Can a worksheet object be declared globally in Excel VBA? - vba

I'm refactoring a number of modules in an Excel 2003 workbook and the same set of worksheets are declared in each procedure in each module; I'd like to just declare them once globally. I can set the worksheet name as a literal, e.g.:
Public Const xlwkGSModel = "gs_model" As String
And then in the procedure use:
But is there a way to declare the worksheet object so that the code in the procedure could be:

'1. Insert a module
'2. Declare worksheet public variable in the module as follows
Public xlwkGSModel As Worksheet
'3. Instantiate this public variable in the application load event
Sub Workbook_Open()
Set xlwkGSModel = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("gs_model")
End Sub
'Now you can refer the gs_model worksheet with the xlwkGSModel variable
'For example
dim x as string
x = xlwkGSModel.Cells(1,1)

It's a long time ago, but better late than never ;-)
I don't know if that works in Excel 2003 (tested it with 2007):
You don't even need to declare worksheets in the code, because they are already declared. I'm working with a German version of Excel and I can access a worksheet by typing "Tabelle1.Cells(...) ...". I assume in the English version it is something like "Table1" or "Sheet1".
You can also change these names. In the Visual Basic Editor have a look at the Microsoft Excel Objects of your VBA-Project. (They are right above your Modules and UserForms in the VBA-Project view). There are the Worksheet-Objects of your workbook. Select a sheet and activate the Properties Toolwindow. There you can edit the name of the sheet and access it by that name in your code.

You could, but do you really want more global variables? Why not create (within a standard module) a public property ModelWorksheet, like this:
Public Property Get ModelWorksheet As Worksheet
Const ModelWorksheetName As String = "gs_model"
Set ModelWorksheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(ModelWorksheetName)
End Property
...then your code can do:
With ModelWorksheet
.Cells(1,1).Value = "foo"
.Font.Bold = True
End With
Note also that you can refer to any of the worksheets in the current workbook directly, so if there's a sheet called Sheet1 you can do:
With Sheet1
.Cells(1,1).Value = "foo"
.Font.Bold = True
End With

Or if you do not want to use the Excel Event, you can also declare your worksheet publicly, then create a sub to set value for it. Call that sub at the beginning of each sub to initialize the value. (I did this from orwell's answer.)
Public WSRawData As Worksheet
Public Sub RawDataWSInit()
Set WSRawData = Worksheets(RawData)
End Sub
Sub Main()
Call RawDataWSInit
End Sub

Your Worksheets are "Microsoft Excel Objects" defined in your VBA-Project-Explorer:
In The Screen above i have named my Worksheet DataSheet, so now i can access it directly from within the code:
Set SomeRange = DataSheet.Range("A3:B6")
By Default your Worksheets will be named "Sheet1", "Sheet2", aso... depending on your language.

Edit: The comment by Alistair Knock is correct, I should have read the question thoroughly - of course my answer is not valid for objects, only for types like string or integer. For objects you need a function or sub that creates an instance.
Yes, you can, I recently did it. If you define your definitions as Public you can use them directly in your other modules (within the same workbook, of course).
Maybe the best approach is to have a seperate module Globals and put them there.


VBA - Reference an object by using a variable

Not sure how to reference the worksheet object with a variable that changes each time a sheet is activated.
The point is to reference a cell value based on the last worksheet that was activated (this code affects Sheet1 which does not set the variable when activated)
Public MyWS as String
--Sheet3 (Deactivation)
MyWS = Sheet3.Codename
--Sheet2 (Deactivation)
MyWS = Sheet2.Codename
Sheet1.Range("A3").Value = MyWS.Range("A3").Value
Thanks for all the guidance but your instructions are not working for my project at least.
Sheet5.Range("C4").Value = Worksheets(MyWS).Range("A2").Value
Subscript out of range error when the above code is executed on Sheet5 deactivate.
MyWS is declared as a public string.
MyWS is assigned the Sheet5.CodeName string when Sheet5 is activated. Sheet5 exists and that is the unmodified codename of the sheet. I can not use the user defined name of the sheet because that can change.
Public MyWS As String declares a String variable, not an object.
The CodeName property returns a String that contains an identifier that VBA uses to generate a project-scoped object variable for a Worksheet; in the properties toolwindow (F4), that's the (Name) property.
This is how such code is legal:
Sheet1.Range("A3").Value = 42
Because Sheet1 has a code name string that returns Sheet1. Note that this identifier isn't necessarily the sheet's name (it is by default though), which the user can change at any time without accessing the Visual Basic Editor.
So if you rename the "Sheet1" tab/sheet to "Summary", but don't change its code name, then it will still be Sheet1 in code - so these two instructions do exactly the same thing:
Sheet1.Range("A3").Value = 42
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Summary").Range("A3").Value = 42
Now, if you want an object variable holding a reference to a worksheet that exists at compile-time, you already have one - Sheet1 is exactly that.
If you added a worksheet a run-time (doesn't exist at compile-time), then there's no such project-scope object variable for that sheet; that's when you need to declare your own, and assign it with the Set keyword:
Dim someSheet As Worksheet
Set someSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
The Excel object model also has the ActiveSheet object, which returns whatever sheet is currently active.
Sheet1.Range("A3").Value = ActiveSheet.Range("A3").Value
Notice the explicit qualifiers. If it's written in a standard module (.bas), this code is equivalent:
Sheet1.Range("A3").Value = Range("A3").Value
If it's written in the code-behind of a specific worksheet module, then the above code will instead be doing this:
Sheet1.Range("A3").Value = Me.Range("A3").Value
Where Me is whatever the specific worksheet module you're in is, so if you're writing that code in a worksheet module, you will want to explicitly qualify the Range member call with the ActiveSheet object.
Worksheet Events
If you need to execute code when a worksheet is activated, you can handle the SheetActivate event in the ThisWorkbook module:
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
Dim sheet As Worksheet
If TypeOf Sh Is Worksheet Then
Set sheet = Sh
'Sh is not a worksheet. could be a chart sheet, or something else.
Exit Sub
End If
Debug.Print sheet.Name & " activated!"
End Sub
If you need to handle the Activated event of a specific worksheet that exists at compile-time, you need an event handler for it in that worksheet's code-behind:
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Debug.Print Me.Name & " activated!"
End Sub
If you need to handle that event for a worksheet that is created at run-time, you need a WithEvents object variable in a class module (.cls):
Private WithEvents MySheet As Worksheet
And then you can write a handler for MySheet_Activate in that module, but that's more advanced stuff and I'm barely scratching the surface here, but that should get you going :)
With ActiveSheet as mentioned in the comments is really the best solution.
However, if you want to do it "your way", write these Activate events in every worksheet:
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
lastWS = Me.Name
End Sub
Then lastWs would be the name of the ActiveSheet. And you would be able to refer to it like this Worksheets(lastWs). Thus:
Sheet1.Range("A3").Value = Worksheets(lastWs).Range("A3").Value

excel vba how to reference a macro created worksheet by codename in subsequent running

I'm very new at VBA ad I have the following problem.
I want to reference worksheets by codenames (because the tab name can be modify by the user)
I know that is not possible add a new worksheet specifying the codename.
In a running of my macro I create a new Worksheet using:
Worksheets.Add().Name = "aSheet"
st = Worksheets("aSheet").CodeName
now I have the codename in variable st.
In a following run of the macro (in one in which I don't create the new worksheets) I want to access the previous created worksheet by codename i.e. I
want to use code with codename hard coded. I don't want to use
st = Worksheets("aSheet").CodeName
because between the two runs of the macro the user must have changed the tab "aSheet" name.
That seems impossible to me, but I hope to be wrong.
Instead of going to the workbook's Worksheets collection, just refer directly to the worksheet by its codename:
You can also use it's index if you are super into the Worksheets collection:
debug.print Sheets(5).name
You might find it helpful to save the worksheet as a global variable (declared outside the scope of your function or subroutine. The global variable will be available after code execution, but will be reset if the workbook is closed and reopened.
Dim st As Worksheet
Sub addWorksheet()
Set st = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add()
st.Name = "test3"
Debug.Print st.Name, st.CodeName
End Sub
That variable st is a worksheet object and can be referenced in any other subroutine or function after it's set.
...later on
Sub printWSName()
End Sub
Finally you may want to save this value if the workbook closes. In your Workbook Object in the Project pane you can use the Workbook_BeforeClose and Workbook_Open events to save and recapture this value:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Worksheets("savedStuff").Cells(1, 1).Value = st.Name
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set st = Worksheets(st.Name)
End Sub

Excel VBA Can't access sheet on external workbook

I have created a custom function in Excel using VBA. I'm trying to get data from a different workbook using the Workbooks.Open(path) command. Here's my code:
Option Explicit
Function TestFunction() As String
TestFunction = "Success."
End Function
Sub mySub()
Dim path As String
Dim wk As Workbook
path = "C:\Users\jg\Desktop\machine_data.xlsm"
Set wk = Workbooks.Open(path)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = wk.Sheets(1)
Debug.Print ws.Range("A2")
End Sub
Sub Test()
Debug.Print (TestFunction())
End Sub
Now my problem is the following:
When I run the Sub Test() within the VBA environment from Excel everything works as planned. machine_data.xlsm gets opened and the field A2 shows up in debug.
Once I go to the workbook where I defined this module in and type =TestFunction() into a cell, I get a #VALUE!. The file also doesn't get opened.
If I comment these two lines:
Set ws = wk.Sheets(1)
Debug.Print ws.Range("A2")
the cell will show Success!, but the file still doesn't open.
What am I doing wrong? Both workbooks are .xlsm files. I am using Microsoft Office Excel 2007.
Just throw everything from mySub into the test function and if everything is successful have test function return the value of the cell. So testFunc = ws.Range("A2").
As DaveU already stated UDFs can only return values. I found a different workaround simply calling the function from within the VBA environment which lets me modify cell contents wherever I'd like.

How to clear the VBA code of a worksheet via a macro?

I have a file where there's a template sheet that needs to run some code when it's activated. This sheet is being duplicated to create sheets that don't need to run this code. Currently, I have the code to check for worksheet's codename when run so that it does nothing on extra sheets, but it still slows usage down when you switch between sheets.
Is there any way to make the macro that makes duplicates also clear their VBA code contents?
(Edit) Please note that the code I need to clear is not in a module. After some research, it seems I found a way to remove modules (by accessing VBProject.VBComponents), but I'm not sure how to access the VBA code of a worksheet.
To remove complete code in all Sheet modules you could try something like this:
Sub Remove_some_vba_code()
Dim activeIDE As Object 'VBProject
Set activeIDE = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Dim Element As VBComponent
Dim LineCount As Integer
For Each Element In activeIDE.VBComponents
If Left(Element.Name, 5) = "Sheet" Then 'change name if necessary
LineCount = Element.CodeModule.CountOfLines
Element.CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, LineCount
End If
End Sub
Another way you could approach this is to keep all of your code out of the worksheet. Then you don't have to delete anything. The worksheet's code module is a handy place to code events, but you can create your own class module to handle events too. Put this in a standard module:
Public gclsEvent As CEvent
Sub Auto_Open()
Set gclsEvent = New CEvent
Set gclsEvent.This = Sheet1
End Sub
This will create an instance of CEvent that's global, so it won't lose scope as long as your workbook is open. It assigns the worksheet codenamed Sheet1 to the This property of the class. Create a class module named CEvent with this code
Private WithEvents mwsThis As Worksheet
Public Property Set This(ByVal wsThis As Worksheet): Set mwsThis = wsThis: End Property
Public Property Get This() As Worksheet: Set This = mwsThis: End Property
Private Sub mwsThis_Activate()
Me.This.Copy , Me.This.Parent.Sheets(Me.This.Parent.Sheets.Count)
End Sub
The WithEvents keyword exposes events for that object. Since we're only hooking up the events for Sheet1, activating another sheet won't trigger the code.

How to add a new spreadsheet with VBA-Code, using VBA

I am creating a macro and part of the macros function is to make VBA create a new spreadsheet. Because of the nature of distribution the name will change. I need to add code to this spreadsheet. Is there anyway I can do this?
Jook has already explained how it works. I will take it a step further.
The syntax of adding a worksheet is
expression.Add(Before, After, Count, Type)
If you check inbuilt Excel's help then you can see what Before, After, Count, Type stands for
Parameters (All 4 parameters are Optional)
Before - An object that specifies the sheet before which the new sheet is added.
After - An object that specifies the sheet after which the new sheet is added.
Count - The number of sheets to be added. The default value is one.
Type - Specifies the sheet type. Can be one of the following XlSheetType constants: xlWorksheet, xlChart, xlExcel4MacroSheet, or xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet. If you are inserting a sheet based on an existing template, specify the path to the template. The default value is xlWorksheet.
Once the sheet is created then you need to use .insertlines to create the relevant procedure and to also embed the code that you want to run.
NOTE - IMP: If you want the code to embed code in the VBA project, you need to ensure that you have "Trust Access to the VBA Project Object Model" selected. See snapshot.
Here is an example where I am creating a sheet and then embedding a Worksheet_SelectionChange Code which will display a message "Hello World"
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim nLines As Long
Dim VBP As Object, VBC As Object, CM As Object
Dim strProcName As String
Set ws = Worksheets.Add
Set VBP = ThisWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBC = VBP.VBComponents(ws.Name)
Set CM = VBC.CodeModule
strProcName = "Worksheet_SelectionChange"
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents( _
.InsertLines Line:=.CreateEventProc("SelectionChange", "Worksheet") + 1, _
String:=vbCrLf & _
" Msgbox ""Hello World!"""
End With
End Sub
This is how the new sheet code area looks once you run the above code.
the following code will add you a spreadsheet.
Public Sub Workbook_Add()
Dim wks As Worksheet
Set wks = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add(, , 1, xlWorksheet)
With wks
'set codename of wks
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(.CodeName).Name = "tblWhatever"
'set tablename of wks
.Name = "whatever"
'add code (untested demo)
'ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(.CodeName).CodeModule.InsertLines 1, "Option Explicit"
'add code (as of example from excel-help)
'Application.VBE.CodePanes(1).CodeModule.InsertLines 1, "Option Explicit"
End With
End Sub
If you need to add VBA-Code to this specific spreadsheet, you should further inspect the VBProject object - look for CodeModule and then i.e. InsertLines.
A further hint for you - I would try to use the CodeNames of your tables. It is less likely to be changed - BUT it might be not that comfortable to use in your code at first. I had to get used to it, but for me it has many advantages against using a tables name.
Hope this helps ;)
The default .Add method adds a sheet at the start of the list. Often you want to add it at the end before adding the code lines, as explained by Siddarth Rout. To do that anywhere you can use:
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.ADD After:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count)
It is easier to read if you have defined and set WB:
Dim WB as Excel.workbook
Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
WB.Sheets.ADD After:=WB.Sheets(WB.Sheets.Count)
Set VBC = ActiveSheet 'If using in Siddarth Rout's code above
Sheets and Worksheets are interchangeable, as illustrated.