean can server be a useful orm for knockout (using the mapping plugin?). i have (or will have) a mysql database with many one to many, many to many, and one to one relationships. i would like to edit a record and all its related data as an object in a single form based interface.
as far as the ui is concerned, i would be working with a nested json object, viewing it in html, and editing it using form element templates, adding them to the dom as needed.
beancan server (or simply the export/import functions) would convert beans into json objects (and vice versa), knockout would handle the modifications to the object. beancan server would then manage the crud functions with the mysql database. i know, i should probably be using a schemaless database like couchdb or somesuch, but in this case it isn't an option.
is this outrageous? or possible workable? i can't seem to locate any round trip examples with any complexity for redbean, so i don't know if this makes sense or not. i've had a lot of success with frameworks -- not being a programmer for the most part, but able to grasp a concept if given a concrete example to work from. any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've never used redbean before, but as an avid KnockoutJS user, I can tell you this sounds reasonable.
You're converting your model objects to JSON, manipulating them in the UI via KnockoutJS, then sending them back to the server for saving.
That's perfectly reasonable and is typically how we do things, no matter the ORM. Really, the ORM should not affect the UI tech you use. And in this case, as long as your objects can be converted to/from JSON, you should be just fine.

Why prefix sql function names?

What is a scenario that exemplifies a good reason to use prefixes, such as fn_GetName, on function names in SQL Server? It would seem that it would be unnecessary since usually the context of its usage would make it clear that it's a function. I have not used any other language that has ever needed prefixes on functions, and I can't think of a good scenario that would show why SQL is any different.
My only thinking is that perhaps in older IDE's it was useful for grouping functions together when the database objects were all listed together, but modern IDE's already make it clear what is a function.
You are correct about older IDEs
As a DBA, trying to fix permissions using SQL Server Enterprise Manager (SQL Server 2000 and 7.0), it was complete bugger trying to view permissions. If you had ufn or usp or vw it became easier to group things together because of how the GUI presented the data.
Saying that, if you have SELECT * FROM Thing, what is Thing? A view or a table? It may work for you as a developer but it will crash when deployed because you don't grant permissions on the table itself: only views or procs. Surely a vwThing will keep your blood pressure down...?
If you use schemas, it becomes irrelevant. You can "namespace" your objects. For example, tables in "Data" and other objects per client in other schemas eg WebGUI
Function. You have table valued and scalar functions. If you stick with the code "VerbNoun" concept, how do you know which is which without some other clue. (of course, this can't happen because object names are unique)
SELECT dbo.GetName() FROM MyTable
SELECT * FROM dbo.GetName()
If you use a plural to signify a table valued function, this is arguably worse
SELECT dbo.GetName() FROM MyTable
SELECT * FROM dbo.GetNames()
Whereas this is less ambiguous, albeit offensive to some folk ;-)
SELECT dbo.sfnGetName() FROM MyTable
SELECT * FROM dbo.tfnGetName()
With schemas. And no name ambiguity.
SELECT ScalarFN.GetName() FROM MyTable
SELECT * FROM TableFN.GetName()
Your "any other language" comment doesn't apply. SQL isn't structured like c#, Java, f#, Ada (OK, PL/SQL might be), VBA, whatever: there is no object or namespace hierarchy. No Object.DoStuff method stuff.
A prefix may be just the thing to keep you sane...
There's no need to prefix function names with fn_ any more than there's a need to prefix table names with t_ (a convention I have seen). This sort of systematic prefix tends to be used by people who are not yet comfortable with the language and who need the convention as an extra help to understanding the code.
Like all naming conventions, it hardly matters what the convention actually is. What really matter is to be consistent. So even if the convention is wrong, it is still important to stick to it for consistency. Yes, it may be argued that if the naming convention is wrong then it should be changed, but the effort implies a lot: rename all objects, change source code, all maintenance procedures, get the dev team committed to follow the new convention, have all the support and ops personnel follow the new rules etc etc. On a large org, the effort to change a well established naming convention is just simply overwhelming.
I don't know what your situation is, but you should consider carefully before proposing a naming convention change just for sake of 'pretty'. No matter how bad the existing naming convention in your org is, is far better to stick to it and keep the naming consistency than to ignore it and start your own.
Of course, more often than not, the naming convention is not only bad, is also not followed and names are inconsistent. In that case, sucks to be you...
What is a scenario that exemplifies a
good reason to use prefixes
THere is none. People do all kind of stuff because they always did so, and quite a number of bad habits are explained with ancient knowledge that is wrong for many years.
I'm not a fan of prefixes, but perhaps one advantage could be that these fn_ prefixes might make it easier to identify that a particular function is user-defined, rather than in-built.
We had many painful meetings at our company about this. IMO, we don't need prefixes on any object names. However, you could make an argument for putting them on views, if the name of the view might conflict with the underlying table name.
In any case, there is no SQL requirement that prefixes be used, and frankly, IMO, they have no real value.
As others have noticed, any scenario you define can easily be challenged, so there's no rule defining it as necessary; however, there's equally no rule saying it's unnecessary, either. Like all naming conventions, it's more important to have consistent usage rather than justification.
One (and the only) advantage I can think of is that it a consequently applied prefixing scheme could make using intellisense / autocomplete easier since related functionality is automagically grouped together.
Since I recently stumbled over this question, I'd like to add the following point in favour of prefixes: Imagine, you have some object id from some system table and you want to determine whether it's a function, proc, view etc. You could of course run a test for each type, it's much easier though to extract the prefix from the object name and then act upon that. This gets even easier when you use an underscore to separate the prefix from the name, e.g. usp_Foo instead of uspFoo. IMHO it's not just about stupid IDEs.

Same business entity for identical tables?

I got a legacy database which have about 10 identical tables (only name differs).
Is it possible to be able to use the same business entity for all tables without having to create several classes/mapping files?
You can use the entity-name feature if you are using NHibernate v2.1 or higher. It is poorly documented but I am actively using the feature. It has gotten hard to find the documentation on it but look here:
Section 5.3 in
A couple of things to be aware of. You must now use entity-name instead of class name to refer to the objects. In general it is not an entirely transparent change moving from class names to entity names.
Session actions now require two parameters, for example:
_session.Save("MyEntity", myobject)
The entity-name controls what table the data goes into.
Some HQL queries do not work right anymore, sometimes you must use Criteria instead.
If you need a set of sample code I may be able post some, but far too busy at the moment. I suggest you look at the limited info you can find and set it up for a very simple object and multiple tables to learn how it all works. It does work.
You can create a base class with all the properties, but you still need to map them all.
For that, you can either use copy&paste, XML entities (see examle at, or a code-based mapping method (Fluent or ConfORM). They usually make reuse easier.

How could nHibernate not be 100% compile time tested?

One thing that bothers me about nHibernate is that it is not 100% compile time tested.
If I rename a column in my database table, and I update the mapping file for that table, when I hit compile I should get errors in all my query code (hql/criteria whatever) of where I referenced that column name and how it is spelled wrong.
The whole point (for me anyway) of using an ORM was that database changes won't break my queries.
In other words, I will be notified at compile time of what needs to be fixed, instead of getting runtime errors etc.
To achieve what you want I think your best solution is to use a combination of Fluent NHibernate and nhlambdaextensions. Fluent NHibernate will give you type-safe checking on your mapping files (so if you change a property on your entity, the compiler will throw an error if you don't also change the property on your mapping class). The lambda function extensions will give you type-safe queries via the Criteria API (not HQL since that's just magic-strings SQL-with-objects).
Also to clarify your question, you said:
If I change a column (rename) in my
database table, and I update the
mapping file for that table, when I
hit compile I should get errors in all
my query code (hql/criteria whatever)
of where I referenced that column name
and how it is spelled wrong.
Just changing the database side should break nothing (assuming you also make the change in your XML mapping file). Your code does not reference the column="first_name" portion of the mapping, it references the name="FirstName" portion. If you do not change your entity, renaming a column (from "firstname" to "first_name", for example) in the database will not break your queries as long as you update your mapping file as well.
You should look at Castle ActiveRecord. I used this before and it allows you to not worry about the mapping files (.hml) as much. It lets you make your changes at the class level definitions, and the mappings files were generally untouched.
If you are writing bad queries, that sounds like a design problem, not an nHibernate problem.
You won't get errors providing the Property names haven't changed, as most people use HQL for their queries in NHibernate.However if you do change the Property names and not the HQL you will indeed get broken queries, e.g.:
FROM User Where User.Surname = 'bob'
Change the Surname property to Lastname and it'll break. It's a feature lacking in NHibernate but would make a good project for the contrib - a Subsonic style query interface. This a project sort of similar but still use HQL.
As mentioned above ActiveRecord and Fluent NHibernate are the closest to type checking with NHibernate. Both enforce that you inherit your classes from their base class, as you'd expect and ActiveRecord is not intended for production use - Ayende has said in a video that's meant to be a prototyping tool for NHibernate.
Hibernate uses dynamic byte code generation to create the mapping classes, based on the mapping configurations.
The fundamental point of ORM is to enable auto-magical mapping (bridge) between Objects and Relational systems. Thus: ORM.
if you want to strongly type your objects rather than using xml config which can cause alot of runtime issues if not properly tested, I would look into FluentNHibernate which has convention maps that allow you to map your classes to data in code. Made my life alot easier especially when first starting with NHibernate wish i had found it before i knew how to properly map using xml
Does NHibernate have the equivalent of the Java version's schema validator? In which case, you could add a step to your build process to build the session factory and run the validator-- building the session factory should also compile named queries, hence validating them too.
Hmm, looks like it supports something like that:
NB this means your build process will fail to work if your dev database is not available--- which I would regard as a bad thing.

How flexible is subsonic

I currently use nhibernate but a guy at work has recently gotten me interested in subsonic again. I really prefer a Poco, domain-driven style approach to development and worry about the database later. It looks like this is partially supported using simplerepository. My question is, how flexible is subsonic in how it generates your database ? For example, nhibernate supports all 3 different types of inheritance mappings and components. Components for those of you not familiar w/ NH, let you change how a class is stored in a table. So if you have a customer and address classes, in one situation you store the address in its own table and linked thru a foreign key, in another situation the address can be stored as part of the customer table.
Does subsonic give you these kind of options?
Does subsonic give you these kind of options?
In a word, no. SubSonic really doesn't have the flexibility of nhibernate, the payoff is that it also doesn't have the complexity or the rather brutal learning curve. If you really need the inheritance mapping flexibility of nhibernate then you won't get it with SubSonic. The only question then is whether you actually need it, I've found I can almost always do without it.