Testing WML documents without Nokia - testing

Are there any testing platforms out there for testing WAP/WML pages besides that provided by Nokia? I have tried to get ahold of the Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit but it's too tied down with authentication and certificates etc.
Nokia software is like Adobe and......sucks.

It's not really wap-oriented, but Aptana does have a plugin for symbian widgets, which I think is mostly html.

Openwave used to do an SDK for this purpose, which was very useful for testing compatibility with the large number of mobile phones shipped with Openwave Mobile Browsers. Since Openwave sold off their browser business it is no longer available on their websites or those of their successors - they appear to have deleted all the developer support information.
But a Google search for "Openwave SDK" may help.


Which software is the best to test websites across multiple devices?

I have got a DNN website and would like to test the site on multiple devices. I currently use Google Chrome, but it is not always as accurate. Is it possible to use Xamarin Test Cloud or any other software? My company do not want to spend money on a Device Board.
Have to tried https://www.browserstack.com.
It allows you to test the site across many devices and browsers but it does have some limitations. It only gives you a screenshot of the page and the page must be publicly view-able.

Will the Add-ons disappear and be useless for Google apps on 2017-2018?

I was trying to publish a new version of an Add-on that was already created, but when I tried to publish it, in the Developer Dashboard and on the top of the page a warning message was shown:
As of November 21st, 2016, all newly published packaged or hosted apps are restricted to Chrome OS, and are not available to users on Windows, Mac or Linux. Existing apps will continue to be available on all major platforms and will continue to receive updates. - More Info
Note: This change does not apply to Google Drive Apps or Add-Ons for Google Apps.
So if you click on the "More Info" button you will see more additional information.
So all of this should be a problem to me because I have important applications that I need everyday, so I wonder if there is any other alternative way to keep working with add-ons.
Thank you!
AFAIK, this change (if Google decides to proceed with it) would only apply to Chrome Apps (see my answer here).
In the Chromium Blogpost (also the link for More Info in your post), it mentioned:
In the second half of 2017, the Chrome Web Store will no longer show Chrome apps on Windows, Mac, and Linux, but will continue to surface extensions and themes.
Add-ons weren't specifically mentioned, but as already included in your post, Add-ons that are for Google Drive Apps or any Google Apps in general (e.g. Docs, Sheets, etc.) are the exception.
If you're add-on is associated with a non-Google App, it is possible that you will be affected with the change. Seeing as the Chrome App will be removed, the associated Add-ons would follow.
You probably already know the differences between a Chrome App, an Extension, and an Add-on, but for future readers that are not familiar, might as well post this link to a YouTube video that explains Apps vs Extensions vs Add-ons.

Creating universal applications for Consoles (PS4/XBoxOne)

I have been looking all over the place for an answer but I haven't found anything on this yet.
I want to create an application (not a game) for PS4 or XBoxOne but so far none of the related websites provides either a good documentation or any answers on such a question. I want to create applications like Netflix and Hulu Plus.
Does anyone have any clue on how to do this either through Unity3D or through other IDE's, any links or tutorials will suffice?
Historically the PS4 and XboxOne have been a partner-only platform. Though Sony hasn't announced plans to make PS4 non-game apps available to indie-developers, I can help point you in the right direction.
Build your apps with WinJS 4.0.1 (or greater) and ES5
Package your Javascript-Based app for Windows 10 Hosted Web App (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/dn705792.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396)
Contact Sony Developer World (https://developer.sony.com/) to request Media Application (non-game) access
Hint: Sony non-game apps support something pretty darn similar to step #2
Good Luck!
Right now Xbox One development is not broadly available. Microsoft announced that with Windows 10, they will be opening up to a much bigger set of developers.
Get the Visual Studio 2015 preview and start learning how Universal Apps work on PC and phone. That will prepare you for when Xbox becomes available as a development target.
For PlayStation there is something called LibJScript. This is used primarily for application making on PS platforms (PS3/PS4/PS Vita). It also contains Canvas2D so if you have made any HTML games before it should feel familiar.
It is probably worth mentioning that you need to have access to a Sony development Platform. The process is detailed at https://www.playstation.com/en-us/develop/

Desktop Application upon Gecko/Mozilla or WebKit

How can I develop an installable desktop application on top of the Mozilla Engine or the Webkit engine.
We want to have best of both worlds, ease of development with DOM+Javascript+RenderingEngine+ContinuedImprovements in a Browser and user's control as in a desktop app
I looked at using C++ XPCOM for Mozilla but it seems to be quite complicated, Is there any other way to code like a WebApp using Javascript but burn it into the browser and dress it to give a feel of a desktop app. Also I require that javascript is compiled into native so that one cannot sneak into the source code
Are there any examples of desktop applications done this way ?
Web apps are fine but there are concerns of piracy, privacy, security and version control. The moot point is that in a web app the control lies with the software vendor, moreover the data is also with the vendor. Not only these, any changes to the application may also necessitate another around of training. What we want is that once the customer buys a version he is sure of what he owns and that he is in total control of it and we as software developer do not exposed our source code.
The issue is we have expertise in Web App development and we want to utilize that to develop a Desktop App
Your last point is that :
The issue is we have expertise in Web App development and we want to utilize that to develop a Desktop App
Well then BowLine can be an option though it requires Ruby, so you need to consider that. You can also take a look at WebKitDotNet if you are with .net Background.
Use XUL for the user interface and code your functions using JavaScript. You problably only need C++ to expose native functionality not yet available in Gecko. Examples of software that works this way: Komodo IDE, Songbird, Firefox and Thunderbird.

Is WebKit gaining any traction in non-web applications?

I spoke to the boss of a major music software company a few years ago. He told me that if they were going to start again from the ground up, they might look at WebKit for their UI. This totally surprised me. But I'm wondering if other folks are thinking and acting this way. Is webkit working its way in to truly non-web software?
RealPlayer, iTunes, and many other applications are using it, so are some non-"web" apps such as desktop widget programs:
Designing "web-apps" with HTML/Webkit UI is beneficial for Mobile users, since many devices have Webkit built in. Even if it is currently only used on a PC, you would have the possibility of hosting it on the web or local network later, with less work to convert it.
Gwibber, a Gnome twitter client that ships with Ubuntu, uses WebKit for displaying timelines (although it uses normal GTK+ widgets for the surrounding UI).
I would consider WebKit a viable option for many pieces of UI, particularly if the program shell exposes appropriate hooks into the surrounding platform to do things like launch a real browser or hook in to system notifications. You run the serious risk, however, of building an application that doesn't fit well in the UI conventions of the user's operating system.
It's not WebKit, but building a UI on a rendering engine is essentially what Mozilla does - Firefox, Thunderbird, etc. are built in XUL rendered with Gecko.
Anything you can do on webkit can be wrapped as an application easily with PhoneGap or other tools.
For example, store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com could be wrapped as an OSX app, an Android app, and still act as a regular website very easily.
Also: https://products.sel.sony.com/opensource/source_webkit.shtml