How to schedule a stored procedure? - sql

How do I schedule a stored procedure in Sql Server 2005 that it runs once at the start of every month (and on database startup)?

You will need to create a job using the SQL Server Agent.

In SQL Server Management Studio, go expand the SQL Server Agent node under the DB server, right click the Jobs folder and select New Job...
(If the SQL Server Agent node does not appear, you may be missing the required permissions)
That will take you through a wizard to schedule a sproc to run on whatever schedule you want.
In terms of how to get a sproc to run on db startup, see this article.


Making ONE single JOB for 2 Separate SQL Agents running on SQL2008 and SQL 2016

2 servers - SQL2008 and SQL2016
Job 1 : Backup - Scheduled SQL Agent Job running for 2 Databases on SQL2008 with the destination on SQL2016 server
Job 2 : Restore - Scheduled SQL Agent Job running for 2 Databases on SQL2016 from the that location.
So thinking of making these 2 individual into a single job for Backup and Restore.
Please help/guide me to combining these 2 Jobs.
Do I Use Powershell or SQL for getting this correct?
When communicating between two servers, the best way I know is to create a Linked Server going both-ways, and on each server. The only gotcha is to make sure the SQL syntax used to select or insert data from a server, is compliant with that server, or the linked server.
From SQLShack...
"Linked servers allow submitting a T-SQL statement on a SQL Server instance, which returns data from other SQL Server instances. A linked server allows joining data from several SQL Server instances using a single T-SQL statement when data exists on multiple databases on different SQL instances. By using a linked server to retrieve data from several SQL instances, the only thing that should be done is to connect to one SQL instance.
There are two ways of configuring linked server in SSMS. One way is by using sp_addlinkedserver system stored procedure and another is by using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) GUI interface."
Without writing out the SQL code for both backups and restores, I suggest you read up on Linked Servers, and apply them into your code. I recommend you test the code first manually, outside of a job, and then apply it to a scheduled job or Maintenance Plan.
But as a hint :), try the syntax when linking your table from a linked server object:
[LINKED SERVER].[DATABASE].[Schema].[TableName]

How to check if an SQL Script executed successfully in MS SQL Server?

I have created multiple SQL DB Maintenance scripts which I am required to run in a defined order. I have 2 scripts. I want to run the 2nd script, only on successful execution of 1st script. The scripts contain queries that creates tables, stored procedures, SQL jobs etc.
Please suggest an optimal way of achieving this. I am using MS SQL Server 2012.
I am trying to implement it without using an SQL job.
I'm sure I'm stating the obvious, and it's probably because I'm not fully understand what you meant by "executed successfully", but if you meant no SQL error while running:
The optimal way to achieve it is to create a job for your scripts, then create two steps - one for the first script and for the second. Once both steps are there, you go to the advanced options of step 1 and set it up to your needs.
Can you create a SQL Server Agent Job? You could just set the steps to be Step 1: Run first script, Step 2: run second script. In the agent job setup you can decide what to when step 1 fails. Just have it not run step 2. You can also set it up to email you, skip to another step, run some other code etc... If anything the first code did failed with any error message, your second script would not run. -- If you really needed to avoid a job, you could add some if exists statements to your second script, but that will get very messy very fast
If the two scripts are in different files
Add a statement which would log into a table the completion and date .Change second script to read this first and exit,if not success
if both are in same file
ensure they are in a transaction and read ##trancount at the start of second script and exit ,if less than 1
SQL Server 2005’s job scheduling subsystem, SQL Server Agent, maintains a set of log files with warning and error messages about the jobs it has run, written to the %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG directory. SQL Server will maintain up to nine SQL Server Agent error log files. The current log file is named SQLAGENT .OUT, whereas archived files are numbered sequentially. You can view SQL Server Agent logs by using SQL Server Management Studio.

Moving data from SQL Server 2008 to remote SQL Server 2000, using sqlcmd

The setup:
I have two different machines, one with MS SQL Server 2008 which is my main machine and a secondary with MS SQL Server 2000. Newly generated data are stored in a specific table on the main server(2008).
The problem:
My main machine has limited storage, whereas my secondary one with the older SQL version(2000), doesn't have such kind of limitations.
A possible solution:
At least as a temporary solution, i could try to move some data, on a daily schedule, from the main machine to the secondary, using sqlcmd, run by a Windows Task Scheduler.
The largest portion of my data are stored on a single table so the idea is to "cut" them from the table on the main server and append them on a "backup/depot/storage" table on my secondary server.
What i have tried so far:
So far, i haven't been able to simultaneously connect to both servers from the main one, at least using sqlcmd. Is there a limitation for the sqlcmd to the connections it can create simultaneously?
Other possible ways:
Is there a suggested practice for that case? Would it be a good idea to write a vbs script to export from the main server and import to the secondary?
All corrections and suggestions are welcome. And thanks for your time.
First, link the servers. From the server you want to INSERT into, run this SQL (using any tool you want to run SQL with... SQL Server Management Studio or SQLCMD or OSQL or whatever):
EXEC sp_addlinkedServer N'remoteSqlServer\Instance', N'SQL Server'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin #rmtsrvname = N'remoteSqlServer\Instance', #useself = 'FALSE', #rmtuser = N'user', #rmtpassword = N'password'
Replace "remoteSqlServer\Instance" with the actual host-name\instance of the SQL Server you want to copy data FROM. Also replace the "user" and "password" with appropriate login credentials to that server.
After that is done, you can execute SQL like the following against this server (from anywhere, including SQLCMD):
INSERT INTO [LocalTable]
SELECT * FROM [remoteSqlServer\Instance].[DatabaseName].[schema].[TableName]
Again, this is just an example... you'd replace all those values with values appropriate to your source and destination databases (everything in the square brackets). For instance, it might look something like this:
INSERT INTO [HistoricalData]
SELECT * FROM [DBServer\SQL2008].[ProductionDatabase].[dbo].[CurrentData]
I hope this helps.

create ms sql server job schedule from datetime database

I'm using microsoft SQL server management studio 2005
I'm trying to run a job at a specific time and that time is stored in a database.
I can't insert the schedule manually because it is up to the user to decide what date and time the job(s) has to be done. php collects the time and date and sends it to a database.
I thought about runing a job every min and in my execution I have an if statement that only activates when the datetime stored in the database is one minute greater or lower than the current datetime. but doing it like this would be inaccurate and very inefficient. would it be possible to create a schedule directly from a query or job?
You can create and modify both jobs and schedules programmatically using SMO or TSQL. That means you can use an external application, a stored procedure or a trigger to create or update a job schedule based on the table data. SMO is probably the best way to go if you want to build an application to manage jobs, but on the other hand it's .NET only.

Transferring SQL Jobs from SQL 2005 to SQL 2008

Can someone tell me what the most efficient way to transfer SQL Jobs from SQL Server 2005 to sql 2008. I'm currently upgrading my sql servers to 2008. Thanks!
You should try SMO. It will generate a script that you can run to your new instance. Or try it manually:
hit F7 key after selecting the Jobs folder, it will bring up the summary pane and from there select the jobs you want and right click - >Script