How can I modify the strings of a binary(Mach-O) file? - executable

Is there any way to (easily) modify a string in a Mach-O binary? I want to extend the length of a pre-existing string.
Extending the string will not be an easy task with manual editing, but at least you can get a picture about the Mach-O file structure.

This will not be an easy procedure, you cannot just go and change a string in textedit and hope it works because mach-o binaries work with encoded bytes and if 1 byte is out of order, the binary will not be executed properly. If you really wish to modify a string inside a fully assembled mach-o binary file without disrupting its delicate code you will need lots of knowledge and understanding of how mach binaries work. You will need to be able to modify it in single bytes and replacing its encoded numbers and offsets. Hopper for Mac might be able to help you understand the architecture of a mach-o binary. but if you need to replace a string with a different string with the exact same length, you might be able to simply replace its bytes so that the binary still reads it at the same length. but you will need a hexadecimal modifying application to do that.


Is there a way to get exported constants from an Objective-C framework? [duplicate]

I'm trying to find a constant (something like a secret token) from inside of an iOS app in order to build an app using an undocumented web API (by the way, I'm not into something illegal). So far, I have the decrypted app executable on my Mac (jailbreak + SSH + dumping decrypted executable as file). I can use the strings command to get a readable list of strings, and I can use the class-dump tool ( to get a list of interface definitions (headers) of the classes. Although this gives me an idea of the app's inner workings, I still can't find what I'm searching for: the constants I'm looking for. There are literally thousands of string definitions in the strings command dump. Is there any way to dump the strings in a way that I can have the names of the NSString constants with their values. I don't need the implementation details of the methods, I know that it's compiled and all I can get is assembly code. But if I can get the names of the string constants (both in strings dump and class dump) and also the string values (in strings dump), I think there may be a way to associate them together.
Unfortunately, no, unless there's some black magic tool out there that I'm unaware of, or unless the executable was built with debug symbols (which is likely not the case). If there are debug symbols, you should be able to run it through a debugger and get variable names.
At compile time, the compiler strips off the name of the constant, and replaces all occurrences of the constant in the code with the address of its location in memory (which is usually the same byte offset as inside the executable). Because of this, the original variable naming of the constant is lost, leaving only the value. Hence, the reason you can't find the constants anywhere.
Something that I would do to try to find the secret token, is capture all the data traffic that the app creates, and then look for the same patterns in the binary. If the token is indeed in there, and it isn't obfuscated somehow, then at least that narrows it down for you greatly.
Good luck! RE can be very rewarding but sometimes it really sucks.

How to read a Executable(.EXE) file in OpenVMS

When am trying to open any .EXE file am getting information in encoded form. Any idea how to see the content of an .EXE file ????
I need to know what Database tables are used in the particular .EXE.
Ah, now we are getting closer to the real question.
It is probably much more productive to ask the targeted databases about the SQL queries being execute during the run, or a top-ten shortly afterwards.
The table-names might not be hard-coded recognizably as such in the executable.
They might be obtained by a lookup, and some fun pre-fixing or other transformation might be in place.
Admittedly they like are clear text.
Easiest is probably to just transfer to a Unix server and use STRINGS on the image.
I want to include the source here with but that failed, and I cannot find how to attach a file. Below you'll find a link OpenVMS macro program source for a STRINGS like tool. Not sure how long the link will survive.
Just read for instructions, save (strings.mar), compile ($ MACRO strings), link ($link strings), and activate ($ mcr sys$login:strings image_to_test.exe)
OpenVMS Macro String program text
Good luck!
Use analyze/image to view the contents of an executable image file.
I'm guessing you are trying to look in the EXE because you do not have access to the source. I do something like this:
$ dump/record/byte/hex/out=a.a myexe.exe
Then look at a.a with any text editor (132 columns). The linker groups string literals together, and they are mostly near the beginning of the EXE, so you don't have to look to far into the file. Of course this only helps if the database references are string literals.
The string literal might be broken across a block (512 byte) boundary, so if you use search in your editor, try looking for substrings.
Aksh - you are chasing your tail on this one. Its a false dawn. Even if you could (and you can't) find the database tables, you will need the source of the .exe to do anything sensible with it, or the problem you are trying to solve. Its possible to write a program which just lists all the tables in a database without reading any of 'em. So you could spend and awful lot of effort and get nowhere. Hope this helps

Elf representation in HEX

I am working on understanding some ground concepts in embedded Systems. My question is similar to understand hexedit of an elf .
In order to burn compiler output to ROM, the .out file is converted to HEX (say intel-hex). I wonder how the following informations are preserved in HEX format:
Section header
Symbol tables, debug symbols, linker symbols etc.
Elf header.
If these are preserved in HEX file, how they can be read from hex file?
A bit out question but how the microcontroller on boot knows where .data .bss etc. exists in HEX and to be coppied to RAM?
None of that is preserved. A HEX file only contains the raw program and data.
The microcontroller does not know where .data and .bss are located - it doesn't even know that they exist. The start-up code which is executed before main() is called contains the start addresses of those sections - the addresses are hard-coded into the program. This start-up code will be in the HEX file like everything else.
The elements in points 1 to 3 are not included in the raw binary since they serve no purpose in the application; rather they are used by the linker and the debugger on the development host, and are unnecessary for program execution where all you need is the byte values and the address to write them to, which is more or less all the hex file contains (may also contain a start address record).
Systems that have dynamic linking or self-hosted debug capabilities (such as VxWorks for example) use the object file file.
With respect to point 5, the microcontroller does not need to know; the linker uses that information when resolving absolute and relative addresses in the object code. Once filly resolved (linked), the addresses are embedded in the code directly. Again where dynamic loading/linking is used the object file meta-data is required and such systems do not normally load a raw hex file or binary.

can hard coded strings in a compiled exe be changed?

Lets say you have some code in your app with a hard coded string.
If somevalue = "test123" Then
End If
Once the application is compiled, is it possible for someone to modify the .exe file and change 'test123' to something else? If so, would it only work if the string contained the same number of characters?
It's possible but not necessarily straightforward. For example, if your string is loaded in memory, someone could use a memory manager tool to modify the value of the string's address directly.
Alternatively, they could decompile your app, change the string, and recompile it to create a new assembly with the new string. However, whether this is likely to happen depends on your app and how important it is for that string to be changed.
You could use an obfuscator to make it a bit harder to do but, ultimately, a determined cracker would be able to do it. The question is whether that string is important enough to worry about and, if so, maybe consider an alternative approach such as using a web service to provide the string.
Strings hard-coded without any obfuscation techniques can easily be found inside compiled executables by openign them up in any HEX-editor. Once found, replacing the string is possible in 2 ways :
1. Easy way (*conditions apply)
If the following conditions apply in your case, this is a very quick-fire way of modifying the hard-coded strings in the executable binary.
length(new-string) <= length(old-string)
No logic in the code to check for executable modification using CRC.
This is a viable option ONLY if the new string is equal or shorter than the old string. Use a hex-editor to find occurrences of the old string and replace it with the new string. Pad an extra space with NULL i.e. 0x00
For example old-long-string in the binary
is modified to a shorter new-string and padded with null characters to the same length as the original string in the binary executable file
Note that such modifications to the executable files are detected by any code that verifies the checksum of the binary file against the pre-calculate checksum of the original binary executable file.
2. Harder way (applicable in almost all cases)
De-compiling the binary to native code opens up the possibility to modify any strings (and even code) and rebuild it to obtain the new binary executable.
There exist dozens of such de-compiler tools to decompile (Visual, in general). An excellent detailed comparison of the most popular ones (ILspy, JustDecompile, DotPeek, .NET Reflector to name a few ) can be found here.
There do exist scenarios in which even the harder way will NOT be successful. This is the case when the original developer has used obfuscation techniques to prevent the strings from being detected and modified in the executable binary. One such obfuscation technique is storing encrypted strings.

Changing embedded serial number

I have a Serial number string "1080910" embedded in a programmable device which has been downloaded to a binary file using the ALL-100 programmer. This is my Master file as it were. I need to change this serial number to that of the unit that I need to re-flash using the Master file - the ALL-100 programmer uses XACCESS User Interface which has Edit feature showing Address location, Hex data field and Ascii field. Somewhere in this file is the serial number string - can anybody assist me in how to locate and edit the serial number string as I have been unable to locate it using the search function and have not been able to visually pick up the sequence of numbers. Help !!!
If the data has a symbolic address in the source code, and is not a local variable, its address will appear in the map file generated by the linker. If it is a local variable initialised with a literal constant, then the data will exist in the static initialisation data the location of which should also be identified in the map file.
Another possibility is that your application image is compressed and the start-up code expands it into RAM at run-time. This will be obvious in the map file if the data and code addresses are in RAM rather than ROM. If this is the case then what you are attempting will be very difficult. You would have to know the compression algorithm used, and which part of the image is the commpressed part (part of it will be the decompression code that runs from ROM). You would then have to decompress the image, modify the string, and then recompress it. Further, if the decompression performs any kind of checksum on the compressed or decompressed data, you will have to recalculate and modify that too.
If this was a requirement from the outset, you would have done better to reserve the space in the linker script or use compiler specific extensions to absolutely locate the data at a specific location.
Maybe it is stored in Unicode, so alternate chars are 00.