Script in IE to Insert Text at Cursor (in or out of IE) - scripting

I need to take text already obtained and stored in a variable and place it in another window: IE or any other windows application.
An asynchronous application is running in IE, most likely in the background, and when an event fires in the application, certain text needs to be inserted wherever the cursor/carrot is.
I am not restricted to any particular technology so if it even needs to be an ActiveX component I am open to anything.
This is something due for a project by the end of the week so ANY suggestions/ideas are VERY welcome.
Thank you in advance.

You'll need to write an ActiveX control that calls the SendInput function.
However, this sounds like a dumb idea. What are you trying to do?


Using querySaveDocument to additional information

We are trying to save some additional information with a document using the QuerySaveDocument event. However it seems that it is not being triggered at all.
<xp:executeScript script="#{javascript:setField(document1, 'cCustAddr1_fi', 'test');}">
This is our basic script. All the setField() method does is use replaceItemValue to try and set the field. However it seems that QuerySaveDocument is not even being triggered since we can write pretty much anything and the document will still save without problem, even if it would be impossible to execute.
We have also tried using a simple document1.getDocument().replaceItemValue() script, but again I dont think it even attempts to execute. Our documents save perfectly fine too,
Do you see any reason for this, are we doing our saving wrong, or should we be attaching data onto the document in another way?
Your other question on Unplugged (Using other dialog controls in iOS) suggests that you are using the Unplugged Mobile Controls project.
If that is correct then my comment above applies - the querySaveDocument event won't get fired . You can look at the code in UnpSaveDocument.xsp and possibly add your own SSJS code to that.
Alternatively, if you want an additional item created on your back-end Notes document then you should just be able to add a hidden field to the UnpFormEditor that is bound to the document1 data source and using the relevant item name you want.

Capital Only Edit Control

Having a bit of a problem doing this and not sure of it can be done. I have an edit control that a user types into, I would like for the input to be all in capital letters. I tried having a custom action on the edit control to get the property, convert to capital letters and set the property again each time a letter is set but it does not work. I guessed it wouldn't but no harm in trying..:)
Has anyone else solved this? I would like to do it without having a button to press if possible. The dialog in question is a twin dialog if that helps at all.
Thanks for your help
It's not possible using the native built-in Windows Installer UI. The underlying MaskedEdit Control is primitive. There are no events to tie into to validate and modify as the characters are entered. You can only ToUpper() the property when the user clicks Back or Next.
The alternative would be to go with an external UI handler which is a lot of learning and work.

How to update an Access VBA app with 30 forms?

I need to update an Access VBA app with around 30 forms in it.
I have to amend a screen that seems to have been set up right at the start of the app, it uses a lot of SQL tables. Is there an way of finding my way to the start of the code?
I come from a procedural coding background and I am unused to code that doesn't have a start and an end; I also know a bit of VB, some ASP, some .Net and general computing.
When something "automagically" happens upon opening an Access database, it is almost always because
A "startup form" has been specified. (In Access_2010 that's done in File > Options > Current Database > Display Form.) ...or...
The database has a Macro named AutoExec which is automatically run when the database is opened (unless you bypass it by holding the [Shift] key down while opening).
In addition to #Gord's answer, there's a few things you need to know. I'm going to give you the quick & dirty version.
First, there's 2 types of code in Access. VBA & macros. Sometimes what's called a macro, is really VBA.
In Access, a macro is a set of instructions to do something to the database. It's very limited in what it can do. These are often used by novices who don't know how to program in VBA.
VBA is the real powerhouse behind the scenes. It can do everything a macro can do, but a whole lot more.
Access uses an Event-Driven / Object-Oriented (at least close enough for this discussion) interface. Do a Google search on those meanings. But very quickly, the listbox on a form is an object. It has properties (like width), methods (add an item), and events (click on an item).
To see the code, for macros look to to your navigation window to your left. For VBA (modules), look to the same window, or just press Alt-F11. VBA can be used standalone in a module, or behind the scenes of a form or report.
Once you get the hang of it, you'll find Access to be a handy RAD tool for small projects.
Good luck.
It appears that you already have found the form that opens when the app starts (if not, check out Gord Thompson's answer).
The first things that happen when an Access Form opens (the "start of the code", as you called it) are the Load and Open events.
If there is any code in this form that is connected to these events, then it's in the Form_Load() and Form_Open() functions in the code of the form.

Let a Form stay on top even if ToggleDesktop() (shell32.dll) is called

is there anyway to capture and cancel or do something like me.activate when the show desktop event is triggered and make my form visible?
The show desktop event is triggered by another app which is installed in some of my users pc. I am not trying to make my form always on top of other open windows.
Thanks in advance.
Alright, you mean to let your form stay on TopMost even if ToggleDesktop() in shell32.dll is executed.
By far I can say: there is none. They tried to experiment at codeguru but it seems there were no successfully results.

WatiN handler for vbscript Input Box

Do anyone have a solution for handling a vbscript inputbox with watin, and to be clear this is not the same a javascripts prompt or vbscript msgbox or etc....
I have and used handlers for those but cannot find a way to handle the input box and i do not have the pull to get the developers to change the code to use prompt and javascript like they have in some many other places in our old vb6 systems.
You should create a custom dialog handler that can handle the window. The trick to doing that is to get spy++ and match the right window style. Another method might be to call the document.eval method and close it using javascript.