A good PDF view component for .net [closed] - pdf

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Closed 4 years ago.
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My application incorporates the manual as a PDF file and I want that the user can read the manual without exit and with a minimun overload.
Do you know any free (as in beer) component for .net that can just read pdf files? (I don't need editing).
Thank you.
P.D.: Yes, I did Googled, but I can't find a free one.
P.D.2.: If I don't need to install anything on the target computer, then it could be perfect!

Edit - Added
You don't specify what you're using as a development language. I'm guessing that it's some .Net language. If not, this will NOT be helpful to you.
End Added Content
Is this a Windows Forms application?
I don't know if you've thought of this, but you can create a form with a WebBrowser control, and set the WebBrowser's DocumentSource to be the PDF document you're talking about. This form can be controlled by your application. The WebBrowser control will just use whatever version of Adobe Acrobat that Internet Explorer would use on the client's PC. Almost every computer out there has some version of the Acropbat Viewer, so there is very little chance you would need to install anything.
The reasons I recommend this are:
No need to buy a component
It works. Simply, beautifully, and it's as error free as just opening the PDF via Internet Explorer.


is there any working/real open source Plagiarism checker available? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to develop a plagiarism checker for checking several source codes but I couldn't find any proper source code or even a resource to get an idea about it.
I have checked the Boss2 which is useless. they claim that they use Sherlock module for detecting plagiarism but it seems there is no such tools included in boss2.
if any open source detection tool is available for checking source code please let me know.
I'm aware of open-source plagiarism detectors for text (e.g., WCopyFind), but not code.
I couldn't find... even a resource to get an idea about it.
The authors of the excellent closed-source tool MOSS have published a helpful paper about the technology.
I know the question is old, but I did land here from a google.
Sherlock is an open source plagiarism detector. Sherlock's home page is here
I wrote SimiCheck, and you are welcome to use it. If you are interested in an API, I could probably write one very quickly.
I wrote the original algorithm as part of the CrowdGrader peer-grading tool, but then I decided to make the comparison tools available independently.
SimiCheck can handle code, Word (.docx), html, pdf, text, ..., as well as .zip, .tar, .gz, .tgz, and some more formats, and can deal with variable renaming, code moves, code across multiple files, etc.

Free UML Drawing Tools [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What are the best free uml drawing tools?
All the ones I have found require membership payments and only offer limited functionality based to public users on a trial basis...rubbish!
For my (very simple) needs I used ArgoUML. I'm not an expert about, but I found it enough easy to use. It's open source and, on the web page, you can find a good user guide.
Have a look at StarUML ( http://staruml.sourceforge.net/en/ )
It's free, open source, and incredibly fully featured.
For a full list, check out the ones marked as Open Source here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unified_Modeling_Language_tools
But I'd really recommend StarUML!
For my first two software engineering courses, I used the stand alone version of UMLet, but it is just for diagrams. It exports to standard graphics, or pdf. They also have an eclipse plugin version, but I never used it.
For a no frill drawing tool, I find Google Docs (drawings) pretty good. Note that printing works better under Mozilla than Chrome, strangely enough. In Chrome, I cannot get dashed lines to print.
Try UMLet. Supports Eclipse IDE.

Is there Developer Documentation for Scandit SDK? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am trying to evaluate the Scandit barcode scanner SDK for an iPad2 application. So far, I have registered for a Developer's license and I think I imported the license file and App key correctly, but still fails to authenticate the demo application. If I had the documentation it is likely that I can fix this and continue with the evaluation. Also, the SDK license does not provide any support (forum, telephone, email, etc.).
A few points, first of all there was a README.txt file in the ZIP file that answered all of my installation questions and it had a step that I missed.
There was an additional problem that I had with the license file, since I opened it for viewing, the file was altered to have extra and therefore did not pass the license validation. The console log stated that the file was invalid.
Scandit looked at the file and determined the problem with the new-lines and as soon as I re-downloaded the file, I was up and running. Now I can continue with my evaluation.
w.r.t the license file, there seem to be a couple of additional
newlines in the file. Can you try downloading the file again from
the Scandit website and store it directly (without opening it in an
editor) in the ScanditSDK directory? -- scandit support
Sorry you ran into this issue last year.
I work for Scandit, and over the summer we've expanded our website to provide a support section with detailed documentation, FAQs and contact information: http://www.scandit.com/support/documentation/
Please get in touch with any technical questions and we'll get right back to you.

Wysywig literate programming (or viewing generated documentation on-the-fly) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I use a lot of illustrations, diagrams and equations to document C++ and python codes, and a way to do this is to inline them with doxygen. The problem is that, when coding, they are not directly available in the code (unless I use ascii-art for this purpose).
Is there an automatic, quick and fast way to, while coding, view the generated documentation? E.g., I could have a separate Eclipse tab with the rendered documented code (HTML), while coding in another tab... and the documentation rendering tab would be updating automatically as I change the code and the documentation.
Is this possible? Is there a tool, plug-in for Eclipse or add-on for Visual Studio enabling this?
Frankly, I use a second monitor (or second computer) to view such documentation just to keep them out of the way - I want to see them alongside my Visual Studio screen not taking up space that could be occupied by code.
I publish the generated Doxygen documentation to an internal web server so if you have an HTML viewer plugin you could just point it to that. (I usually have a browser open alongside).
You could setup your Doxygen project to be generating directly into the web server directory so there's no copying time to get it renewed.
One tip, if you have a large code base and Doxygen takes an annoyingly long time is to have a special setup file just pointing at the code you're working on, to quickly regenerate the relevant couple of pages. You could have a python script observing the directory and re-running Doxygen if files change.
Try my LP tool - http://code.google.com/p/nano-lp - it supports OpenOffice/LibreOffice, so you can write LP programs in WYSIWYG manner. By the way, if you decide to use markup language instead of OpenOffice, NanoLP supports several of them.

Record a video presentation from my computer [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'd like to make a presentation on my computer that records sounds and shows all the necessary mouse-clicks, and any typing I do in a window or a form and record the results into some sort of file for playback later.
It doesn't matter if the file is MPG or AVI as long as the file can be played back in Windows Media Player.
What sort of application would anyone suggest to do this? I've seen a number of web casts that do this, but it never dawned on me what sort of software that would be useful in doing this.
You should try Camtasia. It's easy to use (I used it before) and it can export to AVI, Flash and Windows media
CamStudio - it's free and open source
I would suggest for CamStudio as it is free and open source software.
NOTE Camstudio reportedly contains malware
You can try Microsoft Office Live.
Its very easy to use.
I recommend PresentationTube, a new way for recording and sharing video presentations. Free and easy to learn. http://presentationtube.com/
This doesn't meet your exact usecase. At all. BUT!
Give Presentious a try. For example: http://presentio.us/view/p1tcHs
There's nothing to install and it's super simple.