SQL Server - Database Design - Best Practices - sql

We are developing an ASP.NET application and carrying out the database design too.
Kindly let me know if you know any best reference document for SQL Server database design - best practices.

Read up on SO for normalization.


can anyone help me out how to create SQL database which anyone can ACCESS from over the internet?

can anyone help me out how to create SQL database which anyone can ACCESS from over the internet ?? i m actually a beginner in DBMS..... thanks for your time!!!!
SQL Database
The intelligent relational cloud database service
Azure SQL Database is the intelligent, fully managed relational cloud database service that provides the broadest SQL Server engine compatibility, so you can migrate your SQL Server databases without changing your apps. Accelerate app development and make maintenance easy and productive using the SQL tools you love to use. Take advantage of built-in intelligence that learns app patterns and adapts to maximize performance, reliability, and data protection.

SQL Sync Verification in WPF

So I am designing an WPF application that needs to support offline functionality.
That means I will have a local database that syncs with the master database when available. My questions is in regards to the integrity of the data sync. I want to verify that the changes that are being synced to the master database are actually being made in the master database. Vise versa as well. What ways should I approach this issue. It may be worth noting that I am by no means a DBA and have just trouble shooting experience when dealing with SQL.
Asuming you have SQL server as master and SQL express on WPF you need do several things and the best I can do is point you a tutorial
Tutorial: Synchronizing SQL Server and SQL Express

Is it ok to ever use straight SQL (or an ORM) instead of BCS in SharePoint 2010

I am working on a custom web part that I want to query and write to another database.
BCS seems to complicate this process more than helping it out so I am wondering if it is ever ok to use directly access SQL Server without the use of BCS?
Short answer ... go for it - use DB only and don't use BCS.
but it really depends a bit ...
If you use BCS, you can take advantage of some Sharepoint facilities such as search.
Please find the full advantages of BCS here:
But there is a big gotcha here .... If you are using Sharepoint Foundation there are a number of limitations on what you can do with BCS, so please keep this in mind.
One disadvantage of accessing through a database is that you no longer have one central location for your data, and this can have its problems. but if you design your architecture well, you should be fine.
So overall, if you do not need the advantages of BCS and you can design a solid architecture (perhaps service oriented), then my personal recommendation would be to use the database in your web-part.
Sorry - BCS is the wrong answer - you should be using the Secure Store Service; this is how we connect between 'outside' data sources and SharePoint. Otherwise, the custom web part must somehow embed the Login information (either through properties, the web.config or the Registry) - otherwise, SSS is where you want to go.

What will be the best SQL Azure package for a mobile app?

I'm new to Azure platform and pricing. I want to build a small mobile application targeting various mobile OS platforms.
Is it wise to get a SQL Azure or host my WCF service somewhere else based on the pricing?
If you recommend SQL Azure is the Pay-As-You-Go well enough to handle the app?
SQL Server vs SQL Azure
To be honest your question is quite vague, and I dont think there is an absolute right answer based on the information you have given. Your going to need to assess your requirements with the database offerings and decide what you need.
If things like load balancing, transparent failover and other cloud features pique your interest- Azure may be the correct choice. Otherwise SQL Server or other 'traditional/non-cloud' SQL DB implementations may be the way to go.
In terms of cost, here are a couple of comparisons, but again it comes down to your application specifics.

SQL Server schema best practices

I'm in the process of designing a new database for an application. I'd like to be mindful of the security from the start (which should be the norm!). Anyone got a link to a resource describing the best way to use schemas to implement good security?
By using schemas, I mean not just dumping everything under the default dbo schema. Surely there's a schema best practises out there? Can't find it if there is...
Security Enhancements in SQL Server 2005: Schema
SQL Server Best Practices: User-Defined Schemas
...And the obligatory MSDN reference: