How to declare a before and after execution of a maven plugin around another plugin execution? - maven-2

I would like to create an execution order in my plugin which surrounds a maven plugin with a before and after execution of another maven plugin. All 3 executions are part of the deploy phase.
Here is an example of what I want to do:
url:get: execution-before
url:get: execution-after
Note: url:get is my own custo mojo and just executes an http get using commons httpClient.
I would usually attach the after plugin execution in the next phase but unfortunately deploy is the last phase of the jar lifecycle.
Thank you in advance,
Note: The following plugins segment from my pom file creates the following execution order which is not expected:
url:get: execution-before
url:get: execution-after
Plugin segment:

You can bind the execution of each plugin to the same phase and they will be executed in the order you specify. Note they will be executed after the deploy goal has run, so you might want to bind them to the previous phase (install)
Update: to ensure the execution-before and execution-after goals are executed around the dependency plugin execution, you'll need to ensure they are defined in separate plugins. Otherwise the two configurations will be merged and executed sequentially.
If the two executions need to be defined in the same plugin, you can do this by defining a custom lifecycle and invoking that lifecycle before your Mojo is executed via the execute annotation. In this answer I described how to create a custom lifecycle and force it to be invoked before a plugin is run. If you configure the execute-after goal to invoke the dependency-plugin you'll get the execution order you want (you could even invoke the execute-before goal in that lifecycle as well).
The example below will execute the three plugins in order during the deploy phase:
<!--specify final execution in a different plugin to
avoid the configurations being merged-->


How to configure the execution step in jvm-parallel plugin? when we want to run scenarios parallel

I want to run my scripts parallel so I have added the cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin to my pom file. At the <execution> step I get the following error,
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: com.github.temyers:cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin:4.2.0:generateRunners (execution: generateRunners, phase: generate-test-sources)
Does anyone know what is causing the issue?
I have the same error. Here is an edited snippet of my pom. Please let me know if you would like more than this.

Maven write to stdout

Anyone familiar with a way how can I can i write something to the stdout from maven.
For instance i would like to write a line everytime i start a new module.
I would use the Maven AntRun plugin to echo the message and bind it on the validate phase (the first phase) of the default lifecyle in the parent pom:
<echo>Entering module: ${pom.artifactId}</echo>
This is just an example of course, the message I'm writing here doesn't really add value to what Maven is already providing/doing.

How do I make a Maven module not export a jar?

I have a Maven build with three modules.
Module A exports a jar.
Module B depends on A and exports a jar.
Module C is a set of regression tests that depend on A and B.
The reason the regression tests aren't just part of module B is that they should be able to run against multiple versions of A and B to ensure backwards compatibility. I want to be able to run deploy from the top level build to create A.jar and B.jar, but not C.jar. Is this possible?
If you don't need to create a JAR at all, you might want to add two more properties:
Note that you still need maven.deploy.skip, otherwise the build will fail during deployment.
The maven deploy plugin includes a skip options that prevents artifact deployment.
You can try adding that to project C.
Use below for module C:
Use a packaging of type pom for C and rebind all required plugins:

How to get Maven to run war:exploded but not war:war

I have a Maven pom that uses <packaging>war</packaging>. But actually, I don't want build the war-file, I just want all the dependent jars collected and a full deployment directory created.
So I'm running the war:exploded goal to generate the deploy directory:
The trouble is, the war file still gets built. Is there a simple way of having <packaging>war</packaging> execute the war:exploded goal instead of the war:war goal?
Or is there another simple way to do this?
The solution is quite simple. You need to override the default execution of the war plugin to disable it and add your own execution (for exploded):
<plugin><!-- don't pack the war -->
According builtin lifecycle bindings for war packaging in package phase war:war mojo is called.
You can call previous 'prepare-package' phase - all actions will be performed and after that call mojo war:exploded
mvn prepare-package war:exploded
The results will be the same as yours but no war created.
I would like to upgrade onto #Michael Wyraz answer and just include install skip settings in case if someone executes mvn clean install build on top level of multimodule project and one of sub-module is web application.
This stands inside war module:
Without install skip build fails as it tries to install war into .m2 folder. Error message looks like this:
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) # *** ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) on project ***: The packaging for this project did not assign a file to the build artifact -> [Help 1]
Executing mvn clean install -P war_explode with this settings (enclosed in maven profile named war_explode) it finishes build without error.
The only way I can think of to do what you want is to set use pom packaging (or create a custom packaging) and bind the required goals from the war packaging to the relevant phases of the lifecycle. If you go for pom packaging you can use define the war:war execution in a profile to allow you to package it, but you'll need to use the build-helper-maven-plugin attach-artifact goal to attach the war to the pom.
Note with this approach if you want to use any other war-specific processing it may cause you problems.
The lifecycle bindings for war packaging are listed in the Introduction to The Build Lifecycle (see the "Default Lifecycle Bindings - Packaging ejb / ejb3 / jar / par / rar / war" section).
To bind the relevant plugin executions to the pom packaging you would do as follows:
<!-- package not wanted, install and deploy already defined for pom packaging-->
<!--define war:war execution in a profile in case it is needed-->
As far as I know (I'm still new to maven) this is not possible. The only default lifecycle you can skip is 'test'. In order to get to the deploy you have to package. You can read all about the default lifecycle order of execution here:

Running maven goal in multiple lifecycles

I have a case where I want to run the cobertura plugin in both the verify phase and the reporting phase. I have two profiles and they should both be running the cobertura plugin, but in profile A, I only want to create the xml/html output, but in profile B, I will be generating full site documentation that includes these results.
I have cobertura configured as a plugin that runs as part of the verify phase, but if I do that, even if I run mvn verify site, the cobertura report does not appear in the site documentation. It seems as though I need to have it listed in both the plugins and the reporting section (since I won't be running site in profile A, it won't get called in that profile if I only have it in the plugins). So far the plugins section of my POM includes:
<artifactId>cobertura-maven-plugin </artifactId>
I don't want to copy this into the reporting section too since this is a lot to duplicate. Is there a good way to accomplish this otherwise?
Define this: