SQL statement with LIKE - sql

I would like to select all records that have an underscore character in their 11th character,
so i try this:
SELECT * FROM "BOM_SUB_LEVEL" where TOP_CODE like '%%%%%%%%%%_%%%'
but this doesnt work as expected, can someone help?

Just use the "SUBSTRING" function :

For a single character wildcard use _. For multiple characters wildcards, use %. To escape a "real" appearance of _, use \_ (thanks Bill!).
Try the following code:
SELECT * FROM "BOM_SUB_LEVEL" where TOP_CODE like '___________\_%'
To further elaborate following Dav's comment, note that '%%%' is exactly the same as '%', since by definition '%' covers multiple characters.

pervasive uses _ to match any single character and \_ to actually match an underscore.
so the select would be:
SELECT * FROM "BOM_SUB_LEVEL" where TOP_CODE like '___________\_%'

LIKE % can mean any number of characters, use LIKE _ to mean just one. Since you're looking for an underscore, you need to escape it with !.

The % is not a per character wildcard, its a beginning and end of string wild card.
i.e. if I want to find all rows that have "car" in them, I would do this:
Select * from myTable where myCol LIKE '%car%'
If I wanted just the rows that STARTED with car:
Select * from myTable where myCol LIKE 'car%'
and ended with car:
Select * from myTable where myCol LIKE '%car'

% is a wildcard and can replace an character, or combination of characters. Use ? instead which replaces a single character.

You can try something like: (play with the numbers, I don't have pervasive to test with)
where SUBSTRING(TOP_CODE, 11,1) = '-'


Semicolon in LIKE is not working for SQL server 2017

I have a query like this which is not retrieving the values from DB table even if the required value exist there.
Here's the query, which return zero rows:
Select * from SitePanel_FieldValue WHere SiteFieldIdfk =111
And SiteFieldvalue like '%!##$%&*()-_=+{}|:"<>?[]\;'',./%'
Following is the value in the table:
When I run the query without ";" it is returning the value.
Can any one help me in figuring this out?
You are using multiple characters which are reserved when using LIKE statement.
i.e. %, _, []
Use the escape character clause (where I have used backtick to treat special characters as regular) such as
Select * from SitePanel_FieldValue WHere SiteFieldIdfk =111
And SiteFieldvalue like '%!##$`%&*()-`_=+{}|:"<>?`[`]\;'',./%' escape '`'
The value in your table is:
!##$%&*()-_=+{};; :"<>?[]\;'',./
And the one in the like is:
Starting with ( it will never match, also you should scape the percent (%) in the middle of the string like this:
Select *
FROM SitePanel_FieldValue
WHERE SiteFieldIdfk =111
AND SiteFieldvalue like '%!##$\%&*()-_=+{};;%' ESCAPE '\'
The problem is your brackets ([]), it has nothing to do with semicolons. If we remove the brackets, the above works:
SELECT CASE WHEN '!##$%&*()-_=+{}|:"<>?\;'',./' LIKE '%!##$%&*()-_=+{}|:"<>?\;'',./%' THEN 1 END AS WithoutBrackets,
CASE WHEN '!##$%&*()-_=+{}|:"<>?[]\;'',./' LIKE '%!##$%&*()-_=+{}|:"<>?[]\;'',./%' THEN 1 END AS WithBrackets
Notice that WithoutBrackets returns 1, where as WithBrackets returns NULL.
Brackets in a LIKE are to denote a pattern. For example SomeExpress LIKE '[ABC]' would match the characters, A, B, and C. If you are going to include special characters, you need to ESCAPE them. You have both brackets, a percent sign (%) and an underscore (_) you need to escape. You don't need to escape the hyphen (-), as it doesn't appear in a pattern (for example [A-Z]). I choose to use a backtick as the ESCAPE character, as it doesn't appear in your string, and demonstrate with a CASE expression again:
SELECT CASE WHEN '!##$%&*()-_=+{}|:"<>?[]\;'',./' LIKE '%!##$`%&*()-`_=+{}|:"<>?`[`]\;'',./%' ESCAPE '`' THEN 1 END;
If you wanted to use a backslash (\ ), which many do, you would need to also escape the backslash in your string:
SELECT CASE WHEN '!##$\%&*()-_=+{}|:"<>?[]\;'',./' LIKE '%!##$%&*()-\_=+{}|:"<>?\[\]\\;'',./%' ESCAPE '\' THEN 1 END;
I think the issue is actually with the backslash. This is an escape character and so if you want it to be included, you have to put it in twice.
Select * from SitePanel_FieldValue WHere SiteFieldIdfk =111
And SiteFieldvalue like '%!##$%&*()-_=+{}|:"<>?[]\\;'',./%'

How to use LIKE in WHERE clause to get first 5 characters of variable?

I have a variable varchar that always takes in 10 digits. How can I use the LIKE operator to find/use only the first 5 digits of the variable?
my query:
variable IN VARCHAR2
SELECT * FROM items WHERE name LIKE SUBSTRING(variable, 1, 5)
... WHERE name LIKE '12345%'
will match any string that starts 12345. the '%' is a wildcard. You can also use the wildcard to match anywhere in the string: ... WHERE name LIKE '%12345%' will match a string with 12345 anywhere within it.
Edit for completeness: WHERE name LIKE '%12345' will match any string that ends with those five characters.
Try this:
SELECT * FROM items WHERE name LIKE (SUBSTRING(variable, 1, 5) + '%')
I guess you can use LEFT() like this:
SELECT * FROM items WHERE LEFT(name,5)=LEFT(variable,5);
Or if you you want to use LIKE with a wildcard, you can do this:
SELECT * FROM items WHERE name LIKE CONCAT(LEFT(variable,5),'%')
A few more example in the Demo fiddle
Edit: The above solution is for MySQL/MariaDB because earlier the tag of this question have MySQL but it's also my fault for not recognizing OP description of the datatype VARCHAR2. I might as well just post a suggestion related to the rdbms.
So, my first suggestion there using LEFT() however Oracle don't have that function, therefore:
SELECT * FROM items WHERE SUBSTR(name,1,5)=SUBSTR(variable,1,5);
or using concatenation operator
SELECT * FROM items WHERE name LIKE SUBSTR(variable,1,5)||'%'
Demo fiddle

How to use SQL "LIKE" operator by using wildcard?

I am currently having trouble finding all rows that contain the following data in a table "%2" or "%20".
For Example: 'Susan rides%2bike across town'.
SELECT * FROM [my_table] WHERE [description] LIKE % %2 %
I know this example will not work, however is there a way to search for these values "%2" or "%20" using the SQL "LIKE" operator? As I am required to find and replace them with a white space.
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE description LIKE '%\%2%' ESCAPE '\';
For the LIKE keyword you can specify the ESCAPE sequence afterwards. In this example the leading backwards slash escapes the % so it will be interpreted as literal value.
Read more about it in the documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/sql/t-sql/language-elements/like-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15
you can test it in this SQL Fiddle.
Thank you for this.
SELECT * FROM [my_table] WHERE [description] LIKE '%[%]2%'
The solution for the above stated probelem is
select * from my_table where description like'%[%]2%'

SQL select from list where white space has been added to end

I'm trying to select some rows from an Oracle database like so:
select * from water_level where bore_id in ('85570', '112205','6011','SP068253');
This used to work fine but a recent update has meant that bore_id in water_level has had a bunch of whitespace added to the end for each row. So instead of '6011' it is now '6011 '. The number of space characters added to the end varies from 5 to 11.
Is there a way to edit my query to capture the bore_id in my list, taking account that trialling whitespace should be ignored?
I tried:
select * from water_level where bore_id in ('85570%', '112205%','6011%','SP068253%');
which returns more rows than I want, and
select * from water_level where bore_id in ('85570\s*', '112205\s*','6011\s*', 'SP068253\s*');
which didn't return anything?
You should RTRIM the WHERE clause
select * from water_level where RTRIM(bore_id) in ('85570', '112205','6011');
To add to that, RTRIM has an overload which you can pass a second parameter of what to trim, so if the trailing characters weren't spaces, you could remove them. For example if the data looked like 85570xxx, you could use:
select * from water_level where RTRIM(bore_id, 'x') IN ('85570','112205', '6011');
You could use the replace function to remove the spaces
select * from water_level where replace(bore_id, ' ', '') in ('85570', '112205', '6011', 'SP068253');
Although, a better option would be to remove the spaces from the data if they are not supposed to be there or create a view.
I'm guessing bore_id is VARCHAR or VARCHAR2. If it were CHAR, Oracle would use (SQL-standard) blank-padded comparison semantics, which regards 'foo' and 'foo ' as equivalent.
So, another approach is to force comparison as CHARs:
FROM water_level
WHERE CAST(bore_id AS CHAR(16)) IN ('85570', '112205', '6011', 'SP068253');

SQL 'LIKE' query using '%' where the search criteria contains '%'

I have an SQL query as below.
Select * from table
where name like '%' + search_criteria + '%'
If search_criteria = 'abc', it will return data containing xxxabcxxxx which is fine.
But if my search_criteria = 'abc%', it will still return data containing xxxabcxxx, which should not be the case.
How do I handle this situation?
If you want a % symbol in search_criteria to be treated as a literal character rather than as a wildcard, escape it to [%]
... where name like '%' + replace(search_criteria, '%', '[%]') + '%'
Use an escape clause:
select *
from (select '123abc456' AS result from dual
union all
select '123abc%456' AS result from dual
WHERE result LIKE '%abc\%%' escape '\'
You can set your escape character to whatever you want. In this case, the default '\'. The escaped '\%' becomes a literal, the second '%' is not escaped, so again wild card.
See List of special characters for SQL LIKE clause
The easiest solution is to dispense with "like" altogether:
Select *
from table
where charindex(search_criteria, name) > 0
I prefer charindex over like. Historically, it had better performance, but I'm not sure if it makes much of difference now.
To escape a character in sql you can use !:
It is important to understand how to "Escape Characters" when pattern matching. These examples deal specifically with escaping characters in Oracle.
Let's say you wanted to search for a % or a _ character in the SQL LIKE condition. You can do this using an Escape character.
Please note that you can only define an escape character as a single character (length of 1).
For example:
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_name LIKE '!%' escape '!';
This SQL LIKE condition example identifies the ! character as an escape character. This statement will return all suppliers whose name is %.
Here is another more complicated example using escape characters in the SQL LIKE condition.
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_name LIKE 'H%!%' escape '!';
This SQL LIKE condition example returns all suppliers whose name starts with H and ends in %. For example, it would return a value such as 'Hello%'.
You can also use the escape character with the _ character in the SQL LIKE condition.
For example:
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_name LIKE 'H%!_' escape '!';
This SQL LIKE condition example returns all suppliers whose name starts with H and ends in _ . For example, it would return a value such as 'Hello_'.
Reference: sql/like
Select * from table where name like search_criteria
if you are expecting the user to add their own wildcards...
You need to escape it: on many databases this is done by preceding it with backslash, \%.
So abc becomes abc\%.
Your programming language will have a database-specific function to do this for you. For example, PHP has mysql_escape_string() for the MySQL database.
Escape the percent sign \% to make it part of your comparison value.
May be this one help :)
DECLARE #SearchCriteria VARCHAR(25)
SET #SearchCriteria = 'employee'
IF CHARINDEX('%', #SearchCriteria) = 0
SET #SearchCriteria = '%' + #SearchCriteria + '%'
FROM Employee
WHERE Name LIKE #SearchCriteria