Cocoa: Checks required for multiple asynchronous NSURLConnections using same delegate functions? - objective-c

This is with reference to the StackOverflow question Managing multiple asynchronous NSURLConnection connections
I have multiple asynchronous HTTP requests being made at the same time. All these use the same NSURLConnection delegate functions. (The receivedData object is different for each connection as specified in the other question above. In the delegate, I parse the receivedDate object, and do additional operations on those parsed strings)
Everything works fine for me so far, but I'm not sure if I need to do anything to ensure correct “multithreaded” behavior.
Is it possible that more than two connections will use the delegate at the same time? (I would think yes)
If yes, how is it resolved? (Does Cocoa do this automatically?)
Do I need to have additional checks in place to ensure that each request is handled “correctly”?

I enhanced the Three20 library to implement asynchronous connections across multiple threads in order to fetch data even if the user was playing with the UI. After many hours of chasing down random memory leaks that were detected within the CFNetwork framework I finally root caused the issue. I was occasionally losing track of responses and data.
Any data structures which are accessed by multiple threads must be protected by an appropriate lock. If you are not using locks to access shared data structures in a mutually exclusive manner then you are not thread safe. See the "Using Locks" section of Apple's Threading Programming Guide.
The best solution is to subclass NSURLConnection and add instance variables to store its associated response and response data. In each connection delegate method you then cast the NSURLConnection to your subclass and access those instance variables. This is guaranteed to be mutually exclusive because every connection will be bundled with its own response and data. I highly recommend trying this since it is the cleanest solution. Here's the code from my implementation:
#interface TTURLConnection : NSURLConnection {
NSHTTPURLResponse* _response;
NSMutableData* _responseData;
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSHTTPURLResponse* response;
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSMutableData* responseData;
#implementation TTURLConnection
#synthesize response = _response, responseData = _responseData;
- (id)initWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request delegate:(id)delegate {
NSAssert(self != nil, #"self is nil!");
// Initialize the ivars before initializing with the request
// because the connection is asynchronous and may start
// calling the delegates before we even return from this
// function.
self.response = nil;
self.responseData = nil;
self = [super initWithRequest:request delegate:delegate];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[self.response release];
[self.responseData release];
[super dealloc];
////// NSURLConnectionDelegate
- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection*)connection
didReceiveResponse:(NSHTTPURLResponse*)response {
TTURLConnection* ttConnection = (TTURLConnection*)connection;
ttConnection.response = response;
ttConnection.responseData = [NSMutableData
- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection*)connection
didReceiveData:(NSData*)data {
TTURLConnection* ttConnection = (TTURLConnection*)connection;
[ttConnection.responseData appendData:data];
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
TTURLConnection* ttConnection = (TTURLConnection*)connection;
if (ttConnection.response.statusCode == 200) {
// Connection success
- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection
didFailWithError:(NSError *)error {
TTURLConnection* ttConnection = (TTURLConnection*)connection;
// Handle the error

Assuming you're launching all of the (asynchronous) connections on a single thread, then the delegate messages will all get posted in that thread's run loop. Therefore the delegate only needs to be able to deal with one message being handled at once; the run loop will hand one message off at a time. This means that while the order of the delegate messages is unknown and the next message could come from any connection object, there will be no concurrent execution of your delegate methods.
However, were you actually trying to use the same delegate object across multiple threads, rather than just using the asynchronous nature of the API, then you would need to deal with concurrent delegate methods.

Yes it's possible to have multiple connections. the notification object contains a pointer to the NSURLConnection that triggered the notification.
Internally I guess NSURLConnection listens to a socket and does something like this when it has data ready.
so you don't have to worry about it being multithreaded, NSURLConnection will take care of this. For simplicity I have written self, in the real world a NSNotification object is given.
You shouldn't have to do any checks related to multithreading.


AFHTTPSessionManager not deallocating

After posting this as an issue to the AFNetworking repo, turns out this is in fact a usage issue on my part. Per the response to my issue:
NSURLSession retains its delegate (i.e. AFURLSessionManager). Call invalidateSessionCancelingTasks: to ensure that sessions finalize and release their delegate.
So, long story short: If you are using AHTTPSessionManager in the manner described below, make sure to call invalidateSessionCancelingTasks: to ensure that sessions finalize and release their delegate
Original Question
I have a subclassed AFHTTPSessionManager called GTAPIClient that I am using to connect to my REST API. I realize the docs state to use as a singleton but there are a few cases where I need to gin up a new instance. However, it seems that whenever I do so, the object is never deallocated. Currently, GTAPIClient literally does nothing except NSLog itself when deallocated.
Here's some sample code that demonstrates the behavior
#implementation GTAPIClient
- (void)dealloc
NSLog(#"Dealloc: %#", self);
#import "GTBaseEntityViewController.h"
#import "GTBaseEntity.h"
#import "GTAPIClient.h"
#interface GTBaseEntityViewController ()
#property (nonatomic, weak) GTAPIClient *client;
#property (nonatomic, weak) GTBaseEntity *weakEntity;
#implementation GTBaseEntityViewController
- (IBAction)makeClient:(id)sender {
self.client = [[GTAPIClient alloc] init];
NSLog(#"I just made an API client %#", self.client);
//Another random object assigned to a similar property, just to see what happens.
self.weakEntity = [[GTBaseEntity alloc] init];
NSLog(#"I just made a random object %#", self.weakEntity);
- (IBAction)checkClient:(id)sender {
NSLog(#"Client: %#", self.client);
NSLog(#"Entity: %#", self.weakEntity);
NSLog output
Fire makeClient:
//It seems to me that both NSLog's should return (null) as they are assigning to a weak property
2014-06-22 16:41:39.143 I just made an API client <GTAPIClient: 0x10b913680, baseURL: (null), session: <__NSCFURLSession: 0x10b915010>, operationQueue: <NSOperationQueue: 0x10b9148a0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x10b9148a0'}>
2014-06-22 16:41:39.144 I just made a random object (null)
Fire checkClient
//Again, both NSLog's should return null for the two objects. However...client is still around. Also, it's overridden dealloc method never fired.
2014-06-22 16:44:43.722 Client: <GTAPIClient: 0x10b913680, baseURL: (null), session: <__NSCFURLSession: 0x10b915010>, operationQueue: <NSOperationQueue: 0x10b9148a0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x10b9148a0'}>
2014-06-22 16:44:43.723 Entity: (null)
For reference, I am using v2.3.1 of AFNetworking. Compiler is warning me that assigning retained object to weak property will release after assignment - which is correct, and functions as expects with my random object. There is nothing else going on in the app. No other view controllers, no other methods on the GTAPIClient, all singleton functionality is removed. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong here?
Posting the response from Mattt Thompson here to assist future readers:
NSURLSession retains its delegate (i.e. AFURLSessionManager). Call invalidateSessionCancelingTasks: to ensure that sessions finalize and release their delegate.
If, like many apps, your app uses a singleton Session Manager and one URL Session for your entire app, then you don't need to worry about this.
Replicating your scenario and running it through Instruments shows that AFURLSessionManagers are retained by the NSURLSessions they create, as AFURLSessionManager acts as the delegate for every NSURLSession created. This creates a retain cycle and thus the AFHTTPSessionManager cannot be released. Whether this is a bug in either library or not a bug at all, I'm not sure. You may want to report it on the AFNetworking GitHub page (
__weak typeof(manager) weak_manager = manager;
[manager requestWithMethod:method URLString: uri parameters:param
success:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, id responseObject) {
if (completion) {
completion(YES, responseObject, task.response);
[weak_manager invalidateSessionCancelingTasks:YES];
failure:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSError *error) {
if (completion) {
completion(NO, error, task.response);
[weak_manager invalidateSessionCancelingTasks:YES];

OCMock in a block context

So I am attempting to throw together a simple test to verify that I am receiving frequency values from my audioController correctly.
In my view I am making a call like this to setup up a block callback:
- (void) registerVolumeCallback {
NSNumberBlock frequencyCallback = ^(NSNumber *frequency) {
self.currentFrequency = frequency;
self.audioController.frequencyCallback = frequencyCallback;
In my audio controller the frequency callback block is called with an nsnumber containing the frequency.
In my tests file I have the following:
- (void) testFrequencyAudioServiceCallbackActive {
OCMockObject *mockEqualizer = [OCMockObject partialMockForObject:self.testEqualizer];
[[[mockEqualizer stub] andCall:#selector(mockDidUpdateFrequency:)
onObject:self] setCurrentFrequency:[OCMArg any]];
[self.testEqualizer startAnimating];
[ mockEqualizer verify];
- (void) mockDidUpdateFrequency: (NSNumber *) frequency {
GHAssertTrue((frequency!= nil), #"Audio Service is messing up");
Where test equalizer is an an instance of the aforementioned view. So Im trying to do some swizzling here. Problem is, mockDidUpdateFrequency is never called. I tried putting:
self.currentFrequency = frequency;
outside of the block, and the swizzling does happen and I do get a call to mockDidUpdateFrequency. I also tried:
- (void) registerVolumeCallback {
__block UIEqualizer *blockSafeSelf = self;
NSNumberBlock frequencyCallback = ^(NSNumber *frequency) {
blockSafeSelf.currentFrequency = frequency;
self.audioController.frequency = frequencyCallback;
No luck. Some weird instance stuff is going on here in the block context that I am not aware of. Anyone know whats happening?
You'll need to provide some more details for a definitive answer. For example, how is registerVolumeCallback invoked? And is frequencyCallback your own code, or a third-party API?
With what you've provided, I suspect that frequencyCallback is an asynchronous call. So even though startAnimating might create the condition where it will eventually be invoked, you immediately verify the mock before the callback has had a chance to be invoked. To get your test to do what you want as written, you need to understand what queue that block is executed on, and you need to give it a chance to execute.
If it's invoked asynchronously on the main queue, you can let the main run loop spin before calling verify:
[self.testEqualizer startAnimating];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:.1]];
[mockEqualizer verify];
If it's invoked on a different queue, you have some different options, but it would help to have a clearer picture how your code is structured first.

NSURLConnection creating connectionTestFunction

I'm currently using NSURLConnection to test if I can successfully connect to a server. Up until now, everything has worked flawlessly. The delegate methods get called, I can do what i want. But when I want to set a BOOL called connected in.
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection
self.connected = YES;
- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didFailWithError:(NSError *)error
self.connected = NO;
I always get NO.
I'm using my connection class in another class. I access my variable by doing this.
Connection *connection = [[Connection alloc] init];
[connection connectTo:#"localhost"];
connection.connected;<------ this is always NO.
Your connectTo method is being called asynchronously. Meaning, after calling connectTo, the execution will proceed immediately to the next line where you check for your connected property. It won't wait for the connection to receive a response.
Also, you may want to take a look at Apple's Reachability class, which is provided for exactly this sort of connection testing:

Perform block inside a NSOperation

I have a method in some class which performs some task using a block. When I execute that method using NSInvocationOperation then control never goes to the block. I tried logging inside the block but that is never called actually. But if I simply call that method with instance of that class then everything works as expected.
Don’t blocks run inside NSOperation?
NSInvocationOperation *op = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:myClassObj selector:#selector(myClassMethod:) object:obj1];
[[AppDelegate sharedOpQueue] addOperation:op];
[op release];
- (void)myClassMethod:(id)obj
AnotherClass *otherClass = [[AnotherClass allco] init]
[otherClass fetchXMLWithCompletionHandler:^(WACloudURLRequest* request, xmlDocPtr doc, NSError* error)
if([_delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(handleFail:)]){
[_delegate handleFail:error];
if([_delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(doSomeAction)]){
[_delegate doSomeAction];
- (void) fetchXMLWithCompletionHandler:(WAFetchXMLHandler)block
_xmlBlock = [block copy];
[NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:request delegate:self];
-(void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection
if(_xmlBlock) {
const char *baseURL = NULL;
const char *encoding = NULL;
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadMemory([_data bytes], (int)[_data length], baseURL, encoding, (XML_PARSE_NOCDATA | XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS));
NSError* error = [WAXMLHelper checkForError:doc];
_xmlBlock(self, nil, error);
} else {
_xmlBlock(self, doc, nil);
- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didFailWithError:(NSError *)error
if(_xmlBlock) {
_xmlBlock(self, nil, error);
You are performing your NSConnection asynchronously (which you don't need to do in an NSOperation because you should already be on a background thread).
After your call to fetchXMLWithCompletionHandler, your method ends. This signals that the NSOperation is finished and it gets released and it's thread gets either reused for something else or, more likely, released as well. This means that by the time you get your callbacks, your initial object doesn't exist anymore!
There are two solutions :
1) Use NSURLConnection synchronously. This will wait in your myClassMethod until it has got a response.
2) Learn about NSOperations's concurrent mode. I don't know if this will work with NSInvocationOperation though :( And it's fairly complicated compared to option (1).
I would use method (1) - you have already created a background thread to perform your operation in, why bother creating another one to do your connection request?
There are two ways of fixing your problem:
The easy way out
is — as Dean suggests — using +[NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:returningResponse:error:], as you already are on a different thread. This has you covered — I'd say — 80-90% of the time, is really simple to implement and Just Works™.
The other way
is only slightly more complicated and has you covered for all the cases where the first method does not suffice — by visiting the root of your problem:
NSURLConnection works in conjunction with the runloop — and the threads managed by NSOperationQueue don't necessarily use (or even have!) an associated runloop.
While calling +[NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:delegate:] will implicitly create a runloop, if needed, it does not cause the runloop to actually run!
This is your responsibility, when the NSOperationQueue you use is not the queue associated with the main thread.
To do so, change your implementation of fetchXMLWithCompletionHandler: to look similar to the following:
- (void)fetchXMLWithCompletionHandler:(WAFetchXMLHandler)block
self.xmlHandler = block; // Declare a #property for the block with the copy attribute set
self.mutableXMLData = [NSMutableData data]; // again, you should have a property for this...
self.currentConnection = [NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:request delegate:self]; // having a #property for the connection allows you to cancel it, if needed.
self.connectionShouldBeRunning = YES; // ...and have a BOOL like this one, setting it to NO in connectionDidFinishLoad: and connection:didFailWithError:
NSRunLoop *loop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
NSDate *neverExpire = [NSDate distantFuture];
BOOL runLoopDidIterateRegularly = YES;
while( self.connectionShouldBeRunning && runLoopDidIterateRegularly ) {
runLoopDidIterateRegularly = [loop runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:neverExpire];
With these small changes, you're good to go. Bonus: this is really flexible and (eventually) reusable throughout all your code — if you move the XML-parsing out of that class and make your handler simply take an NSData, an NSError and (optionally) an NSURLResponse.
Since you probably don't want the clients of your loader to see and possibly mess with the properties I just suggested you should add, you can declare them in a class continuation.

What's the correct way to stop a background process on Mac OS X?

I have an application with 2 components: a desktop application that users interact with, and a background process that can be enabled from the desktop application. Once the background process is enabled, it will run as a user launch agent independently of the desktop app.
However, what I'm wondering is what to do when the user disables the background process. At this point I want to stop the background process but I'm not sure what the best approach is. The 3 options that I see are:
Use the 'kill' command.
Direct, but not reliable and just seems somewhat "wrong".
Use an NSMachPort to send an exit request from the desktop app to the background process.
This is the best approach I've thought of but I've run into an implementation problem (I'll be posting this in a separate query) and I'd like to be sure that the approach is right before going much further.
Something else???
Thank you in advance for any help/insight that you can offer.
The daemon could handle quit apple events or listen on a CFMessagePort.
If you use signals you should handle the signal, probably SIG_QUIT, that is sent instead of just letting the system kill your process.
If you have cleanup that may take a while, use something other than signals. If you are basically just calling exit, then signals are fine.
If you already have a CFRunLoop going then use CFMessagePort. If you are already handling apple events than handle quit.
CFMessagePort is a wrapper around CFMachPort that provides a name and some other conveniences. You can also use the NS wrappers for either.
I found an easier way to do this using an NSConnection object. I created a very simple ExitListener object with this header:
#interface ExitListener : NSObject {
BOOL _exitRequested;
NSConnection *_connection;
#property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL exitRequested;
- (void)requestExit;
and this implementation:
#implementation ExitListener
#synthesize exitRequested = _exitRequested;
// On init we set ourselves up to listen for an exit
- (id)init {
if ((self = [super init]) != nil) {
_connection = [[NSConnection alloc] init];
[_connection setRootObject:self];
[_connection registerName:#"com.blahblah.exitport"];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[_connection release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)requestExit {
[self setExitRequested:YES];
To setup the listener, the background process simply allocates and inits an instance of the ExitListener. The desktop application then asks the background process to exit by making this call:
- (void)stopBackgroundProcess {
// Get a connection to the background process and ask it to exit
NSConnection *connection = [NSConnection connectionWithRegisteredName:#"com.blahblah.exitport" host:nil];
NSProxy *proxy = [connection rootProxy];
if ([proxy respondsToSelector:#selector(requestExit)]) {
[proxy performSelector:#selector(requestExit)];
Using NSMachPorts directly seemed to lead to far more problems in registering and obtaining references. I found that NSConnection is the simplest way to create a basic communication channel for the sort of situation that I needed to solve.