Sql Server trigger insert values from new row into another table - sql

I have a site using the asp.net membership schema. I'd like to set up a trigger on the aspnet_users table that inserted the user_id and the user_name of the new row into another table.
How do I go about getting the values from the last insert?
I can select by the last date_created but that seems smelly. Is there a better way?

try this for sql server
CREATE TRIGGER yourNewTrigger ON yourSourcetable
INSERT INTO yourDestinationTable
(col1, col2 , col3, user_id, user_name)
'a' , default , null, user_id, user_name
FROM inserted

You use an insert trigger - inside the trigger, inserted row items will be exposed as a logical table INSERTED, which has the same column layout as the table the trigger is defined on.
Delete triggers have access to a similar logical table called DELETED.
Update triggers have access to both an INSERTED table that contains the updated values and a DELETED table that contains the values to be updated.

You can use OLDand NEW in the trigger to access those values which had changed in that trigger. Mysql Ref

In a SQL Server trigger you have available two psdeuotables called inserted and deleted. These contain the old and new values of the record.
So within the trigger (you can look up the create trigger parts easily) you would do something like this:
Insert table2 (user_id, user_name)
select user_id, user_name from inserted i
left join table2 t on i.user_id = t.userid
where t.user_id is null
When writing triggers remember they act once on the whole batch of information, they do not process row-by-row. So account for multiple row inserts in your code.

When you are in the context of a trigger you have access to the logical table INSERTED which contains all the rows that have just been inserted to the table. You can build your insert to the other table based on a select from Inserted.

trigger `[dbo].[mytrigger]` on `[dbo].[Patients]` after update , insert as
--Sql logic
print 'Hello world'


When inserting a new row in table A, another row also gets inserted in table B

So I am working with these two tables, Dependency and DependencyList.
I am trying to write an SQL query that, when a new row gets created in table Dependencies, another one also gets created in DependencyList, having the DependencyId filled with the Id of the newly created Dependency.
The Id column of both tables is auto-incremented.
Would that be possible, in any way?
You would typically do this with a FOR INSERT trigger. You can access the previously generated id using the inserted pseudo-table.
AS INSERT INTO DependencyList (DependencyId) SELECT Id FROM inserted;
Demo on DB Fiddlde
You can also do this with two insert statements, using SCOPE_IDENTITY() to retrieve the last insert id:
INSERT INTO Dependencies(isResolved, AssignedToTaskId) VALUES(0, 0);
INSERT INTO DependencyList (DependencyId) SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();

Trigger: How does the inserted table work? How to access its rows?

I have the following table
Data --Table name
ID -- Identity column
PCode -- Postal Code
I created the following trigger:
ON Data
Select * from inserted
And inserted the following values
It shows this:
But I was expecting something like this:
After the 1st insertion, the trigger is executed -> one row is shown in the inserted table.
After the 2nd insertion, the trigger is executed -> two rows are shown in the inserted table.
After the 3rd insertion, the trigger is executed -> three rows are shown in the inserted table.
According to msdn.microsoft all the rows inserted are in this table.
How can I access the inserted table so that I can see all the expected rows and not separately?
You can not. From the Use the inserted and deleted Tables article on microsoft.com, you can read:
The inserted table stores copies of the affected rows during INSERT and UPDATE statements.
That means that the inserted table will only contain rows for the current INSERT or UPDATE statement.
If you do want to see all rows for several such INSERT or UPDATE statements, you will have to store these rows in a table you created yourself.
There are 2 table available in a trigger, the inserted and the deleted. Each update on table XXX is actually a delete row X from XXX then an insert of row X in table XXX. So the inserted inside the trigger is a copy of what got inserted. You can do a lot with a trigger, but triggers are dangerous.
For example, on a performance gig, I found a huge SP being run by a trigger, we dropped it and the database came back online. Or another example, if you do a trigger wrong to audit logins, you can down the server.
As TT mentioned, if you want to see all the inserted records then you need to change your Trigger to something like this:
ON Data
Select * into "tablename"
(Select * from inserted) Ins

