How to update a C++ dll without needing to relink the exe with the lib file? - dll

First off , I'm referring to a Windows environment and VC++ compiler.
What I want to be able to do is rebuild a Vc++ dll and maintain compatability with an exe that has already been linked to the lib without having to rebuild the exe or load the dll dynamically using LoadLibrary. In other words, is there a way to add classes and methods to a dll(but not remove any) and ensure the existing entrypoints remain the same?

If you export the functions from using a DEF file and manually specify the ordinals, you should be able to accomplish this.

It depends on how your EXE used the classes from the DLL. Adding new classes should not affect existing entrypoints. Aside from that, however, any the following will affect object size and/or layout, and as such will be a client-breaking change (note that this is technically VC-specific, but most of these apply to any sane implementation):
Removing fields (even private) from classes
Adding new fields (even private) to classes
Adding new base classes to existing classes
Removing base classes from existing classes
Adding new virtual method before an existing virtual method (adding new virtual methods after existing ones is okay, except for the case described in next point)
Adding a new virtual method in a class that is used as base class by another class in the same DLL which also has virtual methods
Changing type of existing fields
Changing signature of existing methods
Making a virtual method non-virtual, and vice versa

As long as you don't add any exported symbols, the ordinals won't change. If you add exported symbols through the standard dllexport mechanism, then that's going to be difficult to control. If you use the old style .xpf symbol file you might be able to control the ordering of the symbols in the lib (although I don't know this for sure - it might still reorder them however it likes), but it's tricky to do C++ symbols this way.

I think that ordinals are rarely used to resolve DLL imports anymore - I think that you have to use .def files to get the linker to use them. So as long as you don't change names or signatures of the exported functions, the .exe should work just fine.


Good CMake Style: Inherit Properties

Daniel Pfeifer, in his presentation "Effective CMake",
makes a point, that it is advisable to avoid variable
definitions as much as possible.
Now, how does one get properties into a variety of build
targets. That is, for example
defines a set of include directories. Instead of defining
the exact same include directories for target_a, target_b,
and target_c, I would like to let those targets inherit
the include directories from 'base_target', with something like
target_link_libraries(target_a PUBLIC base_IncludeFlags)
target_link_libraries(target_b PUBLIC base_IncludeFlags)
target_link_libraries(target_c PUBLIC base_IncludeFlags)
where base_IncludeFlags is shall not be a real physical target,
rather something like an abstract base class or interface.
On the other hand, I do not want to use include_directories
since this affects all targets. Is it better to use foreach?
What is the most elegant way to do this? Shall I make base_target
a library and add dependencies?
What I want is a target that is not actually physically produced, but which propagates some common properties.
Exactly for that purpose CMake has INTERFACE library - container for different properties, which are propagated when this library is linked into another target.
# Create "container" target
add_library(base_target INTERFACE)
# Add some INTERFACE properties for that target
target_include_directories(base_target INTERFACE
# Some 'other_target' (library or executable) may easily consume all common properties:
target_link_libraries(other_target PUBLIC base_target)
# Now 'other_target' has aforementioned include directories too.
# Instead of PUBLIC other linking types (PRIVATE, INTERFACE) may be used.
What is the most elegant way to do this?
Consider that CMake files are often read and edited by people who aren't experts in CMake. Rather than going for elegance, you may consider going for simplicity: keep it simple, stupid.
If you introduce abstractions, hidden implicit behavior of any kind, it will be harder for everybody to maintain the CMake file.
For me, simple in this case would mean copying (duplicating) the entries, if there are just 2-3. If there's more libraries, I'd put the headers in a variable. The "Effective CMake" presentation makes a point to avoid unnecessary, single-use variable definitions. I'd argue that this header list would be a helpful variable, and worth creating.

Implements vs Binary Compatibility

I have one VB6 ActiveX DLL that exposes a class INewReport. I added some new methods to this class and I was able to rebuild it and keep binary compatibility.
I have a second DLL that exposes a class clsNewReport, which implements the first class using:
Implements RSInterfaces.INewReport
Since I added new methods to INewReport, I had to also add those new methods to clsNewReport.
However, when I try to compile the second DLL, I get the binary-compatibility error "...class implemented an interface in the version-compatible component, but not in the current project".
I'm not sure what is happening here. Since I'm only adding to the class, why can't I maintain binary compatibility with the second DLL? Is there any way around this?
I think this is a correct explanation of what is happening, and some potential workarounds.
I made up a test case which reproduced the problem in the description and then dumped the IDL using OLEView from the old & new DLL which contained the interface.
Here is a diff of the old (left) and new IDL from INewReport:
Important differences:
The UUID of interface _INewReport has changed
A typedef called INewReport___v0 has been added which refers to the original UUID of the interface
(I assume that this is also what is happening to the code referred to in the question.)
So now in the client project the bincomp DLL refers to the original interface UUID; but that UUID only matches against a different name (INewReport___v0 instead of INewReport) than it did originally. I think this is the reason VB6 thinks there is a bincomp mismatch.
How to fix this problem? I've not been able to do anything in VB6 that would allow you to use the updated interface DLL with the client code without having to break bincomp of the client code.
A (bad) option could be to just change the client DLL to use project compatibility... but that may or may not be acceptable in your circumstances. It could cause whatever uses the client DLL to break unless all the consumers were also recompiled. (And this could potentially cause a cascade of broken bincomp).
A better but more complex option would be to define the interface in IDL itself, use the MIDL compiler to generate a typelib (TLB file), and reference that directly. Then you would have full control over the interface naming, etc. You could use the IDL generated from OLEView as a starting point for doing this.
This second option assumes that the interface class is really truly an interface only and has no functional code in it.
Here's how I setup a case to reproduce this:
Step 1. Original interface definition - class called INewReport set to binary compatible:
Sub ProcA()
End Sub
Sub ProcB()
End Sub
Step 2. Create a test client DLL which implements INewReport, also set to binary compatible:
Implements INewReport
Sub INewReport_ProcA()
End Sub
Sub INewReport_ProcB()
End Sub
Step 3: Add ProcC to INewReport and recompile (which also registers the newly built DLL):
(above code, plus:)
Sub ProcC()
End Sub
Step 4: Try to run or compile the test client DLL - instantly get the OP's error. No need to change any references or anything at all.
I was able to recreate your problem, using something similar to DaveInCaz's code. I tried a number of things to fix it, probably repeating things you've already tried. I came up with a possible hypothesis as to why this is happening. It doesn't fix the problem, but it may throw some additional light on it.
Quoting from This doc page:
To ensure compatibility, Visual Basic places certain restrictions on changes you make to default interfaces. Visual Basic allows you to add new classes, and to enhance the default interface of any existing class by adding properties and methods. Removing classes, properties, or methods, or changing the arguments of existing properties or methods, will cause Visual Basic to issue incompatibility warnings.
Another quote:
The ActiveX rule you must follow to ensure compatibility with multiple interfaces is simple: once an interface is in use, it can never be changed. The interface ID of a standard interface is fixed by the type library that defines the interface.
So, here's a hypothesis. The first quote mentions the default interface, which suggests that it may not be possible to alter custom interfaces in any way. That's suggested by the second quote as well. You're able to alter the interface class, because you are essentially altering its default interface. However, when you attempt to alter the implementing class in kind, to reflect the changes in your interface, your implementation reference is pointing to the older version of the interface, which no longer exists. Of course, the error message doesn't hint at this at all, because it appears to be based on the idea that you didn't attempt to implement the interface.
I haven't been able to prove this, but looking at DaveInCaz's answer, the fact that the UUID has changed seems to bear this idea out.

interface of dll

I heard people talking about changing the interface of a dll.
What is a change in the interface of the dll, and how would you do that?
Changing a dll's interface would mean to change how the dll and the calling code interacts. This could mean changing the signatures of the dll's exporting functions, or changing to a different set of functions entirely, or it could mean passing different data from the calling code. A dll's interface is generally all it's exported and imported items (both functions and data), or in other words, the parts of the dll that you have access to when you use it.
Often you will want to change the behaviour of your dll without changing its interface. This is because changing the interface often will break code that uses it.
Imagine my dll exporting function foo:
void foo(int i)
// Does thing with integer
Changing the interface could mean changing foo's signature into
void foo(int, float);
Now, all the code that used foo previously has to be rewritten to use the new signature, which could be a bad thing.

