String substring function -

How can i get the string within a parenthesis with a custom function?
e.x. the string "GREECE (+30)" should return "+30" only

There are some different ways.
Plain string methods:
Dim left As Integer = str.IndexOf('(')
Dim right As Integer= str.IndexOf(')')
Dim content As String = str.Substring(left + 1, right - left - 1)
Regular expression:
Dim content As String = Regex.Match(str, "\((.+?)\)").Groups[1].Value

For the general problem, I'd suggest using Regex. However, if you are sure about the format of the input string (only one set of parens, open paren before close paren), this would work:
int startIndex = s.IndexOf('(') + 1;
string result = s.Substring(startIndex, s.LastIndexOf(')') - startIndex);

With regular expressions.
Dim result as String = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match("GREECE (+30)", "\((?<Result>[^\)]*)\)").Groups["Result"].Value;
Code is not tested, but I expect only compilation issues.

You could look a regular expressions, or otherwise play with the IndexOf() function

In Python, using the string index method and slicing:
>>> s = "GREECE(+30)"
>>> s[s.index('(')+1:s.index(')')]


Get a particular string from the main string in

substring = "frTrig_worldcup"
main string = "0.10/BMM/fTrig_Mast/BOYU/frTrig_worldcup"
The substring value will change. "frTrig_xxxx" but "frTrig_" will be constant
I need to get the substring which is in the LAST PART of the main string. The issue is the "frTrig_" comes in mid of the string also
Please help me to solve this.
We can try using String#split here:
Dim input As String
Dim parts() As String
input = "0.10/BMM/BOYU/fTrig_MastrrRea0.01/frTrig_worldcup"
parts = input.Split("/")

Get the character after a combination of characters in a string

I have a string ABC(N9KGRTLMN9(0J)M3.
I want to return the character after GRTLM which is N. Thanks.
Look at the System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace, and create a RegEx object with this expression:
Then you will be able to check the Matches for the expression to find your character. Depending on what you know about that string, you may be able to narrow things even further. For example:
If you don't want to use regular expressions (for any reason), here's an alternative:
Private Function ReturnCharAfter(Source As String, after As String) As Char
Dim i As Integer = Source.IndexOf(after)
If i < 0 Then Return Nothing
Return Source(i + after.Length)
End Function
Dim N As Char = ReturnCharAfter("ABC(N9KGRTLMN9(0J)M3.", "GRTLM")
You could use String.Split() to get the N
Dim input = "ABC(N9KGRTLMN9(0J)M3"
Dim s = "GRTLM"
Dim n = input.Split({s}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)(1)(0)
It splits the string into substrings using GRTLM as a delimiter, then returns the first character of the second array item.
Or to get the index of N
Dim i = input.Split({s}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)(0).Length + s.Length
It splits the string and returns the length of the first array item plus the length of the delimiter string.
But perhaps the simplest way to do it is using String.IndexOf()
Dim n = input(input.IndexOf(s) + s.Length)
Dim i = input.IndexOf(s) + s.Length

Last but one Char in String

How do I find last but one character in a vbstring
for e.g. In the string V1245-12V0 I want to return V
Don't use substring to get just one character
Dim MyString As String = "V1245-12V0"
Dim MyChar As Char = MyString(MyString.Length - 2)
Sorry it's been a while since I did VB so this may not be perfect (and is probably a mixture of C# and VB) but you get the idea:
Dim s = "V1245-12V0"
Dim lastButOneLetter = String.Empty
If s.Length > 1 Then
'Can only get the last-but-one letter from a string that is minimum 2 characters
lastButOneLetter = s.Substring(s.Length - 2, 1)
'do something if string is less than 2 characters
End If
EDIT: fixed to be compilable VB.NET code.
Dim secondToLastChar As Char
secondToLastChar = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.GetChar(mystring, mystring.Length - 2)
Or just remember that any string is an array of chars;
secondToLastChar = mystring(mystring.Length - 2)
If you want to get the last alpha-character in a string you could use a LINQ query such as (C#):
var d = from c in myString.ToCharArray().Reverse()
where Char.IsLetter(c)
select c;
return d.First();
string.Substring(string.Length - 2, 1);
Was it difficult?
dim mychar as string
dim yourstring as string
mychar=yourstring.Substring(yourstring.Length - 2, 1)
Use the Substring on the string s which contains 'V1245-12V0'
s.Substring(s.Length - 2, 1);
Here's a VB solution:
Dim text = "V1245-12V0"
Dim v = Left(Right(text, 2), 1)
You do not need to check the length of text, except for your semantics as to what you want to happen for empty (and Nothing) and single character strings.
You can have your own functions like
Function Left(ByVal str as string, byval index as integer) As String
End Function
Function Right(ByVal str as string, byval index as integer) As String
End Function
And use them to get what you need.

How to split in VB.NET

I am using VB.NET code.
I have got the below string.
Now I want to split the above string with "/" as well. I want to store the value SearchTrainerData.aspx in a variable.
In my case
Dim str as String
str = "SearchTrainerData.aspx"
What would be the code which will split the above string and further store it in a variable?
Try to use the function String.Split.
Your "string" is obviously a URL which means you should use the System.Uri class.
Dim url As Uri = New Uri("http://localhost:3282/ISS/Training/SearchTrainerData.aspx")
Dim segments As String() = url.Segments
Dim str As String = segments(segments.Length - 1)
This will also allow you to get all kinds of other interesting information about your "string" without resorting to manual (and error-prone) parsing.
The Split function takes characters, which VB.NET represents by appending a 'c' to the end of a one-character string:
Dim sentence = "http://localhost:3282/ISS/Training/SearchTrainerData.aspx"
Dim words = sentence.Split("/"c)
Dim lastWord = words(words.length - 1)
I guess what you are actually looking for is the System.Uri Class. Which makes all string splitting that you are looking for obsolete.
MSDN Documentation for System.Uri
Uri url = new Uri ("http://...");
String[] parts = url.Segments;
Use split(). You call it on the string instance, passing in a char array of the delimiters, and it returns to you an array of strings. Grab the last element to get your "SearchTrainerData.aspx."

Left of a character in a string in

say if I have a string 010451-09F2
How to I get left of - from the above string in
I want 010451
The left function doesn't allow me to specify seperator character.
Dim strOrig = "010451-09F2"
You can do any of the following:
Dim leftString = strOrig.Substring(0, strOrig.IndexOf("-"))
Dim leftString = strOrig.Split("-"c)(0) ' Take the first index in the array
Dim leftString = Left(strOrig, InStr(strOrig, "-"))
' Could also be: Mid(strOrig, 0, InStr(strOrig, "-"))
Dim str As String = "010451-09F2"
Dim leftPart As String = str.Split("-")(0)
Split gives you the left and right parts in a string array. Accessing the first element (index 0) gives you the left part.
Sorry not sure on the vb syntax, but the c# is
string mystring ="010451-09F2";
string whatIwant = mystring.Split('-')[0];
Get the location of the dash first (or do it inline), and use that value for the left. This is old school VBA, but it'll be something like this:
Left(YourStringWithTheDash, InStr(YourStringWithTheDash)-1)
dim s as String = "010451-09F2"
Console.WriteLine(s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf("-")))
Use something like this:
Dim sValue As String = "010451-09F2"
Debug.WriteLine(sValue.Substring(0, sValue.IndexOf("-"c)))
This helped
Dim str1 as string =
Dim str As String
str = Strings.Left(str1, str1.LastIndexOf("#"))