Does facebook fql contain the sql like operator? - sql

I am building a small facebook app. Trying to search for values in an auto compelte manner. Is it possible to use sql's like operator in fql?

Another way for you is to use the strpos(message, "content you want") >= 0. I don't know why, but the IN operator does not run for me. Did anyone try it?

There is no LIKE operator in FQL.
However, you may have luck with the IN operator:
WHERE "Stanford" IN
This page may also help and has sample queries:

I know this thread is long since dead but I'm sure this may help someone in the future. FQL has its uses in some respects, but as far as searching for public information goes, I would recommend using the new graph api. I compared a simple FQL query with a similar graph query and on average, the graph was almost three times as fast (0.3s vs 0.8s). Here is a my graph example using PHP and CURL:
$search = "platform";
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "".$search."&type=page");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$output = curl_exec($ch);
$fbPages = json_decode($output)->data;
print_r(array_slice($fbPages, 0, 10));
Hope that helps!
PS: if you are not running PHP version 5.2.0 or above you will need a JSON decoder found here.
EDIT: you can find some useful documentation here.


Laravel: toSql function not displaying query correctly

I am trying to diedump the query on my index screen using this line of code:
dd(DB::table('members')->where('name', '=', 'Tycho')->toSql());
Now the problem is that when I am displaying the query on my screen I get this:
"select * from `members` where `name` = ?"
My final goal of these lines of code is that I can save offline queries and execute them when the application is online. Unless someone has a solution for this, I'll have to save the queries in a database.
You are seeing the ? placeholders as Laravel uses Prepared Statements.
See Ijas Ameenudeen's answer on another SO question which details how to add a toRawSql() macro on the Eloquent builder which will replace the placeholders with the bindings that you supplied to the original query.
This is because you are using the toSql method, you can use the getBindings method to get the values / bindings.
$query = DB::table('members')->where('name', '=', 'Tycho')->toSql();
// will give the raw query with bindings.
$sqlWithBindings = str_replace_array('?', $query->getBindings(), $query->toSql());
You can try this:
DB::table('members')->where('name', '=', 'Tycho')->get();
echo "<pre>";

How do you do pagination in GUN?

How do you do something like gun.get({startkey, endkey}) ?
#qwe123wsx #sebastianmacias apologies for the delay! Originally posted at:
The wire spec has a protocol for this but it isn't implemented yet. It looks something like this:
gun.on('out', {get: {'#': {'>': 'a', '<': 'b'}}});
However this doesn't work yet. I would recommend instead:
(1) Pagination behavior is very different from one app to another and will be hard for us to create a "one-size-fits-all" solution, so it would be highly helpful if you could implement your own* pagination and make it available as a user-module, then we can learn from your experience (what worked, what didn't) and make the best solution part of core.
(2) Your app will probably work fine without pagination in the meanwhile, while it can be built (it is targeted for after 1.0), and then as your app becomes more popular, it should be fairly easy to add in without much refactor, once you need it and it is available.
... * How to build your own?
Lots of good articles on this, best one I've seen yet is from Neo4j on how to do it in a graph database (which applies to gun as well) .
Another rough idea is you model your data based on pagination or time. So rather than having ALL tweets go into user's tweet table, instead, the user's tweet table is a table of DAYS (or weeks), and then you put the tweet inside the week table. Now when you load the data, you can scan/skip based off of week very easily while it being super bandwidth efficient.
Rough PSEUDO code:
function onTweetSend(tweet){
gun.get('user').get('alice').get('tweets').get(Date.uniqueYear() + Date.uniqueWeek()).set(tweet)
function paginateUserTweet(howMany, cb){
var range = convertToArrayOfUniqueWeekNamesFromToday(howMany);
var all = [];
if(all.length < range.length){ return }
all = flattenArray(all);
Now we can use
gun.get(...).get({'.': {'>': startkey, '<': endkey}, '%': 50000}).map().once(...)

Getting the string representation from CDbCriteria

Is there any way to the get the string representation of the query from CDbCriteria? For testing and debugging purposes.
You can use logging and profiling configuring your main.php like this:
I spend a lot amount of time for finding the answer to this question, so thought of sharing it with you guys. Hope this saves your precious time.
As mentioned by Jon above: CDbCriteria does not aggregate enough information to construct the full query, you have to use the model class information also on which you will put the query constraints.
As the example given in Yii docs for CDbCriteria; this is how basically you use it-
$criteria=new CDbCriteria();
$posts = Post::model()->findAll($criteria);
Here Post is the name of the model on which you execute the query condition.
So if you want to get the text representation of the query written in CDbCriteria, you have to involve the model information also i.e. Post.
This is how you can do it -
$model = new Post();
$query = $model->getCommandBuilder()->createFindCommand($model->getTableSchema(), $criteria)->getText();
When you print the value in $query variable it prints the raw query.
Hope this helps.

