Specification Pattern vs Specific Hibernate Query - sql

My question is when to use a specification pattern, and when to use specific SQL query.
I understood that specific pattern need to collect whole collection and post filter using concrete specification. But i dont't understand the advantage in front of specific SQL query.
CarColorSpecification cc = new CarColorSpecification(RED);
CarAgeSpecification ca = new CarAgeSpecification(OLDER, 5);
ISpecification finalSpec = cc.And(ca);
List<Car> res;
List<Car> carColl = service.getCars();
foreach(Car c in carColl) {
if(finalSpec.isSatisfiedBy(c)) {
And the same in SQL / Hibernate
FROM Car c WHERE c.color = RED AND c.age > 5
I think it depends of the data volume to process.

The SQL version will run quickly provided the table is appropriately indexed for the columns in question and its size, and it will transfer a smaller volume of data between the DB server and the app server if they're different. It may, however, impose a higher load on the SQL box in terms of CPU and disk I/O usage, and in many environments, the DB server is the most expensive component to scale.
So yes, it depends a great deal on the size of the data.

The Repository is used to abstract the persistence implementation away from your domain classes. In short, SQL/HQL should only exist within your repositories.
If you're dealing with high data volumes, create a new method on your Repository and call that method from your Specification.

I think a good compromise would be to combine specification pattern according to hibernate to generate HQL queries. (Maybe Linq for Java ^^ ?)


How to query multiple aggregates efficiently with DDD?

When I need to invoke some business method, I need to get all aggregate roots related to the operation, even if the operation is as primitive as the one given below (just adding item into a collection). What am I missing? Or is CRUD-based approach where you run one single query including table joins, selects and insert at the end - and database engine does all the work for you - actually better in terms of performance?
In the code below I need to query separate aggregate root (which creates another database connection and sends another select query). In real world applications I have been querying a lot more than one single aggregate, up to 8 for a single business action. How can I improve performance/query overhead?
Domain aggregate roots:
class Device
Set<ParameterId> parameters;
void AddParameter(Parameter parameter)
class Parameter
ParameterId Id { get; }
Application layer:
class DeviceApplication
private DeviceRepository _deviceRepo;
private ParameterRepository _parameterRepo;
void AddParameterToDevice(string deviceId, string parameterId)
var aParameterId = new ParameterId(parameterId);
var aDeviceId = new DeviceId(deviceId);
var parameter = _parameterRepo.FindById(aParameterId);
if (parameter == null) throw;
var device = _deviceRepo.FindById(aDeviceId);
if (device == null) throw;
Possible solution
I've been told that you can pass just an Id of another aggregate like this:
class Device
void AddParameter(ParameterId parameterId)
But IMO it breaks incapsulation (by explicitely emphasizing term ID into the business), also it doesn't prevent from pasting wrong or otherwise incorrect identity (created by user).
And Vaughn Vernon gives examples of application services that use the first approach (passing whole aggregate instance).
The short answer is - don't query your aggregates at all.
An aggregate is a model that exposes behaviour, not data. Generally, it is considered a code smell to have getters on aggregates (ID is the exception). This makes querying a little tricky.
Broadly speaking there are 2 related ways to go about solving this. There are probably more but at least these don't break the encapsulation.
Option 1: Use domain events -
By getting your domain (aggregate roots) to emit events which illustrate the changes to internal state you can build up tables in your database specifically designed for querying. Done right you will have highly performant, denormalised queryable data, which can be linearly scaled if necessary. This makes for very simple queries. I have an example of this on this blog post: How to Build a Master-Details View when using CQRS and Event Sourcing
Option 2: Infer query tables -
I'm a huge fan of option 1 but if you don't have an event sourced approach you will still need to persist the state of your aggregates at some point. There are all sorts of ways to do this but you could plug into the persistence pipeline for your aggregates a process whereby you extract queryable data into a read model for use with your queries.
I hope that makes sense.
If you figured out that having RDBMS query with joins will work in this case - probably you have wrong aggregate boundaries.
For example - why would you need to load the Parameter in order to add it to the Device? You already have the identity of this Parameter, all you need to do is to add this id to the list of references Parameters in the Device. If you do it in order to satisfy your ORM - you're most probably doing something wrong.
Also remember that your aggregate is the transactional boundary. You really would want to complete all database operations inside one transaction and one connection.

Why is Orchard so slow when executing a content item query?

Lets say i want to query all Orchard user IDs and i want to include those users that have been removed (aka soft deleted) also. The DB contains around 1000 users.
Option A - takes around 2 minutes
Orchard.ContentManagement.IContentManager lContentManager = ...;
.Query<Orchard.Users.Models.UserPart, Orchard.Users.Models.UserPartRecord>(Orchard.ContentManagement.VersionOptions.AllVersions)
.Select(u => u.Id)
Option B - executes with almost unnoticeable delay
Orchard.Data.IRepository<Orchard.Users.Models.UserPartRecord> UserRepository = ...;
UserRepository .Fetch(u => true).Select(u => u.Id).ToList();
I don't see any SQL queries being executed in SQL Profiler when using Option A. I guess it has something to do with NHibernate or caching.
Is there any way to optimize Option A?
Could it be because the IContentManager version is accessing the data via InfoSet (basically an xml representation of the data), where as the IRepository version uses the actual DB table itself.
I seem to remember reading that though Infoset is great in many cases, when you're dealing with larger datasets with sorting / filtering it is more efficient to go direct to the table, as using Infoset requires each xml fragment to be parsed and elements extracted before you get to the data.
Since 'the shift', Orchard uses both so you can use whichever method best suits to your needs. I can't find the article that explained it now, but this explains the shift & infosets quite nicely:
Hope that helps you?

Manipulation of Large Files in R

I have 15 files of data, each around 4.5GB. Each file is a months worth of data for around 17,000 customers. All together, the data represents information on 17,000 customers over the course of 15 months. I want to reformat this data so that, instead of 15 files each denoting a month, I have 17,000 files for each customer and all their data. I wrote a script to do this:
#the variable 'files' is a vector of locations of the 15 month files
exists = NULL #This vector keeps track of customers who have a file created for them
for (w in 1:15){ #for each of the 15 month files
month = fread(files[w],select = c(2,3,6,16)) #read in the data I want
custlist = unique(month$CustomerID) #a list of all customers in this month file
for (i in 1:length(custlist)){ #for each customer in this month file
curcust = custlist[i] #the current customer
newchunk = subset(month,CustomerID == curcust) #all the data for this customer
filename = sprintf("cust%s",curcust) #what the filename is for this customer will be, or is
if ((curcust %in% exists) == TRUE){ #check if a file has been created for this customer. If a file has been created, open it, add to it, and read it back
custfile = fread(strwrap(sprintf("C:/custFiles/%s.csv",filename)))#read in file
custfile$V1 = NULL #remove an extra column the fread adds
custfile= rbind(custfile,newchunk)#combine read in data with our new data
write.csv(custfile,file = strwrap(sprintf("C:/custFiles/%s.csv",filename)))
} else { #if it has not been created, write newchunk to a csv
write.csv(newchunk,file = strwrap(sprintf("C:/custFiles/%s.csv",filename)))
exists = rbind(exists,curcust,deparse.level = 0) #add customer to list of existing files
The script works (At least, I'm pretty sure). The problem is that it is incredibly slow. At the rate I'm going, it's going to take a week or more to finish, and I don't have that time. Do any of you a better, faster way to do this in R? Should I try to do this in something like SQL? I've never really used SQL before; could any of you show me how something like this would be done? Any input is greatly appreciated.
As the #Dominic Comtois I would also recommend to use SQL.
R can handle quite a biggish data - there is nice benchmark of 2 billions rows which beats python - but because R run mostly in memory you need to have a good machine to make it work. Still your case don't need to load more than 4.5GB file at once so it should be well doable on personal computer, see second approach for fast non-database solution.
You can utilize R to load data to SQL database and later to query them from database.
If you don't know SQL you may want to use some simple database. The simplest way from R is to use RSQLite (unfortunately since v1.1 it is not lite any more). You don't need to install or manage any external dependency. The RSQLite package contains the database engine embedded.
conn <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname="mydbfile.db")
monthfiles <- c("month1","month2") # ...
# write data
for(monthfile in monthfiles){
dbWriteTable(conn, "mytablename", fread(monthfile), append=TRUE)
cat("data for",monthfile,"loaded to db\n")
# query data
df <- dbGetQuery(conn, "select * from mytablename where customerid = 1")
# when working with bigger sets of data I would recommend to do below
Thats all. You use SQL without really having to do much overhead usually related to databases.
If you prefer to go with the approach from your post I think you can dramatically speed up by doing write.csv by groups while aggregation in data.table.
monthfiles <- c("month1","month2") # ...
# write data
for(monthfile in monthfiles){
fread(monthfile)[, write.csv(.SD,file=paste0(CustomerID,".csv"), append=TRUE), by=CustomerID]
cat("data for",monthfile,"written to csv\n")
So you utilize fast unique from data.table and perform subsetting while grouping which is also ultra fast. Below is working example of the approach.
Update 2016-12-05:
Starting from data.table 1.9.8+ you can replace write.csv with fwrite, example in this answer.
I think you already have your answer. But to reinforce it, see the official Doc
R Data Import Export
That states
In general, statistical systems like R are not particularly well
suited to manipulations of large-scale data. Some other systems are
better than R at this, and part of the thrust of this manual is to
suggest that rather than duplicating functionality in R we can make
another system do the work! (For example Therneau & Grambsch (2000)
commented that they preferred to do data manipulation in SAS and then
use package survival in S for the analysis.) Database manipulation
systems are often very suitable for manipulating and extracting data:
several packages to interact with DBMSs are discussed here.
So clearly storage of massive data is not R's primary strength, yet it provides interfaces to several tools specialized for this. In my own work, the lightweight SQLite solution is enough, even if it's a matter of preference, to some extent. Search for "drawbacks of using SQLite" and you probably won't find much to dissuade you.
You should find SQLite's documentation pretty smooth to follow. If you have enough programming experience, doing a tutorial or two should get you going pretty quickly on the SQL front. I don't see anything overly complicated going on in your code, so the most common & basic queries such as CREATE TABLE, SELECT ... WHERE will likely meet all your needs.
Another advantage of using a DBMS that I didn't mention is that you can have views that make easily accessible other data organization schemas if one might say. By creating views, you can go back to the "visualization by month" without having to rewrite any table nor duplicate any data.

How to speed up table-retrieval with MATLAB and JDBC?

I am accessing a PostGreSQL 8.4 database with JDBC called by MATLAB.
The tables I am interested in basically consist of various columns of different datatypes. They are selected through their time-stamps.
Since I want to retrieve big amounts of data I am looking for a way of making the request faster than it is right now.
What I am doing at the moment is the following:
First I establish a connection to the database and call it DBConn. Next step would be to prepare a Select-Statement and execute it:
QUERY = DBConn.prepareStatement(QUERYSTRING);
RESULTSET = QUERY.executeQuery();
Then I store the columntypes in variable COLTYPE (1 for FLOAT, -1 for BOOLEAN and 0 for the rest - nearly all columns contain FLOAT). Next step is to process every row, column by column, and retrieve the data by the corresponding methods. FNAMES contains the fieldnames of the table.
m=0; % Variable containing rownumber
while RESULTSET.next()
m = m+1;
for n = 1:length(FNAMES)
if COLTYPE(n)==1 % Columntype is a FLOAT
DATA{1}.(FNAMES{n})(m,1) = RESULTSET.getDouble(n);
elseif COLTYPE(n)==-1 % Columntype is a BOOLEAN
DATA{1}.(FNAMES{n})(m,1) = RESULTSET.getBoolean(n);
DATA{1}.(FNAMES{n}){m,1} = char(RESULTSET.getString(n));
When I am done with my request I close the statement and the connection.
I don´t have the MATLAB database toolbox so I am looking for solutions without it.
I understand that it is very ineffective to request the data of every single field. Still, I failed on finding a way to get more data at once - for example multiple rows of the same column. Is there any way to do so? Do you have other suggestions of speeding the request up?
To speed this up, push the loops, and then your column datatype conversion, down in to the Java layer, using the Database Toolbox or custom Java code. The Matlab-to-Java method call overhead is probably what's killing you, and there's no way of doing block fetches (multiple rows in one call) with plain JDBC. Make sure the knobs on the JDBC driver you're using are set appropriately. And then optimize the transfer of expensive column data types like strings and dates.
(NB: I haven't done this with Postgres, but have with other DBMSes, and this will apply to Postgres too because most of it is about the JDBC and Matlab layers above it.)
Push loops down to Java to get block fetching
The most straightforward way to get this faster is to push the loops over the rows and columns down in to the Java layer, and have it return blocks of data (e.g. 100 or 1000 rows at a time) to the Matlab layer. There is substantial per-call overhead in invoking a Java method from Matlab, and looping over JDBC calls in M-code is going to incur (see Is MATLAB OOP slow or am I doing something wrong? - full disclosure: that's my answer). If you're calling JDBC from M-code like that, you're incurring that overhead on every single column of every row, and that's probably the majority of your execution time right now.
The JDBC API itself does not support "block cursors" like ODBC does, so you need to get that loop down in to the Java layer. Using the Database Toolbox like Oleg suggests is one way to do it, since they implement their lower-level cursor stuff in Java. (Probably for precisely this reason.) But if you can't have a database toolbox dependency, you can just write your own thin Java layer to do so, and call that from your M-code. (Probably through a Matlab class that is coupled to your custom Java code and knows how to interact with it.) Make the Java code and Matlab code share a block size, buffer up the whole block on the Java side, using primitive arrays instead of object arrays for column buffers wherever possible, and have your M-code fetch the result set in batches, buffering those blocks in cell arrays of primitive column arrays, and then concatenate them together.
Pseudocode for the Matlab layer:
colBufs = repmat( {{}}, [1 nCols] );
while (cursor.hasMore())
for iCol = 1:nCols
colBufs{iCol}{end+1} = cursor.getBlock(iCol); % should come back as primitive
for iCol = 1:nCols
colResults{iCol} = cat(2, colBufs{iCol}{:});
Twiddle JDBC DBMS driver knobs
Make sure your code exposes the DBMS-specific JDBC connection parameters to your M-code layer, and use them. Read the doco for your specific DBMS and fiddle with them appropriately. For example, Oracle's JDBC driver defaults to setting the default fetch buffer size (the one inside their JDBC driver, not the one you're building) to about 10 rows, which is way too small for typical data analysis set sizes. (It incurs a network round trip to the db every time the buffer fills.) Simply setting it to 1,000 or 10,000 rows is like turning on the "Go Fast" switch that had shipped set to "off". Benchmark your speed with sample data sets and graph the results to pick appropriate settings.
Optimize column datatype transfer
