How to reload windows form without closing it using VB.NET? -

Can you please tell me how I can reload a windows form without closing it using VB.NET?

Put all your initialization code into a method and not the constructor or the Form.Load event and just call that method. This can also include the designer-generated InitializeComponent() method which sets up all controls on the form. You should remove all controls on the form as your first action in that method, though.

I know that it is late, but useful
Me.Controls.Clear() 'removes all the controls on the form
InitializeComponent() 'load all the controls again
Form1_Load(e, e) 'Load everything in your form, load event again

You cannot do that.
Why do you want to reload a form? Do you want to clear all input controls or something like that? The simplest solution might be to just do the clearing by hand.
Alternatively, you can put all your controls into a user control container. Then just instantiate that user control on your form. If you want to reload your form content, you now just need to remove and re-instantiate the user control.

Shuts down the application and immediately opens a new instance.

try using Me.Refresh() it worked with me

Me.Controls.Clear() 'removes all the controls on the form
InitializeComponent() 'load all the controls again
main_Load(e, e)
MsgBox("Thank you for sending report", vbInformation, "")

I know. I'm late to the party. But, maybe it works for who need it.
If you shows a form from other form with .ShowDialog the code after this call will be executed when the form that has been showed is closed. Example:
Private Sub button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles button1.Click
Dim form2 As New Form2
End Sub
Then it's not necessary update the form from the other form (Form2).

Execute the following line:
Form_Load(sender, e)


How to dispose of a form within a panel upon closing the main form or upon another button click event?

Disclaimer: I only have beginner to slightly intermediate experience with
Hello, I was tinkering around with some design ideas for a project and I ran into a problem that I haven't found a solution to. I have a win form with some buttons and a panel. When the user presses a button, a border-less form is loaded into the panel. The problem is this: when the main form is closed, Visual Studio does not stop debugging, presumably because the forms in the panel are not disposed of.
Win Form image
The instance of the panel form is declared in the button click event. How can I destroy that instance from another sub? If I click another button, the first panel form doesn't go away. Is there a better way to accomplish this? I'm still learning, so I'm often not aware of all the different ways to solve a problem. Thanks everyone!
Public Class frm_Clients
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim search As New Search
search.TopLevel = False
search.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
End Sub
Private Sub frm_Clients_FormClosed(sender As Object, e As FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
' What should I write here?
End Sub
End Class
Here's a snippet of what to do to close the windows when another button is pressed.
For Each form In Panel1.Controls.OfType(Of Form).ToList()
Then I would suggest that you set search.Owner to the Form holding the Panel. That means that when the Owner is closed, so are the children.
search.Owner = Me

Why does my new form move behind the opener?

I'm not going to post a bunch of code here since I do not think it is a code issue.
Here is a link to my original question where I have shown the code if you are interested. Code
Just as a test I created a blank form window (Form1.vb) and no code gets passed to it and no code runs when it opens. If I do Form1.Show() from a MenuStrip Control or a Button Control, the window opens and stays on top. Now if I do Form1.Show() from a TreeView Control, the window opens and goes behind the window with the TreeView Control.
So my question is, what is different about the TreeView opening a form vs a button or other control?
I am using the basic VB TreeView Controll, and the new form is being called in AfterSelect method for the TreeView.
The AfterSelect works if you use your keyboard navigation to select a node, but it doesn't work when you use the mouse because the mouse capture is forcing the parent form to remain in focus. You would have to run your code after the AfterSelect event:
Private Sub TreeView1_AfterSelect(sender As Object, e As TreeViewEventArgs) _
Handles TreeView1.AfterSelect
Me.BeginInvoke(New Action(Sub()
Dim f2 As New Form2
End Sub))
End Sub
Use the Form.Show(parentForm) option, this will always put the new form on top of the old one.
have you tried Form1.ShowDialog() ? or if you don't want to show it as a dialog you should use:

