Creating 64 bit CLR C++ projects in VS2008 - c++-cli

I am creating a wrapper around a native lib, which comes in both 32 & 64 bit flavors. I have a fairly complex C++/CLR project that includes a number of header files from the native libs. I got it to work fine on x32, but now I'm not sure how to provide an alternative x64 build.
Can someone outline the steps to create such project?
Various defines depend on _WIN32 / _WIN64, so must be multiple projects?
Both x32/x64 native libs have identical file names. Currently the lib ref is done with #pragma comment (lib, "xxxxxx.lib"). How should this be changed?
Lastly - VS2008 has only Win32 platform listed, not Win64 (I do have x64 VS2008 component installed).

Normally it is sufficient to select the drop down which says win32 (next to the Debug/Release one on the toolbar) and selected "Configuration Manager". Then open the "Active Solution Platform" drop down and select New. Choose x64 type (which if it doesn't exist then 64bit compilers are not installed) and copy solution from the orignal Win32 one. Now your project can be built selectively by changing the drop down on the toolbar.
Normally it works more or less as is but you might want to consider tweaking a few pre-processor defines if only for the intellisense.
As for libraries, for platform ones (supplied as part of VS/PSDK) then you dont need to change anything. For your libraries you are wrapping then change the Additional Library Directories in the project properties to point to the 64bit directory.

Visual studio doesn't always install the 64 bit options.
It can be fixed by running the VS installer, choosing add/remove features, and checking the x64 feature.


DLLNotFoundException - Unity3D Plugin

I'm getting a DLLNotFoundException in standalone builds on some windows machines, others work perfectly. Dll file is definitely in the plugins folder, copied it to the projectName_Data folder too but no difference.
Also attempted to add dll to streaming assets folder and set new path (Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable) as above but that didn't work either.
Using Unity 4.5.5 btw
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!!!
What I found is that the error DllNotFoundException is, in some circumstances, very misleading. Unity is not to blame for this because when something goes wrong with dll loading, Unity simply doesn't have that dll in memory and tells you so.
As Keysosaurus says, Visual C++ Redistributable must be installed for your standalone version to work and in most cases this solves the trouble but there can be other reasons like third party dependencies.
In case you are using third party libraries then you must also copy all the needed DLLs or SOs to your executable's folder.
For example I am working with OpenNI 2 and when I build I immediately copy all files from C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenNI2\Redist folder to the folder that contains the .exe. Not doing this results in DllNotFoundException.
Also don't forget that DLLs (and SOs) must match the architecture you are targeting so if you are targeting x64 (64 bit) then your DLL must be x64 too and if you try to use a x86 (32 bit) DLL Unity will be confused and will not load that giving you the same error.
As a side note bear in mind that Unity 5 comes both in 32 and 64 bit versions. In order to run your game in Unity Editor, all third party libraries must be present in both x86 and x64 (in Unity's conventional folders) or at least the one that matches you Unity Editor's architecture.
I discovered that the problem was that players needed Visual C++ redistributable installed, which can be downloaded here:

Could not load file or assembly System.Data.SQLite - Windows application

I am trying to use the SQLite's .Net DLL to access some data on a local SQLite database. The problem is that i need a way arround this error because i need to develop a software for 32/64 bits platforms (by using VB.Net not C#).
How can i stick to the 32bit version of the DLL to allow 32bit users of my program use it too?
If it's not possible to work with the 32bit version of SQLite's DLL, is it possible to include both versions in my Installer and programaticly choose which version of the DLL should be used? there any other way to access SQLite databases without this particular DLL? (Things in C/C++ are much easier when it comes to SQLite usage as i remember)
If you change your Target Platform to x86 instead of AnyCPU your code will be emitted as 32bit code also on 64bit systems and you could use just the 32bit dll of SQLite.
If you think that you are loosing some value working exclusively with x86 then I can give you this reference where the PRO and CONS of AnyCpu are critically examined.
To change the Target Platform use:
Menu BUILD, then Configuration Manager
Choose x86 from the Active Solution Platform combo.
If you don't have an x86 choice,
choose New and Select x86 and copy the default settings from AnyCpu.

DirectXMath and Win8 SDK in VS2010 project

I've been working in an engine in Visual Studio 2012 that supports rendering with Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 11. However I'm getting some new people to help with the project and they would prefer to work on Visual Studio 2010 because that's the version they own and use. So I decided to convert the project to be built with VS2010's v100 platform toolset.
I'm getting close to getting it to work but I can't include DirectXMath.h, necessary for the DirectXTK and some utility functions I'm using. It's part of the Windows 8 SDK and included in VS2012, but VS2010 doesn't seem to find it.
Anyone knows how to get it to be included using environment variables so that it works for everybody on the team, and in a way that works on Win7 too?
To make new teammates be able to code in VS2010 you have several options:
You don't need to change platform toolset to old one and rewrite your codebase. VS2010 developers can just install Windows 8 SDK, and use v110 toolset. To help them, configure "VC++ directories" in project properties as pointed in this article (change macro variables, which points to old Windows SDK, to explicit locations of new Windows SDK):
In “Executable Directories” replace $(WindowsSdkDir)binwith$(ProgramFiles)\Windows Kits\8.0\bin\x86`
In “Include Directories” add $(ProgramFiles)\Windows Kits\8.0\Include\um;$(ProgramFiles)\Windows Kits\8.0\Include\shared at
the beginning and remove $(WindowsSdkDir)include
In “Library Directories” replace $(WindowsSdkDir)lib with $(ProgramFiles)\Windows Kits\8.0\lib\win8\um\x86
In “Exclude Directories” replace $(WindowsSdkDir)include with $(ProgramFiles)\Windows
Kits\8.0\Include\um;$(ProgramFiles)\Windows Kits\8.0\Include\shared
When targeting x64, replace x86 with x64
If you really want to downgrade toolset from v110 to v100, then you will need to make use old standalone DirectX SDK. Before, Windows SDK and DirectX SDK was separate. They was merged since Windows 7 SDK. When merging, Microsoft decidede to remove some stuff and also renamed some files, for example, standalone SDK contains math in #include <xmmath.h>.
You can combine both: create multiple project/platform configurations and inmplement conditional compilation via #ifdef where VS2010 configuration will fail to find headers/compile. For example you can use C++11 features in VS2012 branch of code, but in VS2010 branch you use only C++03 features.
I would prefer first option, but it is up to you to decide.
P.S. As far as I remember, project files from VS2012 (.vcxproj) cannot be opened in VS2010 (it knows only .vcproj), so you cannot share it. You will probably want to install VS2010, make .vcproj and maintain both files. It can be pain when you change project options in one, and forget to change in other, so be careful. Also, consider to move all your team to single IDE, or at least single build system (for example, CMake).
Happy coding!

Win32 Project (API): Compatibility with other version of Windows

I use API to make a programs. It runs pretty well on Windows 7 (with debug file .exe), but it doesn't when I run it on Windows XP. Are there any ways to solve this problem?
I suppose you are using Visual C++, according the the message you get.
Your project is set up (by default) to link the Microsoft C++ Runtime Librairy dynamically, so it saves up space in your final executable, but you need the dynamic linked libraries to be in your system or in your executable's folder.
To solve this in Visual C++, without any afford from who are executing the program in their machines, you can change how MSVC link their runtime library to your executable, that is, if you set it to be linked statically, all the dependencies will be linked inside your final .exe, with no need of additional .dlls.
To change this option, refer to /MD, /MT, /LD (Use Run-Time Library) - MSDN.
Or in short: Project Properties>Configuration Properties>C/C++>Code Generation>Runtime Library
If in debug mode, use /MTd, otherwise use /MT.

Can't build UserControls under x64

I am trying to troubleshoot a VB.NET project that contains UserControls (actually, several of them that are displaying the same issues). I am trying to get them to build under x64, but it is impossible. In x86 or AnyCPU, the UserControl builds and shows up in the Toolbox, so I can add or modify it in the forms that require it. In x64, the controls disappear from the Toolbox, I get warnings during build (the current project builds though), I can't see any of the forms - I get errors (please see below) - and projects that require the project with the form as an import will not build.
When I was studying what these UserControls are so that I can maybe rebuild them from scratch, I downloaded code from a book - great learning tool, but I get the same errors:
Could not find type 'Chap15SampleCode.ListSelector'. Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced. If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has been successfully built using settings for your current platform or Any CPU.
The variable 'ListSelector1' is either undeclared or was never assigned.
I also get warnings, not sure what to do about them:
Possible problem detected while building assembly 'Chap15SampleCode': Referenced assembly 'mscorlib.dll' targets a different processor
Possible problem detected while building assembly 'Chap15SampleCode': Referenced assembly 'System.Data.dll' targets a different processor
I checked and found System.Data as a Reference is in c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework... (if I change the target framework to 4.0 the Reference is in c:\ProgramFiles(x86)... that was what my projects had ... and I tried to change it because of the x86, I couldn't, I had a few others in ProgramFiles(x86) and I thought that may be the problem ?)
Reinstalled VS2010, reinstalled Windows - did the same before btw - but I do have a clean system so I can't blame it.
If I can get this simple project to work, I hope the real projects will be easy - Please help me figure out what this is about. Thank you.
You have changed the Platform target setting in the project to x64. This is not appropriate for any project that produces a DLL. The actual bitness of a process that uses your DLL is determined by the EXE that starts the process. Or the host in which your DLL runs, the case for Visual Studio which is a 32-bit process. There is nothing a DLL can do to force the bitness, it can only refuse to get loaded. Which is what you see happening.
Change the setting back to AnyCPU so that your UserControl will work correctly in any process, regardless of its bitness. Including the VS designer. Project + Properties, Build tab. For VB.NET it is located in the Compile tab, Advanced Compile Options button.