We need to integrate QTP with Hudson to automatically invoke test suites against the code deployed in Hudson. The build process is based on Maven.
Is there any plugin or something to achieve this? We heard about the Groovy plugin for Hudson; Can we execute it with a Groovy script?
Hudson does not run tests, it takes the output and generates a nice report. You should look at how to make Maven run the tests, and then have Hudson pick up the output to generate a report.
As Michael says, this is a Maven integration issue not a Hudson one. I don't know of a Maven plugin for QTP, but you can use the exec-maven-plugin to invoke an arbitrary executable, and provide arguments to that executable. QTP provides an "Automation" API that you should be able to wrap in a script fairly easily. It won't be a slick integration but may serve your purposes.
Here's an example of the configuration you could use:
<executable>[qtp executable]</executable>
<argument>[an argument to configure QTP]</argument>
<argument>[another argument to configure QTP]</argument>
An answer to a previous question on invoking QTP from Ant is a good starting point for writing the Automation integration.
Here's an approach that may work for you. It appears that you can directly invoke the QTP server, passing the name of the test you want executing. So you can use the antrun plugin to invoke the url and direct the output to a target directory. Modify the url and test name to match your environment and QTP should be invoked and the results placed in target/qtp/results.html. This assumes that you have a single test you can invoke to do everything you need to in QTP.
<get verbose="true" src="http://[servername]/qtp/LaunchQTP.plx?testname=[test name]"
dest="${project.build.directory}/qtp/results.html" />
We have implemented this integration in 3 ways, using VBScript,JScript and RunTestSet utility. In POM, we need to specify like this.
<property name="vbs.script" value='qtp.vbs'/>
<exec executable="WScript.exe" spawn="true" resolveExecutable="true">
<arg line="${vbs.script}"/>
Using RunTestSet,
<exec executable="location of RunTestSet.exe" output="outputFolder">
<arg line="/s:qc url"/>
<arg line="/n:Domain"/>
<arg line="/d:Project"/>
<arg line="/u:username"/>
<arg line="/p:password"/>
<arg line="/f:TestSetFolder"/>
<arg line="/t:TestSet"/>
<arg line="/l"/>
You can try Quality Center Plugin for Jenkins : https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Quality+Center+Plugin
I've been using this vbscript
Dim qtApp 'As QuickTest.Application ' Declare the Application object variable
Dim qtTest 'As QuickTest.Test ' Declare a Test object variable
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the Application object
qtApp.Launch ' Start QuickTest
qtApp.Visible = True ' Make the QuickTest application visible
qtApp.Open "<fullpathto>\XlTest", True ' Open the test in read-only mode
' set run settings for the test
Set qtTest = qtApp.Test
qtTest.Run ' Run the test
qtTest.Close ' Close the test
qtApp.Close ' Close the app
Set qtTest = Nothing ' Release the Test object
Set qtApp = Nothing ' Release the Application object
which I call directly
I'm building a web-application with Maven3 and run it via mvn jetty:run-war. Now I'd like to open the web-app from my maven build in the system browser.
I solved my problem on os windows, which is currently my only build system. After the jetty server is started and hosting my web-app the build makes a start call via antrun:
<id>Run URL in system browser.</id>
<exec executable="start" vmlauncher="false">
<arg line="http://localhost:8080/rap?startup=entrypoint"/>
I have written a Maven plugin that can open browser on each platform/JDK as part of my bck2brwsr VM work. It can be used to show any static page in your project. Following example opens browser with content of pom.xml file:
I know opening a static page isn't perfect, but it can contain appropriate redirect, right? Moreover, if there is an interested, the plugin can easily be improved to open any URL. Pull Requests welcomed.
Use Jetty server. Add Jetty plugin in your pom.xml under build tag like this:
<!-- more plugin tags if any -->
now build using
mvn clean install jetty:run
this will start Jetty server at port 8080, and you can access using http://localhost:8080/shinchan URL on the machine the mvn command is executed.
For more details read Jetty wiki here: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Jetty/Feature/Jetty_Maven_Plugin
you may want to consider jetty:deploy-war, but I think it's an overkill.
We need to integrate QTP with Hudson to automatically invoke test suites against the code deployed in Hudson. The build process is based on Maven.
Is there any plugin or something to achieve this? We heard about the Groovy plugin for Hudson; Can we execute it with a Groovy script?
Hudson does not run tests, it takes the output and generates a nice report. You should look at how to make Maven run the tests, and then have Hudson pick up the output to generate a report.
As Michael says, this is a Maven integration issue not a Hudson one. I don't know of a Maven plugin for QTP, but you can use the exec-maven-plugin to invoke an arbitrary executable, and provide arguments to that executable. QTP provides an "Automation" API that you should be able to wrap in a script fairly easily. It won't be a slick integration but may serve your purposes.
