SQL server: Compare rows - sql

I need a query which can do the following operation.
I have a table with 2 columns
ID Values
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
2 2
2 5
2 6
if you see for ID 1 I have 1,2,3 and 4 as values and for ID 2 I have 2, 5 and 6.
I want to write a query which return the following
mean 1 and 4 are deleted and 5 and 6 are added by comparing the two ids.
Is it possible? Please let me know

This will give you 1 & 4:
select a.values
from my_table a
where not exists (
select * from my_table b where b.values = a.values and b.ID = 2)
and a.ID = 1
and this will give you 5 & 6:
select a.values
from my_table a
where not exists (
select * from my_table b where b.values = a.values and b.ID = 1)
and a.ID = 2

Something like:
SELECT T.Value FROM dbo.Table T WHERE T.ID = 1
SELECT T.Value FROM dbo.Table T WHERE T.ID = 2
SELECT T.Value FROM dbo.Table T WHERE T.ID = 2
SELECT T.Value FROM dbo.Table T WHERE T.ID = 1
That will get you the list of values that are associated with 1 but not 2, and 2 but not 1. You could easily multiply the values from one of those subqueries by -1 to differentiate them, or run them as two separate queries.


Get all the users that has only 1 category in SQL

I have this table with U that represents "User" and C that represents "Category". I need a way to query how many categories a user has and limit that to 1. So basically, I need to get all the users that has only 1 category. How can this be achieved with SQL (PostgreSQL)?
I've tried to find any solution on Stackoverflow for a while now, but without success.
id U C
1 3 5
2 1 3
3 3 5
4 5 2
5 11 5
6 11 5
Expected result:
id U C
1 1 3
2 5 2
That is easy with the HAVING clause:
SELECT max(id), u, max(c)
FROM atable
GROUP BY u HAVING count(c) = 1
You can use window functions for your purpose.
Window Functions
SELECT a.*,count(c)over(partition by id) as cnt
FROM testtable a
If you have no duplicates, you can use not exists:
select t.*
from t
where not exists (select 1 from t t2 where t2.u = t.u and t2.c <> t.c);
If you have duplicates of u/c, just use id:
select t.*
from t
where not exists (select 1 from t t2 where t2.u = t.u and t2.id <> t.id);
If you want to reassign a sequential number, then use row_number() as well:
select row_number() over (order by id) as new_id, t.*
from t
where not exists (select 1 from t t2 where t2.u = t.u and t2.c <> t.c);

Select groups of users if one or more user made a comment

Consider the following table1
user group comment
1 a foo
2 a
3 a
4 b bar
5 c
6 c
7 d
8 d
9 d
10 d
11 e bax
12 e baz
I need to make 2 queries, each of which returns groups:
query 1: groups of which at least 1 user has made a comment
query 2: groups of which no user has made a comment
result of query 1:
user group comment
1 a foo
2 a
3 a
4 b bar
11 e bax
12 e baz
result of query 2:
user group comment
5 c
6 c
7 d
8 d
9 d
I tried the following but then I saw some of the same users in both groups:
select *
from [table1] t1
where t1.[group] in (
select distinct [group] from [table] where [comment] <> ''
order by t1.[user] asc
select *
from [table1] t1
where t1.[group] in (
select distinct [group] from [table] where [comment] = ''
order by t1.[user] asc
I then realised this is because in the same group, comment can be either set (comment <> '') AND not set (comment = '') but I don't know how to solve this in my queries.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can use exists and not exists:
This gives you the users of groups in which comments have been posted.
select t.*
from mytable t
where exists (
select 1 from mytable t1 where t1.group = t.group and t1.comment is not null
To get the users of groups without any comment, you can just turn exists to not exists.
You can use exists and not exists. For groups with a comment:
select t1.*
from table1 t1
where exists (select 1
from table1 tt1
where tt1.group = t1.group and
tt1.comment is not null
Use not exists for the other set of rows.

