Tracking 'Useful Links' - sql

I'm building a Useful Links database for a Classic ASP site. The table has the usual ID, Title, URL, Description, DateAdded and DateModified. I also want to record in the table each time a link has been clicked or viewed.
I wondered if anyone had built such a system or knows of a way that I could accomplish this?
Thank you.

You could create a redirector page that records the click then redirects the user on to website. eg: /LaunchSite.asp?

Try Google analytics! With no need for database...


How would I write a script that will fetch a site's table to embed in your site?

Ok, here is what I want to do. Given the name of a baseball player, I would like to automatically import his stats from and embed in my site.
They already allow you to do this manually by providing you with a 'share' button that will give you the html of the stats table. I would just like to automate this process.
I have no idea on where to start on something like this. Your advice is appreciated.
Thanks for the help. I never thought about this being against their EULA since they were letting you do it manually. Oh well.

How to show someone came from a link on my website?

It must be the full url, not just history or type. I have seen, on, where they show stats regarding where the referrer of our site came from. I want to show the exact link like statcounter shows under a tab.
Does anyone know how to do this?
You will want to use Google Analytics.
Google will generate a unique javascript code for you, you then paste it in your html, which activates the service. It's very easy to get started and the dashboard is very robust considering it's free. To get started, you can check this out:

Need Help in social engine signup process

HI please help me in the sign up process of social engine,
I need to add a country/state/city cascading dropdowns on my signup process.
I know how to do it in PHP ajax but finding the hard time to do it in this social engine framework.
Can any one help me in this!!
You can use admin panel. You need menuitem Settings > Profile Questions. Then choose needed profiletype and add question with type 'selectbox'.
If you need cascading dropdown in wider meaning, you may use jxlib putting all code into application/modules/User/views/scripts/signup/form/fields.tpl
I have also solved this by using jquery.
You could get the id of the two field involved and then use jquery to add the options of the select field.

Create individual pages or dynamically create a page?

I'm unsure of what to do here I would like to ask what process should I use or what are the web standards in accomplishing this.
A User inputs information (e.g. a classified ads post). How should I generate the page of the users post? Should I create a new page with the information provided by the user or should I create just one page that dynamically changes with the content requested?
Generally whats the process I should take?
I hear a lot of talk about using cms, but I think I can create my own simple "cms" that can provide my needs. But I need to know what direction should I use. Creating a NEW PAGE or Creating a SINGLE DYNAMIC PAGE?
I agree that you should be able to create your own "CMS" that will meet your needs. If I understand your question, I would definitely create one page that is dynamically loaded from the database. Think about the server load you could create if you created a new page for every entry. One of the things I advise every client that I develop a website for is to think about what they want their website to be doing for their business in 3 years. I would advise you to think through the same question and I believe you will see why I recommend using a dynamic page.
Good luck with your site.

VB.Net App to check personal Wordpress site for last post

I have a personal website that I want to see when the last post was made to it. Is there a way to find the last posted date on my blog?
In my application, I have a notification that I want to fire if we've made a 'News' post on our site so that our users are aware of any issues and I figured the best way would be to see when the last post was made.
Anyone have any ideas?
Since WordPress supports the metaWeblog API, you could use the XML-RPC.NET library to create a client that comminicates with your blog. You would use the metaWeblog.getRecentPosts method to get the most recent posts. You can find an example here.
You might even be able to automate the login process, and scrape the post titles, comparing the first one to the one that was stored last. If they're different, it would indicate an update has been made.
Here's a method I came up with to automate the login part:
You could even connect to the mySQL database and query for the last entry date. (probably easier)