Oracle SQL Developer How To Default To Other Users Tables? - sql

In order to see all of the tables in our companies DB I have to go find the main sys account. Is there a way to default my connection so that it shows the other users tables?

Any table that your connecting account has at least SELECT privileges on will show up in the "Other Users" node of the navigation tree. If the table does not show up there then it is a database permissions issue, not a SQL Developer configuration issue.

Think you don't want to repeated type otheruser.tablename in all your queries. If that is the case you want to run this
alter session set current_schema = otheruser;

What do you mean by "see all of the tables"? Are you happy if you know they're there, or do you need to see their content. In the former case dba_tables should do. In the latter case it's a matter of the privileges assigned to you.

Change your connect to login as the main Sys user. Otherwise like dpbradley says you will have to go find them under the Other Users node.

If you connect to (e.g.) DB2 using JDBC driver, you can use this syntax:
Not only that the schema WESB will be your current schema, but it will be also the default schema in the tree on the Connections tab.
Note: It seems that it works for DB2 only.

As Ram, I also do it with
alter session set current_schema = otheruser;
It works if you want to access to the tables of a particular user


how to change db user name and db group name in Sybase Anywhere 11

I have a db with tables User and Group, which represent entities in some application. But at the same time there are database users and database groups with the same names. I need to anonymize the database. It's easy to change db tables, e.g. update User set "Name" = "John",... where Id = 100500
But what to do with db users and db groups?
My first thought was to drop user and that create a new one:
drop user John;
create user njoh identified by 'pswd' login policy "root";
But belonging to groups is lost in the approach.
Is there any kind of rename method for db users in Sybase Anywhere 11?
Also I don't know how to change last log-in time and comments for a db user.
The same problem with groups. I didn't try to 'drop groups', 'cause I don't know if there is a possibility in Sybase Anywhere 11.
Could anyone tell me the truth - does the problem have a solution?
No, there is no way to rename an existing user. You can certainly drop it and create a new user but like you said, any group memberships are lost, as are permissions granted on objects like tables and procedures.
The only way to change the last login time for a user is by logging in. You can change the comment on a user by using comment on user is '<string>'.
There is no drop group statement - a group in SQL Anywhere (versions 12 and older) is simply a user with "group authority", so to drop a group you would use revoke connect from <group name>.
Disclaimer: I work for SAP in SQL Anywhere engineering.

How to prevent database user deleting data from ALL tables by triggers

Hi Experts
How I can prevent database user deleting any data in tables using triggers?
I want just Admin delete Data from tables
Umm take away that users permission? If you don't want them doing something, 'disallow' them that right... thats why we have permissions.
Here are details on how to revoke permissions:
Any particular reason you want to use triggers?
You could simply remove the DELETE permission from the users you want to restrict. Have a look at the "Permissions" section here:
EDIT: Since you say you do want to use triggers (but I really think you should reconsider) you can create a table such as:
CREATE TABLE Restricted_Users
user_name VARCHAR(40) PRIMARY_KEY -- Use a size appropriate to your requirements
Create INSTEAD OF DELETE triggers on all your tables (that's going to be a chore) which checks for the USER_NAME() in the Restricted_Users table and if they EXIST you can call RAISERROR to cause the transaction to be rolled back and display a message to the user.
Remember you will have to maintain these triggers on all new tables added to the database as well as maintaining the list of users in the Restricted_Users table whenever you add/remove users from the database.
It would be a lot simpler to use the permission system available in SQL Server (it's what it's designed for) using roles with appropriate permissions set for the tables. Then, when adding new users you only have to assign them to the appropriate role and the delete permissions are handled for you.

set sql server connection to readonly?

How do I set a SQL server connection to readonly? I tried Googling and all I found was File Mode=Read Only, but it didn't work (File Mode keyword not supported). The reference looked SQL CE specific.
No luck with SQLite Read Only=True either.
My connection string is below. I have no clue when it comes to configuring the tables. I don't know how to make users/permissions.
rdconn = new SqlConnection(#"(wrong)Read Only=True;Server=.\SQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=test2.mdf;Database=dbo;Integrated Security=SSPI;User Instance=True;");
Just set on current user's permissions to SELECT only.
Is that what you want?
Click on the current db in SQL Server Management Studio, after click on Security->Users. Find your user, right click on him -> properties->Securable. Just mark SELECT, unmark all others.
Here're links on managing permissions
Just found a a free tool for managing permissions. It can be useful too. Check the link
If you want the DB to be read-only to any user:
or read here for more information
Change the security settings for the used login in SQL server.
For instance only db_datareader.
It's really simple.
If your db-user is called
Create a new login called MyApplicationWebServicesReadOnly_EN, with default language English (or whatever you need), who is member of the server-role "public" only (default).
In the DB you want the user to have access to, create a new user called MyApplicationWebServicesReadOnly_EN, and map it to login MyApplicationWebServicesReadOnly_EN.
Right-click the user in the database, and select properties -> general
In the Select-box list for "Membership in database roles", select db_datareader only (make sure all others options are unchecked).
Now use MyApplicationWebServicesReadOnly_EN in your connection string as "user id", and you have your read-only mode..
Of course, if your entire db should be read-only, then
will do just fine, as hgulyan said.
If you want to access the database in readonly mode, you can create a user for database and can enable 'READ' rights and disable 'WRITE' rights
you can see the users under database in sqlserver select that and if you want you can create new user else you can set the rights in properties
Also refer
In some cases, for instance in a High Availability instance in Azure, you may have a read-only replicated duplicate of your database. In that case, you add
to the connection string to have that user reach the Read-Only replica.
More at Microsoft...

