.NET 3.5: How to host WF runtime in WCF? - wcf

I need to find a tutorial for hosting the Workflow Foundation Runtime in WCF using .NET3.5.
Does anyone know any good links specifically on this?
UPDATE: Preferably, it should have some code samples on the implementation.

I've found an article that I've yet to thoroughly review, but it meets my requirement of having code samples and uses .NET 3.5.
UPDATE: The article is what I wanted, so I'm marking this as my answer.
Workflow Services by Matt Milner

Try the MSDN Introduction (first link on Bing, second on Google):
Introduction to Hosting Windows Workflow Foundation


Intel ESG tutorials and examples needed

I am looking for Intel ESG (Intel Expressway Service Gateway) I have to work on this so I am looking for any documentation or tutorial links.
Please if anyone uses this or know about something on it Please help me.
MuleSoft has very good developer community and lot of online resources available. If you go to developer site for MuleSoft you will get everything that you want. Browse through sub-menu of 'Resources' and 'Community' menu.
MuleSoft documentation is also comprehensive and contains samples in some cases.

Using ActiveX control in .NET CF

I want to use ActiveX in my .NET CF project
as Microsoft explained at this link:
Hosting ActiveX Controls in the .NET Compact Framework 2.0
I need to download Host_ActiveX_Controls.msi but link is dead
any other solution or valid link to Host_ActiveX_Controls.msi is needed
The code in the original article had a leak in it anyway, so the fact that it's down maybe isn't such a bad thing. There's an updated, non-leaky version hosted on my blog here.

Trying to load opserver

I downloaded opserver that I saw at SQLPass. I can't seem to do anything with it. I tried opening it with VS 2008, VS 2010 and keep getting incompatible errors. What version of VS should I be using? I am a newbie so am in real unfamiliar territory. What do I do after I download it? Are there step by step instructions anywhere?
Opserver targets ASP.NET 4.5 for concurrency features, which I believe requires 2012 or better.
The official Opserver documentation assumes that you know how to build and publish and ASP.NET MVC 4 application. Typically the challenge in building MVC is getting the right dependencies/config setup on IIS the first time. Very easy to update after that. There are many blog posts and good answers on this site on that general subject.
If you want directions specific to Opserver, currently you are limited to third party blog posts such as the following:
Patrick Hyatt: Setting Up StackExchange's Opserver (very useful for the config files)
Danny Sorensen: Using Opserver Will It Build? (my own experience so far)
If this is not familiar territory, I recommend the following:
Use Visual Studio 2012 or 2013 on a machine with ASP.NET 4.5
Only enable the Opserver security file. Modify it for your IP address, or use "alladmin" to start.
Build it. If it doesn't work, use StackOverflow to solve your issue. You're having trouble with ASP.NET MVC 4, not Opserver at this point.
Now enable one additional config file at a time and build it again until you are done. Note, that you will not need to enable all of the config files unless your setup matches that of StackOverflow. Most of the config files are intended to be optional and left disabled.
You should be good with 2010, but you need to have ASP.NET MVC installed before opening the solution and building.

How to implement Configuration Service 5.0 of the StockTrader 5.0 sample application?

We have a collection of WCF Rest WebServices. Those WebServices are having configuration strings that are now hard coded as constants. We want to be able to change those configuration strings at runtime. A colleague of mine pointed me at the Configuration Service of the StockTrader sample application.
I installed the sample application and looked at working of the application. The Configuration Service is just a little part of the sample application. The documentation of the sample application contains a tutorial for the 'Visual Studio Configuration Service template', wich I followed. After that I found the 'Config Service Technical Guide' in the documentation folder of the sample application, wich contains a sort of action plan on page 12. The actionplan is just a summary what has to be implemented to use Configuration Service, not how it has to be implemented. Above the action plan the reader is referred to the 'Guide to Implementing the Configuration Service 5.0 for .NET Applications and Services'. Only thing after googling: The guide is nowhere to be found..
With the combination of the little actionplan in the technical guide, the comments in the code of the VS Template and the technical guide, I made a start to extract the Configuration Service and try to implement it in a new solution to test it. Now I am stuck with the implementation of the ConfigurationActionsBase. The implementation of the ConfigurationActionsBase persists the changes of the configuration to the database.
Does anyone know where the missing guide is(mentioned in the story
Does anyone know how to extract the configuration of magic
strings out of the StockTrader sample application?
Does anyone know an alternative solution for our scenario?
With Kind Regards,

WCF integration testing with Windsor

We've got WCF setup to use Windsor. Now I want to start writing some integration tests and I'm running into a problem. I found an article by Ayende http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2007/06/12/WCF-Windsor-Integration.aspx but I can't find the WindsorServiceHost he mentions. I even went and looked around WcfIntegration in the object browser and no luck.
Does anyone have a more up to date sample or have a short code sample they can share?
You will not find it in standard Windsor installation. It is separate Facility (separate project) which hasn't been released yet but you can download source codes from their repository.