How to unpack xlsx? - excel-2007

I would like to work with internal .xlsx files (styles.xml). I was using <oXygen/> to navigate through internal structure, but now it is throwing an error.
How to unpack xlsx files (and then pack them again)?

Unzip the file

If you are using a mac, use the command-line unzip instead of the one built into Finder. I had the same headache until I switch to CLI.

Try this in Windows:
Rename your file something.xlsx => - you can then access it with File Explorer.


With CMake, how to install CSV data file where library can find it?

I am working on a C library. It contains a data file, as a CSV file.
The library opens and read this file as needed.
But how do I install this file, and open it (in C) in such a way that it works in both testing and after it is installed?
Right now I copy the file to the build directory so it can be found during testing. But this won't work for an installed library.
# Copy the data file with the NOAA abbreviations.
configure_file(src/noaa_grib2_params.csv ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/noaa_grib2_params.csv COPYONLY)
Even if I install the data file with the library, how can the library open it? Does the library have to know the install path so it can find the data file?

Yii2 archive installation symbolic link issue

I am trying to install Yii framework via archive file in Windows 7...after downloading the file I tried extracting it into a folder in my C:\wamp\www\bid location, however, I encounter an error saying this:
! C:\wamp\www\bid\yii-basic-app-2.0.2.tgz: Cannot create symbolic link C:\wamp\www\bid\basic\vendor\bin\markdown
A required privilege is not held by the client.
! C:\wamp\www\bid\yii-basic-app-2.0.2.tgz: Cannot create symbolic link C:\wamp\www\bid\basic\vendor\bin\yii
A required privilege is not held by the client.
I thought that perhaps Winrar can't extract tgz files so I downloaded 7-zip...Using 7-zip it extracted into a tar file and the tar file was extracted with no errors...For some reason though I do not seem to have the framework folder that seem to be in other people's directory structure...Moreover after trying create my own framework folder and performing this command:
yiic webapp C:\wamp\www\bid
It states that yiic is not recognized as an internal or external command
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong...I've tried setting this up numerous times and failed
You need to run 7-Zip File Manager in administrator mode.
Right-click the icon of 7-Zip File Manager, and then click "Run as administrator".
you need to call the command with php since it is actually a external command, i do it like this
php ./yiic webapp NameOfApp
This way your terminal understand that yii is a program that runs with php.
Another solution is to add the yii path to your environmental variable, regards

sqlite3_analyzer not working in Ubuntu missing shared object file

I am learning more about sqlite3 and am trying to use the sqlite3_analyzer to view a bunch of data about my data. The problem is when I download the from and unzip this package and THEN try to run the program I receive THIS error: ./sqlite3_analyzer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Does anyone know where to get this file? Does anyone know how to install this after obtaining it?
Install the package tcl8.6, or download the analyzer source code and recompile it with the Tcl version in your distribution.
I ended up downloading an older version of sqlite3_analyzer from a third party website (do a search for sqlite-analyzer-linux-x86) that worked without the dependency. I won't post links as I can't ensure that they'll be available and serve the same file as I downloaded.
If you decide to do that, be sure to check the file for viruses on! Can't trust these Chinese file hostings ;)

Executing Love2D scripts

The only way I found out to execute my script with the Love2d framework is to zip all of it and then rename the zip to love. This kinds of take a lot of time for a small modification. Is there a faster way to do it? I tried to command line and I get this error
'love' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
LÖVE also executes folders if they have the main.lua in them - you can just drag and drop the folder onto the application, or call it from the command line with the folder as the argument if you prefer.
LÖVE runs the contents of a folder if it can find a main.lua in it (Like Bill said).
[Note that it doesn't check subfolders].
There are three ways to run a love2D program, you can:
a) Drag the folder over the love.exe binary/link (This works in Win and *Nix, I don't know about OS X).
b) Navigate to the directory that is one level above the folder and type love [folder containing main.lua]
c) Zip it up and rename the .zip to a .love. Then double click the .love file
Option 'b' will fail if the binary is not in the %PATH%(Windows) or $PATH(*Nix) variable
(It will spout an error message like 'love' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. on windows and bash: love: command not found on linux).
There are two ways to solve this:
(Both require ADMIN/root privileges, )
1) Add the love binary to the PATH variable. Here's how to do this in windows and in linux (In linux you want to do something like this: PATH=$PATH:$HOME/where/ever/you/put/love/)
2) You can add a link to the love2D binary in C:\WINDOWS\system32 or /usr/bin/.
In windows you create a shortcut to the love.exe (wherever you installed it to) and then drag it into C:\WINDOWS\system32. In linux you can run this:
sudo link /path/to/love/binary /usr/bin/love && sudo chmod ugo+rwx /usr/bin/love
I hope this helps!
Google (the links above), Love2D and my knowledge :D
I found this to be very helpful when i started. Hope this helps
A Guide to Getting Started With Love2d
If you're using Mac OS, you should run using:
open -a love
To recreate a file as .love, you can run in command line:
zip file1.lua file2
If you just want to replace a file in .love:
zip -r file1.lua
I think this will make your work easier.
simple way:
create folder /path/to/Game
put your files (main.lua, conf.lua, ...) in folder /path/to/Game
you can run script like this:
love /path/to/Game/
or if you use Linux, you can go in folder (cd /path/to/Game) and type just:
love .
(dot means that you want to run it form in folder
I found a simple solution for save time.
You have to create a file .bat with this simple command:
7z.exe a ..\Project\*
For do this you need to download 7zip and insert this file (file.bat) into the folder of your project. Like this:
Good work!
If you're yousing Notepad++ to write your code, just open your main.lua file, then go to Run and add there this text including quotes:
Where Path is a Full path to love.exe.
The save it to a key combination and now you can test your code by using this combination in any script at Notepad++.
If you use Sublime Text, you can make a build which runs your application.
While in Sublime Text press CMD + B or Ctrl + B