In addition to giving you block fetch functionality, writing custom Java code opens up the possibility of doing optimized type conversion for particular column types. After you've got the per-row and per-cell Java call overhead handled, your bottlenecks are probably going to be in date parsing and passing strings back from Java to Matlab. Push the date parsing down in to Java by having it convert SQL date types to Matlab datenums (as Java doubles, with a column type indicator) as they're being buffered, maybe using a cache to avoid recalculation of repeated dates in the same set. (Watch out for TimeZone issues. Consider Joda-Time.) Convert any BigDecimals to double on the Java side. And cellstrs are a big bottleneck - a single char column could swamp the cost of several float columns. Return narrow CHAR columns as 2-d chars instead of cellstrs if you can (by returning a big Java char[] and then using reshape()), converting to cellstr on the Matlab side if necessary. (Returning a Java String[]converts to cellstr less efficiently.) And you can optimize the retrieval of low-cardinality character columns by passing them back as "symbols" - on the Java side, build up a list of the unique string values and map them to numeric codes, and return the strings as an primitive array of numeric codes along with that map of number -> string; convert the distinct strings to cellstr on the Matlab side and then use indexing to expand it to the full array. This will be faster and save you a lot of memory, too, since the copy-on-write optimization will reuse the same primitive char data for repeated string values. Or convert them to categorical or ordinal objects instead of cellstrs, if appropriate. This symbol optimization could be a big win if you use a lot of character data and have large result sets, because then your string columns transfer at about primitive numeric speed, which is substantially faster, and it reduces cellstr's typical memory fragmentation. (Database Toolbox may support some of this stuff now, too. I haven't actually used it in a couple years.)
After that, depending on your DBMS, you could squeeze out a bit more speed by including mappings for all the numeric column type variants your DBMS supports to appropriate numeric types in Matlab, and experimenting with using them in your schema or doing conversions inside your SQL query. For example, Oracle's BINARY_DOUBLE can be a bit faster than their normal NUMERIC on a full trip through a db/Matlab stack like this. YMMV.
You could consider optimizing your schema for this use case by replacing string and date columns with cheaper numeric identifiers, possibly as foreign keys to separate lookup tables to resolve them to the original strings and dates. Lookups could be cached client-side with enough schema knowledge.
If you want to go crazy, you can use multithreading at the Java level to have it asynchronously prefetch and parse the next block of results on separate Java worker thread(s), possibly parallelizing per-column date and string processing if you have a large cursor block size, while you're doing the M-code level processing for the previous block. This really bumps up the difficulty though, and ideally is a small performance win because you've already pushed the expensive data processing down in to the Java layer. Save this for last. And check the JDBC driver doco; it may already effectively be doing this for you.
If you're not willing to write custom Java code, you can still get some speedup by changing the syntax of the Java method calls from obj.method(...) to method(obj, ...). E.g. getDouble(RESULTSET, n). It's just a weird Matlab OOP quirk. But this won't be much of a win because you're still paying for the Java/Matlab data conversion on each call.
Also, consider changing your code so you can use ? placeholders and bound parameters in your SQL queries, instead of interpolating strings as SQL literals. If you're doing a custom Java layer, defining your own #connection and #preparedstatement M-code classes is a decent way to do this. So it looks like this.
query = conn.prepare(QUERYSTRING);
rslt = query.exec(startTime, endTime);
This will give you better type safety and more readable code, and may also cut down on the server-side overhead of query parsing. This won't give you much speed-up in a scenario with just a few clients, but it'll make coding easier.
Profile and test your code regularly (at both the M-code and Java level) to make sure your bottlenecks are where you think they are, and to see if there are parameters that need to be adjusted based on your data set size, both in terms of row counts and column counts and types. I also like to build in some instrumentation and logging at both the Matlab and Java layer so you can easily get performance measurements (e.g. have it summarize how much time it spent parsing different column types, how much in the Java layer and how much in the Matlab layer, and how much waiting on the server's responses (probably not much due to pipelining, but you never know)). If your DBMS exposes its internal instrumentation, maybe pull that in too, so you can see where you're spending your server-side time.
It occurs to me that to speed up the query to the table, you have to remove if, for that in the JDBC ResulSetMetadata there that give you the information about the data type of the column and the same name, so you save time of if, else if
  ResultSetMetaData RsmD = (ResultSetMetaData) rs.getMetaData ();
        int cols=rsMd.getColumnCount();
  while (rs.next)
for i=1 to cols
My example is pseudocode becouse i´m not matlab programmer.
I hope you find it useful JDBC, anything let me know!

Database vs. Front-End for Output Formatting

I've read that (all things equal) PHP is typically faster than MySQL at arithmetic and string manipulation operations. This being the case, where does one draw the line between what one asks the database to do versus what is done by the web server(s)? We use stored procedures exclusively as our data-access layer. My unwritten rule has always been to leave output formatting (including string manipulation and arithmetic) to the web server. So our queries return:
unformatted dates
null values
no calculated values (i.e. return values for columns "foo" and "bar" and let the web server calculate foo*bar if it needs to display value foobar)
no substring-reduced fields (except when shortened field is so significantly shorter that we want to do it at database level to reduce result set size)
two separate columns to let front-end case the output as required
What I'm interested in is feedback about whether this is generally an appropriate approach or whether others know of compelling performance/maintainability considerations that justify pushing these activities to the database.
Note: I'm intentionally tagging this question to be dbms-agnostic, as I believe this is an architectural consideration that comes into play regardless of one's specific dbms.
I would draw the line on how certain layers could rotate out in place for other implementations. It's very likely that you will never use a different RDBMS or have a mobile version of your site, but you never know.
The more orthogonal a data point is, the closer it should be to being released from the database in that form. If on every theoretical version of your site your values A and B are rendered A * B, that should be returned by your database as A * B and never calculated client side.
Let's say you have something that's format heavy like a date. Sometimes you have short dates, long dates, English dates... One pure form should be returned from the database and then that should be formatted in PHP.
So the orthogonality point works in reverse as well. The more dynamic a data point is in its representation/display, the more it should be handled client side. If a string A is always taken as a substring of the first six characters, then have that be returned from the database as pre-substring'ed. If the length of the substring depends on some factor, like six for mobile and ten for your web app, then return the larger string from the database and format it at run time using PHP.
Usually, data formatting is better done on client side, especially culture-specific formatting.
Dynamic pivoting (i. e. variable columns) is also an example of what is better done on client side
When it comes to string manipulation and dynamic arrays, PHP is far more powerful than any RDBMS I'm aware of.
However, data formatting can use additional data which is also kept in the database. Like, the coloring info for each row can be stored in additional table.
You should then correspond the color to each row on database side, but wrap it into the tags on PHP side.
The rule of thumb is: retrieve everything you need for formatting in as few database round-trips as possible, then do the formatting itself on the client side.
I believe in returning the data pretty much as-is from the database and letting it be formatted on the front-end instead. I don't stick to it religously, but in general I think it's better as it provides greater flexibility - e.g. 1 sproc can service n different requirements for data, each of which can format the data as each individually needs. Otherwise, you end up either with multiple queries returning the same data with slightly different formatting from the DB (from a SQL Server point of view, thus reducing execution plan caching benefits - therefore negative impact on performance).
Leave output formatting to the web server