Unable to get presence of roster by using smack, openfire - openfire

I am new to smack API. I am trying to develop a chat application where I was trying for setting and getting the presence.
When I change the presence of a user, its working perfectly fine and it is getting reflected in the Openfire Server.
But when I tries to get the Presence of a user, I am always getting the status as 'unavailable' even if his presence in openfire is showing as 'available'.
I am using the following code to set the status.
Presence presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.available);
presence.setStatus("Online, Programmatically!");
I am using the Roster class to get the presence as follows.
Roster roster = avatar.getRoster();
Collection<RosterEntry> entries = roster.getEntries();
for(RosterEntry rosterEntry: entries) {
String user = rosterEntry.getUser();
Presence presence = roster.getPresence(user);
System.out.println("Presence : "+presence); // 1
System.out.println("Presence type: "+presence.getType()); // 2
System.out.println("Presence mode: "+presence.getMode()); // 3
Line No 1 alwasys gives 'unavailable' while line number 2 and 3 always give null
I am not able to figure out the cause of this problem. Please help me to resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance.

Using RosterListener is the proper solution to this problem. There is no reason that code should have a Thread.sleep() in order to make it work properly.
Roster roster = con.getRoster();
roster.addRosterListener(new RosterListener() {
// Ignored events public void entriesAdded(Collection<String> addresses) {}
public void entriesDeleted(Collection<String> addresses) {}
public void entriesUpdated(Collection<String> addresses) {}
public void presenceChanged(Presence presence) {
System.out.println("Presence changed: " + presence.getFrom() + " " + presence);
(source: http://www.igniterealtime.org/builds/smack/docs/latest/documentation/roster.html)

the problem is that after logging in immediately, it is gonna take some time for the presence of users to get updated.So between logging in and calling the online buddies function there should be a thread.sleep() for a few seconds.Then the online contacts will be retrieved. I did that and was able to retrieve them.
after login use
use in the beginiing of the method also

I had the same problem and searched for a while before finding what the problem was. In fact, you don't need to do a Thread.sleep(). The problem is that you don't have the "permission" to get the Presence of other users.
To solve the problem, just go in Openfire admin -> your user options -> Roster // Then just set the subscription of the buddy you wanna get the presence to "both" (both users can view each other presence).
Hope that is helps.
Edit : In fact you need to add a Thread.sleep() before getting the roster from the connection. Without the Thread.sleep(), sometimes it works, sometimes not...

I fixed it adding:
if (!roster.isLoaded())
Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(connection);
Ref: Smack 4.1.0 android Roster not displaying

This full code
public void getRoaster(final Callback<List<HashMap<String, String>>> callback) {
final Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(connection);
boolean success = true;
if (!roster.isLoaded())
try {
} catch (SmackException.NotLoggedInException | SmackException.NotConnectedException | InterruptedException e) {
android.util.Log.e(AppConstant.PUBLIC_TAG, TAG + " " + e.getMessage());
success = false;
if (!success) {
if (callback != null) {
callback.onError(new Throwable());
Collection<RosterEntry> entries = roster.getEntries();
List<HashMap<String, String>> maps = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>(entries.size());
for (RosterEntry entry : entries) {
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(3);
Presence presence = roster.getPresence(entry.getUser());
map.put(ROASTER_KEY, entry.getName());
map.put(ROASTER_BARE_JID, entry.getUser());
map.put(PRESENCE_TYPE, presence.isAvailable() == true ? PRESENCE_ONLINE : PRESENCE_OFFLINE);
if (maps != null && maps.size() > 0 && callback != null) {
} else {
callback.onError(new Throwable());


How to set max concurrent logins per user in apache SshServer

I need to limit the concurrent sessions allowed per user in an apache SshServer. I found two references to this functionality, but they seem to be obsolete.
Here's the original patch back in 2010:
I also found this reference to its usage:
Which refers to a SshServer.setProperty() method.
I'm using sshd-core 2.4.0, and this method is absent from SshServer, I can't see any obvious replacement, and I can't find any documentation on what has happened to it or how I'm supposed to do this now.
I still see the MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS key in ServerFactoryManager, so I assume the functionality is still in there somewhere, but I can't find where I need to set it.
Here's what the setup of the server looks like (it's for an SFTP server, but that shouldn't matter for the problem at ahnd, I thnk):
private val server = SshServer.setUpDefaultServer().apply {
val sftpSubsystemFactory = SftpSubsystemFactory().apply {
port = sftpPort
host = "localhost"
keyPairProvider = when {
sftpKeyname.isEmpty() -> throw IllegalStateException("No key name for SFTP, aborting!")
sftpKeyname == "NO_RSA" -> {
log.warn("Explicitly using NO_RSA, sftp encryption is insecure!")
else -> KeyPairProvider.wrap(loadKeyPair(sftpKeyname))
setPasswordAuthenticator { username, password, _ ->
// current evil hack to prevent users from opening more than one session
if (activeSessions.any { it.username == username }) {
log.warn("User attempted multiple concurrent sessions!")
throw IllegalUserStateException("User already has a session!")
} else {
log.debug("new session for user $username")
// throws AuthenticationException
authenticationService.checkCredentials(username, password)
subsystemFactories = listOf(sftpSubsystemFactory)
fileSystemFactory = YellowSftpFilesystemFactory(ftpHome)
log.info("SFTP server started on port $port")
(From my comment) you can set the property directly:
server.apply {
properties[ServerFactoryManager.MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS] = 50L

ETrade API unattended authentication

The ETrade authentication system has me creating a RequestToken, then executing an Authorization URL, which opens an ETrade page.
The user logs in to authorize the activity on their account.
They receive a pin, which they enter in my app.
I call ExchangeRequestTokenForAccessToken with the RequestToken and the Pin.
Then we are off and running.
The problem is I'm creating a service that runs continuously in the background. There won't be any user to log in. Conversely, I won't be making any trades. Just crunching numbers, looking for stocks that meet certain criteria.
I can't figure how to get this to work unattended.
Thanks, Brad.
Previously, I have used a series of WebRequests and manually added headers to simulate the authorization pages. This worked until about a year ago when ETrade complicated their headers with something that appears to be tracking information. I now use http://watin.org/ to log in, and to strip the Auth Code.
Sloppy code looks like this:
using WatiN.Core; // IE Automation
// verify current thread in STA.
Settings.Instance.MakeNewIeInstanceVisible = false;
var ieStaticInstanceHelper = new IEStaticInstanceHelper();
Settings.AutoStartDialogWatcher = false;
using (ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE = new IE())
string authCode = "";
if (ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE.ContainsText("Scheduled System Maintenance"))
throw new ApplicationException("eTrade down for maintenance.");
TextField user = ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE.TextField(Find.ByName("USER"));
TextField pass = ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE.TextField(Find.ById("txtPassword"));
TextField pass2 = ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE.TextField(Find.ByName("PASSWORD"));
Button btn = ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE.Button(Find.ByClass("log-on-btn"));
Button btnAccept = ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE.Button(Find.ByValue("Accept"));
TextField authCodeBox = ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE.TextField(Find.First());
if (user != null && pass != null && btn != null &&
user.Exists && pass2.Exists && btn.Exists)
user.Value = username;
pass2.Value = password;
authCode = authCodeBox.Value;
Current version of Brad Melton's code.
WatiN has changed and no longer contains the IE.AttachToIE function.
So, IEStaticInstanceHelper is now called StaticBrowserInstanceHelper, but that code is hard to find, so I've included it here.
class StaticBrowserInstanceHelper<T> where T : Browser {
private Browser _browser;
private int _browserThread;
private string _browserHwnd;
public Browser Browser {
get {
int currentThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
if (currentThreadId != _browserThread) {
_browser = Browser.AttachTo<T>(Find.By("hwnd", _browserHwnd));
_browserThread = currentThreadId;
return _browser;
set {
_browser = value;
_browserHwnd = _browser.hWnd.ToString();
_browserThread = GetCurrentThreadId();
private int GetCurrentThreadId() {
return Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode();
ETrade's login pages have changed as well. They have several. All the login pages I checked consistently had a USER field and a PASSWORD field, but the login buttons had various names that look fragile. So if this doesn't work, that's the first thing I'd check.
Second, if I go directly to the auth page, it prompts to log in, but then it frequently doesn't take you to the auth page.
I got more consistent results by going to the home page to log in, then going to the auth page.
static public string GetPin(string username, string password, string logonLink, string authLink) {
// Settings.Instance.MakeNewIeInstanceVisible = false;
var StaticInstanceHelper = new StaticBrowserInstanceHelper<IE>();
Settings.AutoStartDialogWatcher = false;
// This code doesn't always handle it well when IE is already running, but it won't be in my case. You may need to attach to existing, depending on your context.
using (StaticInstanceHelper.Browser = new IE(logonLink)) {
string authCode = "";
// Browser reference was failing because IE hadn't started up yet.
// I'm in the background, so I don't care how long it takes.
// You may want to do a WaitFor to make it snappier.
if (StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.ContainsText("Scheduled System Maintenance")) {
throw new ApplicationException("eTrade down for maintenance.");
TextField user = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.TextField(Find.ByName("USER"));
TextField pass2 = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.TextField(Find.ByName("PASSWORD"));
// Class names of the Logon and Logoff buttons vary by page, so I find by text. Seems likely to be more stable.
Button btnLogOn = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.Button(Find.ByText("Log On"));
Element btnLogOff = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.Element(Find.ByText("Log Off"));
Button btnAccept = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.Button(Find.ByValue("Accept"));
TextField authCodeBox = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.TextField(Find.First());
if (user != null && btnLogOn != null &&
user.Exists && pass2.Exists && btnLogOn.Exists) {
user.Value = username;
pass2.Value = password;
if (StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.ContainsText("Scheduled System Maintenance")) {
Element btnContinue = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.Element(Find.ByName("continueButton"));
if (btnContinue.Exists)
// Here we go, finally.
authCode = authCodeBox.Value;
return authCode;
Being able to automate it like this means that I no longer care about how long the token is valid. Thanks BradM!
This was amazingly helpful. I used your code plus what was posted here to automate this (because tokens expire daily): E*Trade API frequently returns HTTP 401 Unauthorized when fetching an access token but not always
I made two edits:
Changed the authorize URL to what was posted here: https://seansoper.com/blog/connecting_etrade.html
For the log on button, changed it to search by ID: Button btnLogOn = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.Button(Find.ById("logon_button"));
I ran into issues with Watin and setting up the Apartmentstate. So did this:
static void Main(string[] args)
System.Threading.Thread th = new Thread(new ThreadStart(TestAuth));
Then put the code in the TestAuth method.

Genesys Platform : Get Call Details From Sip Server

I want to get Call Details from Genesys Platform SIP Server.
And Genesys Platform has Platform SDK for .NET .
Anybod has a SIMPLE sample code which shows how to get call details using Platform SDK for .NET [ C# ] from SIP Server?
Extra Notes:
Call Details : especially i wanted to get AgentId for a given call
From Sip Server : I am not sure if Sip Server is the best candiate to
take call details. So open to other suggestions/ alternatives
You can build a class that monitor DN actions. Also you watch specific DN or all DN depending what you had to done. If its all about the call, this is the best way to this.
Firstly, you must define a TServerProtocol, then you must connect via host,port and client info.
var endpoint = new Endpoint(host, port, config);
//Endpoint backupEndpoint = new Endpoint("", 0, config);
protocol = new TServerProtocol(endpoint)
ClientName = clientName
//Sync. way;
//Async way;
I always use async way to do this. I got my reason thou :) You can detect when connection open with event that provided by SDK.
protocol.Opened += new EventHandler(OnProtocolOpened);
protocol.Closed += new EventHandler(OnProtocolClosed);
protocol.Received += new EventHandler(OnMessageReceived);
protocol.Error += new EventHandler(OnProtocolError);
Here there is OnMessageReceived event. This event where the magic happens. You can track all of your call events and DN actions. If you go genesys support site. You'll gonna find a SDK reference manual. On that manual quiet easy to understand there lot of information about references and usage.
So in your case, you want agentid for a call. So you need EventEstablished to do this. You can use this in your recieve event;
var message = ((MessageEventArgs)e).Message;
// your event-handling code goes here
switch (message.Id)
case EventEstablished.MessageId:
var eventEstablished = message as EventEstablished;
var AgentID = eventEstablished.AgentID;
You can lot of this with this usage. Like dialing, holding on a call inbound or outbound even you can detect internal calls and reporting that genesys platform don't.
I hope this is clear enough.
If you have access to routing strategy and you can edit it. You can add some code to strategy to send the details you need to some web server (for example) or to DB. We do such kind of stuff in our strategy. After successful routing block as a post routing strategy sends values of RTargetPlaceSelected and RTargetAgentSelected.
Try this:
JirayuGetInteractionContent =
JirayuGetInteractionContent.InteractionId = "004N4aEB63TK000P";
Genesyslab.Platform.Commons.Protocols.IMessage respondingEventY =
Genesyslab.Platform.Commons.Collections.KeyValueCollection keyValueCollection =
We are getting AgentID and Place as follows,
Create a Custome Command Class and Add Chain of command In ExtensionSampleModule class as follows,
class LogOnCommand : IElementOfCommand
readonly IObjectContainer container;
ILogger log;
ICommandManager commandManager;
public bool Execute(IDictionary<string, object> parameters, IProgressUpdater progress)
if (Application.Current.Dispatcher != null && !Application.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess())
object result = Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Send, new ExecuteDelegate(Execute), parameters, progress);
return (bool)result;
// Get the parameter
IAgent agent = parameters["EnterpriseAgent"] as IAgent;
IIdentity workMode = parameters["WorkMode"] as IIdentity;
IAgent agentManager = container.Resolve<IAgent>();
Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.Core.Model.Agents.IPlace place = agentManager.Place;
if (place != null)
string Place = place.PlaceName;
log.Debug("Place object is null");
CfgPerson person = agentManager.ConfPerson;
if (person != null)
string AgentID = person.UserName;
log.DebugFormat("Place: {0} ", AgentID);
log.Debug("AgentID object is null");
// In ExtensionSampleModule
readonly ICommandManager commandManager;
commandManager.InsertCommandToChainOfCommandAfter("MediaVoiceLogOn", "LogOn", new
List<CommandActivator>() { new CommandActivator()
{ CommandType = typeof(LogOnCommand), Name = "OnEventLogOn" } });
enter code here
IInteractionVoice interaction = (IInteractionVoice)e.Value;
switch (interaction.EntrepriseLastInteractionEvent.Id)
case EventEstablished.MessageId:
var eventEstablished = interaction.EntrepriseLastInteractionEvent as EventEstablished;
var genesysCallUuid = eventEstablished.CallUuid;
var genesysAgentid = eventEstablished.AgentID;

