Get the address of an Objective-c property (which is a C struct) - objective-c

I have an Objective-C class which contains a C-style struct. I need to call a C function passing a pointer to this object member (a.k.a. property). For the life of me, I can't figure out how to get the address of this C struct. Using the traditional & operator to get the address, I'm getting an LValue compiler error.
typedef struct _myStruct
int aNumber;
}MyStruct, *pMyStruct;
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
MyStruct mystruct;
#property (readwrite) MyStruct myStruct;
The following code results in a compiler error:
MyClass* myClass = [[MyClass alloc] init];
MyStruct* p = &(myClass.myStruct);
How do I get a pointer to the myStruct member of the myClass object?

There are often pretty good reasons to do what the original post is asking, given that Objective-C apps often have to work with C/C++ API's that take pointers to structs and similar types, but in a Cocoa app you'll often want to store such data in Objective-C classes for data management, collection in arrays and dictionaries, etc.
Though this question has been up for awhile I don't see the clear answer, which is: you can have a method that returns the address of the data that's backing your property, but in that method don't use "self" or it will go through the accessor and still not work.
- (const MyStruct*) getMyStructPtr
return &mystruct;
Note that I'm using the declared property from the OP, but not referencing it as self.mystruct, which would generate a compiler error (because that invokes the synthesized getter method).

MyStruct mystruct is private in MyClass, I assume when you do myClass.myStruct you are only refering to generated accessor method not the actual structure.
I don't think you can access the instance variable (structure in this case) from outside because it is private.

To get a pointer to the myStruct instance variable, you need to write a method that returns a pointer to that instance variable.
- (void)getMyStructPointer:(MyStruct **)outStruct {
*outstruct = &myStruct;
I don't really think this is a good idea, though. Other objects should not be mutating that object's ivar out from under it, and that's the only thing you can do with a pointer to the struct that you can't do with a copy of the struct returned by value.

The question itself demostrates a lack of understanding of at least the terminology.
A property is an interface consisting of two (or one for readonly) methods made public by the object, namely the getter and setter methods, in this case:
- (MyStruct) myStruct;
- (void) setMyStruct: (MyStruct) newMyStruct;
It makes no sense to talk about "taking the address of a property".
You can take the address of an instance variable (ivar). In this case you have an ivar named mystruct, and you can take the address of it with &mystruct in a method of MyClass. Since it is marked #protected (by default), you can take the address of it in a subclass using &self->mystruct. If you mark it #public, then you could take the address of it using &myobj->mystruct. This is a terrible idea, and you should really really rethink this, but you could do it.
If you just want the address of the ivar for some short lived purpose (for example, if MyStruct was large) you could do this, but it would be very unusual, and you'd be better off writing an explicitly named method like:
- (MyStruct*) getAddressForSettingMyStruct;
and if it is just read only, even better would be to use const MyStruct*.


Why are some properties and variables in Objective C initialized with a pointer while others are not?

Coming from Java et al, I'm not clear on the difference between these two declarations:
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSInteger score;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *cards;
Why is the pointer, *, not a requirement on both property declarations?
I've seen this a lot in local variables too:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
int foo = 1;
NSString *bar = #"foo";
What's the difference between static allocation of primitive type int and NS types?
Objective-C objects are always allocated on the heap, so you always access them through pointers. Variables of primitive (or struct) types can be, and typically are, allocated on the stack and accessed without pointers.
If you're familiar with Java, it's basically the same semantics. Primitive types are accessed and passed around by value, objects by reference. The difference is that ObjC has (by virtue of its C lineage) syntax explicitly marking that difference.
Type names that start with an uppercase prefix in Apple frameworks aren't all ObjC classes. NSInteger is a primitive type just like int, so you can and usually do use it without pointers.
pointer is always used for referring to something at the heap but not when you referring to something on the stack.But
for some primitive types and simple structure which are accessed via the stack so you don't need to use pointer..
NSInteger is a primitive type, that means it will be stored locally on the stack. there is no need to use a pointer to access it, but if you want to use pointer then you can.
You can have a pointer to an NSInteger if you really want to with following way:
NSInteger *pointerToProcessID = &yourNsintegervar;
If you look at the definition of NSInteger you'll see that it is a typedef for a simple integer. Basically, all the non-object types are stored as simple values, while the types that are complex objects are typically pointer properties. There are a couple reasons why these more complex objects are stored as pointers:
Using the value, itself, instead of the pointer would require copying (that is, if you use a pointer, you can put the object somewhere else and you only need to copy the much shorter address rather than all of the content that happens to be in that object, and hence it is more efficient that way).
When using a non-pointer type, it is necessary to know the required storage space, which works if you know the exact type of the object, but fails in the case of inheritance (e.g. an NSMutableArray may add additional fields to NSArray, for example. If you were to use NSArray instead of NSArray*, then assigning from an NSMutableArray would be broken, because the system would only have set aside enough space for the fields in the base class and not for the derived class. When using a pointer, however, since the pointer size is the same for both the base and derived types, one can assign the pointer for a derived type to a pointer to the base type, and still have things work correctly).
Note that it is possible and safe to use a pointer type with these primitive types, as well; however, this is not done for efficiency reasons (it would create additional allocation and dereferencing where not necessary).

Understanding self in Objective-C

The code below is from an iTunes U course on iPhone dev in Objective-C. I've read the Apple documentation and it's all very very clear with the exception of self. I sort of understand self to be a pointer to myself, but what exactly does that mean? In the code below what exactly does self mean? What is the difference between self.topSpeed and self.nearestWormhole in the implementation file or does self refer to the same thing on both occasions? Does self.topSpeed refer to Planet * and self.nearestWormhole refer to Wormhole * ? Thanks to anyone who answers, I've learned C and now trying to learn OOP so any input is appreciated.
(Header file)
#import "Vehicle.h"
#import "Planet.h"
#interface Spaceship : Vehicle
#property (nonatomic) double topSpeed;
- (void)orbitPlanet:(Planet *)aPlanet
(Implementation file)
#import "Spaceship.h"
#interface Spaceship()
#property (nonatomic, strong) Wormhole *nearestWormhole;
#implementation Spaceship
#synthesize topSpeed = _topSpeed;
#synthesize nearestWormhole = _nearestWormhole;
- (void)setTopSpeed:(double)speed
if ((speed < 1) && (speed > 0)) _topSpeed = speed;
- (void)orbitPlanet:(Planet *)aPlanet atAltitude:(double)km
double speed = self.topSpeed;
if (speed > MAX_RELATIVE) speed = MAX_RELATIVE;
[self.nearestWormhole travelToPlanet:aPlanet
self (or this in C++) refers to the object which is executing the method (or "on which the method is being invoked").
Suppose I have a room with three people, Arthur, Betty, and Ziggy, and a box of hats. We also define that
Arthur's teacher is Betty.
Betty's teacher is Ziggy.
Ziggy does not have a teacher.
I want to give the following set of instructions to all three people:
1. Put a hat on Ziggy's head.
This is pretty easy. "Ziggy" means the same person to Arthur, Betty, and even Ziggy. No matter who follows this instruction the same person receives the hat.
2. Put a hat on the head of your teacher, if you have one.
This instruction will have a different effect depending on who's following it, because teacher refers to someone different for each of the three. But each can ask him/herself "who is my teacher, if I have one?" and find that person.
But the next thing I want is for Arthur to put a hat on Arthur's head, Betty to put a hat on Betty's head, and Ziggy to put a hat on Ziggy's head. We can't refer to that person by name (like Ziggy) because it depends on who is doing it. Suppose we treat it like "teacher" and establish a variable "foo" such that Arthur's foo is Arthur, and Betty's foo is Betty… but it should be obvious that the idea we are really expressing is that Ziggy's foo is Ziggy, and Jack's foo would be Jack, and Skip's foo would be Skip… do we really need to establish a "foo"? No! Everyone has a foo: it's your self. So let's define an implicit variable "self" that is not declared anywhere but always refers to the person carrying out the action.
3. Put a hat on the head of your self.
This works for Arthur, Betty, Ziggy, and even Jack. It works for anyone.
In your code self refers to the Spaceship whose topSpeed needs to be accessed. You create many Spaceships and each needs to know the topSpeed of that one Spaceship which exists (we know it does because it's calling the method) but has no name (like myWingman.topSpeed) - one's self.
Cristian, I'll offer you a different tack on this. You say you know C, let's start there. If you needed to implement fractions you'd use a struct, and let's assume for some reason you decide to dynamically allocate your fractions. You have something like this:
typedef struct { int numerator; int denominator; } Fraction;
Fraction *newFraction(int numer, int denom)
Fraction *result = (Fraction *)malloc(sizeof(Fraction)); // allocate
result->numerator = numer;
result->denominator = denom;
return result;
Fraction *multiplyFraction(Fraction *left, Fraction *right)
Fraction *result = (Fraction *)malloc(sizeof(Fraction)); // allocate
result->numerator = left->numerator * right->numerator; // multiple (ignoring reduction)
result->denominator = left->denominator * right->denominator;
return result;
And you'd use it like:
Fraction *half = newFraction(1, 2);
Fraction *twothirds = newFraction(2, 3);
Fraction *onethird = multiplyFraction(half, twothirds); // results is 2/6 as we don't reduce in this example
This is the ADT - abstract data type - style of programming. You declare a data type whose content is private (the "abstract" part) to the functions you will provide, and a bunch of functions.
At the basic level what object-oriented programming does is just invert the way you look at this. Instead of "call function multiplyFraction passing two fractions" you say "pass the message multiplyFraction, along with a fraction, to a fraction". Using Objective-C syntax the last line above:
Fraction *onethird = multiplyFraction(half, twothirds);
Fraction *onethird = [half multiplyFraction:twothirds];
Under the hood this "method send" just becomes a "function call" - Objective-C does a bit of work to locate multipleFraction and then calls it passing it both half and twoThirds.
Almost there! Now to match the changed syntax for the call Objective-C also changes the syntax of the definition of multiplyFraction:
- (Fraction *) multiplyFraction:(Fraction *)right
Fraction *result = [Fraction new]; // allocate
result->numerator = ????->numerator * right->numerator;
result->denominator = ????->denominator * right->denominator;
return result;
But what do you write for ????. As you'll see the syntax only names the second parameter (right), there is no name given for the first (which was left). Objective-C hides the passing of this parameter, every method takes at least one parameter - it is the "object" (rather than "ADT") that the method is sent to. It needs a name so you can refer to it, that name is self:
- (Fraction *) multiplyFraction:(Fraction *)right
Fraction *result = [Fraction new]; // allocate
result->numerator = self->numerator * right->numerator;
result->denominator = self->denominator * right->denominator;
return result;
And this is essentially it - self is the name of the first argument.
Object-oriented languages build upon this base, for example:
they had direct access to "instance" variables - the "fields" of the original struct;
they change some more syntax - e.g. #interface... replaces struct...; and rather than list the methods (functions) after the type (struct) in the header they are listed inside of it (the `#interface);
they usually add inheritance (though some ADT languages have that as well);
But under the hood an Objective-C class is implemented as a C struct...
Objective C emphasizes using getters and setters. To make things simpler, it even generates getters and setters when you #synthesize something.
accesses the getter for topSpeed. If you omit the "self" part, then it is equivalent to accessing the instance variable(ivars) directly (bad practice).
The reason for having a underscore before the variable name is also to make a clear differentiation between instance variable and the getter for the instance variable. This way, we cannot accidentally refer to topSpeed without "self".
You need to use self to access variable in all places except:
Hope that helps.
self is indeed a pointer reference to the instance of the class that is running the code. In this case, self would be a reference to an instance of the Spaceship class.
When you reference self in a class method (which is very possible and an acceptable behavior), you are actually referencing a singleton instance representing the class. You can also get this singleton instance by calling [Spaceship class]. In practice, you'd use self like this mostly in factory methods when you need to allocate a new instance.
What you seem more confused about is syntax regarding other classes. You asked:
Does self.topSpeed refer to Planet * and self.nearestWormhole refer to
Wormhole * ?
Wormhole *nearestWormhole represents an instance of the Wormhole class, named nearestWormhole. So, when you use self.nearestWormhole, that is a pointer to a instance of the Workhole class. Inside the Spaceship class you could actually use _nearestWormhole or self.nearestWormhole to access that pointer. Other classes might call something like spaceship.nearestWormhole, which is using the accessor.
'self' refers to the instance of the current class, i.e. in your example it would refer to an instance of the Spaceship class. Because 'self' always refers to an instance of the class, it's not possible to call upon self in class methods.