How to find and remove unused class files from a project

My XCode project has grown somewhat, and I know that there are class files in there which are no longer being used. Is there an easy way to find all of these and remove them?
If the class files just sit in your project without being part of a target, just click on the project itself in the tree view, so you see all files in the table. Make sure you see the "Target" column in the table view, iterate through your targets and find the files that don't have a check anywhere -> they are no longer compiled.
But if you still compile the classes and they are no longer used, that case is a bit more difficult. Check out this project
You could create a dependency graph and try to find orphaned classes that way.
Edit: Link went dead, but there still seem to be projects of Objective-C dependency graphs around, for example
if they are C or C++ symbols, then you can just let the linker do the work for you.
if you're looking to remove objc symbols, then try to refactor the class name (e.g. to rename the class), and preview the dependencies that it turns up. if you reference classes/selectors/etc. by strings then... it may not be so effective. unfortunately, you often have to also test manually, to verify that removing a class does not break anything. remember that resources (like xibs) may reference/load objc classes as well.
This is a tricky question due to how dynamic objective-c is as you can never guarantee that a class is not going to be used.
Consider if you generate a class name and a selector at run time and then look up that class, instantiate that class and then call a method on that newly created object using that newly created selector. No where in your code do you explicitly name and instantiate that object but you are able to use it anyways. You could get that class name and selector name from anywhere outside of your code, even from some data from a server some where. How would you ever know which class is not going to be used? Because of this there are no tools that are able to perform what you are requesting.
Searching the project with the class name might be an option, thought it may not be the best solution. Specially it might be time consuming when you have many classes.

Working with the Objective-C/Cocoa flat namespace

I've not found anything that addresses my specific name space question as yet.
I am working on some AudioUnit plug-ins featuring Cocoa based GUIs. The plug-ins use a common library of user interface classes (sliders, buttons etc) which are simply added to each Xcode project.
When I recompile and distribute updates it is pretty much guaranteed that at least one user interface class will have been updated since the last release. If the user launches an older plug-in before an updated plug-in then the old Cocoa classes are already loaded into the run time and the plug-in attempts to use the older implementations - often resulting in a failure one way or another.
I know frameworks are the intended solution but the overhead and backwards compatibility issues are not ideal. I prefix all class names where possible but what options do I have to ensure that each plug-in contains unique class names for the shared user interface classes?
The solution I seem to be arriving at is as follows:
Set a preprocessor compiler flag e.g. OBJC_PREFIX=1.
Create a header file to contain all the class name redefinitions and conditionally include it in the header of each class you want to 'rename' e.g:
#include "CocoaPrefixHeader.h"
#interface MySlider : ... etc
Fill the header file (in this case CocoaPrefixHeader) with something like the following:
#define MySlider Prefix_MySlider
#define MyButton Prefix_MyButton
Using ibtool convert all your class names in an existing nib/xib file to the new names e.g:
ibtool --convert MySlider-Prefix_MySlider nibfile.xib --write nibfile2.xib
ibtool --convert MyButton-Prefix_MyButton nibfile2.xib --write nibfile2.xib
This last step converts all class names and outlets etc in the nib file. Once converted you can edit the nib as normal and IB keeps track of the redefined names.
This process is tedious and laborious but it is working for me. Far better to cater for it at the outset.
In your pre-compiled header (.pch) file for each plug-in, you can #define the classes to have different names, e.g.:
#define ClassNameUsedInYourCode ClassNameCompiledInThisProject
#define WidgetButton WahWahPedalPluginWidgetButton
As long as you're creating your UI programmatically, this will ensure that the class names are unique per-plugin. Unfortunately this won't work if you have class names baked into nib files.
In that case, you'd probably need to have some sort of pre-processing script that runs before compilation and replaces any instances of the shared class names with the project-specific class names in all files in the project, including the .xib files. This could get pretty messy but I can't see too many options.
I had a similar issue. I needed to have more than one version of the same bundle running in the same application space at the same time (I can't even remember why). It was not easy, I discussed my problems and options on the Objective-C mailing list. In the end, I modified the build-environment to:
Scan every header for classes declared with #interface.
Create a new header filled with only preprocessor macros that redefine classnames from MyClass to MyClass_v1_00 (or whatever version was defined by the Info.plist file). This header was called ClassRenamer.h.
As an intermediate build step, parse all xib XML files and replace references of MyClass to MyClass_v1_00. This doesn't modify the original xib files, which is handy.
Modify the command-line build flags to include ClassRenamer.h for all .m files.
Surprisingly, everything works perfectly, both at runtime and even in the debugger. If I put a breakpoint on a particular line, it breaks on any version of the class that is loaded, and Xcode even shows the class's name as MyClass_v1_00. The biggest concern is code that looks up classes by name, i.e. using NSClassFromString.
Whilst the solution I arrived at in the updated part of the question works as the final step in a project I can't recommend it for anything where your classes are in a state of flux. I was unable to add additional outlets to classes and have them show up in IB, for example.
In the end I just duplicated my classes and added unique name prefixes for different projects. Using ibtool --convert to update the xib file made this process a lot faster.
Once things settle down maybe a framework will be a better idea.