Using Taylor Polynomials Programmatically in Maple - calculus

I am trying to use a Taylor polynomial programmatically in Maple, but the following does not seem to work...
T[6]:=taylor(sin(x),x=Pi/4,6);convert(T[6], polynom, x);
convert(T[6], polynom, x);
end proc;
All of the following also do not work:
f:=convert(T[6], polynom);
f:=convert(T[6], polynom, x);
f:=x->convert(T[6], polynom);
f:=x->convert(T[6], polynom, x);.
Is there a way of doing this without copying and pasting the output of convert into the definition of f?

If I understood you correctly, this accomplishes what you want:
f := proc(z)
local p :: polynom;
p := convert(T[6], polynom);
return subs(x = z, p)
end proc

Several earlier answers involving procedures and subs will do the entire taylor series derivation, as well as the conversion to polynom, for each and every input. That is highly inefficient.
You only need to produce the taylor result, and convert to polynom, once. With that result in hand you can then create an operator (with which to act on as many inputs as you wish, merely by evaluating the polynomial at the point but without having to recompute the whole taylor answer).
Below is a way to create a procedure f with which to evaluate at any given point for the argument x. It computes the (truncated) taylor series and converts to polynom just once.
> f:=unapply(convert(taylor(sin(x),x=Pi/4,6),polynom),x):

It might also be natural to define T as a function.


writing a vector using "readTrajectory" function in Dymola

I write a vector in Dymola mos script in a simple manner like this:
x_axis = cell.spatialSummary.x_cell;
output: x_axis={1,2,3,4,5} // row vector
I want to do the same thing in a function.'x_cell' has 5 values which I want to store in a row vector. I use DymolaCommands.Trajectories.readTrajectory function to read x_cell values one by one in for loop (I use for loop because, readTrajectory throws an error when I try to read entire x_cell)
Real x_axis[:],axis_value[:,:];
Integer len=5;
for i in 1:len loop
axis_value:=readTrajectory(result,{"cell.spatialSummary.x_cell["+String(i)+"]"},1); //This intermediate variable returns [1,1] matrix
end for;
I get an error:
Assignment failed x_axis[i] = scalar(axis_value);
what's wrong here? All I want to do is read all values of x_cell and write it into a vector. How can I do this in dymola function?
Thank you!
Solution: Initialize the vector with a certain value. In this case,
x_axis :=fill(0, len);
This solved the above problem for me.
Pre filling as in the other solution works, and is generally the best solution. However, in some cases you might have to append to the vector as follows:
x_axis=fill(0.0, 0);
for i in 1:len loop
axis_value:=readTrajectory(result,{"cell.spatialSummary.x_cell["+String(i)+"]"},1); //This intermediate variable returns [1,1] matrix
x_axis:=cat(1, x_axis, {scalar(axis_value)});
end for;
(This takes x_axis and concatenates a new element at the end. It is generally slower.)

Conditional Equations with Variable in GAMS

I need your help to solve this "Little" problem I'm having programming with GAMS.
In my objective function I have this member that is z = [...]-TWC(j)*HS(j).
Where HS(j)is a variable.
Now, TWC(j) should be a parameter that works like this:
TWC(j) = 0 when HS(j) < 1000
TWC(j) = 3.21 when HS(j) >=1000.
Any idea how to implement this in GAMS? my attempts all failed.
EDIT: this is what I tried I defined an equation called TWCup(j) that was:
TWCup(j)$(HS.l(j) >= 1000).. TWC(j) =e= 3.21;
Thanks ;)
Probably not relevant for the OP anymore (since the question is more than 3 years old), but maybe useful for someone else that looks at this question.
If TWC(j) is a function of your variable HS(j), it is not a parameter. It is another variable. So you should define TWC(j) as a variable and not as a parameter. This is probably the reason you were getting errors.
There are some ways to fix your problem: One is to actually turn TWC(j) into a variable. But this would turn your problem into non-linear which could be (or not) an issue. Also, this could need the use of binary variables, which could also become a problem (again, or not).
But I think this issue could be resolved with a different specification of the LP. The cost function f(HS(j)) = TWC(j)*HS(j) is linear by parts and convex, which you can represent in a standard LP using auxiliary variables (assuming you are minimizing).
* declare auxiliary variable
* declare equations for linear by part cost function
* define costfun1 and costfun2
costfun1(j).. w(j) =g= 0;
costfun2(j).. w(j) =g= -3210 + 3.21*HS(j);
*redefine objective function (note that I changed to plus because I assumed this is a cost function that you are minimizing)
z = [...]+w(j)
This solution is very problem dependent. I assumed you were minimizing and I changed the sign in the objective function to '+'. If this was not the case, this would not work (would not be convex). Then we would need to check other approaches.
But the takeaway here is to stress that something that is a function of a variable is also a variable. But you may have options to reformulate your problem to address the problem.

