How can I retrieve a search snippets from google? - api

I'm working with a simple app, that allows user to enter some text, then delegates it to the, searching for this text. Something like a Google search bar in Firefox.
In Google toolbar, there is a feature: when you start typing the text, some snippets appear (sorted, as far as I understand, by the number of search results), that allow you to enter your text quickly by choosing one of the snippets.
My question is how can I retrieve these snippets from Google? Does Google provide any API for doing it? I've googled this question, but Google seems to provide a search API, and allows to retrieve search results, not snippets.
p.s. I would appreciate any links, related to the question, or tutorials, or code snippets or something. I am writing a simple WinAPI application in C/C++. Thanks in advance!

Looks like I've got it!
Google provide a simple, but handy REST API. You form a special URL, then send an HTTP request and receive a formatted list of necessary search suggestions. Looks like Google supports many formatting options, for example JSON and XML.
see more info on:


Can I track if someone clicked a link on my Twitter post

I have a private business Twitter account and I would like to know when someone clicks any link inside one of my posts. This solution cannot assume that we know the form of the link being posted.
For example a twitter post like this:
Have you guys heard of this amazing site called google?
I would like to see how many people clicked on this link. I don't need to know any specific information about who they are, just if it was clicked or not.
Ideally I would want this from the API but crawlers and plugins are also possible. I would like to avoid using a paid tool but those would be acceptable.
I think you have multiple choices:
Use google firebase or google analytics
Create your own short link services by python or any other programming languages.
Just search in the google and look for short link generators which gives appropriate service.
Hi using the twitter api you should be able to understand how many clicks a link has.
But to have all this info automated you might need to use a third-party tool.
This should be the most straight forward solution.

Google Rich Snippets for logo and website description

How can I show logo and website description as snippets in Google search result?
I tried reading on Rich Snippets but seems like there is no way to do this?
Do your part and correctly implement the Rich Snippets.
Create a sitemap and submit it on Google Webmasters so that Google finds and crawls your pages and detect the snippets in your markup.
Google then will decide when to show your snippets according to several criteria described in their Webmaster Quality Guidlines and Structured Data Policies.
Be patient. Stuff related to SEO take time but they are eventually fruitful.
Reference: Google Developers
According to Google’s documenation, the logo can only be shown for organizations (not as Rich Snippet, but possibly in the Knowledge Graph). It makes use of’s logo property (on Organization).
It’s unclear what you mean with "website description", as Google displays a short snippet by default anyway (either taken from the page’s content, or from the meta-description).

Getting The Results of a Google Search Programmatically via Custom Search

I am trying to send a request to via Custom Search API and get the response with a proper format (XML or HTML preferably). From the Custom Search API website, I have seen that this is actually possible via "Retrieving the Code for the Search Results" (it is here). The thing is that I cannot get it working. Every time the broken robot from Google shows up. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with it and they could help me. I am trying to use the search results for a small project.
Here are the things I have done:
I can use the Google search API in general (I have used it with the search text box)
I have set up my Custom Search API to search the entire web.
Here are a bunch of things that I am not going to do:
I'm not trying to have a Google search box in my site.
I'm not trying to grab what Google says by parsing the page.
Here is what I need to do:
I need the content of what Google returns as search results via whatever API Google has to offer.
I will be using PHP for writing this program. If anyone has a better way to get these search results in a proper format, it is very appreciated.

add google search box to my site

I've been researching how to add a Google search box to my site. Basically, the text box and a 'Go' button, which will search the web - except from my site. I used to see these every where.
Come to think of it now though I haven't seen it in a long time. And all the stuff I've come across in research is from early 2010 at the latest. Some searches say Google deprecated the API for what I'm looking for in 2009?
Is it still possible to get code for putting in a Google search on your page? Do you know where? Bing or Yahoo would do, too. Thanks,
You should look at Google Custom Search Engines -
Try the google jsapi, look at the Hello World - Google Web Search API Sample and adjust to your layout,

How do I make a VB.NET application that can rip websites from Google?

I'm trying to make a VB.NET application that can take some text in (via Text Box) and then search that text in Google, and take the resulting URLs from Google.
So my questions are:
How do I make it search Google?
How do I make it take the found URLs from Google?
And any ideas represented through code would be appreciated, I know I some how have to rip the URLs from google, but how?
It sounds like you want to use the Google search engine but have everything located inside your application. In this case, Google provides an API that will allow you to do this without doing web scraping or other hacks. You can read more about it and see examples (in .NET but usually C#) here:
Here is an example of how to do this in your code: