Can I put constraint on column without referring to another table? - sql

I have a text column that should only have 1 of 3 possible strings. To put a constraint on it, I would have to reference another table. Can I instead put the values of the constraint directly on the column without referring to another table?

If this is SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL, yes, you can use a check constraint.
If it's MySQL, check constraints are recognized but not enforced. You can use an enum, though. If you need a comma-separated list, you can use a set.
However, this is generally frowned upon, since it's definitely not easy to maintain. Just best to create a lookup table and ensure referential integrity through that.

In addition to the CHECK constraint and ENUM data type that other mention, you could also write a trigger to enforce your desired restriction.
I don't necessarily recommend a trigger as a good solution, I'm just pointing out another option that meets your criteria of not referencing a lookup table.
My habit is to define lookup tables instead of using constraints or triggers, when the rule is simply to restrict a column to a finite set of values. The performance impact of checking against a lookup table is no worse than using CHECK constraints or triggers, and it's a lot easier to manage when the set of values might change from time to time.
Also a common task is to query the set of permitted value, for instance to populate a form field in the user interface. When the permitted values are in a lookup table, this is a lot easier than when they're defined in a list of literal values in a CHECK constraint or ENUM definition.
Re comment "how exactly to do lookup without id"
CREATE TABLE LookupStrings (
string VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (string) REFERENCES LookupStrings (string)
Now you can be assured that no value in MainTable.string is invalid, since the referential integrity prevents that. But you don't have to join to the LookupStrings table to get the string, when you query MainTable:
SELECT main_id, string FROM MainTable;
See? No join! But you get the string value.
Re comment about multiple foreign key columns:
You can have two individual foreign keys, each potentially pointing to different rows in the lookup table. The foreign key column doesn't have to be named the same as the column in the referenced table.
My common example is a bug-tracking database, where a bug was reported by one user, but assigned to be fixed by a different user. Both reported_by and assigned_to are foreign keys referencing the Accounts table.
reported_by INT NOT NULL,
assigned_to INT,
FOREIGN KEY (reported_by) REFERENCES Accounts (account_id),
FOREIGN KEY (assigned_to) REFERENCES Accounts (account_id)

In Oracle, SQL Server and PostgreSQL, use CHECK constraint.
CREATE TABLE mytable (myfield INT VARCHAR(50) CHECK (myfield IN ('first', 'second', 'third'))
In MySQL, use ENUM datatype:
CREATE TABLE mytable (myfield ENUM ('first', 'second', 'third'))


Create unique constraint with null columns

I have a table with this layout:
CREATE TABLE Favorites (
UserId uuid NOT NULL,
RecipeId uuid NOT NULL,
MenuId uuid
I want to create a unique constraint similar to this:
ADD CONSTRAINT Favorites_UniqueFavorite UNIQUE(UserId, MenuId, RecipeId);
However, this will allow multiple rows with the same (UserId, RecipeId), if MenuId IS NULL. I want to allow NULL in MenuId to store a favorite that has no associated menu, but I only want at most one of these rows per user/recipe pair.
The ideas I have so far are:
Use some hard-coded UUID (such as all zeros) instead of null.
However, MenuId has a FK constraint on each user's menus, so I'd then have to create a special "null" menu for every user which is a hassle.
Check for existence of a null entry using a trigger instead.
I think this is a hassle and I like avoiding triggers wherever possible. Plus, I don't trust them to guarantee my data is never in a bad state.
Just forget about it and check for the previous existence of a null entry in the middle-ware or in a insert function, and don't have this constraint.
I'm using Postgres 9.0. Is there any method I'm overlooking?
Postgres 15 or newer
Postgres 15 adds the clause NULLS NOT DISTINCT. The release notes:
Allow unique constraints and indexes to treat NULL values as not distinct (Peter Eisentraut)
Previously NULL values were always indexed as distinct values, but
this can now be changed by creating constraints and indexes using
With this clause null is treated like just another value, and a UNIQUE constraint does not allow more than one row with the same null value. The task is simple now:
ALTER TABLE favorites
ADD CONSTRAINT favo_uni UNIQUE NULLS NOT DISTINCT (user_id, menu_id, recipe_id);
There are examples in the manual chapter "Unique Constraints".
The clause switches behavior for all keys of the same index. You can't treat null as equal for one key, but not for another.
NULLS DISTINCT remains the default (in line with standard SQL) and does not have to be spelled out.
The same clause works for a UNIQUE index, too:
ON favorites (user_id, menu_id, recipe_id) NULLS NOT DISTINCT;
Note the position of the new clause after the key fields.
Postgres 14 or older
Create two partial indexes:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX favo_3col_uni_idx ON favorites (user_id, menu_id, recipe_id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX favo_2col_uni_idx ON favorites (user_id, recipe_id)
WHERE menu_id IS NULL;
This way, there can only be one combination of (user_id, recipe_id) where menu_id IS NULL, effectively implementing the desired constraint.
Possible drawbacks:
You cannot have a foreign key referencing (user_id, menu_id, recipe_id). (It seems unlikely you'd want a FK reference three columns wide - use the PK column instead!)
You cannot base CLUSTER on a partial index.
Queries without a matching WHERE condition cannot use the partial index.
If you need a complete index, you can alternatively drop the WHERE condition from favo_3col_uni_idx and your requirements are still enforced.
The index, now comprising the whole table, overlaps with the other one and gets bigger. Depending on typical queries and the percentage of null values, this may or may not be useful. In extreme situations it may even help to maintain all three indexes (the two partial ones and a total on top).
This is a good solution for a single nullable column, maybe for two. But it gets out of hands quickly for more as you need a separate partial index for every combination of nullable columns, so the number grows binomially. For multiple nullable columns, see instead:
Why doesn't my UNIQUE constraint trigger?
Aside: I advise not to use mixed case identifiers in PostgreSQL.
You could create a unique index with a coalesce on the MenuId:
Favorites_UniqueFavorite ON Favorites
(UserId, COALESCE(MenuId, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'), RecipeId);
You'd just need to pick a UUID for the COALESCE that will never occur in "real life". You'd probably never see a zero UUID in real life but you could add a CHECK constraint if you are paranoid (and since they really are out to get you...):
alter table Favorites
add constraint check
(MenuId <> '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
You can store favourites with no associated menu in a separate table:
CREATE TABLE FavoriteWithoutMenu
FavoriteWithoutMenuId uuid NOT NULL, --Primary key
UserId uuid NOT NULL,
RecipeId uuid NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY (UserId, RecipeId)
I believe there is an option that combines the previous answers into a more optimal solution.
create table unique_with_nulls (
id serial not null,
name varchar not null,
age int2 not null,
email varchar,
email_discriminator varchar not null generated always as ( coalesce(email::varchar, 0::varchar) ) stored,
constraint uwn_pkey primary key (id)
create unique index uwn_name_age_email_uidx on unique_with_nulls(name, age, email_discriminator);
What happens here is that the column email_discriminator will be generated at "insert-or-update-time", as either an actual email, or "0" if the former one is null. Then, your unique index must target the discriminator column.
This way we don't have to create two partial indexes, and we don't loose the ability to use indexed scans on name and age selection only.
Also, you can keep the type of the email column and we don't have any problems with the coalesce function, because email_discriminator is not a foreign key. And you don't have to worry about this column receiving unexpected values because generated columns cannot be written to.
I can see three opinionated drawbacks in this solution, but they are all fine for my needs:
the duplication of data between the email and email_discriminator.
the fact that I must write to a column and read from another.
the need to find a value that is outside the set of acceptable values of email to be the fallback one (and sometimes this could be hard to find or even subjective).
I think there is a semantic problem here. In my view, a user can have a (but only one) favourite recipe to prepare a specific menu. (The OP has menu and recipe mixed up; if I am wrong: please interchange MenuId and RecipeId below)
That implies that {user,menu} should be a unique key in this table. And it should point to exactly one recipe. If the user has no favourite recipe for this specific menu no row should exist for this {user,menu} key pair. Also: the surrogate key (FaVouRiteId) is superfluous: composite primary keys are perfectly valid for relational-mapping tables.
That would lead to the reduced table definition:
( UserId uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES users(id)
, MenuId uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES menus(id)
, RecipeId uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES recipes(id)
, PRIMARY KEY (UserId, MenuId)

Constraint To Prevent Adding Value Which Exists In Another Table

I would like to add a constraint which prevents adding a value to a column if the value exists in the primary key column of another table. Is this possible?
Table: MasterParts
MasterPartNumber (Primary Key)
Table: AlternateParts
MasterPartNumber (Composite Primary Key, Foreign Key to MasterParts.MasterPartNumber)
AlternatePartNumber (Composite Primary Key)
Problem - Alternate part numbers for each master part number must not themselves exist in the master parts table.
Here is an example:
MasterPartNumber Decription MinLevel MaxLevel ReOderLevel
010-00820-50 Garmin GTN™ 750 1 5 2
MasterPartNumber AlternatePartNumber
010-00820-50 0100082050
010-00820-50 GTN750
only way I could think of solving this would be writing a checking function(not sure what language you are working with), or trying to play around with table relationships to ensure that it's unique
Why not have a single "part" table with an "is master part" flag and then have an "alternate parts" table that maps a "master" part to one or more "alternate" parts?
Here's one way to do it without procedural code. I've deliberately left out ON UPDATE CASCADE and ON DELETE CASCADE, but in production I'd might use both. (But I'd severely limit who's allowed to update and delete part numbers.)
-- New tables
create table part_numbers (
pn varchar(50) primary key,
pn_type char(1) not null check (pn_type in ('m', 'a')),
unique (pn, pn_type)
create table part_numbers_master (
pn varchar(50) primary key,
pn_type char(1) not null default 'm' check (pn_type = 'm'),
description varchar(100) not null,
foreign key (pn, pn_type) references part_numbers (pn, pn_type)
create table part_numbers_alternate (
pn varchar(50) primary key,
pn_type char(1) not null default 'a' check (pn_type = 'a'),
foreign key (pn, pn_type) references part_numbers (pn, pn_type)
-- Now, your tables.
create table masterparts (
master_part_number varchar(50) primary key references part_numbers_master,
min_level integer not null default 0 check (min_level >= 0),
max_level integer not null default 0 check (max_level >= min_level),
reorder_level integer not null default 0
check ((reorder_level < max_level) and (reorder_level >= min_level))
create table alternateparts (
master_part_number varchar(50) not null references part_numbers_master (pn),
alternate_part_number varchar(50) not null references part_numbers_alternate (pn),
primary key (master_part_number, alternate_part_number)
-- Some test data
insert into part_numbers values
('010-00820-50', 'm'),
('0100082050', 'a'),
('GTN750', 'a');
insert into part_numbers_master values
('010-00820-50', 'm', 'Garmin GTN™ 750');
insert into part_numbers_alternate (pn) values
insert into masterparts values
('010-00820-50', 1, 5, 2);
insert into alternateparts values
('010-00820-50', '0100082050'),
('010-00820-50', 'GTN750');
In practice, I'd build updatable views for master parts and for alternate parts, and I'd limit client access to the views. The updatable views would be responsible for managing inserts, updates, and deletes. (Depending on your company's policies, you might use stored procedures instead of updatable views.)
Your design is perfect.
But SQL isn't very helpful when you try to implement such a design. There is no declarative way in SQL to enforce your business rule. You'll have to write two triggers, one for inserts into masterparts, checking the new masterpart identifier doesn't yet exist as an alias, and the other one for inserts of aliases checking that the new alias identifier doesn't yet identiy a masterpart.
Or you can do this in the application, which is worse than triggers, from the data integrity point of view.
(If you want to read up on how to enforce constraints of arbitrary complexity within an SQL engine, best coverage I have seen of the topic is in the book "Applied Mathematics for Database Professionals")
Apart that it sounds like a possibly poor design,
You in essence want values spanning two columns in different tables, to be unique.
In order to utilize DBs native capability to check for uniqueness, you can create a 3rd, helper column, which will contain a copy of all the values inside the wanted two columns. And that column will have uniqueness constraint. So for each new value added to one of your target columns, you need to add the same value to the helper column. In order for this to be an inner DB constraint, you can add this by a trigger.
And again, needing to do the above, sounds like an evidence for a poor design.
Regarding your edit:
You say " Alternate part numbers for each master part number must not themselves exist in the master parts table."
This itself is a design decision, which you don't explain.
I don't know enough about the domain of your problem, but:
If you think of master and alternate parts, as totally different things, there is no reason why you may want "Alternate part numbers for each master part number must not themselves exist in the master parts table". Otherwise, you have a common notion of "parts" be it master or alternate. This means they need to be in the same table, and column.
If the second is true, you need something like this:
table "parts"
id - pk
is_master - boolean (assuming a part can not be master and alternate at the same time)
description - text
This tables role is to list and describe the parts.
Then you have several ways to denote which part is alternate to which. It depends on whether a part can be alternate to more than one part. And it sounds that anyway one master part can have several alternates.
You can do it in the same table, or create another one.
If same: add column: alternate_to, which will be null for master parts, and will have a foreign key into the id column of the same table.
Otherwise create a table, say "alternatives" with: master_id, alternate_id both referencing with a foreign key to the parts table.
(The first above assumes that a part cannot be alternate to more than one other part. If this is not true, the second will work anyway)

mysql: difference between primary key and unique index? [duplicate]

At work we have a big database with unique indexes instead of primary keys and all works fine.
I'm designing new database for a new project and I have a dilemma:
In DB theory, primary key is fundamental element, that's OK, but in REAL projects what are advantages and disadvantages of both?
What do you use in projects?
EDIT: ...and what about primary keys and replication on MS SQL server?
What is a unique index?
A unique index on a column is an index on that column that also enforces the constraint that you cannot have two equal values in that column in two different rows. Example:
CREATE TABLE table1 (foo int, bar int);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ux_table1_foo ON table1(foo); -- Create unique index on foo.
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 2); -- OK
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (2, 2); -- OK
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (3, 1); -- OK
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 4); -- Fails!
Duplicate entry '1' for key 'ux_table1_foo'
The last insert fails because it violates the unique index on column foo when it tries to insert the value 1 into this column for a second time.
In MySQL a unique constraint allows multiple NULLs.
It is possible to make a unique index on mutiple columns.
Primary key versus unique index
Things that are the same:
A primary key implies a unique index.
Things that are different:
A primary key also implies NOT NULL, but a unique index can be nullable.
There can be only one primary key, but there can be multiple unique indexes.
If there is no clustered index defined then the primary key will be the clustered index.
You can see it like this:
A Primary Key IS Unique
A Unique value doesn't have to be the Representaion of the Element
Meaning?; Well a primary key is used to identify the element, if you have a "Person" you would like to have a Personal Identification Number ( SSN or such ) which is Primary to your Person.
On the other hand, the person might have an e-mail which is unique, but doensn't identify the person.
I always have Primary Keys, even in relationship tables ( the mid-table / connection table ) I might have them. Why? Well I like to follow a standard when coding, if the "Person" has an identifier, the Car has an identifier, well, then the Person -> Car should have an identifier as well!
Foreign keys work with unique constraints as well as primary keys. From Books Online:
A FOREIGN KEY constraint does not have
to be linked only to a PRIMARY KEY
constraint in another table; it can
also be defined to reference the
columns of a UNIQUE constraint in
another table
For transactional replication, you need the primary key. From Books Online:
Tables published for transactional
replication must have a primary key.
If a table is in a transactional
replication publication, you cannot
disable any indexes that are
associated with primary key columns.
These indexes are required by
replication. To disable an index, you
must first drop the table from the
Both answers are for SQL Server 2005.
The choice of when to use a surrogate primary key as opposed to a natural key is tricky. Answers such as, always or never, are rarely useful. I find that it depends on the situation.
As an example, I have the following tables:
CREATE TABLE toll_booths (
license_plate VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE drive_through (
toll_booth_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES toll_booths(id),
amount NUMERIC(10,4) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE(toll_booth_id, vin)
We have two entity tables (toll_booths and cars) and a transaction table (drive_through). The toll_booth table uses a surrogate key because it has no natural attribute that is not guaranteed to change (the name can easily be changed). The cars table uses a natural primary key because it has a non-changing unique identifier (vin). The drive_through transaction table uses a surrogate key for easy identification, but also has a unique constraint on the attributes that are guaranteed to be unique at the time the record is inserted. has some great articles on this particular subject.
There are no disadvantages of primary keys.
To add just some information to #MrWiggles and #Peter Parker answers, when table doesn't have primary key for example you won't be able to edit data in some applications (they will end up saying sth like cannot edit / delete data without primary key). Postgresql allows multiple NULL values to be in UNIQUE column, PRIMARY KEY doesn't allow NULLs. Also some ORM that generate code may have some problems with tables without primary keys.
As far as I know it is not possible to replicate tables without primary keys in MSSQL, at least without problems (details).
If something is a primary key, depending on your DB engine, the entire table gets sorted by the primary key. This means that lookups are much faster on the primary key because it doesn't have to do any dereferencing as it has to do with any other kind of index. Besides that, it's just theory.
In addition to what the other answers have said, some databases and systems may require a primary to be present. One situation comes to mind; when using enterprise replication with Informix a PK must be present for a table to participate in replication.
As long as you do not allow NULL for a value, they should be handled the same, but the value NULL is handled differently on databases(AFAIK MS-SQL do not allow more than one(1) NULL value, mySQL and Oracle allow this, if a column is UNIQUE)
So you must define this column NOT NULL UNIQUE INDEX
There is no such thing as a primary key in relational data theory, so your question has to be answered on the practical level.
Unique indexes are not part of the SQL standard. The particular implementation of a DBMS will determine what are the consequences of declaring a unique index.
In Oracle, declaring a primary key will result in a unique index being created on your behalf, so the question is almost moot. I can't tell you about other DBMS products.
I favor declaring a primary key. This has the effect of forbidding NULLs in the key column(s) as well as forbidding duplicates. I also favor declaring REFERENCES constraints to enforce entity integrity. In many cases, declaring an index on the coulmn(s) of a foreign key will speed up joins. This kind of index should in general not be unique.
There are some disadvantages of CLUSTERED INDEXES vs UNIQUE INDEXES.
As already stated, a CLUSTERED INDEX physically orders the data in the table.
This mean that when you have a lot if inserts or deletes on a table containing a clustered index, everytime (well, almost, depending on your fill factor) you change the data, the physical table needs to be updated to stay sorted.
In relative small tables, this is fine, but when getting to tables that have GB's worth of data, and insertrs/deletes affect the sorting, you will run into problems.
I almost never create a table without a numeric primary key. If there is also a natural key that should be unique, I also put a unique index on it. Joins are faster on integers than multicolumn natural keys, data only needs to change in one place (natural keys tend to need to be updated which is a bad thing when it is in primary key - foreign key relationships). If you are going to need replication use a GUID instead of an integer, but for the most part I prefer a key that is user readable especially if they need to see it to distinguish between John Smith and John Smith.
The few times I don't create a surrogate key are when I have a joining table that is involved in a many-to-many relationship. In this case I declare both fields as the primary key.
My understanding is that a primary key and a unique index with a not‑null constraint, are the same (*); and I suppose one choose one or the other depending on what the specification explicitly states or implies (a matter of what you want to express and explicitly enforce). If it requires uniqueness and not‑null, then make it a primary key. If it just happens all parts of a unique index are not‑null without any requirement for that, then just make it a unique index.
The sole remaining difference is, you may have multiple not‑null unique indexes, while you can't have multiple primary keys.
(*) Excepting a practical difference: a primary key can be the default unique key for some operations, like defining a foreign key. Ex. if one define a foreign key referencing a table and does not provide the column name, if the referenced table has a primary key, then the primary key will be the referenced column. Otherwise, the the referenced column will have to be named explicitly.
Others here have mentioned DB replication, but I don't know about it.
Unique Index can have one NULL value. It creates NON-CLUSTERED INDEX.
Primary Key cannot contain NULL value. It creates CLUSTERED INDEX.
In MSSQL, Primary keys should be monotonically increasing for best performance on the clustered index. Therefore an integer with identity insert is better than any natural key that might not be monotonically increasing.
If it were up to me...
You need to satisfy the requirements of the database and of your applications.
Adding an auto-incrementing integer or long id column to every table to serve as the primary key takes care of the database requirements.
You would then add at least one other unique index to the table for use by your application. This would be the index on employee_id, or account_id, or customer_id, etc. If possible, this index should not be a composite index.
I would favor indices on several fields individually over composite indices. The database will use the single field indices whenever the where clause includes those fields, but it will only use a composite when you provide the fields in exactly the correct order - meaning it can't use the second field in a composite index unless you provide both the first and second in your where clause.
I am all for using calculated or Function type indices - and would recommend using them over composite indices. It makes it very easy to use the function index by using the same function in your where clause.
This takes care of your application requirements.
It is highly likely that other non-primary indices are actually mappings of that indexes key value to a primary key value, not rowid()'s. This allows for physical sorting operations and deletes to occur without having to recreate these indices.

Can there be constraints with the same name in a DB?

This is a follow-on question from the one I asked here.
Can constraints in a DB have the same name?
Say I have:
Address VARCHAR(100) NULL
EmployerCode VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT employer_code_fk FOREIGN KEY (EmployerCode) REFERENCES Employer
EmployerCode VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT employer_code_fk FOREIGN KEY (EmployerCode) REFERENCES Employer
Is this allowable? Does it depend on the DBMS (I'm on SQL Server 2005)? If it is not allowable, does anyone have any suggestions on how to work around it?
No - a constraint is a database object as well, and thus its name needs to be unique.
Try adding e.g. the table name to your constraint, that way it'll be unique.
EmployerCode VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT FK_BankAccount_Employer
FOREIGN KEY (EmployerCode) REFERENCES Employer
We basically use "FK_"(child table)_(parent table)" to name the constraints and are quite happy with this naming convention.
Information from MSDN
That constraint names have to be unique to the schema (ie. two different schemas in the same database can both contain a constraint with the same name) is not explicitly documented. Rather you need to assume the identifiers of database objects must be unique within the containing schema unless specified otherwise. So the constraint name is defined as:
Is the name of the constraint. Constraint names must follow the rules for identifiers, except that the name cannot start with a number sign (#). If constraint_name is not supplied, a system-generated name is assigned to the constraint.
Compare this to the name of an index:
Is the name of the index. Index names must be unique within a table or view but do not have to be unique within a database. Index names must follow the rules of identifiers.
which explicitly narrows the scope of the identifier.
The other answers are all good but I thought I'd add an answer to the question in the title, i.e., "can there be constraints with the same name in a DB?"
The answer for MS SQL Server is yes – but only so long as the constraints are in different schemas. Constraint names must be unique within a schema.
I was always puzzled why constraint names must be unique in the database, since they seem like they're associated with tables.
Then I read about SQL-99's ASSERTION constraint, which is like a check constraint, but exists apart from any single table. The conditions declared in an assertion must be satisfied consistently like any other constraint, but the assertion can reference multiple tables.
AFAIK no SQL vendor implements ASSERTION constraints. But this helps explain why constraint names are database-wide in scope.
It depends on the DBMS.
For example on PostgreSQL, the answer is yes :
Because PostgreSQL does not require constraint names to be unique
within a schema (but only per-table), it is possible that there is
more than one match for a specified constraint name.
Source :
I've seen Foreign Keys constraint names equals on 2 different tables within the same schema.
Does it depend on the DBMS (I'm on SQL Server 2005)?
Yes, apparently it does depend on the DBMS.
Other answers say it's not permitted, but I have a MS SQL CE ("Compact Edition") database in which I accidentally successfully created two FK contraints, in two tables, with the same contraint name.
Good practice is to create index and constraint names specifying table name at the beginning.
There's 2 approaches, with index/constraint type at the beginning or at the end) eg.
Foreign keys names should also contain names of referenced Table/Field(s).
One of good naming conventions is to give table names in form of FullName_3LetterUniqueAlias eg.
This give you opportunity to use "predefined" aliases in queries which improves readability and also makes Naming of foreign keys easier, like:

Primary key or Unique index?

At work we have a big database with unique indexes instead of primary keys and all works fine.
I'm designing new database for a new project and I have a dilemma:
In DB theory, primary key is fundamental element, that's OK, but in REAL projects what are advantages and disadvantages of both?
What do you use in projects?
EDIT: ...and what about primary keys and replication on MS SQL server?
What is a unique index?
A unique index on a column is an index on that column that also enforces the constraint that you cannot have two equal values in that column in two different rows. Example:
CREATE TABLE table1 (foo int, bar int);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ux_table1_foo ON table1(foo); -- Create unique index on foo.
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 2); -- OK
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (2, 2); -- OK
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (3, 1); -- OK
INSERT INTO table1 (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 4); -- Fails!
Duplicate entry '1' for key 'ux_table1_foo'
The last insert fails because it violates the unique index on column foo when it tries to insert the value 1 into this column for a second time.
In MySQL a unique constraint allows multiple NULLs.
It is possible to make a unique index on mutiple columns.
Primary key versus unique index
Things that are the same:
A primary key implies a unique index.
Things that are different:
A primary key also implies NOT NULL, but a unique index can be nullable.
There can be only one primary key, but there can be multiple unique indexes.
If there is no clustered index defined then the primary key will be the clustered index.
You can see it like this:
A Primary Key IS Unique
A Unique value doesn't have to be the Representaion of the Element
Meaning?; Well a primary key is used to identify the element, if you have a "Person" you would like to have a Personal Identification Number ( SSN or such ) which is Primary to your Person.
On the other hand, the person might have an e-mail which is unique, but doensn't identify the person.
I always have Primary Keys, even in relationship tables ( the mid-table / connection table ) I might have them. Why? Well I like to follow a standard when coding, if the "Person" has an identifier, the Car has an identifier, well, then the Person -> Car should have an identifier as well!
Foreign keys work with unique constraints as well as primary keys. From Books Online:
A FOREIGN KEY constraint does not have
to be linked only to a PRIMARY KEY
constraint in another table; it can
also be defined to reference the
columns of a UNIQUE constraint in
another table
For transactional replication, you need the primary key. From Books Online:
Tables published for transactional
replication must have a primary key.
If a table is in a transactional
replication publication, you cannot
disable any indexes that are
associated with primary key columns.
These indexes are required by
replication. To disable an index, you
must first drop the table from the
Both answers are for SQL Server 2005.
The choice of when to use a surrogate primary key as opposed to a natural key is tricky. Answers such as, always or never, are rarely useful. I find that it depends on the situation.
As an example, I have the following tables:
CREATE TABLE toll_booths (
license_plate VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE drive_through (
toll_booth_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES toll_booths(id),
amount NUMERIC(10,4) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE(toll_booth_id, vin)
We have two entity tables (toll_booths and cars) and a transaction table (drive_through). The toll_booth table uses a surrogate key because it has no natural attribute that is not guaranteed to change (the name can easily be changed). The cars table uses a natural primary key because it has a non-changing unique identifier (vin). The drive_through transaction table uses a surrogate key for easy identification, but also has a unique constraint on the attributes that are guaranteed to be unique at the time the record is inserted. has some great articles on this particular subject.
There are no disadvantages of primary keys.
To add just some information to #MrWiggles and #Peter Parker answers, when table doesn't have primary key for example you won't be able to edit data in some applications (they will end up saying sth like cannot edit / delete data without primary key). Postgresql allows multiple NULL values to be in UNIQUE column, PRIMARY KEY doesn't allow NULLs. Also some ORM that generate code may have some problems with tables without primary keys.
As far as I know it is not possible to replicate tables without primary keys in MSSQL, at least without problems (details).
If something is a primary key, depending on your DB engine, the entire table gets sorted by the primary key. This means that lookups are much faster on the primary key because it doesn't have to do any dereferencing as it has to do with any other kind of index. Besides that, it's just theory.
