Internet Explorer 6 emulator recommendation [closed] - testing

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What good tool can be recommended for emulating Internet Explorer 6? I would rather not have to go and install an old copy of Windows XP somewhere.

Microsoft offer a number of Virtual PC images with various versions of IE for download.
They now also offer VMs to run VirtualBox, VMware and Parallels on Windows, OSX and Linux. Spoon lets you create web-hosted versions of your existing Windows apps that run instantly from your web site, with no install. Spoon has a gallery of browsers that you may launch including:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 7, and Internet Explorer 6
Mozilla Firefox 3.5, Firefox 3 and Firefox 2
Apple Safari 4 and Safari 3
Google Chrome, Opera 10, Opera 9

Microsoft Expression Web SuperPreview (which is now part of Microsoft Expression Web 3) has the capability to show you how a page would render in Internet Explorer 6, it also has some nice features to overlay an Internet Explorer 7 render or an image so you can see where those 1 pixel discrepancies are occuring.

If you are running a Windows OS, you can install MultipleIE. It will allow you to run IE6 as a standalone.
Not sure what your OS is though.

Litmus lets you test your site in dozens of different browsers.

I found recently that you can do this quite nicely in Windows 7, using the Windows XP mode. You need two virtual hard drives set up, but you can then create shortcuts on your Windows 7 desktop to 'open' Internet Explorer 6. There's a good walkthrough of how to do this here:

netrenderer is a
very quick (no wait times at all),
platform independent, and
versatile (IE5.5--IE10)
solution that does not require any local installations. My definite choice after trying out more than a handful of alternatives.

On Windows 7 you can download XP Mode, which gets you a fully-licensed version of XP. It integrates nicely with windows 7, and it never expires like the free VPC images. gives you an image of your site in various browsers. Not a real world experience but handy nonetheless.
Edit: On March 13, 2013 BrowserLab was shut down.

People generally use VMWare, or another virtualisation tool, to do this. At least where I work :)

If you have a Linux box I think that IE4Linux is IE6.


Creating universal applications for Consoles (PS4/XBoxOne)

I have been looking all over the place for an answer but I haven't found anything on this yet.
I want to create an application (not a game) for PS4 or XBoxOne but so far none of the related websites provides either a good documentation or any answers on such a question. I want to create applications like Netflix and Hulu Plus.
Does anyone have any clue on how to do this either through Unity3D or through other IDE's, any links or tutorials will suffice?
Historically the PS4 and XboxOne have been a partner-only platform. Though Sony hasn't announced plans to make PS4 non-game apps available to indie-developers, I can help point you in the right direction.
Build your apps with WinJS 4.0.1 (or greater) and ES5
Package your Javascript-Based app for Windows 10 Hosted Web App (
Contact Sony Developer World ( to request Media Application (non-game) access
Hint: Sony non-game apps support something pretty darn similar to step #2
Good Luck!
Right now Xbox One development is not broadly available. Microsoft announced that with Windows 10, they will be opening up to a much bigger set of developers.
Get the Visual Studio 2015 preview and start learning how Universal Apps work on PC and phone. That will prepare you for when Xbox becomes available as a development target.
For PlayStation there is something called LibJScript. This is used primarily for application making on PS platforms (PS3/PS4/PS Vita). It also contains Canvas2D so if you have made any HTML games before it should feel familiar.
It is probably worth mentioning that you need to have access to a Sony development Platform. The process is detailed at

How to do cross browser testing for a web site [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 4 years ago.
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when we develop a web site then we do not know how web site behave in other browser and also in a specific browser with different version. i have seen few web site is there where we can put our web site url and it generate image of our web site. those functionality is not good. so i like to know is there any free tool exist which give me browser like feeling where we can put our web site url and do the interaction with our web site.
i am looking for best free tool to test web site functionality and UI look. share the idea. thanks
One tool i know is Browserstack. It offers free trial for half an hour. If you need more, just register again with new email or support them and buy this product. It also offers you to test local links on different platforms and browsers.
There is also saucelabs that offers free testing for some browsers, but if you want to test local link then you need to buy it.
Also crosbrowsertesting offers free trial. But it only supports mac osx 10.8 and windows 7 in free trial and a bunch of browsers and different versions.
Hope this info helped.
Have you already tried this: ?
There are of course more containers than browsers.
If you need that feature in a long term purposes I would consider to setup your own containers e.g with help of Docker ( or with Selenium Grid. If you automate UI tests, Selenium Grid will help you with parallel run and its distributions.
There are lot of tools available on internet but really I do not trust on result which they produce. They are good but not perfect.
If you really want to do pixel precise testing of UI in diff.browsers then do manually testing OR you can make it automate using selenium web driver & TestNG framework. You can also use selenium grid for this purpose.
Kindly refer : Cross browser testing
There is a couple of another sites. Maybe someone will find it helpful.
browsera also has a free version.
Only MacOs is not available for free, but if it is for open source project this is included
I am affiliated with
Cross browser testing tools have progressed a lot in the past couple of years with some of the tools now offering automated solutions.
We've recently researched the market and put together our list of the top tools which are available today.
If you have any feedback or know of any additional ones which should be added, please do let me know.

Cross browser UI testing [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What's the best way to test cross-browser compatibility?
(4 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
when we develop any website then it looks good at our end but client may view the page with different browser then he/she face problem. i search for tool or way by which i can view my pages from my local machine using different browser and different version. i found few web site provide this facility and saw they very slow and they are giving image of my page which i do not want rather i want to view my page in browser. so i want a tool which allow me to select browser and version and then show my page in that browser with specific version. i may change version and page should refresh for changing browser or version. i hope there must be many tool available but unfortunately i not getting right single one. can anyone guide me. thanks
Adobe shut down BrowserLab a few weeks ago, but provided some guidance for other services that you can use on this page. There there are the browser sandboxes, but it installs the VM on your computer and I never liked that.
I personally use VMWare virtual machines with olders versions of IE on Windows, and Safari on a Mac VM. A little more effort to set this up, but I find it works best.

Browser Compatibility testing [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
How do i do browser compatibility testing?
Is there any particular way or checklist through which i can confirm compatibility testing on browser IE 6/7/8 is done.
Let me extend my query in particular to a application :
Let us assume a web application is tested in IE6 (Approx 5000 Test Cases)
Now i need to check the application compatibility in IE7 & IE8 also.
How do i go with ? since i cannot execute all the 5000 Test Cases in all the browsers
I need to know exactly where the problem could occur when tested in IE7 & IE8 browser.
what is the benchmark to test the application compatibility across the Browsers?
For testing a website in different IE versions I use IETester.
I don't have a checklist, but I just visually compare the websites in the different browser and check if the css and javascript (e.g. jQuery plugins) are working as intended. Most of the time you know what parts could be causing problems in older browser versions...
I sometimes use BrowserShots, but it will only show screenshots and there are delays in retrieving the screenshots, so you have to wait for results...
Microsoft has released Expression Web SuperPreview that permits testing of multiple versions of IE (6, 7, 8) side-by-side.
IE only testing is free. They have plans to add support for Firefox and Safari too and charge for it. It looks quite interesting but is still just beta.
A review with quite a number of screen shots:
Download the beta:
Another link:
I understand that your current test cases are not automated.
On top of what the other answers suggest, it feels to be a good idea to automate some of the test cases (the most important/critical scenarios) - check out watin or Selenium. Then, you can run those against multiple browsers to catch some errors. You can make screenshots during the test run and use visual compare tools to detect changes and regressions, which will greatly help you maintaining the app.
Doing that and tracking IE bugs will get you only to some point. You can't completely avoid manual testing...
The good news is that you do not have to worry much about IE8 - it is more standards compliant and you can always use IE7-compatible tag, so it uses IE7 rendering engine.
Try Multiple IEs.
You need
Microsoft SuperPreview
It has redering engines from IE6 to IE8 and also support Firefox and Safari. Also check out this blog post for detailed information and another methods of cross browser testing.
To rescue the web designers from this aching job of testing browser compatibility in different browsers there are few websites which offer this service. On these websites you can check the compatibility of your website in all desired browsers. You can find these websites at
Try looking up frameworks for unit testing in Javascript (jsUnit for example). Having a large test case will reduce the pain of testing your code in different browsers!
Try using VM Ware Fusion so you may install several operating systems on your machine. Then install all the browsers you need to test against on the different platforms.
Personally I run Fusion on a OSX box, with Windows 7 and Windows XP installed. On Win7 I run IE8, on XP i run IE7.

Embedded web browser engine for cross platform desktop application? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to embed a web browser control in a cross-platform application?
I'd like to embed a browsing engine (HTML,JS,CSS,DOM) in my desktop applications.
Which one is most suitable for me if I want to use it in a cross-platform desktop application?
Should I stick to one specific or write my own abstraction layer on top of the natives ones?
Update: A solution needs to provide an option for at least Windows/Mac/Linux.
WebKit is very lightweight and runs on all platforms. You will have to look at Google Chrome to see how to embed it into a Windows application. I believe it's native to GTK. There are also bindings for wxWidgets / wxPython.
Qt is highly optimised, cross-platform yet native-looking, usable from C++, Java and Python, and includes WebKit.
Awesomium might serve your needs-- it's a cross platform (Windows and Mac OSX) library based off of Google Chromium intended to help users embed a full-featured browser in their applications. It's free for non-commercial use and has a C++ API.
Should I ...
write my own abstraction layer on top
of the natives ones?
Having struggled with this exact issue, I think this is the only safe option at the moment. Something like Webkit on *nix, and Internet Explorer on Windows.