Building a WAR project with unzipped JAR dependency? - maven-2

I have two projects, my-lib and my-webapp. The first project is a dependency of my-webapp. Thus, when ask Maven2 to build my WAR, the my-lib JAR is added in the WEB-INF/lib/ directory of the web application.
However, I want to have the my-lib JAR unzipped directly in the WEB-INF/classes directory, exactly as if the my-lib sources were contained in the project my-webapp.
In others words, instead of having the following WAR content:
... (others third libraries)
I want to have that:
my-lib files
... (others third libraries)
Is there a way to configure the my-webapp or the Maven2 war plugin to achieve that?

As blaufish's answer says, you can use the maven-dependency-plugin's unpack mojo to unpack an artifact. However to avoid the jar appearing in WEB-INF/lib, you need to not specify it as a dependency, and instead configure the plugin to unpack specific artifacts.
The following configuration will unpack the contents of into target/classes during the process-resources phase, even if the artifact is not defined as a dependency. Be careful when doing this though as there is potential to clobber your actual content, this can cause much debugging.

You can configure the maven-dependency-plugin to just do that, unpack instead of copying a jar as explained here.

The unpack mojo seems to be close to what you are aiming for. Not sure how to complete the entire flow you are proposing though.
(btw, I am doubtful if this a good idea. utility classes should go into jars, and the jars are put either in the WAR or io the EAR. Unpacking utility jars seems wrong)

I was able to use the unpack mojo as described above, plus I marked the dependency itself as "provided" (scope) to avoid duplicating the jar contents under WEB-INF/lib.

[Oops, just realized that you were using Maven. I don't delete this answer because it may come to the rescue of some Ant user. So there's no need to mod me down...]
How many times to I have to mention that Jar, War and Ear Ant tasks are subtasks of the Zip one? :-) If I remember correctly, something like this would do the trick:
<war dist="my-webapp.war">
<zipgroupfileset dir="libs" includes="*.jar" prefix="WEB-INF/classes"/>
Also worth a trial is with src="mylib.jar" but I haven't tested this option.


How can I add a specific jar only in a specific folder with Maven?

i have a maven project using the maven soapui plugin.
Unfortunately this one in my case need an external jar for jdbc for
some groovy scripts.
And according to their documentation, you have to add a repertory called "ext".
And after a dig in their code, this path is hardcoded in their plugin source.
You cant specify it.
So i have to add it directly to a subdirectory of MyProject :
I dont want to commit a jar in my project.
Is there a way to tell to maven to pickup a specific jar& add it to a specific directory ?
Thanks in advance for your answer.
You could use maven-dependency-plugin configured in your pom file to copy the artifact into that location during the generate-resources phase, something like this:
<!-- if you need to rename the jar -->

how to put dependency in maven not in WEB-INF/lib

Is there a way to put dependency of a war not in WEB-INF/lib but in out custom folder?
I'm using Maven 2
Hi, what i need is that from list of dependencies of a war only one artifact should be placed not in WEB-INF/lib but in WEB-INF/bundles/ and others dependencies should be places in WEB-INF/lib
THX to everybody, i can't update to Maven 2.1 so i did it through maven-antrun plugin )
I think what you need to do is make the dependency provided and copy it using mvn copy-dependencies. Here is an example that does that with apache commons / lang:
($${} is the work folder that is used to assemble the war)
Maven war plugin supports extensive customization. Not clear from your question, what exactly you want, but this page should hopefully help.
Where do you want to put these libraries? You have to be carefull, as the war structure defines the WEB-INF/lib as the directory for third-parties libraries. All *.jar files located in this directory will be loaded in the Classpath by the container (such as Tomcat).
Changing this directory can be harmful for your application!
That's why I am not aware of a configuration parameter for the Maven WAR Plugin that allow you to change this WEB-INF/lib directory.
If you really know what you are doing, you can try to create your own WAR using an assembly.

Maven-2: avoid default packaging?