Return highest or lowest value Z notation , formal method

I am new to Z notation,
Lets say I have a function f defined as X |--> Y ,
where X is string and Y is number.
How can I get highest Y value in this function? Does 'loop' exist in formal method so I can solve it using loop?
I know there is recursion in Z notation, but based on the material provided, I only found it apply in multiset or bag, can it apply in function?
Any extra reference application of 'loop' or recursion application will be appreciated. Sorry for my English.
You can just use the predefined function max that takes a set of integers as input and returns the maximum number. The input values here are the range (the set of all values) of the function:
Please note that the maximum is not defined for empty sets.
Regarding your question about recursion or loops: You can actually define a function recursively but I think your question aims more at a way to compute something. This is not easily expressed in Z and this is IMO a good thing because it is used for specifications and it is not a programming language. Even if there wouldn't be a max or ran function, you could still specify the number m you are looking for by:
\exists s:String # (s,m):f /\
\forall s2:String, i2:Z # (s2,i2):f ==> i2 <= m
("m is a value of f, belonging to an s and all other values i2 of f are smaller or equal")
After getting used to the style it is usually far better to understand than any programming language (except your are trying to describe an algorithm itself and not its expected outcome).#
Just for reference: An example of a recursive definition (let's call it rmax) for the maximum would consist of a base case:
\forall e:Z # rmax({e}) = e
and a recursive case:
\forall e:Z; S:\pow(Z) #
S \noteq {} \land
rmax({e} \cup S) = \IF e > rmax(S) \THEN e \ELSE rmax(S)
But note that this is still not a "computation rule" of rmax because e in the second rule can be an arbitrary element of S. In more complex scenarios it might even be not obvious that the defined relation is a function at all because depending on the chosen elements different results could be computed.

Check if variable is empty or filled

I have the following problem:
prolog prog:
man(thomas, 2010).
man(leon, 2011).
man(thomas, 2012).
man(Man) :- once(man(Man, _).
?- man(thomas).
true ; %i want only on true even if there are more "thomas" *working because of once()*
?- man(X).
X = thomas ; %i want all man to be listed *isn't working*
?- man(thomas).
true ;
?- man(X).
X = thomas ;
X = leon ;
X = thomas ;
I do unterstand why this happens, but still want to get the names of all man.
So my solution woud be to look if "Man" is initialized, if yes than "once.." else then... something like that:
man(Man) :- (->check<-,once(man(Man, _)); man(Man, _).
On "check" shoud be the code sniped that checks if the variable "Man" is filled.
Is this possible?
One way to achieve this is as follows:
man(X) :-
(nonvar(X), man(X, _)), !
man(X, _).
Or, more preferred, would be:
man(X) :-
( var(X)
-> man(X, _)
; once(man(X, _))
The cut will ensure only one solution (at most) to an instantiated X, whereas the non-instantiated case will run its course. Note that, with the cut, you don't need once/1. The reason once/1 doesn't work as expected without the cut is that backtracking will still come back and take the "or" condition and succeed there as well.
man(X) :-
Additionally to what you are asking this removes redundant answers/solutions.
The built-in setof/3 describes in its last argument the sorted list of solutions found in the first argument. And that for each different instantiation of the free variables of the goal.
Free variables are those which neither occur in the first argument nor as an existential variable – the term on the left of (^)/2.
In our case this means that the last argument will always be [t] which is uninteresting. Therefore the _.
Two variables occurring in the goal are X and Y. Or, to be more precise the variables contained in X and Y. Y is an existential variable.
The only free variable is X. So all solutions for X are enumerated without redundancies. Note that you cannot depend on the precise order which happens to be sorted in this concrete case in many implementations.

DFA minimization algorithm understanding

I'm trying to understand this algorithm the DFA minimization algorithm at where it says:
while until there is no change in the table contents:
For each pair of states (p,q) and each character a in the alphabet:
if Distinct(p,q) is empty and Distinct(δ(p,a), δ(q,a)) is not empty:
set distinct(p,q) to be x
The bit I don't understand is "Distinct(δ(p,a), δ(q,a))" I think I understand the transition function where δ(p,a) = whatever state is reached from p with input a. but with the following DFA:
resulting in this table:
shouldn't (c,b) also be marked as an x since distinct(δ(b,0), δ(c,0)) is not empty (d) ?
Distinct(δ(p,a), δ(q,a)) will only be non-empty if δ(p,a) and δ(q,a) are distinct. In your example, δ(b,0) and δ(c,0) are both d. Distinct(d, d) is empty since it doesn't make sense for d to be distinct with itself. Since Distinct(d, d) is empty, we don't mark Distinct(c, b).
In general, Distinct(p, p) where p is a state will always be empty. Better yet, we don't consider it because it doesn't make sense.