How to updates/install mfc71u.dll, msvcp71.dll, msvcr71.dll in visual studio 2005 - dll

I have an application which can require some of .dlls i.e mfc71u.dll, msvcp71.dll, msvcr71.dll while running.
Is there any Microsoft updates are there which can update visual studio 2005 so that I can install and my system can get that .dlls.

The application has been created using Visual Studio 2003. You can install Visual C++ .NET Runtime.


Uunable to see WIX project type in Visual studio 2008/2010

I have Visual Studio 2008, 2010, and WIX37.msi (WIX 3.7) installed on my machine.
However, I am unable to see WIX project type in Visual studio 2008/2010.
Do I need to install additional tool/plugin?
I have Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 installed on my machine and I installed WiX v3.7 RTM from Codeplex. Things work okay for me. There is a known issue in VS2008 that requires you to set an MSBuild property called RunWixToolsOutOfProc to true. This occurred because parts of WiX v3.7 were incorrectly built against the NETFX4.0 and VS2008 runs on NETFX2.0.
Install v3.0 of WiX Toolset, to make it work with Visual Studio 2008. You can get it here:
I don't know why it's not documented on their site but apparently you can't install the latest version (3.10 at the moment) and make it work with VS2008.

Upgraded WinForms project from VS2005 to VS2012. Now my ReportViewer DLLs are missing

I got a copy of a Visual Studio 2005 project from a friend. The project referenced the DLLs Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common and Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms. On my machine I have Visual Studio 2012. I upgraded the project. The references to these DLLs are broken, understandably, because they are Windows locations, not in the VS project. So, I want to delete the references and re-create, but I cannot find the DLLs on my machine. Do they not get installed with Visual Studio 2012? Can I download them?
I got a copy of a Visual Studio 2005 project from a friend
Which explains the problem, the target .NET version of your project is 2.0. The ReportViewer included with VS2012 requires at least 3.5.
Fix it with Project + Properties, Application tab, Target Framework combobox. You'll then find the ReportViewer control back under the "Reporting" header in the toolbox.
These have been replaced by Report Server. Though if you'd copy them over from your VS2005 machine you should still be able to use them as binary references in your solution. You can download the binaries from the MSDN Download site.
Though there should be binaries for Visual Studio 2012 as well. I suspect they will get installed when you install the SQL Server Development tools, which include the SQL Server Reporting Server components.
You can try to use the Redistributable package for Visual Studio 2010.

Can I install VB6 over VS 2010?

I have already using Visual Studio 2010 for my project. Now I have to work with a Visual Basic 2006 legacy application. Can I install VB 2006 Enterprise Edition on my system?
Will this affect Visual Studio 2010?
Yes. Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 6 will happily install side-by-side.
You can run multiple versions of Visual Studio on the same machine. I currently have VS2003, VS2005, VS2008 and VS2010 installed and am using all of them.
Where you may get into problems is with something like hooking up the older ones to TFS. This can be done, as I have VS2003 and VS2008 connected to TFS2010, but my VS2005 won't work as it whinges about the provider for some reason.
Another area to watch out for is IIS. As you have already installed VS2010, IIS may be defaulting to .Net 4.0 so if you start deploying .Net 2.0 apps then the websites may not work without some adjustment of things like app pools.
But if you are just using them independently of each other then you should be fine. If you're really paranoid, consider creating a VM and installing the old VS on it.
I see from your edited post that you were talking about VB6. This also can be installed alongside any of the later versions of Visual Studio.

Migrate existing VS 2010 web project to VS 2012

I have an existing Visual Studio 2010 web project that I want to migrate to Visual Studio 2012. Can anybody suggest steps on how to do it?
Just open your solution with VS2012, it's compatible:

Way to deploy VS2010 WinForms application with SQL 2012 LocalDb with VS 2010 Installer

Is there a reference on creating a Visual Studio 2010 Installer project for a WinForms application that uses SQL 2012 LocalDb?
I'm not aware of any good reference, but it is pretty easy. The ClickOnce packages are compatible between Visual Studio 2010 and 2012, so all you'd need to do is to install Visual Studio 2012 somewhere to get the LocalDB bootstrapper (free VS 2012 Express for Desktop) and copy SqlLocalDB2012 folder from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages (depending on your Windows installation the location could be slightly different, but should be easy to find).
Now the caveat is that to connect from .NET to LocalDB you need .NET 4.0.2 or later. I don't think there is a bootstrapper for .NET 4.0.2 anywhere. So you will either need to implement it yourself, or target .NET 4.5. You should be able to copy the .NET 4.5 bootstrapper from VS 2012 just like you can copy the LocalDB one.