Difference between a User and a Login in SQL Server - sql

I have recently been running into many different areas of SQL Server that I normally don't mess with. One of them that has me confused is the area of Logins and Users. Seems like it should be a pretty simple topic...
It appears that each login can only have 1 user and each user can only have 1 login.
A login can be associated to multiple tables thus associating that user to many tables.
So my question is why even have a login and a user? they seem to be pretty much one in the same. What are the differences, or what is it that I seem to be missing?

A "Login" grants the principal entry into the SERVER.
A "User" grants a login entry into a single DATABASE.
One "Login" can be associated with many users (one per database).
Each of the above objects can have permissions granted to it at its own level. See the following articles for an explanation of each
Database Users

One reason to have both is so that authentication can be done by the database server, but authorization can be scoped to the database. That way, if you move your database to another server, you can always remap the user-login relationship on the database server, but your database doesn't have to change.

I think there is a really good MSDN blog post about this topic by Laurentiu Cristofor:
The first important thing that needs to be understood about SQL Server
security is that there are two security realms involved - the server
and the database. The server realm encompasses multiple database
realms. All work is done in the context of some database, but to get
to do the work, one needs to first have access to the server and then
to have access to the database.
Access to the server is granted via logins. There are two main
categories of logins: SQL Server authenticated logins and Windows
authenticated logins. I will usually refer to these using the shorter
names of SQL logins and Windows logins. Windows authenticated logins
can either be logins mapped to Windows users or logins mapped to
Windows groups. So, to be able to connect to the server, one must have
access via one of these types or logins - logins provide access to the
server realm.
But logins are not enough, because work is usually done in a database
and databases are separate realms. Access to databases is granted via
Users are mapped to logins and the mapping is expressed by the SID
property of logins and users. A login maps to a user in a database if
their SID values are identical. Depending on the type of login, we can
therefore have a categorization of users that mimics the above
categorization for logins; so, we have SQL users and Windows users and
the latter category consists of users mapped to Windows user logins
and of users mapped to Windows group logins.
Let's take a step back for a quick overview: a login provides access
to the server and to further get access to a database, a user mapped
to the login must exist in the database.
that's the link to the full post.

In Short,
Logins will have the access of the server.
Users will have the access of the database.

I think this is a very useful question with good answer. Just to add my two cents from the MSDN Create a Login page:
A login is a security principal, or an entity that can be authenticated by a secure system. Users need a login to connect to SQL Server. You can create a login based on a Windows principal (such as a domain user or a Windows domain group) or you can create a login that is not based on a Windows principal (such as an SQL Server login).
To use SQL Server Authentication, the Database Engine must use mixed mode authentication. For more information, see Choose an Authentication Mode.
As a security principal, permissions can be granted to logins. The scope of a login is the whole Database Engine. To connect to a specific database on the instance of SQL Server, a login must be mapped to a database user. Permissions inside the database are granted and denied to the database user, not the login. Permissions that have the scope of the whole instance of SQL Server (for example, the CREATE ENDPOINT permission) can be granted to a login.

Graph on logins / users from MS sql-docs


Give DBAdmin access on multiple DB's

I am trying to provide DBAdmin privilege for a user on multiple databases.
I know how to do from on premises SQL database, I can directly map the user to required databases.
Can anyone let me know how to do it in Azure managed instance. Since the added user is external user, can,t see it in the Logins to map the user.
I have like 100 databases on which the user should have db admin right. Is there a easiest way to do that?
You can use an Azure Active Directory Login
CREATE LOGIN [someuser#somecompany.onmicrosoft.com] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER
then create users mapped to this login in the appropriate databases, or make this login a sysadmin. Not sure if this shows up in SSMS, as it was added relatively recently. So you may have to create the users and grant them permissions in the target databases in TSQL, as per: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-managed-instance-aad-security-tutorial

Grant permission to user on database

Users are created with dbcreator and public role. They can create and delete their own databases.
How do I give them the ability to grant permission to their database to other users? Currently they can only see public and guest object.
You don't need to make someone a sysadmin. The minimum required permissions are described on this page.
In SQL Server, requires ALTER ANY LOGIN permission on the server or
membership in the securityadmin fixed server role.
These permissions still give a user a lot of power. They are able to delete other sysadmin logins.
Perhaps partial contained databases can be a solution for you.
A database user in a regular database needs to be mapped to a login on server level. Managing these server level logins requires a lot of permissions.
Database users within a partially contained database can exists without a login. These users can only login to that specific database. No server level permissions are required to manage these users.

