lucene query issue - lucene

I am using Lucene with Alfresco. Here is my query:
( TYPE:"{}test" && (#\{\}testNo:111 && (#\{\}skill:or))
I have to search documents which are having property skill of value "or". The above query is not giving any results (I am getting failed to parse query).
If I use the query up until testNo (ignoring skill), I am getting proper results:
( TYPE:"{}test" && (#\{\}testNo:111))
Can you please help me?

Unfortunately, "or" is a reserved keyword in Lucene. Therefore, Lucene fails to properly interpret your query, because Lucene thinks you are referring to the OR boolean operator. You may want to try wrapping the or in double quotes:
( TYPE:"{}test" && (#\{\}testNo:111 && (#\{\}skill:"or"))
I am not familiar with Alfresco, so you may not be able to do this.

Yes , or is reserved keyword in lucene but if you are trying to query by property which is of type number then you can give your value directly else if of type d:text or string so that you have to gave your value in double quote " " .
( TYPE:"{}test" && (#{}testNo:111 && (#{}skill:"or"))


SQLITE3 Error: "SQLITE_RANGE: column index out of range"

I'm trying to search for a user by a string so kind of like autocompletion
Here's my SQL:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE "%?%" LIMIT 25;
And it gives me this error:
SQLITE_RANGE: column index out of range
I looked into a bunch of github issues but couldn't find any that works for me.
In the SQLite CLI it works, so I have no idea why it wouldn't work here.
A ? inside a string like "%?%" is not considered as a placeholder for the parameter that you pass, which throws the error that you get because the parameter has no where to be placed in the statement.
Use concatenation of the ? with the wildcards:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE "%" || ? || "%" LIMIT 25;

Rally custom list query not working on string custom field

I have a custom field being added on user story (HierarchicalRequirement) level.
The WSAPI documentation shows the following details for the field:
Required false
Type string
Max Length 32,768
Sortable true
Explicit Fetch false
Query Expression Operators contains, !contains, =, !=
When trying to create a report using Custom List to identify user stories where this field is empty, I add (c_CustomFieldName = "") to the query.
And yet, the result shows rows where this field is not empty.
How can that be?
I tried querying on null, but it didn't work.
thx in advance
What you're doing should work- are you getting errors, or just incorrect data? It almost seems like it's ignoring your query altogether.
I tried to repro both with the custom list app and against wsapi directly and the following all worked as expected:
(c_CustomText = "") //empty
(c_CustomText = null) //empty
(c_CustomText != "") //non-empty
(c_CustomText != null) //non-empty
It's possible you're running into some weird data-specific edge case in your data. It may be worth following up with support.

Escaping ? (question mark) in hibernate/gorm sql restriction

I'm attempting to query against a materialized path stored with postgres ltree type from a Grails application. Unfortunately, my query uses the "?" operator which is being captured by GORM as a parameter
sqlRestriction("materialized_path ? (SELECT ARRAY(SELECT CAST(CAST(subpath(?,0,generate_series) AS text) ||'.*{1}' AS lquery) FROM generate_series(1,nlevel(CAST(? AS lquery)))))"
Where that first question mark should be escaped and the error being thrown is
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: No value specified for parameter 4.
at org.postgresql.core.v3.SimpleParameterList.checkAllParametersSet(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgStatement.executeInternal(
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgStatement.execute(
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgPreparedStatement.executeWithFlags(
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgPreparedStatement.executeQuery(
at org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.ResultSetReturnImpl.extract(
Found it myself with a little experimentation. It just takes a double-question mark. So,
"materialized_path ? (SELECT ARRAY(...
"materialized_path ?? (SELECT ARRAY(

Encoding/providing string & integer values in sqarql GET requests

I have a sparql query with a FILTER statement as follows:
FILTER ((?dayOfWeek = ?day) && (?start >= ?startTime) && (?finish <= ?finishTime))
I know that this query runs correctly if I replace with literal values and execute on snorql:
FILTER ((?dayOfWeek = "Wed") && (?start >= 720) && (?finish <= 820))
I want to provide the values via a GET request instead, so something like:
However, the above request doesn't work (it returns an empty data set). I've tried specifying the types of startTime and finishTime, ie
but this doesn't fix the issue.
Providing the literal values that work on snorql in the query string also results in an empty dataset, which is really puzzling me.
I assume that I must either be providing the values in the wrong way, or encoding them incorrectly. The query string itself has been percent escaped (character set: !*'();:#&=+$,/?%#[]).
Any suggestions?
If you are using the SPARQL protocol, the usage is
...sparql?query=PREFIX .. SELECT...
i.e. a complete SPARQL query (encoded for being in a URL).

Use of LIKE clause in sql prepared statement, spring, SimpleJDBCTemplate

I have the following sql prepared statement:
SELECT * FROM video WHERE video_name LIKE ?
Im using spring and jdbc.
i have a method, where term is a searchterm, sjt is a SimpleJdbcTemplate, VideoMapper is a RowMapper and searchForTermQuery is the string from above
return sjt.query(searchForTermQuery, new VideoMapper(), term);
My table has 2 videos that match the term.
However when I run the query none is found. I get an empty List.
I tried playing with % around the question mark, but it only gave badGrammarExceptions.
You need to put the % around the value itself, not around the placeholder (the question mark).
return sjt.query(searchForTermQuery, new VideoMapper(), "%" + term + "%");