In addition to what the other answers have said, some databases and systems may require a primary to be present. One situation comes to mind; when using enterprise replication with Informix a PK must be present for a table to participate in replication.
As long as you do not allow NULL for a value, they should be handled the same, but the value NULL is handled differently on databases(AFAIK MS-SQL do not allow more than one(1) NULL value, mySQL and Oracle allow this, if a column is UNIQUE)
So you must define this column NOT NULL UNIQUE INDEX
There is no such thing as a primary key in relational data theory, so your question has to be answered on the practical level.
Unique indexes are not part of the SQL standard. The particular implementation of a DBMS will determine what are the consequences of declaring a unique index.
In Oracle, declaring a primary key will result in a unique index being created on your behalf, so the question is almost moot. I can't tell you about other DBMS products.
I favor declaring a primary key. This has the effect of forbidding NULLs in the key column(s) as well as forbidding duplicates. I also favor declaring REFERENCES constraints to enforce entity integrity. In many cases, declaring an index on the coulmn(s) of a foreign key will speed up joins. This kind of index should in general not be unique.
There are some disadvantages of CLUSTERED INDEXES vs UNIQUE INDEXES.
As already stated, a CLUSTERED INDEX physically orders the data in the table.
This mean that when you have a lot if inserts or deletes on a table containing a clustered index, everytime (well, almost, depending on your fill factor) you change the data, the physical table needs to be updated to stay sorted.
In relative small tables, this is fine, but when getting to tables that have GB's worth of data, and insertrs/deletes affect the sorting, you will run into problems.
I almost never create a table without a numeric primary key. If there is also a natural key that should be unique, I also put a unique index on it. Joins are faster on integers than multicolumn natural keys, data only needs to change in one place (natural keys tend to need to be updated which is a bad thing when it is in primary key - foreign key relationships). If you are going to need replication use a GUID instead of an integer, but for the most part I prefer a key that is user readable especially if they need to see it to distinguish between John Smith and John Smith.
The few times I don't create a surrogate key are when I have a joining table that is involved in a many-to-many relationship. In this case I declare both fields as the primary key.
My understanding is that a primary key and a unique index with a not‑null constraint, are the same (*); and I suppose one choose one or the other depending on what the specification explicitly states or implies (a matter of what you want to express and explicitly enforce). If it requires uniqueness and not‑null, then make it a primary key. If it just happens all parts of a unique index are not‑null without any requirement for that, then just make it a unique index.
The sole remaining difference is, you may have multiple not‑null unique indexes, while you can't have multiple primary keys.
(*) Excepting a practical difference: a primary key can be the default unique key for some operations, like defining a foreign key. Ex. if one define a foreign key referencing a table and does not provide the column name, if the referenced table has a primary key, then the primary key will be the referenced column. Otherwise, the the referenced column will have to be named explicitly.
Others here have mentioned DB replication, but I don't know about it.
Unique Index can have one NULL value. It creates NON-CLUSTERED INDEX.
Primary Key cannot contain NULL value. It creates CLUSTERED INDEX.
In MSSQL, Primary keys should be monotonically increasing for best performance on the clustered index. Therefore an integer with identity insert is better than any natural key that might not be monotonically increasing.
If it were up to me...
You need to satisfy the requirements of the database and of your applications.
Adding an auto-incrementing integer or long id column to every table to serve as the primary key takes care of the database requirements.
You would then add at least one other unique index to the table for use by your application. This would be the index on employee_id, or account_id, or customer_id, etc. If possible, this index should not be a composite index.
I would favor indices on several fields individually over composite indices. The database will use the single field indices whenever the where clause includes those fields, but it will only use a composite when you provide the fields in exactly the correct order - meaning it can't use the second field in a composite index unless you provide both the first and second in your where clause.
I am all for using calculated or Function type indices - and would recommend using them over composite indices. It makes it very easy to use the function index by using the same function in your where clause.
This takes care of your application requirements.
It is highly likely that other non-primary indices are actually mappings of that indexes key value to a primary key value, not rowid()'s. This allows for physical sorting operations and deletes to occur without having to recreate these indices.