Selenium typekeys issue - selenium

I am using typekeys to type something and to enable a button in my application.
But whenever the typekeys command is executed in firefox help of the firefox gets opened.
Please, can anybody tell me how to solve this problem?

Unfortunately the Selenium TypeKeys and Type commands work at the browser level so if you are override somethings it won't work in Selenium.
This bug is still open on the Selenium.

You can try the WebDriver API available in Selenium 2.0 (alpha 1) and the sendKeys command. Available here:


I am trying to use webdriver in the selenium module but I keep getting an error no matter what I'm doing

As stated, I am trying to use webdriver.Chrome in this sample project I'm doing but I am completely lost on what to do. This is the error I get error. But when I look at the version of chrome I installed, it seemed to match up. Chrome Version. Does anyone know what's happening? Sorry if the post is too unspecific.
You have to update your chrome browser. Try to update the installed chrome version to latest version.
To overcome this problem, use WebDriverManager: refer - and
If you are using Python with selenium, refer to this post for sample code:
Chrome with WebDriver--Why is it disappearing as soon as I hit "run"? Chrome Driver version 106 but Chrome can only be 105.0.9
If you are using Java with selenium, refer to this post for sample code:
element click intercepted in Selenium wedriver

Selenium- Unable to find the VerifyLocation assertion command in Chrome Extension Selenium IDE

I am learning selenium, So I have this Doubt.
I notice that VerifyLocation(which verifies the URL of the site) assertion command is not available in chrome Extension Selenium IDE.
Is this normal or do I need to install anything. Can you please help me guys!!
this is how it should be, see documentation

Python Selenium Error - Nothing happening when webdriver

As the image shows. SublimeText3, I have installed the selenium package but it still won't work. Anyone could help me?
It suppose to open a browser but it did nothing.
Did you download and apply chromedriver or geckodriver (Firefox) to your project ?

Access Windows Print button from IE WebDriver selenium

I am using 32bit IE Webdriver and Selenium 2.0 and IE9 (VS2010 Test project) Is it possible to pass Accept to Word documents Print screen which is invoked by javascript. Surprisingly it is not an Alert nor a Modal so i cannot access using WindowsHandle nor Alert. I am newbie to this can anyone help?
I think you can use AutoIT tool, I was searching and got this - may be it help you:

How do I edit atoms.js when using Selenium RC?

I have the same Firefox 8 upload issue with Selenium as described here: Selenium IDE 1.4.1 throwing security error when uploading a local file
The solution to the problem is to edit the atoms.js file, which I can do for Selenium IDE.
However, I'm also using Selenium RC, and want to know how to do the equivalent thing there.
I'm running Ubuntu 10.
Found the atoms.js file.
It's here:
Happy times.