How to run individual test in the integration-test target in maven - maven-2

We have a hundreds of tests defined for our integration-test phase lifecycle in maven, and they take a long time to finish.
What I want to do is run just one test in the integration-test. I tried doing :
mvn -Dtest=<my-test> integration-test
but that does not work. The -Dtest runs only the tests in the unit test goal, not the integration-test phase. I tried the -Dintegration-test=<my-test> instead, and that was ignored.
Is there a way to do that ?
My configuration is:

If you're using the Maven failsafe plugin, you can run a single integration test by setting the it.test property to your fully qualified test class name:
mvn -D it.test=your.TestCase verify
See the failsafe plugin docs for more info.

The Failsafe documentation would have you specify the test like so:
mvn -Dit.test=BrokenIT verify
However, -Dit.test does not appear to work any longer. Rather, the same parameter used to specify a Surefire test will apparently work for Failsafe as well. For example:
mvn -Dtest=WorksIT verify
I've filed a bug (EDIT: which was closed as "Cannot Reproduce" in 2.12) to correct the documentation.

just add -DfailIfNoTests=false works for me with testNG. Something like this:
mvn integration-test -Dtest=aITest -DfailIfNoTests=false

I struggled through this, and I created an additional profile to use when I wanted to run just one integration test. I hope that I've successfully extracted just the right part here:
<argLine>-Xms256M -Xmx768M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M</argLine>
Now, I call maven with the integrationTestSingle profile and with -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dtest=NameOfTest, and it doesn't run any of the regular tests during the regular "test" phase, and runs just the NameOfTest test during the integration-test phase.

I'm not sure about JUnit, but for TestNG the strategy would be to define a suite XML file with only the one test, and then in your POM configure the surefire plugin to only run that. In your POM, you would have something like this (disclaimer, this is untested):
To configure the suite file, see

Just ran into this myself. Something like this worked well for me:
mvn -Pintegration-test -Dtest=<my-test>
The trick was to ensure that the test-group was mentioned before the -Dtest portion.

I am using:
Apache Maven 3.6.3
openjdk version "11.0.2" 2019-01-15
This command worked for me:
mvn failsafe:integration-test -Dsurefire.skip=true -DskipIntegrationTests=false -DskipTests=false -Dtest=com.myxyz.func.ITestGate

Was actually simpler that the answers above by going back to basics with the actual documentation.
Running Junit 5 integration tests:
openjdk version "11.0.11" 2021-04-20
Apache Maven 3.6.3
In the main build just drop in documented failsafe config:
Then you can run only a specific integration test with:
mvn -Dtest=\*cs1_\* verify
Note that this version will run your tests in the target folder and if you need to load any external files that are something like src\test\resources\x.y then they are copied to target\test-classes\x.y

This works for me, when I gonna run only one test method in integration test
mvn clean -Dit.test=some.package.SomeTestClass#testMethodName integration-test


Maven PMD plugin reporting not going to correct directory

I have the following configuration settings under my pom.xml to generate reports for PMD code analysis:
But after I run mvn pmd:pmd I didn't get the report in the outputDirectory I want. Does setting the aggregate=true only generates 1 report for all the sub-projects under maven? How do I configure it so that it will only generate 1 report to the output directory that I want?
With Maven it is not possible to run a goal by execution(Id), that's only possible by calling it by phase. So if you want to run pmd:pmd from commandline AND have specific configuration, move the configuration outside the executions-block. Now it becomes general configuration. It'll be like:

Chaining Maven Flyway commands

How can Flyway commands be chained into a single command using Maven?
For example, I want to run mvn initialize flyway:clean followed by mvn initialize compile flyway:migrate. However, mvn initialize flyway:clean compile flyway:migrate fails.
I just checked
mvn initialize flyway:clean compile flyway:migrate
with both Maven 2.2.1 and Maven 3.0.3 and it works every time.
Could you double check this? In case you think you really found a problem, please file an issue in the Issue Tracker with the necessary steps to reproduce it and I'll do my best to fix it asap.
That will give you the ability to chain maven steps, just add the goals you want in there
<!-- Populate the database before querydsl-sql runs -->
<initialDescription>Base Migration</initialDescription>
You will also need the following in your settings.xml
If i understand the docs correct you have to configure the maven-flyway plugin to do the work and bound it to the correct phases of maven than you can use the default maven calls like mvn clean package or mvn clean verify.
You can use profiles in order to bundle "commands" together. Once it's done you just call:
mvn -Pmy-profile