Why id is generic pointer?

I want to know why id is a weak reference pointer,how it is able to handle any class type pointer and at run time how can we detect that which type of class pointer is assigned to id.
Why is id a weak reference pointer?
id is not a weak reference pointer, at least not in the ARC ownership sense. Whether an id-typed reference to an object is weak or not depends on the reference having been declared __weak (and variations) and the object’s class actually supporting weak references.
However, you could say that id provides weak typing, although I think that dynamic/duck typing is a more accurate description. Since an id- typed reference contains no compile-time class-type information, the compiler isn’t able to, for example, determine if the underlying object can respond to a given selector, which could lead to runtime errors.
How is it able to handle any class type pointer?
That’s part of the definition of the Objective-C language. The compiler recognises id as being the supertype of every Objective-C class, and it treats id differently. See the answer below as well.
At runtime, how can we detect that which type of class pointer is assigned to id?
In Apple’s Objective-C runtime, the first bytes in the memory allocated to an object must point to that object’s class. You might see this referenced elsewhere as the isa pointer, and that’s how Apple’s runtime finds out the class of every1 object. The id type is defined to have this information as well. In fact, its only attribute is the isa pointer, which means that all1 Objective-C objects conform to this definition.
If you have an id reference and want to discover the class of the referenced object, you can send it -class:
id someObject;
// Assign something to someObject
// Log the corresponding class
Class c = [someObject class];
NSLog(#"class = %#", c);
// Test whether the object is of type NSString (or a subclass of NSString)
if ([someObject isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
NSLog(#"it's a string");
1Tagged pointers are a notable deviation of this structure, and (partly) because of them one shouldn’t access the isa pointer directly.
It's nice to have a generic object type, so you can define collection types that can hold any kind of object, and other generic services that work with any object without knowing what kind of object it is.
There is no trick to make id work. At a binary level all pointers are interchangeable. They just represent a memory address as a numerical value. To make id accept any type of pointer, it's only necessary to disable the rules of the compiler that normally require pointer types to match.
You can find out information about the class of an id type variable in these kinds of ways:
id theObject = // ... something
Class theClass = [theObject class];
NSString *className = NSStringFromClass(theClass);
NSClassDescription *classDescription = [NSClassDescription classDescriptionForClass:theClass];
But it's rarely necessary to do those kinds of things in code. More often, you want to test if your id variable is an instance of a particular class, and if so cast it to that class and start treating it as that type.
if ([theObject isKindOfClass:[MySpecializedClass class]]) {
MySpecializedClass *specialObject = (MySpecializedClass *)theObject;
[specialObject doSomethingSpecial];
If you were to use -class to find out the class, but it returned a class you know nothing about, then there's nothing special you can do with the object based on its class anyway. So there is no reason to do anything but check if it matches classes you know about, and only if you intend to do special handling for those classes anyway.
You can sometimes use isMemberOfClass instead of isKindOfClass. It depends whether you want an exact match or to include subclasses.
It may be worth to take a look on header file objc/objc.h to find internals of id.
typedef struct objc_class *Class;
typedef struct objc_object {
Class isa;
} *id;
typedef struct objc_selector *SEL;
typedef id (*IMP)(id, SEL, ...);