SQL Server : Security User Login

Our WMS uses a database TSECURE to handle all logins from our WMS. I am thinking of creating my own new software for upload purposes only. In this tsecure we maintain / add different security user logins for different users. For example, I must create a WMS Access for Alex, I will create first a SQL Server login for alex, then add his [wms_user + wms_pass] to [TSECURE] with DB credentials under [sql_server_user_alex / pass].
My questions:
Is it necessary to use different security logins for different users?
Would it be OK to just use a single user for all of them? ex. userS: [alex1] / [joseph2] / [jdoe] / [aron] ... are all under [sa] security login? What would be the downside of this?
As marc_s noted.
The normal approach for this would be: (1) create a Windows group, (2) put your three users into that group, (3) create a SQL Server login for that group, and (4) give that group login the necessary permissions in your database. That way, you can add new members to that Windows group and they'll automatically have all the necessary permissions to access that database. Don't --EVER-- use the sa account in a production system! NO exceptions!
Windows Authentication is much more secure than SQL Authentication.
"Putting all users under SA" - do not do this under any context.
Please review the CIS SQL Server baseline for further guidance.

SQLServer difference between new login and new database user [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Difference between a User and a Login in SQL Server
Is it enough to create a database login with permission to desired database? Or do I need to create a database user for this login?
A login is a login account for the entire SQL Server instance - an instance can contain numerous databases.
A user is defined at the database level, and is associated with a login to provide interactive access (privileges providing)
Logins are a server side (instance level) objects. Their correct name is 'server principals' (see sys.server_principals). Server wide privileges are granted to logins, like create database or view server state permissions.
Users are a database objects, correctly referred to as 'database principals' (see sys.database_principals). They are the recipients of database permissions, like create table or select.
Ordinarily a login is mapped 1-to-1 to a user in each database, via a matching SID, but there are some exception, like all members of the sysadmin fixed server role are always mapped to dbo.
Users without login are a specific construct for Service Broker remote identities (see Remote Service Bindings) and for code signing. You should never have to create one in any other context, and if you do, you're likely doing it wrong. Users without login are never meant to be impersonated.

SQL Server 2005 (Express) - Login vs User

I'm quite new to Microsoft SQL Server. I have some experience with MySQL, and there you have a user with privileges, if I understand things right; these privileges decide which databases you have access to on the MySQL server.
However now I am in the situation where I have to restore a database on my SQL Server 2005 Express, and this database has it's own users and user password. So if I want to make these users accessible from the outside (so that they can connect to my server), how would I go about that?
To illustrate clearer; say there are two login accounts on the database server "Mike" and "John", and on the database "Animals" there are two users; "Chris" and "Jeff".
I need Jeff to be able to sign in to get access to the database. Is there a good way to make this happen without creating new users/logins? And if not, what is the best/most common solution?
I would really appreciate any helpful input on this!
One server-level object (login) is mapped to multiple database-level objects (users).
A login cannot be mapped to more than one user within a database, but can be mapped to at most one user in each database.
Therefore, you need to create new logins for those users, but map them to existing users. This is done with ALTER USER command. Or, if you don't have any use for the Mike and John logins apart from mapping them to those existing users, you can do so, too.
Any user needing to access a database needs to either have their own login, or you can create a login for a Windows security group and grant access that way to a whole set of users. Then if you need to give access to more users in the future you can just add them to the windows security group.