How to have calendar events indexed by search engines - seo

I'm developing a site for which one of the main components is an events calendar. For users, the calendar is offered in 3 formats
an interactive AJAX web calendar (monthly view)
an iCal subscription feed
a downloadable PDF
None of these seem particularly search-engine friendly. What would be the best way to make sure the individual events are being indexed?
My ideal situation is where, for example, a user would type into a search engine "[company name] craft fair" and land on the calendar page for November 2010 which is showing the fall craft fair event.

You can use the <noscript> tag to provide this information to search engines and users that have disabled javascript in a textual format.

All events should be exposed as individual, seo optimized links and included in sitemap.
Request to this link should open specified item or whole calendar with selected item.


Best Approach for integrating Microdata

I am developing a simple website and want to implement microdata on it.
The website is for a local business and simply has the default structure (about, services, contact, etc..).
My question is if microdata can be cloned on every page or if I should change from page to page. Logically I would say that I should change from page to page, but on the other hand information like facebook page, twitter and map will keep the same so I don't know what should I do.
I take the chance to ask if there is any better category to list a software company, I am using local business but maybe there should be better ones that I am missing (this applies for meta description and keywords also on the different sections of the site)
You should declare only the start- or contact/aboutme site with your Local Buissiness Information.
On all other site depend on the content like article, product etc.

Brand filtering on category pages

In Bigcommerce, is it possible to add brand filtering to category pages?
The current options appear to be that you can select from "all brands" by visiting the brands page, or you could use the search engine to narrow your results but you're forced to type a keyword or space. I want to offer a way to narrow the products by brand for the specific category the user is viewing.
I've spoken to tech support and they've informed me that this is NOT an option through the control panel and would have to be done through the API.
In my attempt to do this with the API however, it doesn't appear there is anyway to dynamically identify which category a user viewing. Outside of hard-coding a template for each individual category, how can this be accomplished?
I was informed by API support that this is NOT possible. Their recommendation was to submit the idea to the support team for future implementation, and that I might be able to accomplish it through a combination of javascript and screen scraping.

Make search engines distinguish website chronological updates over time (like in forums)

I see that search engines are prominently capable of finding pages chronologically for forum websites and the like, offering the option to show the results for the last 24 hours, last week, last month, last year, etc.
I understand that these sites need to be continuously crawled to provide those updates, but I have technical doubts about what structure, tags or whatever I need to do to achieve it for my website.
I see that at the client side (which is also the side search engines are at) content appears basically as static data, already processed by the server, so the question is:
If I have a website for which I update and add content constantly to the index page to make it easily visible, and for which I even add links, times and dates as text for the new pages, why don't these updates show at all in search engines?
Do I need to add XML/RSS feeds, or what else?
How do forums and sites with heavy updates with a chronological mark achieve the capability to allow search engines to list results separated by hours, days, etc.?
What specific set of tags and overall structure do I need to add for this feature?
I also see that search engines, mainly Googlebot, usually take a minimum of 3 days to crawl those new pages, but still, they aren't organized persistently (or at all) in a chronological way in search results.
I am not using any forum, blog or other kind of web publishing software, just raw HTML and PHP written by hand, and the minimum I mentioned above, of pointing to new documents from the index page of the website along with a description.
Do I need to add XML/RSS feeds, or what else?
Yes. Atom or one of the RSS formats (or several formats at the same time, so you could offer Atom and RSS).
Search engines will know about new blog posts, microblog post, forum threads, forum thread answers etc., because they subscribe to the feed. So sometimes you'll notice that a page is indexed by a search engines only minutes after it was published. But for smaller sites, search engines probably don't check for updates every few minutes, instead it might take even days until a new page is indexed.
A sitemap might help, too.

know the page rank for certain key words

I want to know the page rank for certain key words against my page. For example I wrote "best movies 2012" my page does come, but in 30th to 50th page. I want to query in the result set Google gave against my keywords so that I can see the rank of my page and my competitors against typical keywords.
I think you may be confusing PageRank with positions. PageRank is an algorithm that Google uses to determine the authority of your site. This doesn't always affect the positions of certain keywords.
There are plenty of good programs and web services around that you can use such as
Most of the good free web services have been closed down due to Google now limiting the amount of searches performed and charging for this data.
You could check out:
It's free but you have to register to get data.
There are several web services providing this functionality: or
Or, you can perform the task manually. Here is an example on how to query google search using Java: How can you search Google Programmatically Java API
You need to compare your webpage PageRank and website PR against those of the competition. The best indication we have of website PR is the HomePage PagRank.
Ensure that you do this for the appropriate Google domain - USA - - UK etc
The technique is described in more detail on
You can repeat the technique for each keyword.

Structured data in Joomla

I'm currently developing a back-end for chefs at various restaurants to report their daily menues in a structured format. Of pragmatic reasons have I chosen to use a web CMS and use many of the features already include including a flexible rights-management module
I want to utilise the existing functions in Joomla for access control, editing and navigation, but I need to replace the textfield with five field (each representing one day of the working week) and save this in a structured way into the database. I was planning to create a editor plugin which displays the field for the chef-users and parse the in-data into a structured data-format e.g. XML. For each week I will need to create empty templates for all the restaurants displaying the week number and dates.
I was also hoping for third-party developers to access this data through RESTful methods in the URL where the structure could be something like: for a text-menu for json etc.
I guess my question is how I can start developing such features. Has there been developed anything similar and are there modules developed for Joomla which I can utilise? Does my approach sounds sensible or are there any other good way of solving my problem?
For a custom content management i would use Zoo component from Yootheme (not free!). You can define your fields,
But for developers access, i have no idea, sorry!