Solr/Solrj: How can I determine the total number of documents in an index?

How can I determine the total number of documents in a Solr index using Solrj?
After hours of searching on my own, I actually have an answer (given below); I'm only posting this question so others can find the solution more easily.
Here's what I'm using. Is this canonical? Is there a better way?
SolrQuery q = new SolrQuery("*:*");
q.setRows(0); // don't actually request any data
return server.query(q).getResults().getNumFound();
Your answer of sending the query *:* is probably the best, most general solution. Especially if you are using SolrCloud. However, there is an alternate solution, the Solr Core Admin API
Pasting the whole curl:
curl -s --negotiate -u: 'hostname:8983/solr/my_collection/query?q=*:*&rows=0' | jq '.response | .numFound'
Here's what I use to get total docs using JSON/PHP hope this helps
// Get total number of documents in solr
$solrObj = file_get_contents("http://HOSTNAME:8983/solr/COLLECTION
// var_dump(json_decode($solrObj));
$res_obj = json_decode($solrObj);
$numDocs = $res_obj->response->numFound;
echo "Total number docs found!: ".$numDocs."<br />";
Depending how you are using it, notice the format options available. For my case XML is ideal.

drupal bootstrap script: how to get list of all nodes of type x?

I create a custom import and export, at the moment as an external script (via bootstrap), i plan to create a module in a more generic fashion lateron.
I am building a frontend for nagios and for our host management and nagios configuration btw. Maybe it might become useful for other environments (networkmanagement)
Now i need to know how to get list of all nodes of type x?
I want to avoid direct SQL.
A suggestion i got was to make an rss and parse it
but i acess the drupal db a dozen times to extract various nodes, so it feels strange to do a web request for one thing
So what i am looking for as newbie drupal dev is just a pointer to basic search module api for this task
Why do you want to avoid using SQL?
If you want to get info about what's in your db, like all the nodes of type x, the only way to get it, is through a SQL query, unless you have the data extracted already.
A query like
db_query("SELECT title, nid FROM {node} WHERE type = 'x';");
shouldn't be the thing that ruins your performance.
The link you provided is a from Drupal 7, so you have to be be careful reading this. The reason is that in Drupal 7 it is not only possible to use db_query which basically is wrapper for the php functions mysql_query, pg_query. It's a bit different and using it, you wont have to use db_specific code. Anyways new in Drupal 7 is something that is a bit like an ORM. I haven't read about it in detail, but the idea is that you can build a query using commands on an object. This is probably what you are after. However, Drupal 7 is not ready at all for production sites. There are still a lot of critical issues and security issues. So this wont be a possibility for quite some time.
Edit 2:
If you want to get the node title and body, this is what you should do:
$type = 'x';
$query = db_query("SELECT r.nid, r.title, r.body FROM {node} AS n
LEFT JOIN {node_revisions} AS r ON r.nid = n.nid
WHERE type = '%s';", array($type));
$nodes = array();
while ($node = db_fetch_object($query)) {
$nodes[$node->nid] = $node;
You can use db_fetch_array instead of db_fetch_object` if you want to extract arrays instead of objects from the db.
This is a pretty old question, but for anyone coming across this page now, in Drupal 7.x best practise is to use dynamic queries.
So if you wanted to select all the nodes of type x, you could do the following:
$articles = db_select('node')
->fields('node', array('nid', 'title'))
->condition('type', 'x', '=')
The $articles variable should then be an array of all x type nodes, keyed by nid with the arrays corresponding value set to the node title. Hope that can help.
Views is generally how you create database queries without writing them in Drupal, but this query is so simple I'm not sure it's worth the overhead of learning views, barely 5 lines after you've bootstrapped Drupal:
$nodes = array();
$results = db_query("SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE type = '%s'", $type);
while ($result = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$nodes[] = node_load($result->nid);
Gotta use SQL do to this.
Node counts =
$node_types = node_get_types();
$type_count = array();
foreach ($node_types as $type) {
$result = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT count(nid) AS node_count FROM {node} WHERE type = "%s"'), $type);
$type_count[$type] = $result['count(nid)'];
Nodes and their type:
$node_types = node_get_types();
$nodes = array();
foreach ($node_types as $type) {
$result = db_query('SELECT nid, title FROM {node} WHERE type = "%s"'), $type);
while ($node = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$nodes[] = array('Type' => $type, 'Title' => $node->title);
Something like that. I am eating lunch so I didn't test that but I have done this before so it should work. Drupal 6.
The migrate module may be of interest to you. It also supports drush so you can script things fairly easily.