Oracle running script - sql

I am using Oracle Sql Developer
I have a huge script that creates tables, indexes, primary key constraints and such.
my DB name is: dbo_other
I logged into this dbo_other as sysdba.
If I run my script then tables do not show up on left panel under 'Tables'
However, if I append the script by adding 'dbo_other.' in front of every table name then the tables show up.
This is very tedious and time consuming.
Is there a way to avoid this? why wont they show up in dbo_other without adding dbo_other. in front of every table name?? When I run the query on the upper right corner the drop down has dbo_other selected!!
I can even do a select * from the table created (but dont see it in left sidebar) Furthermore, I can see the table in pl/sql developer.
Why does oracle sql developer want me to create it with dbo_other.??
Also, is there a way to avoid adding it for each table? maybe something can be done on top of the script so it takes effect on everything that follows?

Why are you logging in to your database using the SYSDBA account? This is very powerful, and it will allow you to do terrible damage to your database if you don't know what you're doing. In a development environment there's a limit to the harm you can do but it's best to get into good habits before doing things in Production.
The interesting thing about AS SYSDBA is that it overrides the username part of the login: if your OS user has the privileges, you're in. As SYS. Check it out:
SQL> conn apc
Enter password:
SQL> show user
SQL> conn apc as sysdba
Enter password:
SQL> show user
So, when you ran that script you created all those objects in the SYS schema. Which will prove to be a massive pain in the neck. I hope you have an equal and opposite reversion script.
To run the script properly, all you need to do is connect as DBO_OTHER (normal - i.e. without SYSDBA or SYSOPER which is the default after all). Your script will create tables in the current schema.
If you need to create objects in several schemas, you don't need to log out and in again. The schema is distinct from the user and it is possible to switch schema by executing alter session set current schema = WHOEVR;. This is quite a handy trick and I blogged it up some time back. Find out more.
Note that your user will not acquire any additional privileges by changing the current schema: they will only be able to do what they currently can do. So for something like creating objects in multiple schemas the executing user should be a power user, somebody with CREATE ANY privileges such as a DBA (but still not SYSDBA).

I just stumbled upon this little jem which lets you perform actions on a schema/user by default for which you are not logged in as. That is, by default your select statements, etc will operate on this new schema instead of your own.
alter session set current_schema =
+ table1
+ table2
+ SuperTable1
+ SuperTable2
log in as "Myself"
select * from SuperTable1
Error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
alter session set current_schema = SomeoneElse
select * from SuperTable1 <This will work.>

The "Tables" tree on the left-hand panel only includes tables the logged-in user owns in Oracle SQL Developer. If your script creates tables in another user's schema, you need to click the + next to "Other Users", find the appropriate user, and click the + on their tables.
As others have said, you shouldn't use SYSDBA unless you need to, and it sounds very much like your script should be executed as a normal user based on its rough description.


ORA-00942 error is generating while creating a view

I have created a new view named CONS_INTERRUPTED_DATA for the main user hfdora and the view has been created successfully. But when I am trying to create the same view for another user (cis) of the same database after giving all the privileges to the user (cis) I am getting the below error,
ERROR at line 13:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Both the user hfdora and cis are the part of same database and this oms_consumer table is present at the database
I have granted the following privileges for the user cis before creating the view
grant select on energization_info to cis;
grant select on trigger_info to cis;
grant select on oms_source to cis;
grant select on oms_consumer to cis;
grant connect,resource,dba to cis;
My sql query to create the view,
trigger_info_A.b1 AS FDR_RMU_OFF_B1, trigger_info_A.b2 AS FDR_RMU_OFF_B2,
trigger_info_A.B3TEXT AS FDR_RMU_OFF_B3TEXT, trigger_info_A.elem AS FDR_RMU_OFF_ELEM,
trigger_info_B.b1 AS FDR_RMU_RESTORE_B1, trigger_info_B.b2 AS FDR_RMU_RESTORE_B2,
trigger_info_B.elem AS FDR_RMU_RESTORE_ELEM,
oms_consumer.consumer_code, energization_info.b1 AS AFFECTED_B1,
energization_info.b2 AS AFFECTED_B2, energization_info.b3text AS AFFECTED_B3TEXT,
to_char(energization_info.deenergized_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY Hh24:MI:SS') AS DEENERGIZED_DATE,
to_char(energization_info.energized_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY Hh24:MI:SS') AS ENERGIZED_DATE,
trigger_info_A.comments AS KEY
trigger_info trigger_info_A,
trigger_info trigger_info_B,
(energization_info.trigger_number = trigger_info_A.trigger_number)
AND (energization_info.ENERGIZED_TRIGGER_NUMBER = trigger_info_B.trigger_number)
AND (energization_info.b1 = oms_consumer.B1NAME
AND energization_info.b2 = oms_consumer.B2NAME
AND energization_info.b3 = oms_consumer.B3NAME)
The first step in diagnosing a problem when creating a view is to try the select part on its own. In this case you would still get the ORA-00942 error, but the problem is now just a query and access issue and not to do with the view specifically.
When you get ORA-00942: table or view does not exist, it's because either:
The table or view name that you typed really doesn't exist.
Check the spelling - maybe there is a typo.
Are you connected to a database where it exists? Perhaps you are on a test system that doesn't have it.
Query dba_objects to see whether the table exists in another schema. (If you don't have privileges to query dba_objects, all_objects lists everything you have permission to view, which may be some help.)
It really does exist, but it's in another schema.
In that case, there are two possible issues:
You don't have permission to query it. The table's owner needs to grant read on xyz (substitute the actual table name for xyz) to either
public (if you want everyone to be able to see the data, not always advisable)
a role that you have (but roles aren't used by stored PL/SQL or views, though, so it's possible that you can query a table in another schema thanks to a role that you have, but still not be able to create a view or a procedure that uses it.)
You need to specify the schema. Say you want to query the REGIONS table in HR but you are connected as SCOTT. If you just select * from regions it will look for SCOTT.REGIONS, which doesn't exist. To fix that, do one of the following:
use hr.regions explicitly in your query.
in your schema, create or replace synonym regions for hr.regions;
Now whenever you refer to regions, the database will automatically redirect to hr.regions.
in any schema with permission to create public synonyms:
create or replace public synonym regions for hr.regions;
Now everyone connecting to the database will have any references to regions redirected to hr.regions, which isn't always a good idea, but it's one option anyway.
alter session set current_schema = hr;
Now the default schema for resolving names of objects is HR and not the one you logged into. For applications that always log in as a different user than the one that owns the tables, you can create an after logon trigger so this is always set. Then they can just refer to regions etc without needing to specify any schema and without any synonyms.
My issue has been resolved. :-)
I have made the following changes,
hfdora.trigger_info trigger_info_A,
hfdora.trigger_info trigger_info_B,
Now the same view is created for the user cis.

how to change db user name and db group name in Sybase Anywhere 11

I have a db with tables User and Group, which represent entities in some application. But at the same time there are database users and database groups with the same names. I need to anonymize the database. It's easy to change db tables, e.g. update User set "Name" = "John",... where Id = 100500
But what to do with db users and db groups?
My first thought was to drop user and that create a new one:
drop user John;
create user njoh identified by 'pswd' login policy "root";
But belonging to groups is lost in the approach.
Is there any kind of rename method for db users in Sybase Anywhere 11?
Also I don't know how to change last log-in time and comments for a db user.
The same problem with groups. I didn't try to 'drop groups', 'cause I don't know if there is a possibility in Sybase Anywhere 11.
Could anyone tell me the truth - does the problem have a solution?
No, there is no way to rename an existing user. You can certainly drop it and create a new user but like you said, any group memberships are lost, as are permissions granted on objects like tables and procedures.
The only way to change the last login time for a user is by logging in. You can change the comment on a user by using comment on user is '<string>'.
There is no drop group statement - a group in SQL Anywhere (versions 12 and older) is simply a user with "group authority", so to drop a group you would use revoke connect from <group name>.
Disclaimer: I work for SAP in SQL Anywhere engineering.

How to make a GRANT persist for a table that's being dropped and re-created?

I'm on a fairly new project where we're still modifying the design of our Oracle 11g database tables. As such, we drop and re-create our tables fairly often to make sure that our table creation scripts work as expected whenever we make a change.
Our database consists of 2 schemas. One schema has some tables with INSERT triggers which cause the data to sometimes be copied into tables in our second schema. This requires us to log into the database with an admin account such as sysdba and GRANT access to the first schema to the necessary tables on the second schema, e.g.
GRANT ALL ON schema_two.SomeTable TO schema_one;
Our problem is that every time we make a change to our database design and want to drop and re-create our database tables, the access we GRANT-ed to schema_one went away when the table was dropped. Thus, this creates another annoying step wherein we must log in with an admin account to re-GRANT the access every time one of these tables is dropped and re-created.
This isn't a huge deal, but I'd love to eliminate as many steps as possible from our development and testing procedures. Is there any way to GRANT access to a table in such a way that the GRANT-ed permissions survive a table being dropped and then re-created? And if this isn't possible, then is there a better way to go about this?
So the reason why the grants get revoked is that the new table is a different object.
SQL> select object_id from user_objects
2 where object_name = 'T72'
3 /
SQL> drop table t72
2 /
Table dropped.
SQL> create table t72 (id number)
2 /
Table created.
SQL> select object_id from user_objects
2 where object_name = 'T72'
3 /
The grants are on the object, not the object's name.
What I don't understand about your problem is this: you have a process which drops and re-creates the tables in schema_two. Why doesn't that process also grant grant privileges on those tables to schema_one? Why do you have an admin account do it instead? I presume you are connecting as schema_two to run the DROP and CREATE statements. Why not just add the GRANT statements to that step?
Because granting privileges on objects is as much a part of the installation as creating the tables. So you ought to have a process which does everything.
You could grant select any table, insert any table, etc to schema_one, but that seems like overkill and won't reflect what you do in production (hopefully). Why can't you issue the grant at the same time as you create the table, while logged in as schema_two? I've always done that in the creation scripts, and only ever had to use an admin account to grant third-party or system privs. I suspect I'm missing something...
What are you doing that couldn't be handled by ALTER TABLE statements?
The next best option might be to create a view that references the table that occaisionally disappears - the view won't disappear, you'd just get an error if the table doesn't exist in such a situation. IE:
Using * notation would also mean you don't have to continually update the view to expose columns in the table.
You could have a DDL trigger or a batch job that runs every few minutes that grants privileges automatically. But that is a bit of a security hole and won't represent production.
I suggest that you might give the account which you use to create the tables the ability to run the grants as well.
Share and enjoy.

Oracle SQL Developer How To Default To Other Users Tables?

In order to see all of the tables in our companies DB I have to go find the main sys account. Is there a way to default my connection so that it shows the other users tables?
Any table that your connecting account has at least SELECT privileges on will show up in the "Other Users" node of the navigation tree. If the table does not show up there then it is a database permissions issue, not a SQL Developer configuration issue.
Think you don't want to repeated type otheruser.tablename in all your queries. If that is the case you want to run this
alter session set current_schema = otheruser;
What do you mean by "see all of the tables"? Are you happy if you know they're there, or do you need to see their content. In the former case dba_tables should do. In the latter case it's a matter of the privileges assigned to you.
Change your connect to login as the main Sys user. Otherwise like dpbradley says you will have to go find them under the Other Users node.
If you connect to (e.g.) DB2 using JDBC driver, you can use this syntax:
Not only that the schema WESB will be your current schema, but it will be also the default schema in the tree on the Connections tab.
Note: It seems that it works for DB2 only.
As Ram, I also do it with
alter session set current_schema = otheruser;
It works if you want to access to the tables of a particular user

Unable to create a simple view on Oracle table

An external DB admin guy exported a production database and imported it into test environment. We are using Oracle 9.2. Majority of imported database objects (tables, views, idexes, packages,...) works fine, but we have problems with three specific tables: we can do SELECT,UPDATE, DELETE on those tables, but we can not create views on this tables.
In other words, the folowing works:
create or replace view v_test_view as select 1 x from dual; // we can create views
create or replace view v_test_view as select 1 x from someTable;
select * from problematicTable; // we can select data from problematic table
But this does NOT work:
create or replace view v_test_view as select 1 x from problematicTable;
--> ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
Background info:
db admin used import/export utility to copy the database schema
the version of production and test Oracle are not exactly the same (production is, test is
after the initial import was done, the problematicTable was visible in object catalog (and database development tools), but when trying to SELECT from this table, we got back "invalid identifier". After that, the tables were re-imported and now we are able to SELECT from the, but not to create views on them
Any ideas?
It looks like the situation is even more strange. When using one oracle session we can SELECT data from this table, in another Oracle session (using the same user to login!), we are getting "ORA-00904: invalid identifier"
The export data that was used to import from was sucesfully used to import data to another test environment (lets call it TEST1) which is located on the same instace of Oracle as the problematic one (TEST2). The difference beteween those two environments are that TEST1 uses the same user (schema name) as the production, but TEST2 uses another user (soo the objects were imported into another schema name). The problematicTables do not have any special security properties that are different from the tables that works OK.
Is the user creating the view granted select on the problematic table via a ROLE? If so, try giving an explicit grant on the table.
From Oracle:
"In order to create a view in a schema, that schema must have the privileges necessary to either select, insert, update, or delete rows from all the tables or views on which the view is based. The view owner must be granted these privileges directly, rather than through a role. The reason is that privileges granted to roles cannot be inherited via objects."
It looks like there was something wrong with the import. So what our DB admin did to fix the problem was:
drop the problematic tables
reimport the structure of the problematic tables (columns, constraints, indexes)
after the structure was re-created he re-imported the data
he also played with the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT to copy the data back and forth
When he was re-creating the table structure he discovered, that the current schema run out of free space (it was not set to auto grow). The strange thing is, that the first import did not complain about insufficient space.
So in theory is that insufficeint space was the reason for corrupted data dictionary.