How to open a new form but closing the old one in VB

I have a welcome to my application as it loads up, but then need to have that form close and login form open when the continue button is hit.
My code:
Dim Login As New Form
When I click the button it only closes the welcome form and then ends the application. If you can help thanks! :)
You can set the properties of the project to select "When last form closes" in the shutdown mode dropdown
"Project" menu -> 'YourApp' Properties... -> Application Tab
find : "Shutdown Mode"
Change from
"When startup form closes" --> "When last form closes"
show the form before the close.
Dim Login As New Form
Better is if you use Me.Hide()
There is a shutdown mode project property. This controls the application lifecycle.
Make sure you set this to "When last form closes"
Then your code should work as you expect.
What is happening is that you have that setting set to shutdown "when startup form closes", so by doing Me.Close on the startup form, this shuts down the application, all code after this line is effectively ignored.
If your Welcome Form isn't your main form, you just need to put your Me.Close after your Login.Show()
Dim Login As New Form
Try this..
On your welcome form when closing:
Dim Login As New Form
On your login form when in loading event:
Private Sub Login_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
This will try to hide the first form and load the second form. And when second form is completely loaded it will try to close the first form.
Make sure that on your Application Tab under your Project properties the option is set to "When last form closes".
If you close sub main form from application, your application will close. However, you can close and open other forms if they are not the sub main form. Maybe you can just hide it instead.
You just need to put Hide() instead of Close :)
So for example, in the project im doing right now...
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click // Button1.Click is your "continue" button
End Sub

All Controls Click event on form

Is there a simple way to Activate the form when any controls in the form is clicked like datagirdview, panel, menustrip, button, textbox, label, etc....
it happens that my project can show many different form and it's hard for me to activate one form when it's on the back of the active form. I need to clicked the border of the form to activate it.
most likely your problem arises because your form is MDI child.. you'll have to click the menu bar to activate the form.. but if you have a borderless form, clicking on controls wont activate the form.. again, this usually happens on MDI but it shouldnt happen on a regular winform.. unless you have other running events in the background that interferes with the process.
You question is not clear at all, and I don't know what you are trying to archieve, but for executing something with a click event you have to add the handler for every control.
If you are declaring it not dinamically just:
Private Sub ControlsClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles Panel1.Click, Button1.Click, TextBox2.Click ' etc.
Me.Activate 'Or Whatever
End Sub
You have to add the handler for each control. The same if you do it dinamically:
Private Sub InitializeClickHandlers(sender As Control, Optional bChilds As Boolean = True)
For Each elem As Control In sender.Controls
AddHandler elem.Click, AddressOf ControlsClick(elem, New EventArgs)
If bChilds AndAlso elem.Controls.Count > 0 Then
Call InitializeClickHandlers(sender)
End If
End Sub
Then, for every control in the form, you call it like: Call InitializeClickHandlers(Me)
Or, for every control inside a panel: Call InitializeClickHandlers(Panel1)

How to have an invisible start up form?

I have an application that is a part of a solution of projects. In this project I would like for it to start up form to be invisible, but still have a notification icon in the tray visible for this form.
I know that adding me.hide into the form_load doesn't work. I tried adding a module that instantiates the startup form and I set it as the startup object. Although that didn't work either. I am running out of ideas to have this form invisible. Could anyone help out? I am using VB.NET.
Paste this in your form code:
Protected Overrides Sub SetVisibleCore(ByVal value As Boolean)
If Not Me.IsHandleCreated Then
value = False
End If
End Sub
The way that works is that the very first request to show the form, done by the Application class, this code overrides the Visible property back to False. The form will behave as normal after this, you can call Show() to make it visible and Close() to close it, even when it was never visible. Note that the Load event doesn't fire until you show it so be sure to move any code in your event handler for it, if any, to the constructor or this override.
Put this in the form's Shown event
Me.Visible = False
The easiest way is to set the opacity of the form to 0%. When you want it to appear, set it back to 100%
Here is another way that I've found to do this.
Set the form properties with
ShowInTaskbar = False
Then in the form's constructor add
WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized
This is very easy to implement and works with no flicker. In my case I also use a NotifyIcon to access the program from the notification tray and just set
WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
In the Notify_MouseClick event handler.
To hide the form again after displaying it, just minimizing again doesn't quite do the job. In my case I use the Form_Closing event and just hide the form.
Use Me.Opacity = 0 to hide the form on load event.
Then use the following code in the form.Shown event
Me.Opacity = 100
Just to throw out a completely different approach, have you considered not using the overload of Application.Run() that takes (and automatically shows) a Form? If you use the one that passes in an ApplicationContext (or more tyoically, your own subclass of ApplicationContext) then you can choose what your behavior is. See here for more details:
Try this:
Sub New()
End Sub