SQL Server creating wrong table names, why?

Question: when I create a table (T_TableName) using SQL Server Management-Studio, it always creates the table as
instead of
What's wrong ?
If you don't specify a schema explicitly on your table name to be created, it will be created in the user's current default schema.
I bet the user you're using has its own personal schema set as its default schema - that's why your tables get created in his own personal schema.
You can check what database users you have and what their default schema is by inspecting sys.database_principals (SQL Server 2005 and up):
SELECT name, type_desc, default_schema_name
FROM sys.database_principals
To solve this:
specify the schema you want to use explicitly (best practice anyway!)
CREATE TABLE dbo.T_TableName
change the user's default schema to dbo
But as a general rule of thumb, I recommend always using the "dbo." prefix explicitly, if you want to have all your database objects in the dbo schema. Helps with performance, too (ever so slightly) since SQL Server won't have to go hunting in different schemas, if you explicitly tell it where your db objects live.
You need to either create your table as "dbo.Whatever", OR you need to change your default schema (or have your SA do it for you) by issuing a command like:
Call it dbo.T_TableName in SSMS. If you have the correct permissions, it will work.
Are you assigned as db_owner for the database you created the table in? If not, this could be the issue. Try adding your user mapping permissions to the database as such.
USE [yourDatabase]
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'DOMAIN\UserOrGroup'

Oracle running script

I am using Oracle Sql Developer
I have a huge script that creates tables, indexes, primary key constraints and such.
my DB name is: dbo_other
I logged into this dbo_other as sysdba.
If I run my script then tables do not show up on left panel under 'Tables'
However, if I append the script by adding 'dbo_other.' in front of every table name then the tables show up.
This is very tedious and time consuming.
Is there a way to avoid this? why wont they show up in dbo_other without adding dbo_other. in front of every table name?? When I run the query on the upper right corner the drop down has dbo_other selected!!
I can even do a select * from the table created (but dont see it in left sidebar) Furthermore, I can see the table in pl/sql developer.
Why does oracle sql developer want me to create it with dbo_other.??
Also, is there a way to avoid adding it for each table? maybe something can be done on top of the script so it takes effect on everything that follows?
Why are you logging in to your database using the SYSDBA account? This is very powerful, and it will allow you to do terrible damage to your database if you don't know what you're doing. In a development environment there's a limit to the harm you can do but it's best to get into good habits before doing things in Production.
The interesting thing about AS SYSDBA is that it overrides the username part of the login: if your OS user has the privileges, you're in. As SYS. Check it out:
SQL> conn apc
Enter password:
SQL> show user
SQL> conn apc as sysdba
Enter password:
SQL> show user
So, when you ran that script you created all those objects in the SYS schema. Which will prove to be a massive pain in the neck. I hope you have an equal and opposite reversion script.
To run the script properly, all you need to do is connect as DBO_OTHER (normal - i.e. without SYSDBA or SYSOPER which is the default after all). Your script will create tables in the current schema.
If you need to create objects in several schemas, you don't need to log out and in again. The schema is distinct from the user and it is possible to switch schema by executing alter session set current schema = WHOEVR;. This is quite a handy trick and I blogged it up some time back. Find out more.
Note that your user will not acquire any additional privileges by changing the current schema: they will only be able to do what they currently can do. So for something like creating objects in multiple schemas the executing user should be a power user, somebody with CREATE ANY privileges such as a DBA (but still not SYSDBA).
I just stumbled upon this little jem which lets you perform actions on a schema/user by default for which you are not logged in as. That is, by default your select statements, etc will operate on this new schema instead of your own.
alter session set current_schema =
+ table1
+ table2
+ SuperTable1
+ SuperTable2
log in as "Myself"
select * from SuperTable1
Error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
alter session set current_schema = SomeoneElse
select * from SuperTable1 <This will work.>
The "Tables" tree on the left-hand panel only includes tables the logged-in user owns in Oracle SQL Developer. If your script creates tables in another user's schema, you need to click the + next to "Other Users", find the appropriate user, and click the + on their tables.
As others have said, you shouldn't use SYSDBA unless you need to, and it sounds very much like your script should be executed as a normal user based on its rough description.