Running integration tests with Cobertura Maven plugin

I am having trouble getting the Cobertura plugin to run integration tests in Maven. The closest answer to this question I have found is However, the issue remains an open bug. I tried the configuration suggested by Stevo on 03/Apr/09, it didn't work.
which is by the way exactly the same as the configuration fragment provided by Stevo.
From my opinion, the cobertura maven plugin has two big disadvantages. It has no report only goal, all unit tests will run beside surefire again. It creates the code coverage for unit tests only .
I am using the JaCoCo maven plugin now. JaCoCo reuses the surefire and/or failsafe reports to create a code coverage from unit and/or integration test. Furthermore JaCoCo has a good Jenkins integration. Here is an example where JaCoCo uses surefire unit tests and failsafe integration tests.
<!-- Unit tests -->
<!-- Integration tests -->
The JaCoCo plugin generates a report about the test coverage. In contrast to the cobertura plugin
JaCoCo can be configured to generate code coverage for integration tests. Another advantage of JaCoCo
is that it reports only, cobertura executes all unit tests again (beside the surefire plugin).
<rules />
Try to configure a execution phase for that plugin like
That way it works like a charm for me.
After some research found a working config listed from
Make sure to invoke this with
mvn clean deploy -PbuildWithIntegrationTestCoverage
<!-- Build with IntegrationTestcoverage => instrument classes with cobertura before integrationtests starts. -->
<!-- Add cobertura as dependency to the jetty-plugin (required for instrumented classes) -->
For anyone stumbling on this question through Google - cobertura-maven-plugin started supporting integration tests in version 2.7, which was published in 2015.
Quoting their website:
Up to version 2.6 there were only one report available: cobertura,
which gave you a coverage report for your unit tests. Since there was
only one, you didn't have to configure it in any way.
Starting with version 2.7 a new report was added:
cobertura-integration-test, which gives you a coverage report for your
integration tests. [..]
Both reports are enabled by default. If you want the old behaviour
with only a coverage report for your unit tests, you need to configure
the plugin ...
If you, like I did, run cobertura report using mvn cobertura:cobertura, you'll need to do mvn cobertura:cobertura-integration-test to get integration tests as well. You can check the details from its manual page.
I found that using the maven-antrun-plugin for multi-module projects including integration and UI tests is the best solution. I used this post to get the Ant goals down and went from there. We now have code coverage reports per module and merged one containing coverage from all tests.
I got the integration tests working with Maven 3.0.3 and cobertura-maven-plugin 2.5.1 by configuring the maven-failsafe-plugin to run during the test phase:

How to get Maven to run war:exploded but not war:war

I have a Maven pom that uses <packaging>war</packaging>. But actually, I don't want build the war-file, I just want all the dependent jars collected and a full deployment directory created.
So I'm running the war:exploded goal to generate the deploy directory:
The trouble is, the war file still gets built. Is there a simple way of having <packaging>war</packaging> execute the war:exploded goal instead of the war:war goal?
Or is there another simple way to do this?
The solution is quite simple. You need to override the default execution of the war plugin to disable it and add your own execution (for exploded):
<plugin><!-- don't pack the war -->
According builtin lifecycle bindings for war packaging in package phase war:war mojo is called.
You can call previous 'prepare-package' phase - all actions will be performed and after that call mojo war:exploded
mvn prepare-package war:exploded
The results will be the same as yours but no war created.
I would like to upgrade onto #Michael Wyraz answer and just include install skip settings in case if someone executes mvn clean install build on top level of multimodule project and one of sub-module is web application.
This stands inside war module:
Without install skip build fails as it tries to install war into .m2 folder. Error message looks like this:
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) # *** ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) on project ***: The packaging for this project did not assign a file to the build artifact -> [Help 1]
Executing mvn clean install -P war_explode with this settings (enclosed in maven profile named war_explode) it finishes build without error.
The only way I can think of to do what you want is to set use pom packaging (or create a custom packaging) and bind the required goals from the war packaging to the relevant phases of the lifecycle. If you go for pom packaging you can use define the war:war execution in a profile to allow you to package it, but you'll need to use the build-helper-maven-plugin attach-artifact goal to attach the war to the pom.
Note with this approach if you want to use any other war-specific processing it may cause you problems.
The lifecycle bindings for war packaging are listed in the Introduction to The Build Lifecycle (see the "Default Lifecycle Bindings - Packaging ejb / ejb3 / jar / par / rar / war" section).
To bind the relevant plugin executions to the pom packaging you would do as follows:
<!-- package not wanted, install and deploy already defined for pom packaging-->
<!--define war:war execution in a profile in case it is needed-->
As far as I know (I'm still new to maven) this is not possible. The only default lifecycle you can skip is 'test'. In order to get to the deploy you have to package. You can read all about the default lifecycle order of execution here:

Maven2 Multiproject Cobertura Reporting Problems During mvn site Build

We've got a multiproject we're trying to run Cobertura test coverage reports on as part of our mvn site build. I can get Cobertura to run on the child projects, but it erroneously reports 0% coverage, even though the reports still highlight the lines of code that were hit by the unit tests.
We are using mvn 2.0.8. I have tried running mvn clean site, mvn clean site:stage and mvn clean package site. I know the tests are running, they show up in the surefire reports (both the txt/xml and site reports). Am I missing something in the configuration? Does Cobertura not work right with multiprojects?
This is in the parent .pom:
I've tried running it with and without the following in the child .poms:
I get this in the output of the build:
[INFO] [cobertura:instrument]
[INFO] Cobertura 1.9 - GNU GPL License (NO WARRANTY) - See COPYRIGHT file
Instrumenting 3 files to C:\workspaces\sandbox\CommonJsf\target\generated-classes\cobertura
Cobertura: Saved information on 3 classes.
Instrument time: 186ms
[INFO] Instrumentation was successful.
[INFO] Generating "Cobertura Test Coverage" report.
[INFO] Cobertura 1.9 - GNU GPL License (NO WARRANTY) - See COPYRIGHT file
Cobertura: Loaded information on 3 classes.
Report time: 481ms
[INFO] Cobertura Report generation was successful.
And the report looks like this:
I suspect that you're missing an execution of cobertura plugin during the compile phase so that the code only gets instrumented by the reporting plugins, in the site lifecycle, after the tests were run. So the test runs aren't picked up because they run on non-instrumented code. Analyze your build logs more carefully - if I'm right, you'll notice that surefire tests are executed before cobertura:instrument.
My configuration is similar to yours, but in addition to specifying the clean exectution in pluginManagement (like you), I specify the cobertura plugin explicitly in build plugins section:
My configuration sorta works, and all Cobertura stuff is in the global organization-wide pom, which all projects use as a parent.
This way projects don't specify anything Cobertura-related in their pom.xml's, but they still generate coverage reports.
I haven't been succesful at getting Cobertura to combine reporting from multi-projects. This has been a problem in general with multi-project reporting.
We have been evaluating sonar as a solution for our metrics reporting. It seems to do a great job of providing summary metrics across projects, including multi-proijects.
The solution implemented by me is somewhat manual, but works. It consists of several steps of one is a step to combine the several .ser files that are generated by Cobertura. This can be done by using the cobertura-merge commandline tool inside a maven task.
According to the output you show is that the files are not actually instrumented, it tells that only 3 files are instrumented.
#Marco is right, it is not possible to achieve this normally through maven only as the maven cobertura plugin is missing a merge goal.
You can achieve it through a mix of maven and ant goals :
Nevertheless, in the case you have one single project undertest, there is no need to merge. You can, in the test project, copy the .ser file and the instrumented classes from the project under test :
//in test project
//in parent project