My project uses many assemblies, hence I'm interested only in the assemblies.
On executing mvn install apart from the assemblies, I'm getting the default packaged .jar.
How can I avoid this?
I have a pom.xml similar to the one you have provided.
On executing mvn install, I'm getting App1.jar, App2.jar, and snapshot jar containing all contents
How can I avoid this snapshot (not sure of the exact term) jar and ensure that only assemblies are created?
I can read your question two ways, I've outlined answers for both below. If neither is correct, can you modify your question with a bit more explanation please.
1) Do you mean you have a project with default (jar) packaging, and you want to avoid the creation of the jar when no assembly is defined? If this is the case, what is the build achieving if no assembly is defined?
2) Do you instead mean that you are running mvn assembly:assembly to generate the assembly and want to know how to get that assembly when running the install goal?
For option 2, you can bind the assembly-plugin to a lifecycle phase to ensure it is always run, if you specify that <appendAssemblyId> should be false, then the assembly will replace the default jar.
For example, this configuration will invoke the assembly plugin during the packaging phase and replace the default jar:
For option 1, this is actually quite tricky to do. The best I can think of is to specify that the project has pom packaging and configure the project with the executions normally bound to the jar lifecycle in a profile. The lifecycle bindings you'd need to configure are listed in the introduction to the build lifecycle
I'm not sure that you can really do that in a really simple way.
A solution is to call the clean plugin once the build is achieved, by doing that:
This way, the JAR created in the target/ directory will be deleted at the end of the Maven2 execution.
However, you will have to define another directory to store the assemblies created by Maven2. Otherwise, it will be deleted by the call of the clean plugin... If you want to store them in the directory assemblies-target/, you can add that in the pom.xml file:
<!-- Copy the ZIP in target/ of the ROOT directory. -->
I think it would be much more clear if you showed us your whole POM and the artifacts that are being built. I can only guess as to what the problem is because your terminology is not what I am familiar with. This is my guess as to the problem: you have a POM configured to generated two assembly JARs, but you get a third JAR for the POM itself. In other words, if your POM's artifactId is MyApp, you are getting a MyApp-1.0.0.jar or similar in addition to the two JARs you actually want.
If that is the case, the problem boils down to that you are using Maven to create multiple artifacts from a single module. Maven is designed to produce only one primary artifact from each module. What I would do is change your POM to have a packaging type of "pom" and give it two modules in a <modules> section named App1 and App2. Create sub-directories under your module, one for each App. Give them each a POM configured for a single assembly, with a packaging type of "jar". Move the code/files/etc. as appropriate into each sub-module so there aren't any remaining in the parent module.
With Maven, if you find yourself generating two artifacts from one module (which you are), you should first consider that you are probably violating a Maven best-practice and rearrange things so you only produce one artifact per module.
Please let me know if this doesn't make sense and I will try to clarify.

How to create source distribution with self sustainable maven build?

What I want to do is to create source code distribution of my application with all dependencies and burn it on DVD. So that I could build it in 100 years (well, ok, you know what I mean...). No online dependencies on libraries or maven plugins!
I know that Ant would be better for this, but I'm using maven in my project. I'm not going to switch to Ant just for that, I'm asking how to do this with maven. Or, if there is a way how to generate self sustainable Ant build that I could put on DVD that would be great too.
(there is ant:ant plugin but it just generates Ant build.xml that points dependencies to local maven repo)
The approach I've taken is that I wanted to create special local repository that I can put on DVD and then build project with mvn -o -Dmaven.repo.local=repo/on/dvd. I was trying to make such repository with dependency:copy-dependencies anduseRepositoryLayout param set to true. But it doesn't copy freaking maven plugins that my build depends on...
The only way I can think of to include the plugins is to specify a different local repository for the build on the command line and ensure all the dependency sources etc are downloaded, then create an archive including the project's contents and the custom repository.
Here is a pom that downloads the sources and javadocs (it downloads them to the project's target directory, which we exclude from the archive because they will also be in the local repository). The assembly descriptor bundles the project's contents and the local repository into a single (pretty large) archive.
Note the processing is all in a profile because you really don't want this running on every build. If temporary local repository is in the target directory you can easily clean the mess up afterwards with a mvn clean.
To activate the profile do something like the following:
mvn package -Parchive -Dmaven.repo.local=.\target\repo
Here's the pom:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!--the target directory won't be included, but the sources will be in the repository-->
<classifier>javadoc</classifier> <failOnMissingClassifierArtifact>false</failOnMissingClassifierArtifact>
And here's the assembly:
Watch this:
Maven Assembly Plugin
Quote from the homepage:
Do you want to create a binary
distribution from a Maven project that
includes supporting scripts,
configuration files, and all runtime
dependencies? You need to use the
Assembly Plugin to create a
distribution for your project.
It's well configurable. I used it especially for making self-running demo versions of web-applications with an embedded jetty server and user documentation.
I don't have a complete answer. Last time I looked at this, I thought that cleaning out the localRepository at the start of the build (or using a separate one) and the running mvn dependency:go-offline.
If you're really keen, you'll also want to bundle maven itself and a JDK into the distribution. This likely takes it out of scope of a pure maven build.

Maven in multimodule web project: how to put sibling modules output to WEB-INF/classes and not into WEB-INF/lib as JARs?

I have a multi-module Maven project.
By default when I build a web module, all sibling modules of type JAR it depends on are copied to WEB-INF/lib folder. I want output of sibling modules to be placed in WEB-INF/classes folder without packaging to JAR.
More general question may be: how to keep sibling modules' configuration files out of JARs so that they can be edited after deployment easily?
You could use an overlay, although that requires that the sibling be of type war rather than jar. There's also using the dependency plugin to unpack the jar, but it will only unpack the version in your local repository, not the one you just packaged.
As for your 'more general' question, there's the excludes tag for the jar plugin.
In case if somebody is interested, I found this solution. I had exactly the same issue.