How Do You Profile & Optimize CUDA Kernels? - optimization

I am somewhat familiar with the CUDA visual profiler and the occupancy spreadsheet, although I am probably not leveraging them as well as I could. Profiling & optimizing CUDA code is not like profiling & optimizing code that runs on a CPU. So I am hoping to learn from your experiences about how to get the most out of my code.
There was a post recently looking for the fastest possible code to identify self numbers, and I provided a CUDA implementation. I'm not satisfied that this code is as fast as it can be, but I'm at a loss as to figure out both what the right questions are and what tool I can get the answers from.
How do you identify ways to make your CUDA kernels perform faster?

If you're developing on Linux then the CUDA Visual Profiler gives you a whole load of information, knowing what to do with it can be a little tricky. On Windows you can also use the CUDA Visual Profiler, or (on Vista/7/2008) you can use Nexus which integrates nicely with Visual Studio and gives you combined host and GPU profile information.
Once you've got the data, you need to know how to interpret it. The Advanced CUDA C presentation from GTC has some useful tips. The main things to look out for are:
Optimal memory accesses: you need to know what you expect your code to do and then look for exceptions. So if you are always loading floats, and each thread loads a different float from an array, then you would expect to see only 64-byte loads (on current h/w). Any other loads are inefficient. The profiling information will probably improve in future h/w.
Minimise serialization: the "warp serialize" counter indicates that you have shared memory bank conflicts or constant serialization, the presentation goes into more detail and what to do about this as does the SDK (e.g. the reduction sample)
Overlap I/O and compute: this is where Nexus really shines (you can get the same info manually using cudaEvents), if you have a large amount of data transfer you want to overlap the compute and the I/O
Execution configuration: the occupancy calculator can help with this, but simple methods like commenting the compute to measure expected vs. measured bandwidth is really useful (and vice versa for compute throughput)
This is just a start, check out the GTC presentation and the other webinars on the NVIDIA website.

If you are using Windows... Check Nexus:

The CUDA profiler is rather crude and doesn't provide a lot of useful information. The only way to seriously micro-optimize your code (assuming you have already chosen the best possible algorithm) is to have a deep understanding of the GPU architecture, particularly with regard to using shared memory, external memory access patterns, register usage, thread occupancy, warps, etc.
Maybe you could post your kernel code here and get some feedback ?
The nVidia CUDA developer forum forum is also a good place to go for help with this kind of problem.

I hung back because I'm no CUDA expert, and the other answers are pretty good IF the code is already pretty near optimal. In my experience, that's a big IF, and there's no harm in verifying it.
To verify it, you need to find out if the code is for sure not doing anything it doesn't really have to do. Here are ways I can see to verify that:
Run the same code on the vanilla processor, and either take stackshots of it, or use a profiler such as Oprofile or RotateRight/Zoom that can give you equivalent information.
Running it on a CUDA processor, and doing the same thing, if possible.
What you're looking for are lines of code that have high occupancy on the call stack, as shown by the fraction of stack samples containing them. Those are your "bottlenecks". It does not take a very large number of samples to locate them.


is it recommended to use SPI flash to run code instead internal flash due to memory limitation of internal flash?

We used the LPC546xx family microcontroller in our project, currently, at the initial stage, we are finalizing the software and hardware requirements. The basic firmware size (which contains RTOS, 3rd party stack, library, etc...) currently is 480 KB. Now once full application developed than the size will exceed the internal flash size (512KB) and plus we needed storage which can hold firmware update image separately.
So we planned to use SPI flash (S25LP064A-JBLE,, serial flash memory) of 4MB\8MB to boot and run firmware.
is it recommended to run code from SPI flash? how can I map external flash memory directly to CPU memory space? Can anyone give an example that contains this memory mapping(linker script etc..) or demo application in which LPC546xx uses SPI FLASH?
Generally speaking it's not recommended, or differently put: the closer to the CPU the better. Both S25LP064A and LPC546xx however support XIP, so it is viable.
This is not a trivial issue as many aspects are affecting. I.e. issue is best avoided and should really have been ironed out in the planning stage. Embedded Systems are more about compromising than anything and making the right/better choices takes skill end experience.
Same question with replies on the NXP forum: link
512K of NVRAM is huge. There are almost certainly room for optimisations even if 3'rd party libraries are used.
On a related note this discussion concerning XIP should give valuable insight: link.
I would strongly encourage use of file-systems if not done already, for which external storage is much better suited. The further from the computational unit, the more relevant. That's not XIP and the penalty is copy-to-RAM either way you do it. I.e. performance will be slower. But in my experience, the need for speed has often-times not been thoroughly considered and at least partially greatly overestimated.
Regarding your mentioning of RTOS and FW-upgrade:
Unless it's a poor RTOS there's file-system awareness built in. Especially for FW upgrading (Note: you'll need room for 3 images, factory reset included), unless already supported by the SoC-vendor by some other means (OTA), it will make life much easier and less risky. If there's no FS-awareness, it can be added.
FW upgrade requires a lot of extra storage. More if simpler. Simpler is however also safer which especially for FW upgrades matters hugely. In the simplest case (binary flat image), you'll need at least twice the amount of memory you're already consuming.
All-in-all: I think the direction you're going is viable and depending on the actual situation perhaps your only choice.

Is "the optimized delay" a myth or is it real?

From time to time you hear stories that are meant to illustrate how good someone is at something, and sometimes you hear about the guy how is so into code optimization that he optimizes his delay loop.
Since this really sounds like it's a strange thing to do as it's much better to start a "timer interrupt" instead of a optimized buzy wait,
and nobody ever tend to tells you the name of the optimizing hacker.
That has left me to wonder if it is a urban myth or is it real?
What do you say, reality or fiction?
Update: It sounds like ShuggyCoUk was on to something,
wonder if we can find a example.
Update: Just a little clarification, this question is about the "delay" function it self and how that is implemented, not how and where you call it.
And what that purpose was, and how that system became better.
Update: It's no myth, those guys seems to exist
This has more than a kernel of truth about it...
Spin wait can be much better than a signal based interrupt or a yield.
You trade some throughput for much reduced latency.
Often this is vitally important within an OS itself.
You allow yourself the freedom to do operations not possible within an interrupt handler
memory allocation for example.
You can get considerably finer grained control of the interval waited since you can essentially measure the cycle count.
However spin waits are tricky to get right.
If you can you should use use proper idle instructions which:
can power down parts of the core, improving power usage/heat dissipation and even allowing other cores to go faster.
In Hyper Thread based CPUs you allow the other logical thread to use the full CPU pipeline while you spin.
an instruction you might think was a no-op could cause the CPU to execute them out of order via the super scalar execution units. The resulting code may get unforeseen out of order artefacts which force the CPU to apply a great deal of effort in terms of stalls and memory barriers which are unwanted.
This is why you let someone else write the spin wait loop for you in most cases..
In Linux there is the cpu_relax macro
on arm this is barrier()
on x86 this is rep_nop()
In Windows there is YieldProcessor
Accessible in .Net via Thread.SpinWait
OS X eschews providing a standard implementation unless you are in the kernel
see this document and note that it encourages the use only of lck_spin_t
As to some citations of using PAUSE for spin waits:
See also the note that this is better on non P4 as well due to reducing power
The version I've always heard is of a group of hardware programmers who developed a special instruction that optimised the idle (not busy) loop of their operating system. This is mentioned in Kernighan & Pike's book The Practice Of Programming, but even there they admit it may be an Urban Myth.
I've heard stories of programmers who intentionally put in long delay loops early in projects and removed them later as "optimizations" to impress management. Never figured out if the stories were apocryphal or not.

embedded application

In the last two months I've worked as a simple application using a computer vision library(OpenCV).
I wish to run that application directly from the webcam without the need of an OS. I'm curious to know if that my application can be burned into a chip in order to not have the OS to run it.
Ofcorse the process can be expensive, but I'm just curious. Do you have any links about that?
ps: the application is written in C.
I'd use something bigger than a PIC, for example a small 32 bit ARM processor.
Yes. It is theoretically possible to port your app to PIC chips.
There are C compilers for the PIC chip, however, due to the limitations of a microcontroller, you might find that the compiler, and the microcontroller itself is far too limited for computer vision work, especially if your initial implementation of the app was done on a full-blown PC:
You'll only have integer math available to you, in most cases, if not all (can't quote me on that, but our devs at work don't have floating point math for their PIC apps and it causes many foul words to emanate from their cubes). Either that, or you'll need to hook to an external math coprocessor.
You'll have to figure out how to get the PIC chip to talk USB to the camera. I know this is possible, but it will require additional hardware, and R&D time.
If you need strict timing control,
you might even have to program the
app in assembler.
You'd have to port portions of OpenCV to the PIC chip, if it hasn't been already. My guess is not.
If your'e not already familiar with microcontroller programming, you'll need some time to get up to speed on the differences between desktop PC programming and microcontroller programming, and you'll have to gain some experience in that. This may not be an issue for you.
Basically, it would probably be best to re-write the whole program from scratch given a PIC chip constraint. Good thing is though, you've done a lot of design work already. It would mainly be hardware/porting work.
You could try using a small embedded x86 single-board PC, perhaps in the PC/104 form factor, with your OS/app on a CF card. It's a real bone fide PC, you just add your software. Good thing is, you probably wouldn't have to re-write your app, unless it had ridiculous memory footprint. Embedded PC vendors are starting to ship boards based on 1 GHz Intel Atoms, and if you needed more help you could perhaps hook a daughterboard onto the PC-104 bus. You'll work around all of the limitations listed above, as your using an equivalent platform to the PC you developed your app on. And it has USB ports! If you do a thorough cost analysis and if your'e cool with a larger form factor, you might find it to be cheaper/quicker to use a system based on a SBC than rolling a solution using PIC chips/microcontrollers.
A quick search of PC-104 on Google would reveal many vendors of SBCs.
And this would be really cheap - just get a off-the-shelf cheap Netbook, overwrite the OEM OS, and run the code on there. Hackish, but cheap, and really easy - your hardware issues would be resolved within a week.
Just some ideas.
I think you'll find this might grow into pretty large project.
It's obviously possible to implement a stand-alone hardware solution to do something like this. Off the top of my head, Rabbit's solutions might get you to the finish-line faster. But you might be able to find some home-grown Beagle Board or Gumstix projects as well.
Two Google links I wanted to emphasize:
Rabbit: "Camera Interface Application Kit"
Gumstix: "Connecting a CMOS camera to a Gumstix Connex motherboard"
I would second Nate's recommendation to take a look at Rabbit's core modules.
Also, GHIElectronics has a product called the Embedded Master that runs .Net MicroFramework and has USB host/device capabilities built-in as well as a rich library that is a subset of the .Net framework. It runs on an Arm processor and is fairly inexpensive (> $85). Though not nearly as cheap as a single PIC chip it does come with a lot of glue logic pre-built onto the module.
I think you should have a look at the CMUcam project, which offers affordable hardware and an image processing library which runs on their hardware.

Multi core programming

I want to get into multi core programming (not language specific) and wondered what hardware could be recommended for exploring this field.
My aim is to upgrade my existing desktop.
If at all possible, I would suggest getting a dual-socket machine, preferably with quad-core chips. You can certainly get a single-socket machine, but dual-socket would let you start seeing some of the effects of NUMA memory that are going to be exacerbated as the core counts get higher and higher.
Why do you care? There are two huge problems facing multi-core developers right now:
The programming model Parallel programming is hard, and there is (currently) no getting around this. A quad-core system will let you start playing around with real concurrency and all of the popular paradigms (threads, UPC, MPI, OpenMP, etc).
Memory Whenever you start having multiple threads, there is going to be contention for resources, and the memory wall is growing larger and larger. A recent article at arstechnica outlines some (very preliminary) research at Sandia that shows just how bad this might become if current trends continue. Multicore machines are going to have to keep everything fed, and this will require that people be intimately familiar with their memory system. Dual-socket adds NUMA to the mix (at least on AMD machines), which should get you started down this difficult road.
If you're interested in more info on performance inconsistencies with multi-socket machines, you might also check out this technical report on the subject.
Also, others have suggested getting a system with a CUDA-capable GPU, which I think is also a great way to get into multithreaded programming. It's lower level than the stuff I mentioned above, but throw one of those on your machine if you can. The new Portland Group compilers have provisional support for optimizing loops with CUDA, so you could play around with your GPU even if you don't want to learn CUDA yourself.
Quad-core, because it'll permit you to do problems where the number of concurrent processes is > 2, which often non-trivializes problems.
I would also, for sheer geek squee, pick up a nice NVidia card and use the CUDA API. If you have the bucks, there's a stand-alone CUDA workstation that plugs into your main computer via a cable and an expansion slot.
It depends what you want to do.
If you want to learn the basics of multithreaded programming, then you can do that on your existing single-core PC. (If you have 2 threads, then the OS will switch between them on a single-core PC. Then when you move to a dual-core PC they should automatically run in parallel on separate cores, for a 2x speedup). This has the advantage of being free! The disadvantages are that you won't see a speedup (in fact a parallel implementation is probably slightly slower due to overheads), and that buggy code has a slightly higher chance of working.
However, although you can learn multithreaded programming on a single-core box, a dual-core (or even HyperThreading) CPU would be a great help.
If you want to really stress-test the code you're writing, then as "blue tuxedo" says, you should go for as many cores as you can easily afford, and if possible get hyperthreading too.
If you want to learn about algorithms for running on graphics cards - which is a very different area to x86 multicore - then get CUDA and buy a normal nVidia graphics card that supports it.
I'd recommend at least a quad-core processor.
You could try tinkering with CUDA. It's free, not that hard to use and will run on any recent NVIDIA card.
Alternatively, you could get a PlayStation 3 and the Linux SDK and work out how to program a Cell processor. Note that the next cheapest option for Cell BE development is an order of magnitude more expensive than a PS3.
Finally, any modern motherboard that will take a Core Quad or quad-core Opteron (get a good one from Asus or some other reputable manufacturer) will let you experiment with a multi-core PC system for a reasonable sum of money.
The difficult thing with multithreaded/core programming is that it opens a whole new can of worms. The bugs you'll be faced with are usually not the one you're used to. Race conditions can remain dormant for ages until they bite and your mainstream language compiler won't assist you in any way. You'll get random data and/or crashes that only happen once a day/week/month/year, usually under the most mysterious conditions...
One things remains true fortunately : the higher the concurrency exhibited by a computer, the more race conditions you'll unveil.
So if you're serious about multithreaded/core programming, then go for as many cpu cores as possible. Keep in mind that neither hyperthreading nor SMT allow for the level of concurrency that multiple cores provide.
I would agree that, depending on what you ultimately want to do, you can probably get by with just your current single-core system. Multi-core programming is basically multi-threaded programming, and you can certainly do that on a single-core chip.
When I was a student, one of our projects was to build a thread-safe implementation the malloc library for C. Even on a single core processor, that was more than enough to cure me of my desire to get into multi-threaded programming. I would try something small like that before you start thinking about spending lots of money.
I agree with the others where I would upgrade to a quad-core processor. I am also a BIG FAN of ASUS Motherboards (the P5Q Pro is excellent for Core2Quad and Core2Duo processors)!
The draw for multi-core programming is that you have more resources to get things done faster. If you are serious about multi-core programming, then I would absolutely get a quad-core processor. I don't believe that you should get the new i7 architecture from Intel to take advantage of multi-core processing because anything written to take advantage of the Core2Duo or Core2Quad will just run better on the newer architecture.
If you are going to dabble in multi-core programming, then I would get a good Core2Duo processor. Remember, it's not just how many cores you have, but also how FAST the cores are to process the jobs. My Core2Duo running at 4GHz routinely completes jobs faster than my Core2Quad running at 2.4GHz even with a multi-core program.
Let me know if this helps!