Sql Trigger After Insert Update another table with conditions

I am creating After Insert trigger , its working fine, but I have certain conditions before executing the statements inside the trigger
Based on Different CustomerId Run the trigger, I want check which CustomerId got inserted in my LoyaltyDetailsTable, say if last insert
was Customerid=2 then pass that Customerid in where condition then run
the trigger , or if Customerid = 1 then run the trigger for that Id,
so on.
I want to check whether in PriceClaimTable the inserted CustomerId exist or not, If exists then update the details else just insert the
values in LoyaltyDetailsTable only.
Trigger query
CREATE TRIGGER DetailsAfterInsert ON [dbo].[LoyaltyDetailsTable]
UPDATE PriceClaimTable
SET CurrentPoints =
(SELECT SUM(LoayaltyPointsTable.Points) AS RecentPoints FROM LoayaltyPointsTable
join LoyaltyDetailsTable ON LoayaltyPointsTable.LoyaltyPointsId
= LoyaltyDetailsTable.LoyaltyPointsId
WHERE CustomerId=1 and LoyaltyDetailsId= (SELECT MAX(LoyaltyDetailsId)
AS LoyaltyDetailsTable FROM LoyaltyDetailsTable))
(SELECT CurrentPoints FROM PriceClaimTable WHERE ClaimCustomerId=1 and
PriceClaimId=(SELECT max(PriceClaimId) FROM PriceClaimTable
WHERE ClaimCustomerId=1 and PriceClaimId=(SELECT max(PriceClaimId) FROM PriceClaimTable)
This is my first attempt to write a trigger, and here is table structure.
Any help would be great.
What you're looking for here is the inserted table. Every time you issue an UPDATE statement, SQL Server generates two virtual tables called inserted and deleted that store information on the data modifications you're making. These tables are accessible from your trigger. For more information, see here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191300.aspx
You can use inserted to get the IDs you're looking for. So, instead of:
WHERE ClaimCustomerId=1
you can use:
WHERE ClaimCustomerId=inserted.ClaimCustomerId

Creating a Trigger which will insert record in a table on update of another table

Suppose I have tables T1 and T2
Columns of T1 -->Value
Columns of T2 -->OldValue NewValue
What I require is a trigger which will insert a record in T2 on updation of T1 , I need to know the old value and new value also , I have never used triggers before , so can any help me with this , how do I go about creating this trigger.Is it possible ,thanks.
Well, you start writing a trigger with CREATE TRIGGER:
CREATE TRIGGER NameOfTheTriggerPlease
The table that should trigger the additional action is T1 so the trigger should be defined ON that table:
CREATE TRIGGER T1OnUpdate /* that's just an example,
you can use a different name */
The action that the trigger should be invoked on is UPDATE and the timing is AFTER the update, so…
Now's the time to introduce the body of the trigger, i.e. the statements that should actually be executed by the trigger. You introduce the body with the AS keyword followed by the statements themselves.
In your case, there would be just one statement, INSERT, which is obvious. What's not so obvious is how we are going to access the old and the new values. Now, SQL Server offers you two virtual tables, INSERTED and DELETED, and you can easily guess that the former contains all the new values and the latter the old ones.
These tables have the same structure as the table the trigger is assigned to, i.e. T1. They only contain rows that were affected by the particular UPDATE statement that invoked the trigger, which means there may be more than one. And that, in turn, means that you need to have some primary key or a unique column (or a set of columns) in your T1 table that you can use in the trigger to match deleted and inserted rows. (In fact, you might also need your T2 table to have a column that would reference the T1's primary key, so you could later establish which row of T1 had which values stored in T2.)
For the purposes of this answer, I'm going to assume that there's a primary key column called PK and a foreign key column of the same name in T2. And the INSERT statement then might look like this:
INSERT INTO T2 (PK, OldValue, NewValue)
SELECT i.PK, i.Value, d.Value
One last (but not least) thing to remember: the entire CREATE TRIGGER statement should be the only one in the batch, i.e. there should be no statements preceding the CREATE TRIGGER keywords (but you can put comments there) and, likewise, everything after the AS keyword is considered part of the trigger's body (but you can put the GO delimiter to indicate the end of the statement if you are running the script in SQL Server Management Studio, for instance).
Useful reading:
I'm not going to build the whole thing for you (no fun, right?) but I can point you in the right direction
create trigger logUpdate
on T1
After update
insert into T2...
--here is just an example
select * from deleted --the DELETED table contains the OLD values
select * from inserted --the INSERTED table contains the NEW values
remember that DELETED and INSERTED are internal tables that contains old and new values. On a update trigger, they both exist. On a insert trigger, DELETED will be null because there is nothing being delete. Same logic on a delete trigger, the INSERTED will be empty
answering your question: no matter how many fields you update, your DELETED and INSERTED tables you have all the columns of all the rows affected. Of course, if you update only one column, all the other will have the same value on DELETED and INSERTED
create trigger T_UPD_T1
on T1 FOR update
insert into T2 select deleted.value, inserted.value from inserted, deleted

sql server trigger referencing last row

I want to write a trigger in SQL Server to insert 2 rows into table2 when a row is inserted into table1. I want to use a column value from table1.
So my trigger looks like this
create trigger triggername on table1
insert into
insert into
How do I get the value of any column from the last inserted row (the row insertion which fires the trigger). I.e. the equivalent of 'referencing row' in oracle
Triggers in SQL Server fire per statement not per row. There are two pseudo tables inserted and deleted that you can use (for an insert trigger the only one of interest is inserted)
CREATE TRIGGER YourTrigger ON Table1
SELECT * from inserted /*This will contain multiple rows if it is a multi-row insert*/
i have the solution myself. i missed the alias
select #patient_no=fldL1BasCode from inserted
should be
select #patient_no=i.fldL1BasCode from inserted i