Filter out entire group based on item ranking in SQL

I have a table as shown below:
group item rank
1 A 1
1 B 2
1 C 3
2 A 2
2 B 1
3 A 1
3 C 2
I want those groups data only, where item A has rank 1 as shown below:
group item rank
1 A 1
1 B 2
1 C 3
3 A 1
3 C 2
In group 2, A has rank 2, therefore not a part of output.
One way is using an IN clause
select *
from yourTable
where id in (select id from yourtable where item='A' and rank = 1)
you could use a subquery for get the involved id and the join
select * from my_table m
inner join (
select distinct id
from my_table
where item = 'A'
and rank = 1
) t on t.id = m.id

Conditional delete in oracle using sql or plsql

We have an oracle table x and we have values in it in a following manner
num1 dt cd
1 24-06-2017 3
1 24-06-2017 4
2 24-06-2017 1
2 24-06-2017 2
2 24-06-2017 4
2 25-06-2017 3
2 25-06-2017 4
Now I have to delete duplicate data from this table using num1,dt , if num1 and dt have any other value instead of 4 then it should exist in table and cd=4 should be deleted. Here in below condition 3 or any other value should exist but it should not be 4
1 24-06-2017 3
1 24-06-2017 4
Now here 4 should be deleted completely for 2 , 24/06/2017 and only 1 rows of each field should exist in the table ie :2 24/06/2017 1 and 2 24/06/2017 2 should exist.
2 24-06-2017 1
2 24-06-2017 2
2 24-06-2017 4
Now in third case if we dont have any other value except 4 for num1 and date then we should have only 1 row of 4 for these dates.
3 26-06-2017 4
3 26-06-2017 4
Please provide solution for this, help will be appreciated.
Oracle conveniently has rowid, which can really help with this. Here is an approach that uses rowid:
delete from t
where t.rowid <> (select max(rowid) keep (dense_rank first
order by (case when cd = 4 then 2 else 1 end)
from t
where t2.num1 = t.num1 and t2.date = t.date
This will keep exactly one row per num1/date comparison.
If you are using Oracle 12C+, then a more intuitive form of this query is:
delete from t
where t.rowid <> (select rowid
from t
where t2.num1 = t.num1 and t2.date = t.date
order by (case when cd = 4 then 2 else 1 end)
fetch first 1 row only
This doesn't work in earlier versions because fetching one row requires an additional subquery -- and that subquery cannot be correlated with the outer query.
If I get your question right it might work like this:
WHERE (num1, dt, ct) IN (SELECT num1, dt, 4
FROM table
GROUP BY num1, dt
HAVING MAX(ct) != 4
OR MIN(ct) != 4)
OR ((num, dt, ct) IN (SELECT num1, dt, MAX(ct)
FROM table
GROUP BY num1, dt
HAVING MAX(ct) = 4
AND MIN(ct) = 4)
AND rowid NOT IN (SELECT MIN(rowid)
FROM table
GROUP BY num1, dt
HAVING MAX(ct) = 4
AND MIN(ct) = 4))

Select Grouped Column Values Where Have Same Id In SQL Server

I have a table like this.
id Code
1 N188
1 N1Z2
1 N222
2 N189
2 N1Z2
2 N1Z3
3 N188
3 A123
3 B321
4 N188
4 A333
4 B444
I want to select id and code only code has N188.Result should like this:
id Code
1 N188
1 N1Z2
1 N222
3 N188
3 A123
3 B321
4 N188
4 A333
4 B444
How can I write sql for this in SQL Server?
You can use EXISTS for this:
SELECT id, code
FROM table1 t
FROM table1 t2
WHERE t.id = t2.id
AND t2.Code = 'N188'
Condensed SQL Fiddle Demo
FROM tablename A
FROM tablename
WHERE code = 'N188') B
ON a.id = b.id
Here is an alternative method that uses window functions:
select id, code
from (select t.*,
sum(case when code = 'N188' then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by id) as cnt_n188
from table t
) t
where cnt_n188 > 0;