NSMutableArray with only a particular type of objects

is it possible to specify that a NSMutableArray can only contain a certain type of objects.
For example, if I want to store only this kind of objects :
#interface MyObject : NSObject {
UInt8 value;
In order to be able to use the instance variable like this :
- (void)myMethod:(NSMutableArray *)myArray{
for (id myObject in myArray){
[self otherMethod:myObject.value];
because I'm getting this error :
request for member 'value' in something not a structure or union
Thank you for your help
It sounds like you're coming from a Java/C# type background where limits can be imposed on collections.
Collections in Cocoa don't follow that pattern. There is no way to set a restriction on what type of objects can be inserted (unless you write a wrapper class that enforces this).
Objective-C, by design, follows the "if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it most probably is a duck" philosophy. That is to say that rather than checking whether an object is a particular type, you should be checking whether it can do what you want it to do regardless of its type.
You can do this using respondsToSelector:.
Finally, your problem isn't actually related to the fact that the array has no restrictions. Your object doesn't appear to declare the instance variable value as a property, or expose any accessor methods for it.
This is why you're seeing the error when you try myObject.value. That syntax in Objective-C is how you access properties.
The default scope for instance variables in Objective-C is #protected, which means anything outside your class can't access them without going through an accessor method of some kind.
You need to declare and define the methods - (UInt8)value and - (void)setValue:(UInt8)aValue and use them.
Alternatively, you could declare it as a property.
You are getting that error, because for as far as Objective-C is concerned, myObject is of the non-type id, which doesn't support the value property. To make Objective-C aware of the fact it's always dealing with a MyObject in this loop, you'll have to tell it the myObject object is an instance of MyObject.
for (MyObject *myObject in myArray) {
Also, you have to make sure the value ivar is accessible using dot-notation by implementing getter and setter methods for it. You can do this yourself by implementing -value and -setValue:, or you can use #property and #synthesize to let Objective-C do this.
Objective-C doesn't work like that. You need to use [myObject value] (which will work irrespective of the kind of object, as long as it responds to -[value]. If you only want one type of objects in it, insert only that type of objects.
You would have to write a wrapper-class for the NSMutableArray, see for example this question.
Subclass NSMutableArray and override methods that mediate the addition of objects to the array. You would check the object type in these overridden methods, only calling [super addObject:xyz] if the type is accepted.
maybe you can use protocol:
#protocol Person <NSObject>
#interface Person : NSObject <Person>
to use:
NSArray<Person>* personArray;

How to access #public instance variable from another class in Objective-C?

I know it's possible to define public instance variable with #public keyword.
However, Objective-C syntax does not allow accessing other class' variable.
What features should I expected from #public Ivar? Or how do I access other class' Ivars?
Objective-C, as a superset of C, definitely does allow the access of public instance variables from outside the class's implementation. Now, the reason you may have heard that it isn't allowed is that it is highly discouraged. In most cases, if you want to access an instance variable outside an implementation context, you should be using accessors and mutators (properties).
An Objective-C class really boils down to a plain-old C struct with an isa field (that's what makes it an object), where the public fields are accessible. Since when we are dealing with instances of classes, we are working a pointer to an object (special struct). Thus, we access public fields using ->.
Here's an example:
#interface SomebodyIsntEncapsulating : NSBadIdea {
NSString *badIdea;
BOOL shouldntDoIt;
NSString *ahThatsBetterThankGod;
NSString *sweetThanksNowEvenMySubclassesCantTouchMe;
Now, in some completely different context, we could have:
SomebodyIsntEncapsulating *whatOh = [[SomebodyIsntEncapsulating alloc]
whatOh->badIdea = [#"I'm a public field. Make sure to retain or copy me!" copy];
NSLog(#"Please! Write some accessors and mutators!: %#", whatOh->badIdea);
I hope that helped you!
You can access it like using -> (member by pointer) operator like you normally access members of a c-structure (note that you always have a pointer to an object in obj-c):
int a;
myObject->a = 1;
You are supposed to write accessor methods to do that. Object-oriented design implies that a class shouldn't care about internal structure of objects of another class.
That said, id is just a pointer, so you can do obj->ivar, provided you know what you're doing and there is no way to write a proper accessor method.