my zend session name spacing does not work

I am new to Zend and very keen to learn, so I would really appreciate some help and guidance.
I am trying to create a 'method in a class' that will save the session variables of product pages visited by members to a site i.e
i,e examplesite com/product/?producttype= 6
I want to save the number 6 in a session variable. I also do not want to have a global session for the entire site; I just want it for selected pages. So, I guess I have to have Zend_Session::start() on the selected page; but I am not clear how this should be done.
Should I instantiate it in the page view page. i.e products page or do this in the indexAction() method for the products page. I have attempted to instantiate it below but it did not work.
public function rememberLastProductSearched()
{ //my attempt to start a session start for this particular page.
$session->productSearchCategory = $this->_request->getParam('product-search-category');
return" $session->productSearchCategory ";
//echo " nothing there
return " $session->productSearchCategory";
With the rememberLastProductSearched() method I was trying to get the method to first check whether the user had searched for a new product or just arrived at the page by default. i.e whether he had used the get() action to search for a new product. If the answer is no, then I wanted the system to check whether their had been a previous saved session variable. so in procedural syntax it would have gone like this:
//$dbc database connection
$producttype = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_GET['producttype']));
$producttype = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_SESSION['producttype']));
Can you please help me with the Zend/oop syntax. I am totally confused how it should be?
you're asking about simple work flow in an action, it should begin something like:
//in any controller
public function anyAction()
//open seesion, start will be called if needed
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('products');
//get value
$productCategory = $this->getRequest()->getParam('producttype');
//save value to namespace
$session->productType = $productCategory;
now to move this off to a separate method you have to pass the data to the method...
protected function rememberLastProductSearched($productType)
//open seesion, start will be called if needed
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('products');
$session->productType = $productType;
So now if you want to test for presence of a value...
//in any controller
public function anyAction()
//open seesion, call the namespace whenever you need to access it
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('products');
if (!isset($session->productType)) {
$productCategory = $this->getRequest()->getParam('producttype');
//save value to session
} else {
$productCategory = $session->productType;
That's the idea.
Be mindful of your work flow as it can sometimes be very simple to inadvertently overwrite your session values.
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace("productSearch");
if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('producttype')) { //isset GET param ?
$session->productType = $this->getRequest()->getParam('producttype');
$searchedProductType = $session->productType;
} else { //take the session saved value
if ($session->productType) {
$searchedProductType = $session->productType;
//now use $searchedProductType for your query

What permissions do I need to grant to run RavenDB in Server mode?

I'm reading through Rob Ashton's excellent blog post on RavenDB:
and I'm working through the code as I read. But when I try to add an index, I get a 401 error. Here's the code:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var documentStore = new DocumentStore() { Url = "http://localhost:8080" })
new IndexDefinition<BasicEntity, BasicEntity>()
Map = docs => from doc in docs
where doc.SomeData != null
select new
SomeData = doc.SomeData
string entityId;
using (var documentSession = documentStore.OpenSession())
var entity = new BasicEntity()
SomeData = "Hello, World!",
SomeOtherData = "This is just another property",
entityId = entity.Id;
var loadedEntity = documentSession.Load<BasicEntity>(entityId);
var docs = documentSession.Query<BasicEntity>("BasicEntityBySomeData")
docs.ToList().ForEach(doc => Console.WriteLine(doc.SomeData));
It throws the 401 error when on the line that makes the PutIndex() call. Any ideas what permissions I need to apply? And where I need to apply them?
What do you mean by Server mode? Do you mean simply executing Raven.Server?
I've not had to do anything special client-side to get that to work, although I have had to run Raven.Server with elevated privileges because I'm not sure the code to ask for relevant permissions is quite working as intended. (Actually, I'll raise a query about that on the mailing list)
You shouldn't be getting a 401 error unless you've changed the configuration of Raven.Server.
If you're running the server, you can browse to it directly using the url specified in configuration (localhost:8080 by default) - make sure it's actually running and working as intended before continuing with troubleshooting