how to use DEXtoJar

I find the solution to decompile a file dex to jar from this link but i don't understand how to use it.
Follow the below steps to do so_
Rename your APK file(e.g., rename your APK file to .zip Ex- test.apk -> & extract resultant zip file.
Copy your .dex file in to dex2jar folder.
Run setclasspath.bat. This should be run because this data is used in the next step.
Go to Windows Command prompt, change the folder path to the path of your dex2jar folder and run the command as follows:
d2j-dex2jar.bat classes.dex
enjoy!! Your jar file will be ready in the same folder with name classes_dex2jar.jar.
Hope this helps you and All reading this... :)
Download dex2jar
Run dex2jar on apk someApk.apk
open jar file in JD GUI
Follow this guide:
--Update 10/11/2016--
Found this ClassyShark from Google's github pretty easy to view code from APK.
// make sure that you downloaded release (for the ppl who coldnt find this link in /dex2jar/downloads/list
Step 1 extract the contents of dex2jar.*.*.zip file
Step 2 copy your .dex file to the extracted directory
Step 3 execute dex2jar.bat <.dex filename> on windows, or ./ <.dex filename> on linux
Simple way
Rename your test.apk =>
Extract then open that folder
Download dex2jax & Extract
Copy classes.dex file from test folder
Past to dex2jar Extracted folder
if use windows press Alt & D keys then type cmd press Enter(open to cmd)
run the command d2j-dex2jar.bat classes.dex
Download JD-GUI
Move classes-dex2jar.jar file to JD-GUI
Everything Done..
old link
the link is old, it will redirect to
dex2jar syntax
in, you can see your expected usage/syntax:
sh -f ~/path/to/apk_to_decompile.apk
can convert from apk to jar.
want dex to jar
if you have dex file (eg. using FDex2 dump from a running android apk/app), then you can:
sh -f ~/path/to/dex_to_decompile.dex
can got the converted jar from dex.
/xxx/dex-tools-2.1-SNAPSHOT/ -f com.huili.readingclub8825612.dex
dex2jar com.huili.readingclub8825612.dex -> ./com.huili.readingclub8825612-dex2jar.jar
want jar to java src
if you continue want convert from jar to java sourcecode, then you, have multiple choice:
using Jadx directly convert dex to java sourcecode
first convert dex to jar, second convertjartojava sourcecode`
how to got
download from dex2jar github release, got, unzip then got
you expected Linux's
and Windows's d2j-dex2jar.bat
and related other tools
what's the full process of convert dex to java sourcecode ?
you can refer my (crifan)'s full answer in another post: android - decompiling DEX into Java sourcecode - Stack Overflow
or refer my full tutorial (but written in Chinese): 安卓应用的安全和破解
If anyone is still looking for an easy way to decompile an APK (with resource decompiling), have a look at the tools I have created:
Just checkout the project locally and run the script as documented and you'll get all the resources and sources decompiled.
You can decompile your .apk files and download online.
Download latest dex2jar from here -> dex2jar
Run this command on linux -> sh classes.dex
Download java decompiler from here - > JD-GUI
Drag and drop the classes-dex2jar.jar file to JD-GUI
If you're looking for the version for windows get it from source forge:
It has the d2j-dex2jar.bat file you need
Download Dex2jar and Extract it.
Go to Download path
./ /path-to-your/someApk.apk
if .sh is not compilable, update the permission: chmod a+x
It will generate .jar file.
Now use the jar with JD-GUI to decompile it
After you extract the classes.dex file, just drag and drop it to d2j-dex2jar
Can be used as follow:
Download dex2jar here and extract it.
Download Java decompiler here (If you want to investigate .class file)
Get you release .apk file and change its extension with .zip
Extract .zip and find the classes.dex and classes2.dex
Paste these files into dex2jar folder where .bat file exist of dex2jar (normally names as d2j-dex2jar)
From dex2jar folder, open cmd [Shift+right click to see option to open cmd/power shell]
Type the command in cmd: d2j-dex2jar release.apk
You will get the .class file, open this file into Java Decompiler.
The below url is doing same as above answers. Instead of downloading some jar files and doing much activities, you can try to decompile by: