Settings IBOutlets to nil in dealloc - objective-c

In the section titled 'Memory Warnings' here, I don't follow why the IBOutlet is set to nil in the dealloc. If
self.anOutlet = nil
causes a crash as mentioned in the topic, why are they setting the ivar to nil?
In general, why would you set an ivar to nil in the dealloc when you are already calling release?

After a release, the pointer is essentially invalid and accessing it again may cause a crash. By setting a variable to nil after release you prevent that crash from happening. There's no harm in accessing a nil pointer.
The example you've linked to simply demonstrates why it's always a good idea to set a variable or ivar to nil after release, even when it looks like the variable/ivar won't be accessed again.
In the example, the anOutlet ivar is actually accessed by the superclass after your dealloc method, so if you don't set it to nil you will get a crash. Scenarios like that are very hard to spot just by looking at the code, so it's a good idea to nil every variable after release, even in dealloc.

Sending a message on an object that is released causes a crash, sending a message to a nil object is ignored.

Sometimes a crash is a good thing, and a quick solution would hide a deeper problem. Calling a released variable might be something you want to know about.
The book iOS Recipes refers to this issue:
Cleanup in -dealloc
In addition to releasing all relevant instance variables in the -dealloc, our examples set them to nil. This practice is one of the most hotly debated topics among Cocoa programmers, and both sides of the argu- ment hold weight. This book is not meant to participate in the debate at all: we set them to nil, but that doesn’t mean you have to. If you don’t like nil-in-dealloc, feel free to leave it out of your own code.
A quick google search found this thread:

Sometimes when one property becomes invalid (set to nil) we want to make other properties invalid too. If a class invalidates a property by using self.property_name=nil, then this will send a release message, which will cause a crash in dealloc if we have already called release on that property. If the invalidation occurs in a superclass, then this error is hidden and quite nasty. So whenever a superclass might invalidate a property it may be a good idea to set it to nil rather than just deallocing.


How can I check if object isn't deallocated on Objective-C?

How can I check if object isn't deallocated on Objective-C?
The following standard condition checks only if object is initialized:
NSObject *objectVariable = nil;
if (objectVariable) {...}
You can't check after-the-fact whether an object is already deallocated or not, because it is invalid to do anything with an object that is deallocated (once an object is deallocated, any pointer that used to point to it is now an invalid pointer, and dereferencing it is undefined behavior). And since you don't know whether it is deallocated or not, and it may be deallocated, you cannot meaningfully examine it in any way. And a deallocated object may well "look like" a valid object if you try to examine it (it is undefined behavior, so any behavior is possible).
If this is an object of your own class, the obvious thing would be to print something or perform some other indicator action in the class's -dealloc method. That will tell you when it is deallocated.
Even if this is an object that is not of your own class, you may be able to either 1) add -dealloc as a category method, if the class doesn't override -dealloc, or 2) swizzle the -dealloc method, if the class does override it. Then you can print something in your version.
You can also profile it in Instruments; the Allocations instrument can tell you how many objects of a given class have been allocated, and how many are alive. If you suspect that you are losing track of objects or there is a retain cycle, the Leaks instrument may be able to tell you that.
I'm in agreement with the comments, If you're doing memory management right, there should be no need for such a check. Nor am I aware of such a check, if the address gets populated with a new object, the check would pass but could still crash your app.
My suggestions are to:
Read up on manual memory management rules, pay special attention to how blocks affect memory management, alloc/init methods, when to use assign, etc. Memory management rules should become second nature to you. Start with this Apple guide.
Run static analysis on your app and fix any memory errors. Fix all the errors really, these are bugs in your app. (CMD+Shift+B or Product->Analyze in the menu)
Reproduce the crash in Instruments using zombies. Read the retain/release report to find out where the object may have been over-released. (CMD+I or Product->Profile. Select Zombies in the window that appears)
Consider converting to ARC. Converting to ARC doesn't get you completely off the hook for understanding ObjC memory management, but it will take a lot of the burden off of you.

Why would app crash if delegate uses assign instead of weak?

I have seen report that if a delegate uses assign instead of weak, the app crashes. Why?
Example: RestKit
With ARC a weak ivar will be automatically set to nil when the ivar object is deallocated. That means that if your delegate is destroyed and you try to message the delegate you'll just message nil, which has no effect. If the delegate ivar was merely assign then you would message some chunk of memory that no longer contained a valid object.
The only difference between assign and weak is that weak does extra work to avoid some common crashing bugs. The drawback, however, is that assign has much better performance than weak.
Specifically, when an object is released, any weak property pointing to it will be set to nil. Any assign property pointing to it will be left pointing at the object that is no-longer used.
And some other object is likely to be placed at the same location in memory as the old object, so suddenly instead of an instance of MyDelegate you might have a UIImage object in the same location in memory, or perhaps a float value, or anything at all.
So you should always use weak, for everything. But if you run into performance problems, check if weak is the cause, and consider switching to assign after learning how to avoid those crashing bugs.
For a delegate you should pretty much always use weak. Normally you'd only pick assign if you are dealing with millions of objects. Typically that doesn't happen with delegates.

How to properly release object?

I know that in iOS 5 there is automatic reference counting which takes away the need for all of this but it is very simple anyway.
Is it good practice to set an object to nil before you release it or is it vice versa where you release it then set it to nil?
Anyway, I just want to get rid of any possibilities of crashes in my app and I just want this way to prevent it.
Calling release on nil accomplishes nothing.
When you use automatic reference counting, you cannot call release. It is a compiler error to do so.
In manual reference counting, you should release and then set to nil. Setting a variable to nil and then calling release leaks the object (it does not release it). It won't crash, but it will eat memory (eventually possibly so much memory that the OS will shut you down).
ARC is your absolute best tool for helping reduce crashes. There is no mechanism that can remove all possibilities of crashes. But two very simple rules will help:
Use ARC if at all possible.
Turn on "Treat Warnings as Errors." Never allow warnings in Objective-C.
There are many other smaller rules, but those are the two that every iOS developer should start with.
No, you don't set it to nil before you release the object, if you set it to nil, basically you lose pointer to your object, and now your variable is pointing to nil. Sending release to nil does nothing. If you want to protect yourself from garbage value / pointer, you can set it to nil, after you release the object. But, I don't see why you need to set it to nil other than if it's an instance variable.

why [ release] will cause the static analyzer to show an "incorrect decrement of the reference count" error? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller
Why shouldn't I use the getter to release a property in objective-c?
So, I get that using [self.myProperty release] is discouraged (Apple itself recommends not to). Although it appears to me that it COULD lead to problems in some cases, not all cases. Is this correct? More importantly: I don't get why using a syntax like [self.myProperty release] in my -dealloc method(s) will cause the static analyzer to show an "incorrect decrement" error. Despite any other reason discouraging such a syntax, my class still owns its properties (which I have declared with "nonatomic,retain") so why the warning?
I've been reading several posts on this but it seems I can't really wrap my mind around it.
Some of them go into details about the possible side effects of using such a syntax, but what I really want to know is the reason behind the "incorrect decrement" error.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
Cocoa memory management has a concept of "ownership" which is expressed most succinctly in the rule: If you call new or alloc, or send retain or copy to an object, you own the result, and are responsible for sending release when you're done with it. Otherwise, you do not own it, and you must not send release.
Instance variables, basically by definition, contain objects that the instance owns. You need the objects to be valid for the life of the instance, so you create them with an ownership-granting method in init:
// myDinkus and creationDate are ivars of whatever class this is.
// They are assigned to with owned references.
myDinkus = [[Dinkus alloc] init]; // ownership due to alloc
creationDate = [[NSDate date] retain]; // ownership due to retain
These now need to be sent release when the instance is done with them; generally speaking, this will be in dealloc.
Getter methods don't return owning references. This is the way it should be; when your code, e.g., asks a label for its font color, it doesn't need that color object to stick around. Or if it does, it must explicitly take ownership by sending retain. Giving it ownership by default would create headaches at best and possibly leaks.
That established, [self.myProperty release] causes the static analyzer to complain because it's a violation of the ownership concept. The object returned from [self myProperty] isn't owned by the caller. The fact that it just so happens to be the same object as an ivar that is owned by the caller is irrelevant. (In fact, it might not be the same; the getter might return a copy of the object it represents, for example. It might construct an entirely new value based on a group of ivars. It's even possible for there to be no ivar that corresponds to a getter.)
Since objects which are not owned must not be sent release, doing so to the result of a getter is incorrect.
There are other, practical, reasons not to do this (covered quite well, especially by Justin's answer in the question proposed as dupe), but that's the reason the analyzer is complaining.
Fundamentally, you're sending a release message to an object that you haven't sent a retain to (at least not explicitly). The static analyzer will expect to see balanced retain/releases.
When you declare your property as nonatomic,retain you are handing responsibility for releasing the value to the property's setter.
If you do a [self.myProperty release] then your property still contains its old value and any subsequent setting of that property will do a release on that old value - but you've already released it, so now it is over-released... Hence the warning.
To release the value you should use self.myProperty = nil - the setter will release the old value and assign nil to the property.

Memory Management Question in Objective C

I have a tableviewcontroller where I populate some data from a sqlite db and for each row, I download a file from a http server and cache it locally. I cache it only when the "detailsview" is opened. And the detailsview responds back to this table through a delegate after the file download is complete.
But, when this tableview itself is popped out of the navicontroller., the call to delegate fails with a EXEC_BAD_ACCESS
I called [_delegate retain] in the setDelegate of the details view and everything works fine, but I'm not sure whether this will leak memory...
Could anyone advise?
Your delegate is getting released prematurely, and sending a message to an invalid object will call EXEC_BAD_ACCESS. Retaining it will fix the problem, but in general it's good practice to not have an object retain its delegate, as there is the potential for retain cycles, so you might need to rethink your structure. If you're releasing your delegate when the view is dealloc'ed, you need to remove it unless you're also retaining the delegate in setDelegate:.
Generally, delegates are not retained to avoid retain cycles. If the delegate may be released before you, then it is the responsibility of the delegate to clear your reference before it is finished being deallocated (eg in its dealloc).
However, if any property is set to "retain" or "copy", then you would retain/copy it in the setter (or use #synthesized setters which will do it for you), and release it in dealloc to avoid leaking. As said above though, that may lead to a retain cycle so that neither object ever gets deallocated.
I would suggest you turn on some memory debugging with environment variables NSZombieEnabled and NSAutoreleaseFreedObjectCheckEnabled and see if it tells you which object is being over released.