Here's an example of the configuration you could use:
<executable>[qtp executable]</executable>
<argument>[an argument to configure QTP]</argument>
<argument>[another argument to configure QTP]</argument>
An answer to a previous question on invoking QTP from Ant is a good starting point for writing the Automation integration.
Here's an approach that may work for you. It appears that you can directly invoke the QTP server, passing the name of the test you want executing. So you can use the antrun plugin to invoke the url and direct the output to a target directory. Modify the url and test name to match your environment and QTP should be invoked and the results placed in target/qtp/results.html. This assumes that you have a single test you can invoke to do everything you need to in QTP.
<get verbose="true" src="http://[servername]/qtp/LaunchQTP.plx?testname=[test name]"
dest="${project.build.directory}/qtp/results.html" />
We have implemented this integration in 3 ways, using VBScript,JScript and RunTestSet utility. In POM, we need to specify like this.
<property name="vbs.script" value='qtp.vbs'/>
<exec executable="WScript.exe" spawn="true" resolveExecutable="true">
<arg line="${vbs.script}"/>
Using RunTestSet,
<exec executable="location of RunTestSet.exe" output="outputFolder">
<arg line="/s:qc url"/>
<arg line="/n:Domain"/>
<arg line="/d:Project"/>
<arg line="/u:username"/>
<arg line="/p:password"/>
<arg line="/f:TestSetFolder"/>
<arg line="/t:TestSet"/>
<arg line="/l"/>
You can try Quality Center Plugin for Jenkins : https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Quality+Center+Plugin
I've been using this vbscript
Dim qtApp 'As QuickTest.Application ' Declare the Application object variable
Dim qtTest 'As QuickTest.Test ' Declare a Test object variable
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the Application object
qtApp.Launch ' Start QuickTest
qtApp.Visible = True ' Make the QuickTest application visible
qtApp.Open "<fullpathto>\XlTest", True ' Open the test in read-only mode
' set run settings for the test
Set qtTest = qtApp.Test
qtTest.Run ' Run the test
qtTest.Close ' Close the test
qtApp.Close ' Close the app
Set qtTest = Nothing ' Release the Test object
Set qtApp = Nothing ' Release the Application object
which I call directly
Is it possible to invoke a maven-exec-plugin (or any other plugin's) execution by its id from the command line?
Let's say my pom.xml file looks like this:
Now is it possible to call
mvn exec:exec
with some added magic to run execution "foo"?
For the curious there is an alternative solution using profiles available here:
It is now possible, starting from Maven 3.3.1: see improvement MNG-5768 and Maven 3.3.1 release notes
You can call a specific execution configuration with this syntax:
mvn exec:exec#foo
No, it's not possible. Executions are for binding to the lifecycle (i.e. they are not designed to be invoked on the command line). So you'll have to use the profile trick described in the link that you provided.
Not mentioned here is that, as of Maven 2.2.0, if you give an execution of any plugin the id "default-cli", then when you run that plugin from the command line, that configuration is used. You're limited to only one default execution of each plugin, but it's a start.
I think if you write execute the goal:
it worked for me in eclipse maven plugin.
We have a hundreds of tests defined for our integration-test phase lifecycle in maven, and they take a long time to finish.
What I want to do is run just one test in the integration-test. I tried doing :
mvn -Dtest=<my-test> integration-test
but that does not work. The -Dtest runs only the tests in the unit test goal, not the integration-test phase. I tried the -Dintegration-test=<my-test> instead, and that was ignored.
Is there a way to do that ?
My configuration is:
If you're using the Maven failsafe plugin, you can run a single integration test by setting the it.test property to your fully qualified test class name:
mvn -D it.test=your.TestCase verify
See the failsafe plugin docs for more info.
The Failsafe documentation would have you specify the test like so:
mvn -Dit.test=BrokenIT verify
However, -Dit.test does not appear to work any longer. Rather, the same parameter used to specify a Surefire test will apparently work for Failsafe as well. For example:
mvn -Dtest=WorksIT verify
I've filed a bug (EDIT: which was closed as "Cannot Reproduce" in 2.12) to correct the documentation.
just add -DfailIfNoTests=false works for me with testNG. Something like this:
mvn integration-test -Dtest=aITest -DfailIfNoTests=false
I struggled through this, and I created an additional profile to use when I wanted to run just one integration test. I hope that I've successfully extracted just the right part here:
<argLine>-Xms256M -Xmx768M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M</argLine>
Now, I call maven with the integrationTestSingle profile and with -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dtest=NameOfTest, and it doesn't run any of the regular tests during the regular "test" phase, and runs just the NameOfTest test during the integration-test phase.
I'm not sure about JUnit, but for TestNG the strategy would be to define a suite XML file with only the one test, and then in your POM configure the surefire plugin to only run that. In your POM, you would have something like this (disclaimer, this is untested):
To configure the suite file, see http://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html
Just ran into this myself. Something like this worked well for me:
mvn -Pintegration-test -Dtest=<my-test>
The trick was to ensure that the test-group was mentioned before the -Dtest portion.
I am using:
Apache Maven 3.6.3
openjdk version "11.0.2" 2019-01-15
This command worked for me:
mvn failsafe:integration-test -Dsurefire.skip=true -DskipIntegrationTests=false -DskipTests=false -Dtest=com.myxyz.func.ITestGate
Was actually simpler that the answers above by going back to basics with the actual documentation.
Running Junit 5 integration tests:
openjdk version "11.0.11" 2021-04-20
Apache Maven 3.6.3
In the main build just drop in documented failsafe config:
Then you can run only a specific integration test with:
mvn -Dtest=\*cs1_\* verify
Note that this version will run your tests in the target folder and if you need to load any external files that are something like src\test\resources\x.y then they are copied to target\test-classes\x.y
This works for me, when I gonna run only one test method in integration test
mvn clean -Dit.test=some.package.SomeTestClass#testMethodName integration-test
I'm experimenting with Protocol Buffers in an existing, fairly vanilla Maven 2 project. Currently, I invoke a shell script every time I need to update my generated sources. This is obviously a hassle, as I would like the sources to be generated automatically before each build. Hopefully without resorting to shameful hackery.
So, my question is two-fold:
Long shot: is there a "Protocol Buffers plugin" for Maven 2 that can achieve the above in an automagic way? There's a branch on Google Code whose author appears to have taken a shot at implementing such a plugin. Unfortunately, it hasn't passed code review or been merged into protobuf trunk. The status of that plugin is thus unknown.
Probably more realistic: lacking an actual plugin, how else might I go about invoking protoc from my Maven 2 build? I suppose I may be able to wire up my existing shell script into an antrun invocation or something similar.
Personal experiences are most appreciated.
You'll find some information about the plugin available in the Protocol Buffers repository in the Protocol Buffers Compiler Maven Plug-In thread on the Protocol Buffers discussion group. My understanding is that it's usable but lacking tests. I'd give it a try.
Or you could just use the antrun plugin (snipet pasted from the thread mentioned above):
<mkdir dir="target/generated-sources"/>
<exec executable="protoc">
<arg value="--java_out=target/generated-sources"/>
<arg value="src/main/protobuf/test.proto"/>
The accepted answer encouraged me to get the Google-provided plugin to work. I merged the branch mentioned in my question into a checkout of 2.2.0 source code, built and installed/deployed the plugin, and was able to use it in my project as follows:
Note that I changed the plugin's version to 0.0.1 (no -SNAPSHOT) in order to make it go into my non-snapshot thirdparty Nexus repository. YMMV. The takeaway is that this plugin will be usable once it's no longer necessary to jump through hoops in order to get it going.
The accepted solution does not scale for multiple proto files. I had to come up with my own:
<mkdir dir="${generated.sourceDirectory}" />
<path id="proto.path">
<fileset dir="src/main/proto">
<include name="**/*.proto" />
<pathconvert pathsep=" " property="proto.files" refid="proto.path" />
<exec executable="protoc" failonerror="true">
<arg value="--java_out=${generated.sourceDirectory}" />
<arg value="-I${project.basedir}/src/main/proto" />
<arg line="${proto.files}" />
There's also great plugin by Igor Petruk named protobuf-maven-plugin. It's in central repo now and plays nicely with eclipse (m2e-1.1 is recommended).
I just updated the maven plugin to work with 2.2.0 -- the updated pom are attached to the code review bug.
Here are the instructions to build the plugin yourself:
svn co http://protobuf.googlecode.com/svn/branches/maven-plugin/tools/maven-plugin
cd maven-plugin
wget -O pom.xml 'http://protobuf.googlecode.com/issues/attachment?aid=8860476605163151855&name=pom.xml'
mvn install
You can then use the maven config above.
I just tried a less official but very recent (v 0.1.7) fork from https://github.com/dtrott/maven-protoc-plugin and it worked very well, courtesy of David Trott. I tested it with a couple of Maven modules one of which contained DTO-style messages and the other a service depending on them. I borrowed the plugin configuration MaxA posted on Oct 16 '09, I had protoc on my PATH and I added
right after
What is really nice is that all I had to do is to declare a normal dependency from the service module on the DTO module. The plugin was able to resolve proto files dependencies by finding the proto files packaged with the DTO module, extracting them to a temporary directory and using while generating code for the service. And it was smart enough not to package a second copy of the generated DTO classes with the service module.
There is a maven plugin for protobuf. https://www.xolstice.org/protobuf-maven-plugin/usage.html
The minimal config
I think that using antrun to invoke non-Maven steps is the generally accepted solution.
You could also try the maven-exec-plugin.
I forked of the plugin from David Trott and have it compiling multiple languages which makes it a lot more useful. See the github project here and a tutorial on integrating it with a maven build here.