Open source runtime form designer - cross-platform

I'm searching for an open source runtime form designer (for SCADA, not searching for html designer), which is somewhat similar to modern IDE WYSIWYG's. So far, my list is empty.
Requirements are crossplatform and C++.
Thanks in advance.
Currently I'm using wxWidgets as the GUI platform. So the possible solutions are either open-source wxWidgets based form designer, or the wxWidgets component/lib.
Found the wxShapeFramework component which is I was looking for. At the moment this is the only option.

Maybe Qt would satisfy your needs. It is possible to extend it's functionality with new components. It's not out-of-the-box solution, but may fulfill this role.

How about Glade and gtkmm?

Qt allows you to use UI files created with the designer on-the-fly, without compiling them into your applications. You want the QtUiTools module. See: and

I'm going to use wxShapeFramework, which purpose is exactly as described in question (SCADA runtime form designer). Especially because the project is based on wxWidgets.


What is the least technical method to use D (dlang) with Qt5

I am a beginner wanting to learn D. I would like to be able to create simple GUI applications with Qt5.
I have found tutorials for adapting Qt Designer .ui files to python scripts using PyQt5. Might there be a comparable method for using Qt5 with D?
Thank you.
I have never tried this myself, but you may start by having a look at the QtE5 project here.
Gtk+'s Glade says it supports dlang.
I am going to look into this further.
I added a tag for Gtk3.
(Sorry, I know the question was for Qt. It looks for now that I have converted to Gtk.)

Are there any Designers for XForms?

I am searching for a designer or an IDE which can be used to create XForms by dragging and dropping elements.
I found visual XForms designer by IBM at .
But it is not that user friendly.
Thanks in advance.
There is Orbeon Form Builder. See also the FAQ. It's open source.
It's not strictly a general-purpose XForms editor, but it's a form editor that deals with XHTML+XForms+extensions. If you don't want to use Orbeon Forms to process the forms generated, you could transform the result e.g. with XSLT.
(Disclaimer: I work on Orbeon Forms.)
I am also trying to find a good XForm designer. One that I found useful is Vellum - It is an XForms form designer written purely in Javascript and it's Open source.
Vellum targets modern browsers. IE8 and earlier are not supported. It is used in production by Commcare.
Oryx used to offer one: The current code is unmaintained, but there is a github fork.

Code editor control VB .NET

Does anyone know if the code editor used by VSTO IDE is available to use in my own projects?
I need to use a code editor in my project. I Googled to try to find one, but I found several third party solutions (pay or free) but they don't fit my needs.
In same way as Webbrowser control, is the "sourcecodeeditor" control of VSTO available to use as a project component?
In same way as Webbrowser control, is the "sourcecodeeditor" control of VSTO available to use as a project component?
[. . .]
Exists the class "MSVSTOSourceCodeEditor"? This is the question. Thanks
Unfortunately, no. Microsoft doesn't allow you to subclass its source code editor, nor do they provide a version for use in your own projects. As I mentioned before, they don't really want to encourage you to rewrite Visual Studio. They'd prefer that you bought it instead!
Have you considered creating a plug-in or extension for Visual Studio instead? It's a little bit different way of going about it, but it just might work for you. Your developers might find it more convenient since they won't have to switch back and forth between two programs.
If you're really set on rolling your own custom solution, probably the best thing to do is check the source code for some of the open-source, Visual Studio-style IDEs, and see how they've written the code editor:

How do I View the functions inside of DLLs?

Is there a way you can open and view the code in a DLL (i.e., see functions/methods, signatures, and the code inside those functions or methods?)
Is there a way to view any headers inside the DLL as well as the authorship information for a DLL?
for non-.Net windows DLLs, there is this one here:
If they are .NET DLLs, you can find out a remarkable amount, including disassembling the code, using redgate's free tool "Reflector" - see
I think you will find what you need (and more) in Dependency Walker
Maybe you want to do it programmatically and write your own tool. Then have a look at the import and export tables of the COFF format.
Some other tools with source code doing it are:
Texe and LordPE
As material for my own lectures for Reverse Engineering, I developed PeStudio ( Using this tool you can snoop many details about imported and exported functions. You can even undecorate these when these have been decorated by a compiler.

Free schedule/timetable GUI library for .NET

Does anyone know of any good free libraries providing Windows Forms controls for displaying schedules/timetables in .NET? I'm really looking for something similar to what the guy who asked this question was seeking, with a couple of differences:
I don't need any help organizing the underlying data or generating the schedule (that's all set) -- I just want a clean way of displaying it.
I'm actually looking for a custom control in Windows Forms, not an ASP.NET control.
One thing I've considered doing is just using a TableLayoutPanel control, but ideally I'm looking for something that will be more straightforward code-wise (as in, something actually designed for displaying a timetable) and sharper-looking visually.
How about this control? It is very similar to the calendar in Outlook. It does come with source code, so if it's not quite what you need you could maybe use this as a base for your own implementation.
Download the source code for
He built a control (CalWidget) that you can easily recompile in your own project that's pretty nice. I recompiled it in .net 4.0 with little problems.