Optimizing for ARM: Why different CPUs affects different algorithms differently (and drastically)

I was doing some benchmarks for the performance of code on Windows mobile devices, and noticed that some algorithms were doing significantly better on some hosts, and significantly worse on others. Of course, taking into account the difference in clock speeds.
The statistics for reference (all results are generated from the same binary, compiled by Visual Studio 2005 targeting ARMv4):
Intel XScale PXA270
Algorithm A: 22642 ms
Algorithm B: 29271 ms
ARM1136EJ-S core (embedded in a MSM7201A chip)
Algorithm A: 24874 ms
Algorithm B: 29504 ms
ARM926EJ-S core (embedded in an OMAP 850 chip)
Algorithm A: 70215 ms
Algorithm B: 31652 ms (!)
I checked out floating point as a possible cause, and while algorithm B does use floating point code, it does not use it from the inner loop, and none of the cores seem to have a FPU.
So my question is, what mechanic may be causing this difference, preferrably with suggestions on how to fix/avoid the bottleneck in question.
Thanks in advance.
One possible cause is that the 926 has a shorter pipeline (5 cycles vs. 8 cycles for the 1136, iirc), so branch mispredictions are less costly on the 926.
That said, there are a lot of architectural differences between those processors, too many to say for sure why you see this effect without knowing something about the instructions that you're actually executing.
Clock speed is only one factor. Bus width and latency are big if not bigger factors. Cache is a factor. Speed of the media the program is run from if run from media and not memory.
Is this test using any shared libraries at all at any point in the test or is it all internal code? Fetching shared libraries on media that will vary from platform to platform (even if it is say the same sd card).
Is this the same algorithm compiled separately for each platform or the same binary? You can and will see some compiler induced variation as well. 50% faster and slower can easily come from the same compiler on the same platform by varying compiler settings. If possible you want to execute the same binary, and insure that no shared libraries are used in the loop under test. If not the same binary disassemble the loop under test for each platform and insure that there are no variations other than register selection.
From the data you have presented, its difficult to point the exact problem, but we can share some of the prior experience
Cache setting (check if all the
processors has the same CACHE
You need to check both D-Cache and I-Cache
For analysis,
Break down your code further, not just as algorithm but at a block level, and try to understand the block that causes the bottle-neck. After you find the block that causes the bottle-neck, try to disassemble the block's source code, and check the assembly. It may help.
Looks like the problem is in cache settings or something memory-related (maybe I-Cache "overflow").
Pipeline stalls, branch miss-predictions usually give less significant differences.
You can try to count some basic operations, executed in each algorithm, for example:
number of "easy" arithmetical/bitwise ops (+-|^&) and shifts by constant
number of shifts by variable
number of multiplications
number of "hard" arithmetics operations (divides, floating point ops)
number of aligned memory reads (32bit)
number of byte memory reads (8bit) (it's slower than 32bit)
number of aligned memory writes (32bit)
number of byte memory writes (8bit)
number of branches
something else, don't remember more :)
And you'll get info, that things get 926 much slower. After this you can check suspicious blocks, making using of them more or less intensive. And you'll get the answer.
Furthermore, it's much better to enable assembly listing generation in VS and use it (but not your high-level source code) as base for research.
p.s.: maybe the problem is in OS/software/firmware? Did you testing on clean system? OS is the same on all devices?