Where can i find sample for symbian app for sending sms? - symbian

I have Nokia N70. Need to code some applications which can send a lot of sms one by one (sms spamming), smth like:
for(int i=11111; i < 99999; i++)
SendSms("+385 655" + i.ToString(), "Hello, World");
in this dummy sample lets say +385 stands for Croatia country and 655 is operator code.

N70 is the old Series60 2nd edition. We try to not write new C++ code for that version. Use the example code for J2ME JSR-120 instead. You can find that at http://java.sun.com

The easy way to send SMS in Symbian is through the RSendAs API. There is an example at Forum Nokia.
However, this API may not exist on 2nd edition. If it doesn't, you should be able to use CSmsClientMtm and related classes, for which there is also an example.


How do I programatically download bank of America transactions?

I use quicken, which can automatically download bank of America transactions. However, it truncates all the payees so I lose data. I'd like to work around this and I'm thinking of downloading the transaction data and generating my own QFX file with the full payee info.
Is there a way that I can download transactions programmatically, or download something like a .qif (available on their website) programmatically? For the latter, I could convert the gif to a QFX myself.
If anyone has other ideas to download all of the transaction information without losing the payee info, I would welcome those ideas as well.
Do they provide an api for this? but most probably not for 3p without a contract. since its bank , there must be check for browser etc along with standard sign in so it'll hard for curl. you can have a browser plugin to read all the data from the page and do auto scroll to get new transactions if not fitting in page. it's a hacky solution but good to get what we need as you told that data is available on the page and have to revisit with updates but changes in basic structure is rare.
A quick search for bank of america api yielded this BofA API. They even have many options for types of payment information you could query here as well as lots of individual account types that you can access it as.
It looks pretty comprehensive. If you don't see what you are looking for there I put another option below, just in case.
I don't use BofA. So I can't speak to what they have natively available. But you could always use a bot to scrape it if they present it anywhere in the User Interface.
I would agree with Meena that you should not be able to use curl. But selenium uses a browser to programmatically do just about anything that you would want to do with any website. They also have bindings for many languages. So you could just pick your favorite and go to town...
It seems the API will return a JSON so you may need to find a tool to convert that to a qif or qfx if that part is important. After digging further, I can't test this without having a CashPro account but it seems what you need to do is...
Step 1:
Get an access token from here. You'll need to send this in the header of any requests
Step 2:
Send an http request with a header in the following format:
"accounts": [
"accountNumber": "xxxxxxx",
"bankId": "xxxxxxx"
"fromDate": "yyyy-mm-dd",
"toDate": "yyyy-mm-dd"
to https://developer.bankofamerica.com/cashpro/reporting/v1/transaction-inquiries/previous-day
Step 3:
You should get a JSON as a response
As mentioned, I can't test this but here's the documentation of the specific API endpoint you need

How can i add some score stored in a variable to a SQL database from a SWF? - AS3

I have a game in SWF with AS3 that scores points and stores it on a variable called "Puntos". Here's how I'm doing it:
var puntos:int = new int();
add_puntos.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, agregar);
function agregar(event:MouseEvent):void
Now, i have to take the result of the variable "puntos" and add it to the absolute score of the player on a SQL Database. ¿How can i do it? :(
UPDATE: Thanks Andrey. Effectively, it's not for mobile. I'm going to try it :)
You need backend knowledge in order to save those scores (or if you are working on a mobile - at least SQL knowledge).
The client part is easy - sending a simple POST request to the server, where all the magic happens. You can see the examples here: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/net/URLLoader.html#includeExamplesSummary
If you are working on a mobile - things get harder, and you would need go search Google instead :)
Edit: Having in mind you are using mobile device, this is for you: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/as3/dev/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118676a5497-7fb4.html

Apple Appstore name search via the API?

Is it possible to do a search for apps by title via the API? For example, the equivalent of "Return a list of apps (if any) with the word 'dog' in the title".
I've seen two access points that come close, but don't seem to offer this:
The RSS feed; it lists apps, but apparently only groupings like, "top 100..."
The query interface; but it doesn't seem to query over the app media type. (?)
I found the answer. Although not explicitly documented, it's possible to search by app name.
You're right, it wasn't very clear on that iTunes page at all. The parameter entity=software is the key. For example, here's a search for my app, TypeLink:
If you're wondering what the callback is for, here's some more info on the JSONP format it uses:
For any future person who wants to link to the App Store keyword search result page directly from a web link - this format works as of April 2013:
Was a PITA to figure out but finally got the syntax right... Needed this because a client has apps made by multiple developers so I couldn't just use the suggested Appstore.com/DeveloperName link to return all their apps.
Thanks all for sharing wisdom. Hope this helps someone.

Connect android to database

I am doing a school project where we need to create an android application which needs to connect to a database. the application needs to gain and store information for people's profiles on the database. But unfortunatly we are a little bit stuck at this point because there are numerous ways to link the application such as http request through apache or through the SOAP/REST protocol.
But it's really hard to find good instructions or tutorials on the problem since I can't really find them. Maybe that's cause i'm probably using the wrong words on google. Unfortunately I have little relevant information. So if anyone can help me with finding relevant links to good online tutorials or howto's than those are very welcome.
I'd recommend using REST and JSON to communicate to a PHP script running on Apache. Don't worry about the database on the Android side of things, just focus on what kinds of queries you might need to make and what data you need returned. Then put together a PHP script to take those queries and generate the necessary SQL to query the database on the server. For example, You need look look up a person by name and show their address in your Android app. A REST Query is just a simple HTTP GET to request data. For example, to look up John Smith, you might request: http://www.example.org/lookup.php?name=John+Smith which will return a short JSON snippet generated by PHP:
name: "John Smith",
address: "1234 N Elm St.",
city: "New York",
state: "New York"
You can instruct PHP to use the content type text/plain by putting this at the top of your PHP script:
Then you can just navigate to the above URL in your browser and see your JSON response printed out nicely as a page. There should be a good JSON parser written in Java out there you can use with Android. Hopefully, this will get you started.
This tutorial really helped me: http://www.screaming-penguin.com/node/7742

How do I send an IM from visual Basic 2005?

I would like to know how to send an "instant message" (IM) to a recipient on one of the popular IM programs (AIM, MSN, Yahoo, etc.) from a Visual Basic 2005 application. I would appreciate seeing sample code.
use the libpurple library, which is what gaim/pidgin uses
If you are looking at AIM specifically, there is a set of URL's which can be formed to allow interaction between aim and HTML link enabled languages:
see for details: